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On this website, cognac-ton.nl©, I like to share all the information on Cognac that I have gathered over the years.
I want to present all this information in an orderly manner: about the production process, the history of cognac, the cognac producers and so on. This is an enormous task and will not be finished in a few days or even weeks. So it is a project in progress. In the next weeks and months I will add new content on the site.
In the above menu under ‘Brands and producers>brands‘ you can find a lot of information on the major brands. Under ‘Brands and producers>on the map‘ you will find a map with every cognac producer around. The rest of the menu speaks for itself.
Don’t forget to do the quiz (test your knowledge).
I inherited this very old cognac in a hand-enameled, numbered, Bacarat lead crystal bottle (in the original labeled box) and am seeking any information as to what it is, specifically. I do not know the type of cognac, its year, value, etc. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
I have a Remy Martin decanter, which going by your page on these I think is a 1870-99. The fleur-de-lis are all facing sideways, none upwards. There are 13 fins on one side and 14 on the other. I would value your opinion on this Ton?
I think you are right.
Are there any engravings on the bottom?
There is no stopper?
I am no expert on the value of such empty bottles, but it certainly represents a nice value. The missing stopper is a major downside, though.
Thank you for the reply. There are no engravings and unfortunately no stopper.
Hello Ton, I am a big fan of your website ! I’m looking for information on an old bottle of Sauvion cognac that I own. I can’t find any similar bottles. I’m trying to determine its age and contents. The color of the cognac is very dark, it must have spent a lot of time in oak barrels. If anyone has any information to help me, please don’t hesitate!
Thank you for the compliments.
This bottle shape is called an Alsace style bottle. These type of bottles were used in times of recession when glass was scarce. This was particularly common during or some time after the First World War. So this bottle very likely is from the 1910-20s. Also the packaging (probably banana leaf) suggests this period. I can’t tell you though how old the content is because that information on the label has gone.
I added the photo on the Sauvion page, which is here.
Kind regards,
Thank you very much Ton for this valuable information. I will continue my investigation.
I have bottles from differents houses that you do not have in photos. How can I send you photos for your website?
Kind Regards.
Hi Ton,
While not a connoisseur I can appreciate the extraordinary work you have done to assist the Congnac world. I hope you have enjoyed what you have tasted, researched, discovered and the pleasure you have provided for others.
I have a bottle of Denis-Mounie 1906 Grand Champagne, photo attached. I know the provenance from before 1967 and will share privately. I would be interested in what it might be worth. I expect the market in Australia to be much more limited than in Europe.
In Europe I would estimate its worth €600-800 in an auction.
It’s a nice bottle!
Hi Ton
thank you so much for your wonderful website, your work is impressive
I am going through my mother’s belongings as she recently passed away
She kept some bottles and I am wondering what their price is, I would like to sell them to someone who would appreciate them 🙂
Best wishes
there are 7 bottles but I cannot attach any pictures :/
Hello Laura,
Thanks for the compliments. In order to attach pictures, they must be smaller than 1Mb.
But I will send you an email, so you can send them to me by mail.
Kind regards,
I really admire the way you inform cognac enthusiasts.
I am a cognac and brandy enthusiast and collector and you are the most complete source of information I have come across so far.
I want to write a series of articles about the history of cognac and brandy and I want to ask your permission to use information or photos of rare bottles that are posted by you, because you have, I think, the most complete selection of photos of old cognac bottles.
Hi there. I recently found an old bottle of Hine cognac during renovation work. Unfortunatley I can´t find any information about it online, so maybe somebody here is able to help.
The specs are as follows: Height 30cm, Diameter of the bottle base 7,5cm, Label size 8,3cm x 7,6cm, Colour of bottle is a milky pale green, cork appears to be natural with a preserved height of 2,3cm.
The label on the front of the bottle is somewhat damaged and still bares some debris of dirt. HINE is cleary readabel on the top, followed by a division line. On the left side there are three red stars visible, followed on the right side by the german sentence: “Wehrmachts-Marketenderware Verkauf im freien Handel verboten”. Under this sentence there is a french text barely readable: “Revente Au Commerce Interdite”. Under the resting stag is the prominent company name: T. Hine & Co., followed beneath by the text: “Maison Fondee en 1763” and Cognac in capital letters. Divided by a small black line is the bottom half of the label which reads: “Mis en cutelleis par Thomas HINE & Co, expedie avec l´ACOUIT REGIONAL COGNAC JAUNE d´OR – Produit naturel des … recoltes et distilles dans la region de COGNAC (France)”.
No further information is visible on the bottle. Any information about it´s history is greatly appreciated.
Many thanks, Stefan
An empty 3 star bottle from the 1940s. I haven’t seen one before, not with the marketenderwahre sentence, nor with three red stars on the label.
The text below “Cognac” is: “Mis en bouteilles par Thomas HINE & Co, expedié avec l´ACQUIT REGIONAL COGNAC JAUNE d´OR – Produit naturel des vins recoltes et distilles dans la region de COGNAC (France)”.
This is a curiosity, but otherwise has little value.
