1. How old is cognac? It is relatively new. Double distillation was discovered around 1750 and cognac originated after this discovery. It is not so old, maybe four hundred years Very old. The Romains already drank it. First cognac was made around 1100-1200. Click to see an explanation in a new tab. 2. When or how does cognac get its amber colour? During the fermentation of the grapes During distillation During aging, from the wooden cask Click to see an explanation in a new tab 3. The phrase ‘grande champagne’ is used to indicate a big vineyard. refers to one of the districts in the cognac region. on a bottle of cognac means that the cognac is of a high quality has no meaning in the world of cognac Click to see an explanation in a new tab 4. Which is the bigger Cru (cognac district)? Petite champagne Grande champagne Borderies Click for an explanation in a new tab. 5. What wine is used for making cognac? Red wine Both white and red wine is used. White wine Click for an explanation in a new tab. 6. Which answer is best: cognac comes from? Bourgogne France Paris Charente Cognac Click to see an explanation in a new tab 7. Like wine, cognac in a bottle (usually) gets better when you keep it in your cellar. Right Wrong Click to see an explanation in a new tab Loading …