Vine diseases pose a serious threat to cognac producers. When the bunches rot, he loses part of the yield and if the plant dies as a result of a disease, he suffers much more loss.
A few rotten grapes already have quite a negative impact on the flavour of the wine, and because the distillation process increases all flavour qualities in intensity – distilling results in a sevenfold to sometimes tenfold concentration – it is an important factor to take into account. This is one of the reasons why some winemakers still continue to pick by hand rather than by machine.

This branch with brown shoots and brown leaves is dying (Eutypa lata)
Wijnboeren zijn een belangrijk deel van hun tijd bezig met de preventie en de bestrijding van allerlei ziektes. Bekend is het besproeien met fungiciden om de meeldauw tegen te gaan, maar ook bemesten van de grond, onkruid wieden, rupsen, motten en luizen bestrijden, zieke delen wegsnoeien, snoeiwonden behandelen behoort allemaal tot zijn taken.
Diseases that can affect the vineyard can be categorised by pathogen, but also by the part of the plant that gets sick (wood, leaves, grapes). I chose the former.