Hello Ton and thanks for the vast information on your site. I’ve got a magnum 1,5l bottle of Delamain Pale & dry which looks just like this one from your cataloque: https://cognac-ton.nl/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Del-1.5L-PD-10-bijl.jpg
Could you help me with when it might have been bottled?
The only difference from your picture is mine has the Französisches Erzeugnis statement and in the same label it mentions the importer as Werner Görtz kg 4044 Kaarst.
If you would like to have pictures I can send them (not that this bottle is a beauty queen) if you provide me with your email please. Thank you!
These are from the 1980s. It is almost impossible to narrow it down further.
And yes, I would like to have pictures of this bottle with Französisches Erzeugnis indicated. I’ll send you an email.
Hiya buddy
Nice site, very comprehensive. Just wondering if you wanted any pictures of the 1848 Vintage Courvoisier bottle to add to the collection? Let me know if so.
Yes, I would love to have some photos of that bottle.
I will email you to make it easier.
Thanks in advance,
Hi Ton Hendriks
How are you ?
I have a large old cognac collection (more then 4000 bottles aged 1810-1950) ,But want to sells one time
What is your suggestion,Thanks
I don’t have any experience in selling cognac collections. Maybe you could ask Bart Laming of Old Liquors Company. They started their business with a collection that had an estimated worth of €6.000.000,-. You can find his contacts on their website.
OK ,Thanks very much Ton
Hello Ton,
First of all you Are amazing for what you do 🙂
Second – I want to ask you maybe you know from when on the glass bottles it was written ” Modele depose”
I speak about Bisquit Dubouche and trying to determine the date but I find similar bottles and some of them have written “Model depose” while the other “Cognac France”
Thanks in advance if you can answer this
Regards M. Gryte
Sorry, I don’t know. But modele depose would be used for bottles destined for the French market and Cognac France for abroad I presume.
That was a quick answer. Thank you
I will add a picture , maybe you know something more about it .
This bottle has not modele depose on it nor Cognac France.
It is probably from the 1940-50s and I would estimate this one €40-60. But on a bad auction day much less.
I see modele depose on the bottom of the bottle. Will add a pic of a similar one where you can see it better .
Does having this inscription change the value ?
I overlooked that. It is often in very small print on the bottom edge of labels, that’s where I looked for it..
However, the fact that it is embossed on the bottle does not change its value.
I got this Frapin bottle as a gift recently, and since I couldn’t find anything like this from your page, it got me wondering what did I get.
Any information of the bottle I can get, would be much appreciated.
How old it is, any special circumstances it was made, if there is such, how many bottles were made etc. And of course, how valuable it is nowadays.
Hi Tuomas,
Nice bottle and very well preserved with a high level in the bottle. I can’t really tell if this is a fulle bottle, a half bottle or even smaller. Probably a half bottle or less, but can you tell me?
Judging by the label I would say this is 1950s.
It is three star, so the lowest grade. To say something about the valua is just guessing. If it is a half bottle I would say €40-60.
Hi; Love your website. Lots of great information but I’m having some trouble trying to find and date a bottle I have the opportunity to purchase. It’s a Parville & Co. Cognac which if I navigated correctly was bought out by Benniot Tricoche in 1900 and later Maurice Lacroix (Paulet) in 1961. But I can’t find any info on Parville & Co. or the label to date it. I have included some pictures. (sorry for the quality).
Hi Daniel,
It is a rare bottle. I have never seen a bottle of this brand before. There is not even a label on Paul Ronne’s site.
But the archives in Cognac do have some information. That’s where I got the later owners from (Tricoche and Bebbiot in 1900 and Lacroix in 1961.
It would be nice if I could have a photo of the whole bottle standing up.
I will send you an email to facilitate this.
Kind regards,
I have the same bottle, same label, email me jock_qc@hotmail.com for the story
Dear, I am a cognac lover from China. Looking forward to further communicating with you, please reply to my email.
Could you tell me when this bottle is from please. I can’t see the same label in your catalogue.
Thank you
Hi Elaine,
This one is from the 1970s or late 1960s. Because of the FL.oz. indication it is not 1980s. And the screw cap started for most brands in the 1970s. This type of label was used in that period until well in the 1980s.
Thanks for sending this photo. I added it to the catalogue.
Kind regards,
Hi Ton,
Firstly, what a great website !
would you mind taking a look at my bottle and possibly give me an indication of age ? Looking at other examples in your bottle library would i be right in thinking 1960’s or possibly earlier ? There is no label to the rear.
Some indication of value (if any) would also be appreciated.
Best regards
1960s. Prices usually from €35-60, sometimes a bit more if you’re lucky.
Hello Ton,
I went to your beautiful and definite website and had a look at the Brugerolle bottle catalog, but can´t seem to find the Brugerolle bottle I have. My bottle weighs 3152gr on the scales, but I guess it will be 1.5 litres, so apparently it is a Magnum bottle. Mine doesn´t mention the 45 Grand Prix, but it is very well preserved, with a high shoulder. I attach a photo. Any idea of the approx. value of such a bottle? Thanks a lot, best Joern
While looking for older bottle of Remy Martin 1738 I found this bottle whihc doesnot look like the current ones being sold. Does anyone know when this was realeased and discontinued please?
