La Maison 1719, cognac producer in Touzac (grande champagne)

La Maison 1719 is located in Touzac and was founded by Pierre-Philippe Joubert. The name Maison 1719 refers to the year of construction of the house where the Boulay de Monteru family, descendants of Joubert, live. They have a rich history in the military. The family has old stocks of grande champagne cognac from their own soil. It is not entirely clear whether they also distilled these themselves. It is not implausible that they had these distilled by a bouilleur de profession.
They own 8 ha of vineyards in the grande champagne, but also work together with local winegrowers.
Besides cognac, flour, oil, bread and other products are also sold.

The company is currently managed by Jean-Philippe and Anaël Boulay. Anaël is primarily an artist and photographer. He designed the “arbre de cognac” and is doing all he can to promote himself. With success.
His brother is the Maître de chai.

Range (grande champagne): cognac XO 1986, Genesis XO (l’arbre de cognac), Cognac XO 30 yo, Cognac XO 40 yo, Cognac XO 70 yo.
Not long ago Jean-Philippe Boulay also made a cognac under the Charmille label (a USA quality).

maison 1719 logo   (not working anymore) 
Address: Les Evêques, 16120 Touzac. Telephone: 0545 975232; mob: 06 16374343. (no information available about visiting possibilities).


Maison 1719 — 3 Comments

    • The owner of Maison 1719 is called Joubert, not Jaubert. So I don’t think so. But sadly I have no further information about the brand Jaubert.

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