Lisker, trader in cognac in Cognac

Family business of the Dutch Liesker family, founded in 1824 by Christiaan Liesker. But only after Christiaan Liesker Jr. took over in 1880, did they also start trading in cognac. The name Liesker becomes Lisker in France.They produce cognac blends made from grande champagne, borderies and fins bois.The current owner is called Stéphane Valsamides (Marianne Liesker is married to a Valsamides).

Range (blends): VS, VSOP, XO. (outdated link)
33 Rue du Canton, 16100 Cognac. Telephone: 0545 361063. (No visitors. This is the same address as Moyet’s, but there is no relationship between the two.)


Lisker — 2 Comments

    • Hi Patrick,

      Well, you already found this page. There are two links to the websites of Lisker. I would think you could get in contact with the help of the phone number or email address that are on these web pages. Have you tried them?
      I am afraid I have no other options available.

      Good luck,

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