Hi- thanks so much for this fantastic site. The volume of information is incredible.
I have a 500 ml bottle of Courvoisier VS purchased in 1981, I believe. Could you give some idea of its worth please? Picture is attached.
Thanks very much.
Whole bottles are usually sold for €30-60 on auctions. 50cl’s bottles maybe a little less.
Online shops are trying to get higher prices, but I expect they have to wait a very long time before someone buys such a bottle.
In an auction you have a much smaller window of opportunity to sell.
Hello. My father has had these bottles of brandy for as long as I can remember. I am 55 years old. They are 3 liter bottles. Any info or what would I do about selling them if it is worth it?
Thank you!
dads booze
Which three bottles?
Hi Ton,
Thank you so much for your excellent site. I have a question about Courvoisier Vintage Collection 1972, 500ml (https://cognac-ton.nl/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/C-vintage-1972-500ml-bijl.jpg). I cannot find any information about it anywhere. Do you know when this was released and what its price is? Is the spirit really from 1972? Any information you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
All best,
This was bottled in 2017. They had two millesimées that year (as far as I know), this 1972 and also a 1977. Both are 500ml and very rare. I am afraid that’s all I know.
Thanks Ton! I appreciate this information. Keep up the fantastic work here.
Hi Ton,
I would love to have a quick talk with you.
Need your help and knwoledge.
Kind regards,
I’ll send an e-mail.
Hi Ton
I have the bottle in the picture
It says it is produced by Lheraud but it doesn’t give any indication what grade of cognac it is – would you know?
Many thanks
I am sorry, but I dont know. My guess would be somewehere between VSOP and XO.
would also love your advice on identifying this Courvoisier
Another view
Another view
Could you help ID this?
Here is the back
This is a US import bottle from the 1950s or early 1960s. A close-up of the middle of the tax strip (on top of the bottle) could differentiate between 1950s or 1960s.
They are not seen very much any more. Until a few years it was not uncommon to see them being sold for €300-500.
Hope this answers your question.
If you can send a close-up from the top…?
Thanks! Here is a close up of the tax strip.
On the other side of the tax label says
Would any other photos help?
Hello Ton,
The Swedish Systembolaget is selling an Hors d’Age and an XO from Terrasson Comte Gerald de Montleau for abt EURO 365 resp EURO 280. Do you have any information of this House?
Best regards,
No, I don’t know much about hem. But there is a website: https://www.terrassondemontleau.com/en/
They recently filed their trademark, in 2019.
I know you are not suppose to store cognac expose to direct sunlight but what about cabinet lighting, is that safe for cognac?
I’ve seen videos of cognac stored in brightly lit shelves and cabinet. In fact Remy released a LED display stand Luis XIII.
Have you noticed more recent decanter of Louis XIII the fill is only up to shoulder level and not near the neck like what it use to be 6-12 years ago? It may be that it is now the correct 70cl while before they gave us a bit more because I hate to think Remy Martin is putting in less than 70cl now.
I hadn’t noticed yet. In what country do you live?
UK was always 0.7L since that type of bottle was produced, so the reason cannot have been there.
I will try to pay some attention to this ‘problem’ to see if I come to the same conclusion.
I mainly studied from youtube videos. I could tell by the date of the video and the packaging it comes in. The new lift off box has a lower fill than the sliding door. Early sliding door ones has the highest fill but gradually the fill gets lower over the years.
Hello Ton,
I’m a Chinese importer of Cognac and wish to find a suitable supplier. I wonder do you have any column which could display our needs and requirements for the products and producer? For further discussion, please contact me on karenchen839@gmail.com.
Sorry, but I can’t help you with that.
May I suggest you ask https://www.cognac-expert.com/ , they may be able to help.
Firstly – THANK YOU so much for this website. What a gift to the world! I recently obtained these two bottles – based on your site I *think* the Biscuit is from the 60s (although the label seems in shockingly good condition) and the Martell from the 80s – possibly the early 80s as it has both metric and US customary units on? I would be very grateful if you could confirm my suspicions.
I’d also be interested in the market value for these…although most likely they will be drunk all too quickly.
Thanks again for maintaining such a thoroughly lovely site. Whenever I feel sad about the world, or human nature, things like this give such joy.
Thank you for your kind words.
The e-mark and upc code indicate that this UK bottle is from after 1980. The combination of the contents in UK imperial and in metric measures indicates that it is during the transition period from UK imperial to metrics. This period lasted a few years. It is impossible to narrow it down further.
I did not have this 1L bottle in my catalogue, so thank you for presenting it.
According to advertisements from that period, Bisquit changed their VSOP bottles from a high model to the ‘pinte de Paris’ model somewhere between 1961 and 1964. Then in 1965 they merged with Ricard, whereafter the ‘BD&Co’ was not used anymore. So, not withstanding the excellent condition of the bottle, this one is from the years 1961-1965.
