1786 | | | Produced by Pannaud (of Chateau des Plassons) | @ | | |
Adet, Marquis d' | | | owned by Adet Seward | EP | | |
Alain Delon | | | made by Distillerie de la Tour | 5 | | |
Albert Jarraud | | | Est. 1875; bought by AE Dor in 1898 | EP | La Couronne | |
Alfred Dubois Lyzée | | | owned by Tiffon. Originally established in 1830 | @ | Jarnac | http://dubois-lizee.com/ |
Alfred Nobel | | | owned by Rosmersholm; produced by Gautier | @ | Oslo (N) | |
Amiral | | | Brand of Staub (also Gonzales, Staub & Co.) | 1 | St. Preuil | |
Amundsen | | | secondary brand of Brillet; now owned by Altia | @ | | |
Andréac | | Domaine du Coquerel | | B,EP | Ségonzac | http://www.calvados-coquerel.com/ |
Ansac | | | owned by Unicognac | 3a,7,B,EP | Jonzac | http://www.unicognac.net/index.php/en/product-range-jules/ansac |
Apteekkarin | | | made by Peyrat for Finnish market | @ | Cognac | |
Arbellot & Cie. | | | Established in 1840, now owned by Royer (1965) (Louis Saveur) (mainly in Scandinavia) | 1 | Jarnac | http://www.louis-saveur.com/ |
Arrivé, JG&B | | Chateau Bellevue | | @ | Virollet | |
Augier | | | oldest firm, does not exist anymore; brand is now owned by Martell (Pernod-Ricard); Augier is now again in production
since 2010s
| 1,3,3a,4,10,EP | Cognac | |
Baron Rignac | | | owned by Vinet-Ege | B | Brie s/ Arciac | http://www.vinet-delpech.com/en/our-ranges/catalogue/cognacs/7747-.html |
Baron Roland | | | brand of Distillerie des Moisans | @ | Sireuil | |
Bertin | | | owned by Dupin | 1 | | |
Bertrand, Prince | | Bernard Boutinet
| | EP | Bréville | http://cognacboutinet.com/ |
Bessière, monsieur de | | | Nég. Monnet | EP | Segonzac | |
Bijoux | | Domaine de la Fontaine | | @ | Sonnac | http://www.domaine-de-la-fontaine.com/ |
Birkebeiner | | | owned by Rosmersholm; produced by Gautier | @ | Oslo (N) | |
Bocuse, Paul | | | brand made by Polignac (Unicoop, Mounier); has also been produced by Croizet and by Hennessy | 1,3a,EP | | |
Bowen | | | owned by Chabasse | 2,4,5,7,B | | http://www.cognacbowen.com/ |
Bredon | | | former brand of Marcel Bredon; owner: Louis Royer (1978) | @ | | |
Bremant | | | owned by Saveur, Louis (part of Louis Royer) | B | Jarnac | http://www.louis-saveur.com/ |
Brizards, Domaine des | | Boisnard | | B | Floirac | |
Burnez | | | owned by Prunier | 1 | | |
Caillou, le | | | brand of Gautier/Aigre | 7 | | |
Cardinal Premium | | Lheraud | | @ | | |
Carriére | | | brand of Croizet | 1,B,EP | St. Même-les-Carrières | http://www.cognac-croizet.fr/index.php?langue=en |
Carrieres | | Croizet | | 1 | St. Même-les-Carrières
| |
Chabanneau | | Pierre Chabanneau | now owned by Camus | 1,3,4,7 | Cognac | |
Chaigne, le | | | brand of Peyrat assoc. (estate Le Chaigne) | @ | Touzac | http://www.cognacpeyrat.com/ |
Chambre, La | | Geffard, Henri | brand of Geffard | @ | Verrières | |
Chambre, La | | | brand of Peyrat assoc. (estate Le Chaigne) | @ | Touzac | http://www.cognacpeyrat.com/ |
Champs Elysée | | | owned by Vinet-Delpech | B | | http://www.vinet-delpech.com/private-label/ |
