Not every secondary brand mentioned in this table is of lesser quality per se. Some firms use other labels for cognacs that are sometimes remarkably good.

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↨ NamepictureBouilleur de Cru:
↨ source↨ location↨ Website
1786Produced by Pannaud (of Chateau des Plassons)@
Adet, Marquis d'owned by Adet SewardEP
Alain Delonmade by Distillerie de la Tour5
Albert JarraudEst. 1875; bought by AE Dor in 1898EPLa Couronne
Alfred Dubois Lyzéeowned by Tiffon. Originally established in 1830@Jarnac
Alfred Nobelowned by Rosmersholm; produced by Gautier@Oslo (N)
AmiralBrand of Staub (also Gonzales, Staub & Co.)1St. Preuil
Amundsensecondary brand of Brillet; now owned by Altia@
AndréacDomaine du CoquerelB,EPSégonzac
Ansacowned by Unicognac3a,7,B,EPJonzac
Apteekkarinmade by Peyrat for Finnish market@Cognac
Arbellot & Cie.Established in 1840, now owned by Royer (1965) (Louis Saveur) (mainly in Scandinavia)1Jarnac
Arrivé, JG&BChateau Bellevue@Virollet
Augieroldest firm, does not exist anymore; brand is now owned by Martell (Pernod-Ricard); Augier is now again in production
since 2010s
Baron Rignacowned by Vinet-EgeBBrie s/ Arciac
Baron Rolandbrand of Distillerie des Moisans@Sireuil
Bertinowned by Dupin1
Bertrand, PrinceBernard Boutinet
Bessière, monsieur deNég. MonnetEPSegonzac
BijouxDomaine de la Fontaine@Sonnac
Birkebeinerowned by Rosmersholm; produced by Gautier@Oslo (N)
Bocuse, Paulbrand made by Polignac (Unicoop, Mounier); has also been produced by Croizet and by Hennessy1,3a,EP
Bowenowned by Chabasse 2,4,5,7,B
Bredonformer brand of Marcel Bredon; owner: Louis Royer (1978)@
Bremantowned by Saveur, Louis (part of Louis Royer)BJarnac
Brizards, Domaine desBoisnardBFloirac
Burnezowned by Prunier1
Caillou, lebrand of Gautier/Aigre7
Cardinal PremiumLheraud@
Carriérebrand of Croizet1,B,EPSt. Même-les-Carrières
CarrieresCroizet1St. Même-les-Carrières
ChabanneauPierre Chabanneaunow owned by Camus1,3,4,7Cognac
Chaigne, lebrand of Peyrat assoc. (estate Le Chaigne)@Touzac
Chambre, LaGeffard, Henribrand of Geffard@Verrières
Chambre, Labrand of Peyrat assoc. (estate Le Chaigne)@Touzac
Champs Elyséeowned by Vinet-DelpechB
Charles de Franceniacowned by Vinet-Delpech@
Chassenac, deproducer: FDT SASU (Trijol)@
Chateau de FontpinotBrand of Frapin1,3a,B,EPSegonzac
Chateau de la GrangeBouron1St. Jean d' Angély
Chateau de TriacBrand of Tiffon-Braastad1,71,7,EP
Chatelier, Claudeonce an independant companyowned by Gabriel (& Andreu); used to be owned by Pierre Ferrand4,7,B,EPSegonzac
Chevalerie, LaBrand of Pelletant@St-Amant-de-Nouère
Chevalier de la Croix PhilippeChai de LéonieBRoullet St. Estephe
Cheville, Jean deSecundairy brand of Distillerie de Moisans (Deau)@Sireuil
Chronosbrand of Tessendier@
Chrysale, Cognac deBrand produced by Louis Royer (reg. 1977)@
Clouetbrand of DumontBJarnac
Club Cigareof the Cabanne Familie; name of the enterprise is Hawkins Distributions@Bourg-Charente (old link)