The three star quality of cognacs is the lowest quality. Therefore the worth is not high. Although some online shops try to sell these bottles for much higher prices, I estimate them to be between €20-75 if you offer them at auction. it all depends if there are enough interested parties willing to bid. It also makes a difference in which country you offer them for sale.
The Bisquit will probably fetch you a little more then the Martell’s.
By the way, it is not that uncommon that they are in very good condition.
If possible, I would very much have a picture of the back side of the Martell bottle and maybe another picture of the front where the label is more legible?
I’ll send you an email to facilitate it.
Hello i have found this bottle in my house, dont know how much is it worth.
Can u tell me what is this, and does it have some price. Tnx
Hi Darko,
This is a three star Gautier, the lowest quality. Probably bottled in the 1970s, but that’s difficult to say with only the label to go by. It’s worth is more than you would expect. In auctions I see prices higher than €50. I would say €50-80.
I would very much like to have a decent photo of the whole bottle. I’ll sen you an email and I hope you will send me one.
I’ve recently come across a case of 12 bottles of the attached photo but cannot seem to trace it in any catalogue. Would you mind providing me with any knowledge you may have?
many thanks
In 1937 Camus registered a label for ‘Camus Cognac Imperial’, a greyish label with a soldier depicted.
In 1944 Camus registered a label for ‘Camus Imperial’, old guard’s brandy, monobrut, eau-de-vie-de la vieille garde, a label in the colours of your bottle.
So the best guess is that these coloured labels are from the 1940s till early 1950s. On some it says cognac, on other brandy or eau-de-vie.
I am not entirely sure they are all real cognacs, but they probably are.
I suspect they haven’t aged for long.
I have three bottles in the Camus bottle catalog: Camus bottle catalog.
Hello Ton
I have found a bottle of JA Hennessy & Co. Cognac cleaning out my parents home. It says produce of France B1918. How do I determine what this unopened bottle is worth?
Usually by its age. What is it? A VS, VSOP, XO or even older?
Can you post a picture?
Hello, Ton
I found one bottle in Ukraine with Maison Garbagny Treres Cognac it’s from 1940s and it is very similar to bottle what is in your data base.
But it does not have signet and little bit weird piece of paper on the top of the bottle.
Do you know – maybe it is an excise stamp of any country?
How to ensure it is a real bottle?
(Pls, let me know how I can send more photos. I have them a lot)
I have no information other than the picture of the bottle I found on the Internet.
Maybe more photos could be helpful, I’ll send an e-mail to facilitate sending them.
Kind regards,
Thx a lot for Ton.
Helped to understand some things about this bottle.
Hello Ton,
can you tell me from when to when “Piercel” existed?
Best regards
I am sorry, but I can not. There is no information whatsoever about this house, except for some bottles that are still around.
The only information I have, and probably you’ve found that as well, is that he was supplier to the court of Napoleon I. Napoleon was consul from 1799-1804 and emperor from 1804-1814.
The full name of E. Piercel was E. Pierre Célestin de la Maison de Saint Jacques in Paris. One of the addresses he used was Cour Crépier in Paris. That little rue existed from 1878, so at that time the company still existed. The bottles you can find are from an even later date.
Thats all I have.
Hello Ton,
thanks for the information. I think it helps me a little. I’m trying to find out about the bottles that were supposedly left behind in Mexico. “Napoleon Cognac Reserve 1802”
Best regards
Good Afternoon Ton,
Thank you for the reply. I forwarded pictures to you although not shown
are 5 stars on the side of the bottle and 84 proof. I would appreciate any information
and value associated with the cognac.
Thank you, Best regards,
Alfred Ottaviano
The bottle in the photo is coming up for auction I was thinking about buying it but I cannot find anything about it. All I know is it was purchased in 1919
This is the auction listing
Hello Katherine,
I have not seen this bottle before so I can not give you a definitive answer. It is in a cognaçaise bottle and together with the three stars it could well be a cognac, although the ‘cognac type’is rather confusing.
I didn’t find the link to the auction in your post.
Dear Ton,
I hope you are well.
You mention a small house in your producers section called Renaud-Delile. Have you tried their grand Champagne 1947 or 1952?
Many Thanks,
Hi. I have a bottle of Cognac that I can’t find in your site, neither anywhere else in the web. It’s a ‘Grand Fine Champagne de Rémy Martin Vieille Reserve, but with 1,4l. So, I guess it’s rare. Can you tell me something about its value?
Nice bottle. It is really difficult to predict what you could get for such a bottle, but €600-800 seems a safe bet.
I also have a few cognacs from your list you don’t seem to have tried and I would be happy to swap a sample of to send you in exchange you you liked that idea (I have 3cl or 5cl size sample bottles).
They are:
Paul Giraud XO and Tres rare – both elegant and 40%.
Hine Homage (40%)- a very interesting blend of Early landing and Jarnac aged cognacs.
Delamain pleides revelation- 45%, no colour, no boise, no sugar, single cask and 20-25 years old.
Grosperrin 12 year Borderies(50.6%) – very small wood fire distillation with natural fermentation; very complect for its age. Rustic but very good.
Godet epicure (40%)- a pure folle blance cognac with cognacs aged 7-20+ years in it. elegant, light and floral.