Charles de Franceniac | | | owned by Vinet-Delpech | @ | | http://www.vinet-delpech.com/nos-gammes/catalogue/cognacs/7747-cognac-baron-rignac-xo.html |
Chassenac, de | | | producer: FDT SASU (Trijol) | @ | | |
Chateau de Fontpinot | | | Brand of Frapin | 1,3a,B,EP | Segonzac | http://www.cognac-frapin.com/ |
Chateau de la Grange | | Bouron | | 1 | St. Jean d' Angély
| http://www.cognac-louisbouron.com/
Chateau de Triac | | | Brand of Tiffon-Braastad | 1,7 | 1,7,EP | |
Chatelier, Claude | | once an independant company | owned by Gabriel (& Andreu); used to be owned by Pierre Ferrand | 4,7,B,EP | Segonzac | http://www.claudechateliercognac.com/ |
Chevalerie, La | | Brand of Pelletant | | @ | St-Amant-de-Nouère | |
Chevalier de la Croix Philippe | | Chai de Léonie | | B | Roullet St. Estephe | http://chaideleonie.pagesperso-orange.fr/gamme.htm |
Cheville, Jean de | | | Secundairy brand of Distillerie de Moisans (Deau) | @ | Sireuil | |
Chronos | | | brand of Tessendier | @ | | |
Chrysale, Cognac de | | | Brand produced by Louis Royer (reg. 1977) | @ | | |
Clouet | | | brand of Dumont | B | Jarnac | http://pas.cal.dumont.free.fr/ |
Club Cigare | | | of the Cabanne Familie; name of the enterprise is Hawkins Distributions | @ | Bourg-Charente | http://www.hawkinsdistribution.com/ |
Combe de Bussac | | Marcadier & Barbot | | B | Segonzac | http://www.barbot-marcadier.com/produitsFr.html |
Combeau, Pascal | | | once an independant winegrower and trader; owned by Marie Brizard (Gemaco; Gautier) | 1,3,3a,9,B,EP | Cognac | http://www.gemaco.com/our-other-products/cognac-en/pascal-combeau-en |
Comte d'Artim | | | owned by Meukow (brand for Mitra, = Artim backwards) | 7 | | |
Comte de la Fayette | | produced by H. Mounier (Unicoop);
| Same as Marquis de la Fayette, La Fayette and Lafayette. | 1,EP | Cognac | |
Comte Freres | | | Distilleries de Matha (Brugerolle) | @ | Matha | |
Conjure | | | brand of Braastad (Tiffon): brand of Birkedal Hartmann (in collaboration with rap-artist Ludacris) | @ | | http://www.conjurecognac.com/ |
Croix Royale | | | Produced by H. Mounier (est. 1858), brand owned by Rola Weinbrennerei | @ | | |
Dalban | | Gacon, Francis | | B | | http://www.cognac-gacon.com/ |
Dampierre, Comte Audoin de | | Chateau de Plassac | | 1,3a,B | St.-Genis-de-Saintonge | http://www.chateaudeplassac.com/ |
Dantec, le | | | brand of Vinet-Delpech | @ | | http://www.vinet-delpech.com/private-label/ |
Davidoff | | | Since 2011 produced by Hine; before by Hennessy | 1,3,4,EP | | |
Debriac | | | brand of Fransac (Roullet-Fransac) | @ | Cognac | |
Decourtet | | | owned by Gabriel (& Andreu); before owned by Pierre Ferrand | EP | | |
Delour & Fils | | | owned by Croizet-Eymard (1965) | 1,EP | | |
Denijac | | brand of Jean Fillioux | | B,EP | Juillac-le-Coq | |
Devorjac | | | brand of Vinet-Delpech | @ | | http://www.vinet-delpech.com/private-label/ |
Dho | | Chai de Léonie | | B | Estephe | http://chaideleonie.pagesperso-orange.fr/gamme.htm |
Diamond Jubilee | | | brand of Vinet-Delpech | @ | | http://www.vinet-delpech.com/private-label/ |
Diamond Lamer | | (not sure) Philbert | | @ | Étriac (Angeduc) | |