Combe de BussacMarcadier & BarbotBSegonzac
Combeau, Pascalonce an independant winegrower and trader; owned by Marie Brizard (Gemaco; Gautier)1,3,3a,9,B,EPCognac
Comte d'Artimowned by Meukow (brand for Mitra, = Artim backwards)7
Comte de la Fayetteproduced by H. Mounier (Unicoop);
Same as Marquis de la Fayette, La Fayette and Lafayette.1,EPCognac
Comte FreresDistilleries de Matha (Brugerolle)@Matha
Conjurebrand of Braastad (Tiffon): brand of Birkedal Hartmann (in collaboration with rap-artist Ludacris)@
Croix RoyaleProduced by H. Mounier (est. 1858), brand owned by Rola Weinbrennerei@
DalbanGacon, FrancisB
Dampierre, Comte Audoin deChateau de Plassac1,3a,BSt.-Genis-de-Saintonge
Dantec, lebrand of Vinet-Delpech@
DavidoffSince 2011 produced by Hine; before by Hennessy1,3,4,EP
Debriacbrand of Fransac (Roullet-Fransac)@Cognac
Decourtetowned by Gabriel (& Andreu); before owned by Pierre FerrandEP
Delour & Filsowned by Croizet-Eymard (1965)1,EP
Denijacbrand of Jean FilliouxB,EPJuillac-le-Coq
Devorjacbrand of Vinet-Delpech@
DhoChai de LéonieBEstephe
Diamond Jubileebrand of Vinet-Delpech@
Diamond Lamer(not sure) Philbert@Étriac (Angeduc)
Domaine de FlavilleJacky BureauBDompierre
Domaine de la Font de BussacPrisset, RogerBJurignac
Domaine de Chez Cormierbrand of Distillerie de MoisansBSireuil
Domaine des Forgesalso made at the Vallein-Tercinier estate; brand of Peyrat ass. & Cie.@Cognac
Domaine des ForgesBrand of Vallein-Tercinier@
Domaine du Feynardbrand of Bertrand@Chevaceaux
DorlanNég. Croizet1,B,EPSt.-Même
Double Crownbrand of ABK6@
DuboigalantOwned by Trijol familie1,2,3,4,5,EPSt. Martial sur Né
Duc d'Aiguillonbrand of laurent Jouffe@
Duchanelbrand of Bols; produced by MonnetEP
Duché d'AquitaineSecondairy brand of Lise Baccara@Pons
Ducreybrand of André Petit@Berneuil
Dufaur & Cieowned by Brugerolle1,EPMatha
Dumourier & Cie.owned by Hardy1,EPCognac
Dunhillbrand of Camus (since 1995)4La Rochelle
DuparcCompagnie Française Spiritueux?1,EPCognac
Dupin, Robertproduced by Ménard for Boomsma Leeuwarden (NL)1,7,EPCognac
Dupuis, CamilleBrand of Vallein-Tercinier@Chermignac
Dupuyowned by Bache Gabrielsen1,2,4,5,6,B,EPCognac
Edouard IIILheraud@
Fantasybrand of Vinet/Delpech@
Favraud & Co., J.brand owned by Ladoga Group; bottled by CCG
(probably not produced anymore)
Fayette, Labrand of H. Mounier; (Unicoop)Same as Comte de la Fayette; Marquis de La Fayette and Lafayette.1Cognac
Ferrand, Jacquesfrom Pierre Ferrand, now Pierre de SegonzacEP
Ferrand & Fils, Jean-LucSon of Pierre Ferrand (La Nérolle, Ségonzac)2,13,EPSegonzac (Le Boc)
Ferrand, Pierrebrand of Gabriel (Pierre Ferrand went his own way in the 1990's as Pierre de Segonzac; also as Monier-Ferrand)1,3,3a,4,5,6,7,EPArs
Flamme des Anges, laCastel-SablonsB
FlorignacNég. Marcel Maurin; later Unicoop; produced for Monoprix
Font PellerineRoy, Jean-LouisBSonneville
Forsac, Debrand of Unicoop@Jonzac