Hello Ben,
Thank you for the compliments.
Indeed it is very difficult to obtain a l’Exigence. I have one bottle left, but it is closed and will remain closed for some time.
I am not in to swapping cognacs, but you could try the http://www.cognacforum.nl. This is a Dutch site, but it is no problem to post reactions in English and with the help of Google Translate language should not be a big issue anymore. I know there are people on this site who swap now and then.
If you can’t get a sample of the l’Exigence, dont feel too bad about it. There are lots of cognacs I would have loved to taste, but that aren’t around anymore. And every now and then others are produced that are just as good today as they were back then. Think of Navarre Très Vieille, some vintage cognacs of Vallein-Tercinier, maybe even Rémy Martin 1988.
Good luck,
Dear Ton,
Not a problem and I understand completely. It was just a case of if I don’t ask I definitely won’t get.
I agree that there are many wonderful cognacs that have been and gone before my interest and will come and go after I’m gone. I’ve already been lucky enough to try some incredible cognacs such as Remy Martin 250th anniversary, Henessy No.1 from the 1980’s and A E Dor No.11 so i cna’t complain.
Thank you for the suggestions; I have tried a 1971 Vallien tercinier and,coincidently, I just ordered a bottle of Navarre tres vielle last week which I will collect when I visit Germany later this month!
All the very best,
Dear Ton,
I thank you for your incredible website. I have been deeply intrested in cognacs for a few years and you website is unique in its depth of information.
I have a question for you. I read about L’exigence de Delauney cognac on your website and its sounded very special so, with the help of my French neighbour, I contacted the house directly to enquire about possibly buying a bottle as I sometimes work in France. They said that they do have a few bottles left but they are only selling them to existing customers. My question is if you know anywhere else that might have a bottle for sell or, if you still had a bottle and would be wiliing, even a very small sample (1.5cl) I would happily pay for the priviledge. There is very little information on the internet I could find and the little I could find seemed to be connected to you otherwise I couldn’t have contacted you.
I hope you take this email as it is intended rather than as rude. Again thank you for all the hard work on this website and from observing the messages a seemingly endless number of requests to age and evaluate bottles!
Best regards,
Ben Cox
Hi Ton, always enjoying your site, it´s a treasure for all cognac-lovers! While writing a new book about cognac and the culture around I would love to ask you if I may use some of your photos from your internet site and what are the conditions for this. You may ask via my e-mail adress to talk about details. Thanks in advance!!
Hi Joe,
Thanks for the compliments.
I’ll answer your question in an e-mail.
Hi Ton,
Did you see my query from July 25?
Best regards
Hello Ton,
Picked up a couple of bottles and 1 is De lÁsterie Grande Fine Champagne Cognac Bottled 1960s.
I dont seem to find any information regarding this brand, Just wondered if you could shed some light.
Some, but not much. The company was owned by F. de Bianchi. His cognacs were distributed by Le Compagnie Française des Champagnes (CFC), a sales organisation of a number of independent producers which also no longer exists. The company of F. de Bianchi was established in Angeac-Champagne where he was a propriétaire-negoçiant (owner-trader).
Thanks for the feedback Ton
Hello Ton,
Summer holidays are coming up and I am planning a trip to Germany from Madrid to see friends and family. Presents need to be made and I selected 2 bottles (Renault and Delamain) from my “Madrid-bodega-haul” to give away.
Question, as this is always interesting and makes for a good story when presenting a gift: what do you reckon how old these bottles are, ie about which approx. date where they bottled, and how much might they fetch at an auction or would an avid collector pay for each one of them?
Many thanks and best regards
2 bottles of old Cognac-Delamain + Renault
Hi Can you help date this bottle, unfortunately empty (I helped drink in 1989 but kept hold of the bottle)
Thanks Keith
It is 1960-70s. Difficult to pinpoint it further. Do you remember what closure it had: a screw cap or a cork?
Hello Ton, can you tell me how old this bottle is?
Regards Karl
I am not completely sure, the top of the bottle is not shown in full, but to me this looks like a 1970s bottle. Couronne was a low quality cognac, like three stars.
Thank you for the information. I have an even better picture. In my collection I am now trying to collect lost cognac houses. Can you give me some pointers on this?
Best regards
I found this bottle cleaning out my late father enlaws bar. I’m hoping you can help me out with what year it was bottled.
Best guess is 1960s, but maybe 1950s. Can you send a photo of the whole bottle, bottom to top? The closure is important to see.
Good morning Ton,
I recently had the pleasure of clearing a bodega in Madrid with several beautiful, old bottles and this Courvoisier is one of them. I understand is was bottled at the time when King George VI was King, ie sometime between 1936-1952. If this is a ‘Napoleon’, how many years has it matured more or less before being bottled? And do you have any indication which price such a bottle might fetch at an auction?
Thank you very much and congratulations on your beautiful website!
Courvoisier-Grande Fine Champagne Napoléon
Hello Joern,
Nice find! This bottle could also be a bit later than 1952, because they used this emblem somewhat longer before they started with the ‘late King George VI’. I would estimate 1950s, judging by the neat capsule.
