Affiches & Cartons Publicitaires (still in the making)

These images are part of a collection curated by Simon Goode. They have come from multiple sources, the majority found on the internet. Some from museums, others from other private collections, or photograbs at brocantes. Simon lived in the Charente for 30 years before retiring back to London. He built up a personal collection of around 330 original pieces, mainly showcards (‘cartons publicitaires’ in French) and some full sized posters. The collection broadly comprises subjects from 1890 up to 1950. These images have been collected for personal interest and are shared for reference with other cognac enthusiasts.

(Under no circumstances can they be copied and reproduced for commercial purposes).

Images have been classified by brand alphabetically. Where there are only a few of a brand, they are grouped together.





Simon Goode Collection — No Comments

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