Lexicon of pruning.
When you want to delve into this matter and you start reading all kinds of French texts, you will be dizzy with terms not found in an ordinary dictionary. Hence a small summary:
- Aisselle, axillary bud
- Aste, synonym for brancare: cane or cordon
- Baguette, synoniem voor brancare
- Bourgeon: bud
- Brancare
- Charpente, synonym for brancare
- Cot, synonym for courson
- Cordon
- Courson (aka: coursonne and courçon) renewal spur
- Débourement; synonym: ebourgéonnage, see ébougeonner.
- Ébourgeonner: to disbud; removal of buds
- Gourmand: branch growing from the trunk of the stump, to be removed.
- Latte, synonym for brancare
- Mar, synonym for brancare
- Pied, trunk of the vine
- Pouce (or: pousse): bud
- Souche: stump, trunk (vine, part from which the canes spring)
- Taille: pruning
- Tige: stem, stalk, trunk
- Vrille: tendrils
- Yeux: buttons (yeux is plural of oeil)
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