Domaine de Flaville | | | Jacky Bureau | B | Dompierre | http://www.producteursfermiers.fr/spip.php?rubrique54 |
Domaine de la Font de Bussac | | Prisset, Roger | | B | Jurignac | http://www.cognac-prisset.fr/ |
Domaine de Chez Cormier | | brand of Distillerie de Moisans | | B | Sireuil | |
Domaine des Forges | | | also made at the Vallein-Tercinier estate; brand of Peyrat ass. & Cie. | @ | Cognac | http://www.cognacpeyrat.com/ |
Domaine des Forges | | | Brand of Vallein-Tercinier | @ | | http://www.cognac-tercinier.com/ |
Domaine du Feynard | | brand of Bertrand | | @ | Chevaceaux | https://www.vignobles-bertrand.fr/accueil/ |
Dorlan | | | Nég. Croizet | 1,B,EP | St.-Même | http://www.cognac-croizet.fr/index.php?langue=en |
Double Crown | | brand of ABK6 | | @ | | https://www.doublecrown-cognac.com/cognacs |
Duboigalant | | | Owned by Trijol familie | 1,2,3,4,5,EP | St. Martial sur Né | http://www.maxime-trijol.com/ |
Duc d'Aiguillon | | | brand of laurent Jouffe | @ | | |
Duchanel | | | brand of Bols; produced by Monnet | EP | | |
Duché d'Aquitaine | | | Secondairy brand of Lise Baccara | @ | Pons | |
Ducrey | | brand of André Petit | | @ | Berneuil | http://petitcognac.com/ |
Dufaur & Cie | | | owned by Brugerolle | 1,EP | Matha | |
Dumourier & Cie. | | | owned by Hardy | 1,EP | Cognac | |
Dunhill | | | brand of Camus (since 1995) | 4 | La Rochelle | |
Duparc | | | Compagnie Française Spiritueux? | 1,EP | Cognac | http://compagnie-francaise-spiritueux.fr/cognac/eugene-duparc |
Dupin, Robert | | | produced by Ménard for Boomsma Leeuwarden (NL) | 1,7,EP | Cognac | |
Dupuis, Camille | | | Brand of Vallein-Tercinier | @ | Chermignac | |
Dupuy | | | owned by Bache Gabrielsen | 1,2,4,5,6,B,EP | Cognac | http://www.auguste-cognacdupuy.com/en/cognac/auguste-dupuy/ |
Edouard III | | Lheraud | | @ | | |
Fantasy | | | brand of Vinet/Delpech | @ | | http://www.vinet-delpech.com/private-label/ |
Fargeas | | Lheraud | | @ | | |
Favraud & Co., J. | | | brand owned by Ladoga Group; bottled by CCG
(probably not produced anymore) | 1,EP | Jarnac | https://ladoga.com/about/manufacturer/france/ |
Fayette, La | | brand of H. Mounier; (Unicoop) | Same as Comte de la Fayette; Marquis de La Fayette and Lafayette. | 1 | Cognac | http://www.hmounier.fr/intro |
Ferrand, Jacques | | | from Pierre Ferrand, now Pierre de Segonzac | EP | | |
Ferrand & Fils, Jean-Luc | | | Son of Pierre Ferrand (La Nérolle, Ségonzac) | 2,13,EP | Segonzac (Le Boc) | |
Ferrand, Pierre | | | brand of Gabriel (Pierre Ferrand went his own way in the 1990's as Pierre de Segonzac; also as Monier-Ferrand) | 1,3,3a,4,5,6,7,EP | Ars | http://www.cognacferrand.com/fr/ |
Flamme des Anges, la | | Castel-Sablons | | B | | http://www.castel-sablons.com/ |
Florignac | | | Nég. Marcel Maurin; later Unicoop; produced for Monoprix
| EP | | |
Font Pellerine | | Roy, Jean-Louis | | B | Sonneville | http://www.gaeclafontpellerine.com/ |
Fontfroide | | Croisard | | B | | http://www.labellefermiere.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=6&Itemid=15 |
Forsac, De | | | brand of Unicoop | @ | Jonzac | |
