Jean-Chevalier, bouilleur de Cru in Mortagne sur Gironde (bons bois)

In 1850 this family started winegrowing at a different location. When they bought the Logis du Traillis in 1936, they were given the space and means to distill. Their brand is called François Jean-Chevalier. The current owner is Denise Jean-Chevalier, but Christelle is now also working in the company as the fifth generation.They have thirty hectares of vineyard, part of which is intended for wine and pineau.
They distill themselves.

Range (bons bois): VSOP, XO.
Address: 2 Logis du Taillis, 17120 Mortagne sur Gironde. Telephone: 0546 905097. (Open van maandag tot vrijdag van 9h – 12h en van 14h30 – 18h.


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