Domaine de Bessac, Bouilleur de Cru in Montendre (bons bois)

The brand Domaine de Bessac is owned by the Lalande family, who is growing wines and producing cognacs for over two centuries now in the most southern part of the cognac region. They possess 26 hectares of vineyards in the bons bois district. The owner today is Philippe Lalande.
They do their own distilling and have an alambic, probably not operational,  that is over two hundred years old.

Range (bons bois): XXX (5 years), Grande Réserve (12 years) (outdated link)
Address: Route de Vallet, 17130 Montendre. Telephone: 0546 492496. (Visiting information: open on working days from 10-12h and 15-19h; on Saturday on appointment. A telephone call up front is appreciated.)


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