Fortnum & Mason | | | cognacs are produced by Chateau de Beaulon | EP | London | http://www.fortnumandmason.com/p-8762-fortnums-folle-blanche-vsop-cognac-chteau-de-beaulon.aspx |
Foucauld, Lucièn | | | belongs to CCG | 1,3,3a, EP | Cognac | http://eurobusiness-fr.com/documents/plaquettes_produits_EuroBusiness-trade/Cognac%20FOUCAULD%20-%20F%20&%20GB.pdf |
Fouché, J. | | | brand of A.E. Dor | 1 | | |
Fournier, V. | | Lheraud | | @ | | |
Françeniac, Charles de | | | brand of Distillerie Vinet Ege | @ | | http://www.vinet-delpech.com/ |
Francet (F.) | | | brand of Staub; now owned by Camus (1985) | 1 | | http://staubcognac.fr/ |
François de Jussac | | owned by Daniel Bouju since the end of the 20th century | | B | St. Preuil | |
François de Marange | | Owned by Bouju | | 4,5,B | St.-Preuil | |
François de Martignac | | | owned by Domaine du Chillot, now owned by Domaine de Coquerel | 1,3a,B,EP | Saint-Preuil | http://www.calvados-coquerel.com/ |
François 1er | | | brand of Staub; not the same as François Ier. | @ | Saint-Preuil | http://www.staubcognac.fr/ |
Furio | | | brand of Unicoop | 5 | | |
Garde Marine | | Domaine du Breuil | | @ | | |
Gaston de Lagrange | | | brand of Martini, now Otard | 1,2,3,3a,4,5,B,EP | | |
Gerfaut Platine | | | Produced by Chateau d'Oisellerie, Lycée Agricole | @ | Barbezieux | |
Godeau | | | brand of Jean Paul Mallet, owned by Unicoop | @ | | |
Gold Tiger Cognac | | | brand of Euronegoce Spirits; owner: Ricard | @ | Juillac-le-Coq | http://www.euronegoce-spirits.com/index.php |
Golden Eifel Tower | | | brand of Vinet-Delpech | @ | | http://www.vinet-delpech.com/private-label/ |
Golden Lion | | | brand of Castillon-Renault (Korean market?) | 1 | | |
Grand Bouquet | | | brand of Euronegoce Spirits; owner: Ricard | @ | Juillac-le-Coq | http://www.euronegoce-spirits.com |
Grand Breuil | | | owned by Tessendier | 7,EP | Cognac-Cedex | https://distillerie-tessendier.com/ |
Grand Empereur | | | brand of De Luze; owned by Boinaud; they make brandy nowadays, no cognacs anymore | @ | | http://www.grand-empereur.com/ |
Grande Ourse | | | Brand of M. Giboin | Giboin | Cherves-de-Cognac | |
Grands Domaines | | | brand of Abécassis (ABK6) | @ | | http://www.abecassis-cognac.com/en/home/ |
Grashoff, Haus | | | cognac has been made by several producers: Chateau de Plessis, A.E. Dor, Frapin, Normandier-Mercier, Ranson | 1 | Bremen | http://www.grashoff.de/ |
Grenadier | | | Louis Saveur (branch office of Louis Royer) | @ | | |
Grimaud, Lois | | Thorin | | @ | Segonzac | http://louisgrimaud.com/contact-us.html
Guiet | | Petit, Beatrice | | B,EP | Verrières | http://www.cognacetapes.com/pageLibre00016cb4.html
Guillaume III | | Jean-Guy et Bruno Arrivé | | @ | Virollet | https://www.vignoblesarrive.com/ |
Hautefort & Co., J. | | | owned by Godet | 1,7,EP | La Rochelle | |
Henri III | | Lheraud | | @ | | |
Henrik-Ibsen | | | brand of Rosmersholm; produced by Birkedal-Hartmann | @ | Oslo (N) | |
Hody, de | | Seguinot, Gerard | | B | Ségonzac | http://www.seguinot.fr/ |
House of Hemery | | | brand of Dobbe | @ | | http://www.dobbecognac.com/en/ |
