Grönstedts, brand of Altia (Finnish company)

Altia headquarters in Helsinki

  • 1846    Founded by the Swede Johan Daniel Grönstedts
  • 1876    new owner: Georg August Wilhem Schuldies
  • 1917    nationalized by Swedish alcohol industry
  • 1955    Systembolaget
  • 2008    sold to Pernod Ricard
  • 2009    sold to Altia (Finland)


At a young age Johan Daniel Grönstedts was already involved in alcoholic beverages in Stockholm. In 1834 he took over a wine bar with a wine shop attached, which became very successful. In 1846 he opened a branch and in that year he made his first cognac from eau-de-vie which he imported from France.
After his death Georg August Wilhelm Schuldies became the new owner. By then, the name Grönstedts was already well established in Sweden.
In 1917 the company was taken over by the Swedish state as part of their alcohol regulation program. Alcohol was rationed. From 1955 it was possible to buy free alcohol again, but only in the Systembolaget stores of the government. Grönstedts remained part of Systembolaget until its sale in 2008.
Pernod-Ricard brought the production process back to France. After only a year, they resold the brand to Altia, one of the largest spirits firms in the world. Altia also owns the cognac brands Renault, Larsen and Amundsen.

Range (blends): VS, VSOP, VO, XO, Extra.
They also have a few limited editions such as the Noël 2013 and National 2014.

The logo shows the founder’s initials: JDG.
Adress: Altia Plc. Porkkalankatu 22 A101 Helsinki. Telephone: +35 8207013001 (no information available about visits).



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