You probably have noticed that on some older bottles they added 60 years old (or 80 even). They didn’t on this one, so probably it is considerably less. I have no information on the time of maturation, but 30-40 years would not surprise me.
They are not seen much, so I can only tell you that €300 was an approximate price some 5 years ago. Prices have gone up since then.
Good luck.
Great, thanks a lot, Ton!
So I think this is a very worthy present for a good friend of mine – and I sure hope he will open it together with me 🙂
I guess I will come back to you in due course with other pics of the bottles which came out of this bodega I was allowed to empty in Madrid, until then,
I have 4 bottles from an old relative just wondering what year they were and if they were worth selling
They are from the 1970s. Three star is the lowest quality and their worth is around €30 a bottle. But on auctions prices range from €25 to €65. So you have to be a bit lucky.
Thankyou I might just drink them myself
do you have new information about the collection of Paul Ronnes ?
Best regards
NEW information? Were you the one who asked before?
Indeed I have new information, but sadly the only thing I can say is, he hasn’t forgotten about it. At the moment he is too busy with his own job. “He” being the person who has all the elements for the site. He will ask a relative who is working in the IT field… This information is less than a month old.
I don’t have ask. The site of Paul I have seen for a long time and later I would search this site but she was away. I would ask if someone continues his collection.
Got a bottle of Raynal VSOP Napoleon Brandy de France – French Brandy
Trying to get a photo uploaded but having troubles. Not sure if you have more information on the bottle
Today, Raynal brandy is not real cognac. It is a spirit made from wine but it doesn’t meet all the requirements to be called a cognac.
But in the past they have made real cognacs.
I will send you an e-mail to facilitate sending pictures.
Heey Ton,
I got this cognac as I gift i tried to find more info on it buti didnt find anything can you tell me anything about it?
As you can see here I’ve seen this brand before, but up till today I havn’t been able to track down the producer.
Probably a secondary brand made for a supermarket.
My In-Home Cabinet for Selected Cognac Brands
Each brand has its own compartment in the cabinet. Impressive!
What is the first word before ‘Bros Cognac Collection’?
It is Physon Bros. My name is Murphy and a long lost buddy’s name is Johnson. We were always talking about doing something together, but, reality was reality could do nothing about it. At least I put our names together to crown my Cognac collection for old times sake.
Hi Ton,
Just wondered if you could please tell me anything about this bottle and if it is worth anything. It is signed by Margaret Thatcher and Michael Heseltine. It has a gold coloured seal and says it is Petits Fine V.S.O.P. champagne.
Many thanks,
Hi Debbie,
Nice bottle. The brand name is La Grange du Bois, the owners name is Cartais-Lamaure. They are in a little enclave of the petite champagne area, north of the grande champagne area, called Julienne Bourg-Charente. Actually I must say: they were, because they stopped producing last year and are now selling their last bottles. Very sadly, because it is one of my favourite petite champagne brands. I have one open right now.
I have no information about this particular bottle. It looks like someone from the House of Commons specially ordered it. VSOP quality means it has aged at least 4 years, but I am pretty sure it will be towards 10 year. I estimate this bottle to be form the 1980s.
I would expect a normal VSOP bottle to go for around €45-50. I don’t know how much to add for the signatures and the fact it was made for the House of Commons.
It is a rather unknown brand and I have not yet met with anyone collecting this brand. Best guess: €100 on an auction.
Hope this helps,
Hi Ton
I am looking for an unusual present for my father and this would just fit the bill. This would fit in with his politics interest and love of cognac. Would you happen to know what happened to the bottle or if it was available to buy?
Nigel Midgley
That’s a message that is 2 years old! I don’t think so.
Hi Ton,
I have a small collection of Cognacs and with your obvious knowledge of the subject you might be able to help me with a couple of queeries. I have a White Label vsop incl. red and gold presentation box and glass ash tray. On the bottle label it states ‘strength 30 u.p.’ I don’t see this on other bottles listed. The other is an Old Liqueur Cognac (long narrow bottle,red neck label,1950’s I think), but the label reads Bisquit’s and not Bisquit. I would appreciate your help. Great work. Keep it up.
Kind regards, Seamus.
I need some pictures. I don’t even know which brand you are talking about (1st bottle) 🙂
Hello everyone. I was wondering in anyone can give me some information and current value on this particular bottle of cognac. I’ve found some very good information on the Bisquit Dubouche company and many of their products, but unfortunately I was not able to get any information on this exact bottle. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
The photo is a bit small and the capsule is missing. I think it says Extra Vieille, over 45 years old.
These were made in the 1950s. They sell in auctions over €200 (250-300).
If possible I would like to have a proper photo of the whole bottle and put it on the Bisquit bottle catalog page. I will send you an e-mail.
What is a price of this bottle, probably 350ml
Sorry, I missed this post.
Beautiful bottle. Most Cordon Rouges have a neck label stating 40 ans d’age.
This one has not, but it probably has aged a long time too.
These bottles are rare so difficult to say what it’s worth. But I would say easily over €100.
