Le Renaudin, agricultural school with its own cognac label in Jonzac (petite champagne)


The municipality of Jonzac bought the vineyard in 1964 and handed it over to the Ministry of Agriculture to be turned into a lyceum for viticulture and agriculture. The estate covers 85 hectares of which 14.5 hectares are vineyards.
There is also its own distillery.
The VSOP petite champagne has already won awards (2010).

Gamma (petite champagne): Apéritif, VSOP, XO.



http://www.lerenaudin.fr (outdated link)
Address: Route de Cognac, 17500 Jonzac. Telephone: 0546 480444. (Open for visits Monday to Friday from 8-12h and from 13-18h. On weekends by appointment. Free of charge).


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