- 1959 Under the patronage of the Jules Gautret firm – established by Jules Gautret in 1848 – Unicognac is founded. The main constituents were the Jules Gautret firm and the Union des Coopératives de Charente-Maritime. Jules Gautret became their premium brand.
- In the 2000s Unicognac and Charentes Alliance starting to collaborate, resulting in a take-over by Charentes Alliance.
- around 2009 Cave du Liboreau is taken over by Charentes Alliance
- 2015 Charentes Alliance and Coréa Poitou Charentes merge to become Océalia.
- 2015 Take-over of AE Dor. AE Dor becomes a rather independant subsidiary and the management stays with Pierre Antoine Rivière. It is not part of Jules Gautret.
- around 2016 Cave de Didonne is taken over by Océalia
- 2017 Jules Gautret is choosen to become the new name of Unicognac.
Unicognac used to have an enormous number of different brands, maar some twenty years ago they have reduced the numer to four: Ansac, Jules Gautret, Lauriac and Roi des Rois.
Brands in possession of Jules Gautret:
- Allessac ?
- André Dorbert
- D’Anglar
- Ansac
- Bergeon
- Berjon
- Bonroy
- Bon Roy
- Carte Royal
- Chastagne?
- Coflam?
- Cognac Union
- Coronation
- Count de Gautret
- De la Cour
- Darnac
- Delignac
- Delsay
- Didonne
- André Dorbert
- De Forsac
- Gautret
- Gaujon, Jules
- De Lacour
- Lauriac
- Marsat
- Montigny
- Ona
- Orphi
- Prince de Didonne
- Régence
- Roi des Rois (via Dontrac?)
- André Simon
- Tradition & Qualité
- Union
- Valleroy
- Vice-Roi
- Vosges
Address: 51 Route de Saint-Genis, Z.I. de Saint-Germain-de-Lusignan, 17500 Saint-Germain-de- Lusignan. Telephone: 0546 481099. (visiting is only possible if you have an appointment.)