I saw a full bottle 40 ans d’age Cordon Rouge two years ago for over €200.
I have two unopened bottles (blue and white) of the Bi-Centenaire Camus Napoleon Cognac minatures made by Limogse. They are both in the original boxes. The bottoms of each read ” 22 k gold Edition Limitie”. The price tags are still on each box. Each cost $195. IK Bought them in the early 1970’s.
I’m wondering what they’re worth. I’ve been tempted to open them and drink the contents.
I need photo’s. I will send you an e-mail.
good morning,
I was wondering if you could help me, I have a bottle that was given to me about 20 years ago, “RODELL COGNAC XO EXTRA NAPOLEON BRANDY”, i can send a picture of it if needed, i was looking for information on it, specially price.
any info would be greatly appreciated.
thank you
Hello Tony,
I don’t think this is a cognac, but rather a brandy. Does it say anywhere that it is a cognac?
This XO Brandy is still available in some shops and it is not expensive. Maybe €30.
Since this is not a cognac I can’t help you any further.
Hello.I have followed your website for a few years now and i think your work and effort are just fantastic!!
Now i got a bit of a problem.I have also used Paul Ronnes website about cognac ettiquettes and labels quite
often,but now his website cant be found anymore.If you could find it somewhere else would you please let me know.Thanks.By the way ,i am a Norwegian living in England.
Ronne’s website is discontinued, but people are working on it to get it back up again.
Thank you for your information.
Still working on it, but unfortunately other commercial priorities necessarily get in the way. Nonetheless the contents have been saved and we are determined the project will not be abandoned.
Hello Ton,
Just come across your website, absolutely blown away by your cognac knowledge!
I’ve got a question that I thought you might be able to help me with – I’m looking for a cognac called ‘La Patience’, which might have been produced by Martell by I’m not 100% sure. Is this something you’ve come across before? Please feel free to email me.
Thanks, all the best,
Hi Martin,
Thanks for the compliments.
I have never heard of La Patience by Martell. I am curious were you came across that name.
I just bought this old, unopened bottle of Roffignac cognac and wonder if you can share any information about it. Thank you.
This bottle is from Comte Ferdinand de Roffignac. It is form the borderies region, which is the smallest one just above the city of Cognac. Borderies cognacs can be very good. They are known for their flowery (violets) taste. It is a three star quality, meaning is has only aged for a minimum of 2,5 years. But this one is probably from the 1960s and in that point of time they can easily have aged for some more years (over ten perhaps).
The family De Roffignac lives in a grand chateau, worthy of a visit: Chateau Chesnel, in Cherves-Richemont.
The worth of this bottle is limited, being a three star and with not any collectors for this brand that I know. When auctioned I would estimate the price around €50.
I hope this is enough information for you.
Sincere regards,
Hello Ton,
Great site!
I’ve just come into a sealed bottle of Courvoisier VS 70cl
It’s fairly old…relatively
The label falls under the 2c category, but bilingual, as I’m in Canada
What’s the year range for the 2c category?
Thanks so much!
The 2c category is quite wide, so I need a photo. I will send you an e-mail.
Thanks for the pictures. This is end 1970s. Nice bottle!
Hello, Ton,
I have a sealed, boxed, vintage bottle of Courvoisier VSOP in a gold-on-green box for which I wish to date and get a valuation estimate. It likely dates from the ’60s or ’70s. What do you recommend I do get it dated and valued for possible auction sale?
Hi, Ton.
Thanx for nice meeting during our stay in Cognac. Safe travel home I hope – will for sure have a look at this site for the future 🙂
II had a really nice evening too. We will surely meet again somewhere.
And thanks for liking this site.
Hi Ton. Hope you would be able to assist me. I have a bottle of Courvoisier Extra Vieille and would like to know if you could date it for me please. I also have the canon stand with it. My label is slightly different to what you have on your list. Your help will be greatly appreciated.
Kind Regards
David Norwie
I’ll send you an e-mail.
Hi! I have a collection that my father gave me more than 15 years ago. Since then I sold a lot but still have 300+ to sell. Do you buy cognacs? Please let me know.
No I don’t buy collections. I would advice you to contact an auction site. Most whisky auction sites also sell cognacs. Or else Catawiki or Drinksplanet maybe…
Thank you for all your time and effort.
– I have a bottle of Frapin Chateau Fontpinot XO (Appellation Grande Champagne Controlee) that I would love to get your opinion on. It is very similar to the first generations bottles on your list. Would it be possible to get your email so I could send you some pictures?
Many thanks.
I will send you an e-mail.
Good morning I have just been given a bottle of Rouyer and guillet ltd bottle of 3 star cognac. it has a cork top and three bricks or steps on the label. it looks like about 70cl and is 70 proof. would you be able to give me some information on this please.
With three bricks or steps? It doesn’t ring a bell. Could you send me a picture?
I’ll send you an e-mail.
Hey Ton
I love your site, thanks for providing such a useful resource.
I’m trying to date a bottle of Courvoisier which I’m sure I bought back from a skiing trip quite some time ago.
