Bisquit-Dubouché, cognac merchant in Cognac

Chateau Bisquit in Cognac

  • 1819 established by Alexandre Bisquit in the city of Jarnac; at first it was called Bisquit et Tricoche, but as soon as both of them split up it became Bisquit.
  • 1846 Ermance Bisquit marries Adrien Dubouché, who partnered with his father-in-law in 1851; in 1859 the brand name changes into Bisquit-Dubouché.
  • 1865 Adrien Dubouché’s daughter marries Maurice Laporte after wich the company’s name changed to Laporte-Bisquit.
  • 1965 merger with Paul Ricard; in 1966 François Laporte-Bisquit leaves the management to Ricard; the company is now named Ricard-Bisquit. They move to Rouillac, to the Chateau de Lignères (often mistakenly written as Lignières, but that is another castle).
  • 1974 Ricard-Bisquit merges with Pernod and the name chages again, to Pernod Ricard.
  • 1991 Renault (and Castillon) merges with Pernod Ricard and again there is a change of name: Renault Bisquit. (Pernod Ricard has Martell as his most important brand).
  • 2009 Distell (South Africa) buys the brand Bisquit from Pernod-Ricard (both the brand names Renault and Bisquit move on to exist separately). The official name of the company is now Bisquit-Dubouché et Cie.
  • 2018 Campari buys Bisquit from Distell.


Bisquit is based nowadays in the centre of the city Cognac, in the luxuriuos Chateau Bisquit, also known as Chateau Pellisson, which was bought by Distell in 2009. Bisquit possesses some very old warehouses (chais). One of the oldest is the Chai St.-Martial in Jarnac. In this cha lye sixty coupes stored in foudres (very

beautiful art nouveau poster

big casks). Bisquit ‘s distillery in Rouillac, Chateau de Lignères, is the biggest in the region with 64 pot stills. Bisquit owns vineyards of its own in the fins bois district. But most wine and eau-de-vie is being bought.
The Maître de chai of Renault-Bisquit was the highly esteemed Jacques Rouvière. Unfortunately I do not know where he went after 2009.
President of Bisquit is Vincent Chappe. Denis Lahouratate is maître de chai.

For their cognacs, wine mad of the ugni blanc grape of the fins bois district is mostly used.
Bisquit uses a rather large part of ´secondes´ to give the cognac more fruitiness. As a result their VS-cognac is more satisfactory than the VS of the brands.
The casks they use are two-third Tronçais wood and one-third Limousin. They do have their own coopery

The current range is: VS, VSOP, Prestige and XO. Also nameworthy is the Privilège d’Alexandre Bisquit that is made of eighty different grande champagne cognacs from the years 1878 untill 1914. Unfortunately this cognac is no longer for sale, but can sometimes be found on an auction.

logo with the griffin

Other brands they possess:
– de Grasse
Address: 90 Boulevard de Paris, 16100 Cognac (no visitors)



Bisquit engels — 3 Comments

  1. I have one labelled example of Bisquet Dubouche & Cie in my cognac/brandy antique bottles collection. This one a hand finished lip likely around 1900-1910?

  2. Kindly do send me your email address as my friend has a Bisquit Magnum old bottle still sealed and it also has a Bisquit stand. I cannot send you the pictures. Perhaps you can tell me the age and perhaps the approx. price.

    Michael Cilia

    • Hi Cilia,

      I do not have any information about prices of Bisquit magnum cognacs in a stand.
      My advice to you is to ask this question on drinksplanet: http: // www .drinksplanet .com (not online anymore) Usually you get good reply and sometimes also from people who are interested in buying.
      Another site you could try is: http: //www.thecognacforum. com/ (now a bad link)

      Good luck to you,

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