Fortnum & Masoncognacs are produced by Chateau de Beaulon EPLondon
Foucauld, Luciènbelongs to CCG1,3,3a, EPCognac
Fouché, J.brand of A.E. Dor1
Fournier, V.Lheraud@
Françeniac, Charles debrand of Distillerie Vinet Ege@
Francet (F.)brand of Staub; now owned by Camus (1985)1
François de Jussacowned by Daniel Bouju since the end of the 20th centuryBSt. Preuil
François de MarangeOwned by Bouju4,5,BSt.-Preuil
François de Martignacowned by Domaine du Chillot, now owned by Domaine de Coquerel1,3a,B,EPSaint-Preuil
François 1erbrand of Staub; not the same as François Ier.@Saint-Preuil
Furiobrand of Unicoop5
Garde MarineDomaine du Breuil @
Gaston de Lagrangebrand of Martini, now Otard1,2,3,3a,4,5,B,EP
Gerfaut PlatineProduced by Chateau d'Oisellerie, Lycée Agricole@Barbezieux
Godeaubrand of Jean Paul Mallet, owned by Unicoop@
Gold Tiger Cognacbrand of Euronegoce Spirits; owner: Ricard@Juillac-le-Coq
Golden Eifel Towerbrand of Vinet-Delpech@
Golden Lionbrand of Castillon-Renault (Korean market?)1
Grand Bouquetbrand of Euronegoce Spirits; owner: Ricard@Juillac-le-Coq
Grand Breuilowned by Tessendier7,EPCognac-Cedex
Grand Empereurbrand of De Luze; owned by Boinaud; they make brandy nowadays, no cognacs anymore@
Grande OurseBrand of M. GiboinGiboinCherves-de-Cognac
Grands Domainesbrand of Abécassis (ABK6)@
Grashoff, Hauscognac has been made by several producers: Chateau de Plessis, A.E. Dor, Frapin, Normandier-Mercier, Ranson1Bremen
GrenadierLouis Saveur (branch office of Louis Royer)@
Grimaud, LoisThorin@Segonzac
GuietPetit, BeatriceB,EPVerrières
Guillaume III Jean-Guy et Bruno Arrivé@Virollet
Hautefort & Co., J.owned by Godet1,7,EPLa Rochelle
Henri IIILheraud@
Henrik-Ibsenbrand of Rosmersholm; produced by Birkedal-Hartmann@Oslo (N)
Hody, deSeguinot, GerardBSégonzac
House of Hemerybrand of Dobbe@
Hubert de Sainte CroixDistributed by Mocq SAS MVM@L'Isle-de-Espagnac
Imperiumbrand of Le Clos de Romas, Somac Spirits@Neuillac
Isardbrand of Gemaco (Gautier/Aigre)1,7,EPAigre
JahiotSecond brand of Jacquiot (2024)@Plassac
Jardinacbrand of Les Grands Chais de France@
Jarraud, AlbertOwned by A.E. Dor1, EP
Jasserie, labrand of Unicoop1, EPCognac
Jollietbrand of De Fussigny@Cognac
Joseph Guybrand of Louis Royer, see Guy7,EPLes Métairies
Jules Belleryowned by Royer1,EPJarnac
Jules Duretowned by Saveur, Louis (Louis Royer, which was sold to Suntory, Japan in 1988)1,B,EPJarnac
Laage Fils & Co., depart of Gemaco (Gautier/Aigre; Berger groep); still produces Faucon d'Or1,3a,EPSt. Savinien-sur-Charente
Lafite Rothschildfirm in Bordeaux; produces a series of borderies1,3a,4,5,6Pauillac (Bordeaux)
Lafont de St. PreuilProduces cognac in collaboration with Peyrat & Assoc.; same address as BoujuEPSt. Preuil
Lamolebrand of Peyrat Ass. & Cie.BCognac
Landybrand of Gabriel & Andreu (cognac Ferrand)4,7,B,EPSegonzac
Lascarbrand of CCG@
La Truffebrand of Hawkins Distribution (Delisle)@Bourg-Charente (old link)