Using your Courvoisier Bottle Catalog PART 1 page I’ve identified it under code 2b5, but I don’t know how to use your coding system as a dating tool. Can you tell me what date range is covered by 2b5 please?
Thank you Dennis.
I try to put the oldest series first and the newest last. For Courvoisier it is difficult. It seems several bottle types coexisted in the same period. But the ‘2b5’-bottles were from the 1980-1990s. Maybe there are addional marks on the back of the bottle that could help to date it. On this page is some helpful information: https://cognac-ton.nl/en/home-page/other-topics/dating-a-bottle/
Good luck,
Please let me have an E-Mail-Adresse as I would like to send you a photo of a label I am sure you will not have
Kind regards
Hey Ton, first of all let me thank you for all of your work – It has helped me a lot in identifying my dad’s collection. Although there are for sure many bottles that you do not have in the catalogue. As I am yet not very willing to reveal my collection to public in person – I would be happy to have your opinion and of course fill in the missing bits in your stunning website
Please drop me an email,
I think I have bottle label which you do not have on your website. Please email me if you are interested in buying it.
Many thanks,
Are you sure? Did you try the search site box?
If so, I would like to know the name of the label, but I am not interested in buying.
What an extraordinary website .Absolutely fantastiic!!
I am norwegian but living in England.
Thank You (blush).
I have a bottle of cognac which doesn’t seem to be listed on your very informative site. It’s very similare but different text on thé label which reads “O.F. Martinel. Vers Old Pale, Trade Mark on Capsules & Cases. However, if you would like a photo for completeness I would be happy to e-mail some to you, maby you have informations about it
Kind Regards
Gladly. I will send you my email address.
What an amazing site. Please drop me an email to keep in touch. Thanks
Thank you very much.
How do you know my site?
Hello Ton,
I recently acquired a bottle of Remy Martin cognac which doesn’t seem to be listed on your otherwise very informative site. It’s very similar in appearance to the 2nd bottle from the left in the “7. Age d’Or and Age Inconnu” section, but differs by having a shoulder label which reads “Grande Reserve”. The label states it is No. 54199; Grande Fine Champagne de Remy Martin. It probably isn’t particularly old. However, if you would like a photo for completeness I would be happy to e-mail some to you.
Kind regards,
Roderick Hogarth
Bournemouth, UK.
Hello Peter,
I would be happy to receive a picture of a new bottle. I can try to give you information, but it depends a bit on the picture. It will be a UK bottle of approximately 68cl.
I will send you an e-mail address to send the picture to.
I have a bottle of Martell with 24 fl ozs and 70 proof but i can’t see a bottle with the same label could i send a picture of the label and would you have any info on it.
Dear Ton
it was real pleasure to meet you and talk about Cognac
Hello Philippe,
Likewise for sure. It is always an honour to meet such a prominent person in the cognac world!
Kind regards,
Dear Tom,
I got to your blog by finding a google map made by you with plenty of cognac producers. That is quite a big job you did, and I am amazed. We are a small family company working on writing The Alphabetical Encyclopedia of Cognac. We also dedciate our time to educational projects about cognac, and we created a World Cognac Institute. Its main goal is to educate students at the Hotel Academies of European Union.
This is a Virtual Tour of Cognac Embassy in Kosice:
I just wanted to get in touch with you as we like the same things.
Thank you, and I wish you all the best
Kindest regards
Hello Renata,
Thank you for taking an interest in my website. I am afraid most of it is in Dutch, but I am thinking of translating more pages into English.
I took a look at your VR website and I could take a look into a few rooms. There is a lot of cognac in there and I spotted a fair amount of Scandinavian marques. I could not find any other information, but I presume it is a project in progress?
I wish you a lot of success with writing the Encyclopedia of Cognac.
Kind regards,
Hi Ton,
I have just seen your website for the first time today, fantastic content I have a passion for Cognac and have 150+ bottles in my collection. Delamain is one of my favourite Cognac houses and I would be interested in your comments about them thanks.
Hello Paul,
Thanks for visiting my website.
Interesting question, although I am not sure what kind of information you’re looking for.
But I can tell you that Delamain is highly respected by every other cognac house in Charente for its dedication to the trade, the quality of their products and also for its history. They buy their eaux-de-vie from winegrowers and cognac producers and they select every year anew from which producers they buy, so they don’t have fixed contracts with an obligation to buy. And they have no lack in supply, there are many producers who are eager to sell them their wines or eau-de-vie. Every day they have a tasting session in the morning hours to select the best of what is offered.
The quality is exquisite. The taste is light and elegant, with subtle wood tones. This gives a little disadvantage in tasting sessions when you compare a Delamain with others because the taste is easily overpowered by other brands that have more wood in it.
Delamain is one of my favourites.
Hope this suffices.
Hello again,
I friend of mine gave me this youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrneqyB6QM8&feature=youtu.be
It is extraordinary. If I am ever in te neighbourhood I certainly will stop by!
If someone else is reading this, it is really worthwhile to see this little video of Cognac Embassy.
Hello Ton,
I have just found your reply. Thank you very much.
Can you be so kind and contact me on my e-mail info@cognac-embassy.com ?
Best regards