Hubert de Sainte Croix | | | Distributed by Mocq SAS MVM | @ | L'Isle-de-Espagnac | http://cognacmocq.blogspot.nl/ |
Imperium | | | brand of Le Clos de Romas, Somac Spirits | @ | Neuillac | http://leclosderomas.com/ |
Isard | | | brand of Gemaco (Gautier/Aigre) | 1,7,EP | Aigre | http://www.gemaco.com/home |
Jahiot | | | Second brand of Jacquiot (2024) | @ | Plassac | |
Jardinac | | | brand of Les Grands Chais de France | @ | | |
Jarraud, Albert | | | Owned by A.E. Dor | 1, EP | | |
Jasserie, la | | | brand of Unicoop | 1, EP | Cognac | |
Jolliet | | | brand of De Fussigny | @ | Cognac | |
Joseph Guy | | | brand of Louis Royer, see Guy | 7,EP | Les Métairies | http://www.josephguy.nl/ |
Jules Bellery | | | owned by Royer | 1,EP | Jarnac | |
Jules Duret | | | owned by Saveur, Louis (Louis Royer, which was sold to Suntory, Japan in 1988) | 1,B,EP | Jarnac | http://www.louis-saveur.com/ |
Laage Fils & Co., de | | | part of Gemaco (Gautier/Aigre; Berger groep); still produces Faucon d'Or | 1,3a,EP | St. Savinien-sur-Charente | |
Lafite Rothschild | | | firm in Bordeaux; produces a series of borderies | 1,3a,4,5,6 | Pauillac (Bordeaux) | |
Lafont de St. Preuil | | | Produces cognac in collaboration with Peyrat & Assoc.; same address as Bouju | EP | St. Preuil | |
Lamole | | | brand of Peyrat Ass. & Cie. | B | Cognac | |
Landy | | | brand of Gabriel & Andreu (cognac Ferrand) | 4,7,B,EP | Segonzac | http://www.landycognac.com/fr/ |
Lascar | | | brand of CCG | @ | | |
La Truffe | | | brand of Hawkins Distribution (Delisle) | @ | Bourg-Charente | https://hawkinsdistribution.com/ |
Lauriac | | | brand of Unicognac | 6, EP | Jonzac | |
Lautrec, P | | | owned by Godet | @ | La Rochelle | http://www.cognaclautrec.com/
Le Roch | | | owned by Grosperrin | @ | | |
Léopold, Alexandre | | Lheraud | | @,EP | Angeac-Charente | |
Lettres des Chassaings | | Chai de Léonie | | B | Estephe | http://chaideleonie.pagesperso-orange.fr/indexfr.htm |
Levon | | | brand of Guy de Bersac | @ | Cognac | https://www.levoncognac.com/levoncognac.html |
Liszt | | | brand of Vinet-Delpech; | @ | Barret | http://www.vinet-delpech.com/ |
Logis de Coudret | | Baron & Fils | | 1 | Cherves-Richemont | |
Logis de Folle Blanche | | | Paul Bossuet | B | Chaniers | http://www.logisdefolleblanche.fr/ |
Lormin, Jules | | | Owned by Vallein-Tercinier | 1, EP | Chermignac | |
Louise Hivert | | | brand of Hivert-Pellevoisin, belongs to Godet. | @ | La Rochelle | |
Lucky Dragon | | | brand of Vinet-Delpech; | @ | Barret | http://www.vinet-delpech.com/ |
Luè | | | secondary brand of Merlet | @ | | http://luecognacusa.com/ |
Lys, Marquis du | | | brand of Peuchet | @ | Clermont-Ferrand | http://www.maison-peuchet.com/index.htm |
Maison Rouge | | | brand of Hardy, for US market | @ | | |
Maître, le | | | brand of Merlet & Fils (fins bois) | @ | Saint-Sauvant | http://www.merlet.fr/ |
Maray-Joly | | Roussille (Maray-Joly is now mainly a brand name for Bourgogne wine) | | 3a | Fleac | http://www.marayjoly.com/pages/site.php?page=prix |
Marceau | | | brand of A. de Fussigny | @ | | |
Marett & Co. | | | owned by Prunier; see also Arbouin Marett & Co. (Marett: est.
