Croizet, cognacfirm in Saint-Même-les-Carrières

(Not to be confused with Pierre Croizet, bouilleur de Cru in Lantin.)


  • 1805    Established by Léon Croizet in Saint Même les Carrières.
  • 1892    J. Eymard marries Léonie Croizet and brings with him a very big stock of ancient cognacs.
  • 1963    A new law banned the production and selling of vintage cognacs. Only a few companies were allowed to continue producing them, one of which was Croizet, because of the very big stock of old vintage cognacs they still had, originating from the Eymard marriage and for which there was an extensive and correct administration present.
  • 2007    Due to an impending bankruptcy they sell their company to Russian Wine Trust and it is now a subsidiary of that company.

The company is also known as Croizet-Eymard, but it has really only sold their cognacs under the brandname of Croizet (or Léon Croizet).

Already back in the 17th century the family Croizet was in possession of some vineyards. Nowadays they own vineyards in both the grande champagne and the fins bois districts and they also have a number of alambics (pot stills). They probably will sell their vineyards in the fins bois in the near future.

The Croizet firm was one of three cognac houses who since long had the privilege to sell millésime cognacs.

Today the firm is managed by Marina Selivanova, the wife of Vladim Varshavsky who owns Russian Wine Trust.

One of Croizet cognac’s, Cuvée Léonie from 1858, was sold in China for the amount of £101.293 (sept. 2011) and is thusfar the most expensive bottle ever  been sold. (this is not 100% true, because some bottles are costlier, but these bottles are covered with gold and diamants, so you really can not compare prices. For example, Henri IV Dudognon Héritage was sold for $2 million).

Croizet owns vineyards in Flaville (36 hectare), Couronne de Douvesse (36 hectace), Maine-Androux (17,5 hectare) nad owns the Chateau de l’Épine. They also have five pot stills. Besides these they also buy young eaux-de-vie.

Croizet distills on the lees.

Gamma: VS, VSOP Gold, , XO Gold, Extra, Cuvé Leonie, Cuvé 989, Vintage cognacs.

Other brands that are in possession of Croizet or have been used by Croizet in the past:

  • Bogan Frères
  • Bolton Frères
  • Bonaparte
  • Boyard
  • Carrière
  • Carrières (?)
  • Carval
  • Carvel
  • Carvil (?op Russische site)
  • Chateau de Flaville
  • Alfred Clouet
  • Delesalle
  • Delour & Fils
  • Dorian (?op Russische site)
  • Dorlan (?)
  • Dorland
  • EMLO
  • Eymard
  • Florentz
  • Lajasson (Russian Wine Trust)
  • Grand Finage
  • Latour Frères
  • Loquessy
  • Lourson
  • Loursson
  • Matte
  • Montauban
  • Pierre Morin
  • Raillard Frères
  • Tarin & Fils

Croizet also used to produce cognacs for a few famous restaurants: Paul Bocuse, Troisgros Frères and La Tour d’Argent.
Address: Rue Dorland, 16720 St Même les Carrières. Telephone: 0545 819011 (no visiting information available)


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