Terrasson Comte Gérald de Montleau
[Not to be confused by Cognac de Montleau]


Old cognac house, established mid-19th century. The family wine estate was already very modern for the period, extending over some sixty hectares, with three distilleries and two large wine storage cellars. The first distillery was built in 1743. The brand became the best-seller of the major Cognac houses and was served at all the royal courts of Europe.

Today, the company has been rebuilt and is managed by Gérald de Terrasson de Montleau, direct descendant of the latest owner of the Terrasson Cognac de Montleau.

Range (fins bois and borderies blends): Héritage (XO), Impérial (Hors d’Age).

Address: 121, Avenue des Champs-Elysées, 75008 Paris. Tel.: 0557 848091 (No known information available on visiting possibilities).



Terrasson — 5 Comments

  1. cognac introuvable chez les cavistes, dans les bars, restaurants, hôtels petits ou grands – en fait la société n’a aucune terre, j’ai voulu acheter ce cognac ne le trouvant nulle part et je suis allé au siège social aux champs élysées ou le siège n’est qu’une boite aux lettres… sur internet on voit des flacons avec du blabla, de jolis flacons remplis avec un cognac issu des vignes des champs elysées, cherchez l’erreur.

    • I find it strange that you can’t buy Tesseron cognac in France, it’s easy to find in the UK, I normally buy from The Whisky Exchange but there are plenty of other sources online.

      In fact, in France there is an online source, too – try these people – https://www.premiersgrandscrus.com

      Hope that you find a bottle, believe me – it’s worth it.

        • The question was about Terrasson – not Tessseron.
          You can find Terrasson at systembolaget.se
          Search – Sök – for Terrasson – at rather high prices.

          • Thank you for the correction.
            I experienced some difficulties navigating on systembolaget website, searching on Terrasson gave an error message.
            But searching on google for sysmtembolaget and Terrasson did give me results, Terrasson Imperial Hors d’Age.

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