Rémy Martin, cognac firm in Cognac

    • 1724 Established by Jean Geay, father-in-law of Rémy, and Rémy Martin in Lignières. They are in possession of vineyards and distilling facilities.
    • 1860 association of Paul Martin with Elie Hériard, grandfather of André Hériard Dubreuil.
    • 1910 association of Paul Rémy Martin with André Renaud (who was married to Marie Frapin).
    • 1916 The family name of Martin is officialy changed into Rémy Martin.
    • 1924 Paul Rémy Martin dies and André Renaud becomes sole proprietor.
    • 1942 André Hériard Dubreuil marries Anne-Marie Renaud, daughter of André Renaud and Marie Frapin.
    • 1965 André Renaud dies; both daughters Anne Marie and Géneviève inherit Rémy Martin.
    • 1990 merger of Rémy Martin and Cointreau.
    • 1991 change of name: Rémy Martin becomes Rémy-Cointreau.
    • 1998 Dominique Hériard Dubreuil is being appointed CEO.


After a number of difficult years it is André Renaud who rescues Rémy Martin in 1910 from bankruptcy. By injecting a large sum of money he acquired a share in the firm wich reulted in his association.
André Renaud was married to Marie Frapin; their daughter Géneviève married Max Cointreau. They have two children: daughter Béatrice Cointreau and a son, Jean-Pierre Cointreau, who later on would became the owner of Frapin.
The daughter of André Hériard Dubreuil and Anne Marie Renaud, Dominique, would inherit Rémy-Cointreau.


They own a small vineyard. All the rest is bought. Almost 2000 vignerons are under contract. Apart from a small portion with colombard and folle blanche the vineyards are planted with ugni blanc.

From 2003 untill 2014 Rémy Martin had one of the few female maîtres de Chai and the only to hold this position ever in one of the major cognac houses (the big four), Pierrette Trichet. She has recently been succeeded by Baptiste Loiseau.

For years they only made Fine Champagne (minimum of 50% grande champagne and the rest petite champagne). Since the XO Premier Cru began to become very popular they also make a Fine Grande Champagne (100% grande champagne). Distillation takes place on the lees. For storage only limousin oak is being used.

Range: VS (petite champagne), VSOP (fine champagne), VSOP Grande Champagne, Coeur de Cognac (fine champagne), XO Excellence (fine champagne), XO Premier Cru, Coupe Shanghai (fine champagne), Ceintaure de Diamant (fine champagne).
They also sell a vintage of grande champagne, 1988.
The Napoléon and Napoléon Extra Old is replaced by the Coeur de Cognac but is still available, as is the Louis XIII, their top of the bill. The Louis XIII Black Pearl is a limited edition and also still available.

Other brands in possession of Rémy Martin or names that have been used by Rémy Martin in the past:

  • De Luze (1980-2006; in 2006 the Boinaud Groupe acquired this brand)
  • Rullaud-Larret (was owned by De Luze)
  • Larsen is bought in 2012 and resold in 2013 to the Finnish company Altia


Other brands:

  • Krug (champagne, 1977)
  • Piper-Heidsieck (bought in the eightees)
  • Charles Heidsieck
  • Galliano (bought in the ninetees)
  • Mount Gay (rum)

Addresses: The House of Rémy Martin: 20 Rue de la Société Vinicole, 16100 Cognac.
The Rémy Martin Estate: D732 Route de Gimeux, 16100 Merpins.
Telephone: 0545 357666.
There are several tours with prices from 18 euro up to 1500 euro per person. See the website for additional information.


Rémy Martin engels — 9 Comments

    • Hello Lev,

      Why you think the shape is different?
      If you have more bottles and one is different, please send me a photo of two bottles next to each other, so the difference becomes clear.
      I will send an e-mail to facilitate sending better photos.


  1. Dear Ton Hendriks,
    Recently i acquire a few bottles of cognac. Your great website help me dated the bottles. Also i realize that one of the bottles has different shape that in your catalog. Please see attached photos.

  2. Great website! Thanks for that.
    I was wondering if you could help me figure out what I have here. I inherted a few bottles of cognac. the pictures (3) are of the one that looks the most intresting.

    • This is a USA import bottle from between 1951-1968. I need more data to precise the exact date. I cannot read the label on the front because the photo is too small. I will send an e-mail so maybe you can send me a better one. Other important data are the box it was in and the hanging card. Are these itens still present?


  3. Hi,
    I’m looking for the Remy Martin 2010 Cannes Edition.
    Can you mayby help me find out if anyone has that one for sale?

    best regards


    • Hello Glenn,

      Sorry, but I cannot help you. You just have to be lucky to find one.
      I have to search the internet just like anyone else. I did a little search, but no luck.
      Just stay on the lookout and try it with adding ‘auction’ to the search string.


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