Lauriacbrand of Unicognac6, EPJonzac
Lautrec, Powned by Godet@La Rochelle
Le Rochowned by Grosperrin@
Léopold, AlexandreLheraud@,EPAngeac-Charente
Lettres des ChassaingsChai de LéonieBEstephe
Levonbrand of Guy de Bersac@Cognac
Lisztbrand of Vinet-Delpech;@Barret
Logis de Coudret Baron & Fils1Cherves-Richemont
Logis de Folle BlanchePaul BossuetBChaniers
Lormin, JulesOwned by Vallein-Tercinier1, EPChermignac
Louise Hivertbrand of Hivert-Pellevoisin, belongs to Godet.@La Rochelle
Lucky Dragonbrand of Vinet-Delpech;@Barret
Luèsecondary brand of Merlet@
Lys, Marquis dubrand of Peuchet@Clermont-Ferrand
Maison Rougebrand of Hardy, for US market@
Maître, lebrand of Merlet & Fils (fins bois)@Saint-Sauvant
Maray-JolyRoussille (Maray-Joly is now mainly a brand name for Bourgogne wine)3aFleac
Marceaubrand of A. de Fussigny@
Marett & Co.owned by Prunier; see also Arbouin Marett & Co. (Marett: est.
1, EPCognac
Marie Domainbrand of Hawkins Ditribution, owned by Cabanne; not to be confused with Marie Domaine 1806 of Pierre Ferrand@Bourg-Charente (old link)
Marquisbrand of Royer7,EPJarnac
Marquis d'Adetbrand of Adet SewardEP
Marquis de Gensacbrand of Pierre de SegonzacB,EPSegonzac
Marquis de la Fayetteproduced by H. Mounier (Unicoop);Same as Comte de la Fayette; La Fayette and Lafayette.EPCognac
Marquis de Valladebrand of Chollet3aBoutiers-Saint Trojan
Marquis de Valoisbrand made by Lhéraud@Lasdoux
Marsy, deowned by Prunier1,7
MartheJean Fillioux@
Martinaud, Albertbrand of Unicoop1, EP
Martineaubrand of L. de Salignac@Jarnac
Meriac, Roland debrand of Vallein-TercinierB,EPChermignac
Mestreau, F.brand of Grosperrin@Saintes
Miss Parisbrand of Vinet-Delpech;@
Mont, LiscaJacky Begay@,VIC,EPBiron
Montignybrand of unicognacEP
Morel & Co., A.G.Later owner: Union des Propriétaires Distillateurs (Salignac, 1929)1
Moulin de la Grange Christian Thomas (Beaulon); used for supermarkets1, EPLorignac
Moulin des Grillauds, lebrand of Lapeyronnie, SébastienEPSaint Genis d'Hiersac
Mounier, Henriowned by Unicoop1,3,5,B,EPCognac
Moysson & Co., E. deFrançois Giboin@Chavenat
Mumm & Co., G.H.brand of Augier/Seagram (sold anly in the USA); now owned by Pernod-Ricard3a, EPNew York
Nakhimovbrand of A, de Fussigny; sold in RussiaBCognac
Nansenbrand of Unicoop@
NaulinOwned by Dupont & Cie, j. (1956); now Boinaud (Naulin was established in 1879)1,7,EP
Onabrand of Unicognac (Portugese market?)BJonzac
Ouches du BreuilVan domaine du Breuil de Segonzac
Owner: Domaine du BreuilBSegonzac
Parallaxebrand of Vinet-Delpech;@Barret
Paris Toujoursbrand of Vinet-Delpech@
Paulsen Collectionbrand of Maxime Trijol@
PayraultVallet family of the Chateau Montifaud@Jarnac-Champagne
Paysans Charentais, cognac desbrand of Unicoop1, EP
Philebert & Co.Renamed Tessendier (Tessendier established Philebert and at first called his cognacs Philebert)EPJarnac
brand of Camus since 1969;1, EP