1822) | 1, EP | Cognac | |
Marie Domain | | | brand of Hawkins Ditribution, owned by Cabanne; not to be confused with Marie Domaine 1806 of Pierre Ferrand | @ | Bourg-Charente | http://www.hawkinsdistribution.com/ |
Marquis | | | brand of Royer | 7,EP | Jarnac | |
Marquis d'Adet | | | brand of Adet Seward | EP | | |
Marquis de Gensac | | | brand of Pierre de Segonzac | B,EP | Segonzac | |
Marquis de la Fayette | | produced by H. Mounier (Unicoop); | Same as Comte de la Fayette; La Fayette and Lafayette. | EP | Cognac | |
Marquis de Vallade | | | brand of Chollet | 3a | Boutiers-Saint Trojan | http://www.cognac-chollet.com/produits/vsop-marquis-de-vallade-15 |
Marquis de Valois | | | brand made by Lhéraud | @ | Lasdoux | |
Marsy, de | | | owned by Prunier | 1,7 | | |
Marthe | | Jean Fillioux | | @ | | http://le-cognac.com/fillioux/ |
Martinaud, Albert | | | brand of Unicoop | 1, EP | | |
Martineau | | | brand of L. de Salignac | @ | Jarnac | |
Meriac, Roland de | | | brand of Vallein-Tercinier | B,EP | Chermignac | http://www.cognac-tercinier.com/ |
Mestreau, F. | | | brand of Grosperrin | @ | Saintes | |
Miss Paris | | | brand of Vinet-Delpech; | @ | | http://www.vinet-delpech.com/private-label/ |
Mont, Lisca | | Jacky Begay | | @,VIC,EP | Biron | http://cognac.mont.free.fr/index.html |
Montigny | | | brand of unicognac | EP | | http://www.unicognac.net/index.php/fr/?option=com_content&view=article&id=185:montigny-cognacs-vsop&catid=102&Itemid=538&lang=en |
Morel & Co., A.G. | | | Later owner: Union des Propriétaires Distillateurs (Salignac, 1929) | 1 | | |
Moulin de la Grange | | Christian Thomas (Beaulon); used for supermarkets | | 1, EP | Lorignac | |
Moulin des Grillauds, le | | | brand of Lapeyronnie, Sébastien | EP | Saint Genis d'Hiersac | |
Mounier, Henri | | | owned by Unicoop | 1,3,5,B,EP | Cognac | https://www.hmounier.fr/intro |
Moysson & Co., E. de | | François Giboin | | @ | Chavenat | |
Mumm & Co., G.H. | | | brand of Augier/Seagram (sold anly in the USA); now owned by Pernod-Ricard | 3a, EP | New York | http://pernod-ricard.com/ |
Nakhimov | | | brand of A, de Fussigny; sold in Russia | B | Cognac | http://www.adefussigny.com/ |
Nansen | | | brand of Unicoop | @ | | |
Naulin | | | Owned by Dupont & Cie, j. (1956); now Boinaud (Naulin was established in 1879) | 1,7,EP | | |
Ona | | | brand of Unicognac (Portugese market?) | B | Jonzac | |
Ouches du Breuil | | Van domaine du Breuil de Segonzac
| Owner: Domaine du Breuil | B | Segonzac
| http://www.domaine-breuil-segonzac.fr/
Parallaxe | | | brand of Vinet-Delpech; | @ | Barret | http://www.vinet-delpech.com/ |