Pitters, Williambrand of Belvedère (used to be owned by Marie Brizard)@
Poniatowski, Jozefbrand of Brugerolle (Polish market)1
Poursac, deowned by Ansac (Unicognac)@
Prince Alain MuratProduced by Jouffe@
Prince de Didonneowned by unicognac (before it was a brand of the cooperation Cozes-Saujon (does not exist anymore)1,4,5,EPSémussac
Puligny, G.B. deowned by Brugerolle1, EPMatha
Puyguiller, Domaine deM. Guerbé@Segonzac
Puyguiller, Logis deM. GuerbéEPSegonzac
Ragnaud, MarcelIs now called Ragnaud-Sabourin1,2,3,3a,4,5,6,7,10,B,EP
RastignacChateau des Plassons@Bors de Montmoreau
Reflets de Francebrand of Jules Duret (owned by Louis Royer)@
Renard, Andréproduced by Hardy@
Rénier, L.H.Owned by F. Brière (1951); now produced by maison CharpentronB,EPGondeville
Réserve des Garantsproduced by Lhéraud@Angeac
Revancheowned by Birkedal Hartmann@
Reviseur, Lebrand of Abk6BBarret
Roch, lebrand of GrosperrinBSaintes
RochasNég. A.E. Dupuy; for the Parisean perfumery RochasEP
Rochenac & Cie., debrand of Hardy1,7,EPCognac
Roi des Roisbrand of Unicognac; used to be owned by Dontrac & ses Fils, J.B.
Roi Soleilbrand of Delpech-Fougerat@
Rouge, maisonbrand of A. Hardy USA (related to Hardy-France)@
Rouger, HubertLa Grande Maison.
(possibly a brand made by Vallein-Tercinier?)
Royal Masterbrand of Vinet-Delpech@
Sainte CroixBrand of Francis Mocq (there is a relation with Unicognac)@
SeignetteArcaz Seignette (1804); now owned by Sazerac Brands
@La Rochelle
Sieur de PlaisanceTestaud, Guy (Guy Testano)1,3a,6,B,EPLamérac
SirapBrand name of monsieur François Anthoene, who also has the brand Paris (Sirap backwards))@
SoarerBrand of E. Rolland & Co. (owned by Bache-Gabrielsen, via Dupuy)@Cognac
St. Jean Diorbrand of Unicoop@Jonzac
St RobChabasse@St Jean d'Angély
Staub & Co., A.Staub does not produce this brand anymore, but they now produce François I 1, EPSt. Preuil
Surrenne Maisonbrand of Tiffon/Braastad@Jarnac
Talismanbrand of Cognac Ferrand@
Tanneur, (le)Nég. Royer1, EPJarnac
Terrac, Duc deLandier@Foussignac
Tescobrand for supermarket; owned by Salignac1, EPCognac
Textor de RavisiMade by Bouron, Chateau de la Grange@St. Jean d'Angély
Tour Vert, laPinard & FilsBFoussignac
Trésor des Roisbrand of Vinet-Delpech@
Tricochebrand of Birkedal-Hartmann@
Ussé, downed by Baccardi (brand of Chateau de Cognac - Otard)@
ValcoeurBonnin (logis de la Montagne)@Challignac
Vallet, PierreMontifaud; owners are Vallet familyEPArgentat
Viaud, DominiqueRenaud Delile is their more usual brand name@La Brousse (Matha)
Vieille Villebrand of Domaine des BroixBTouzac
Vigier-Latourbrand of Unicoop (Mounier)1, EPCognac
Vikingbrand of Larsen & Co.EP
Villanellebrand of Gemaco@
VoisinOlivier Blanc, owner of Leopold Gourmel; Pierre Voisin established Gourmel and was the father-in-law of Olivier Blanc6Genté
VolarePeyrot1Jarnac (Marancheville)


Secondary brands of cognac firms (table) — No Comments

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