Paris Toujours | | | brand of Vinet-Delpech | @ | | http://www.vinet-delpech.com/private-label/ |
Paulsen Collection | | | brand of Maxime Trijol | @ | | |
Payrault | | Vallet family of the Chateau Montifaud | | @ | Jarnac-Champagne | |
Paysans Charentais, cognac des | | | brand of Unicoop | 1, EP | | |
Philebert & Co. | | | Renamed Tessendier (Tessendier established Philebert and at first called his cognacs Philebert) | EP | Jarnac | |
| | | brand of Camus since 1969; | 1, EP | | http://www.camus.fr/fr/our-cognacs/rarissimes |
Pitters, William | | | brand of Belvedère (used to be owned by Marie Brizard) | @ | | |
Poniatowski, Jozef | | | brand of Brugerolle (Polish market) | 1 | | |
Poursac, de | | | owned by Ansac (Unicognac) | @ | | |
Prince Alain Murat | | | Produced by Jouffe | @ | | http://www.cognac-laurent-jouffe.fr/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=80&Itemid=101&lang=en |
Prince de Didonne | | | owned by unicognac (before it was a brand of the cooperation Cozes-Saujon (does not exist anymore) | 1,4,5,EP | Sémussac | |
Puligny, G.B. de | | | owned by Brugerolle | 1, EP | Matha | |
Puyguiller, Domaine de | | | M. Guerbé | @ | Segonzac | |
Puyguiller, Logis de | | | M. Guerbé | EP | Segonzac
| http://www.guerbe.fr/ |
Ragnaud, Marcel | | Is now called Ragnaud-Sabourin | | 1,2,3,3a,4,5,6,7,10,B,EP
| Ambleville | http://www.ragnaud-sabourin.com/
Rastignac | | Chateau des Plassons | | @ | Bors de Montmoreau | http://rastignac.com/ |
Reflets de France | | | brand of Jules Duret (owned by Louis Royer) | @ | | |
Renard, André | | | produced by Hardy | @ | | |
Rénier, L.H. | | Owned by F. Brière (1951); now produced by maison Charpentron | | B,EP | Gondeville | http://www.cognac-charpentron.com/uk/index.html |
Réserve des Garants | | | produced by Lhéraud | @ | Angeac | |
Revanche | | | owned by Birkedal Hartmann | @ | | |
Reviseur, Le | | | brand of Abk6 | B | Barret | http://www.reviseur-cognac.com/page-21-le-reviseur-xo.html |
Roch, le | | | brand of Grosperrin | B | Saintes | http://www.lagabare.com/ |
Rochas | | | Nég. A.E. Dupuy; for the Parisean perfumery Rochas | EP | | |
Rochenac & Cie., de | | | brand of Hardy | 1,7,EP | Cognac | |
Roi des Rois | | | brand of Unicognac; used to be owned by Dontrac & ses Fils, J.B.
| 3a,7,B,EP | Jonzac | http://www.unicognac.net/ |
Roi Soleil | | | brand of Delpech-Fougerat | @ | | |
Rouge, maison | | | brand of A. Hardy USA (related to Hardy-France) | @ | | http://www.ahardyusa.com/PRODUCTS/SPIRITS/COGNAC/Maison-Rouge.aspx |
Rouger, Hubert | | | La Grande Maison.
(possibly a brand made by Vallein-Tercinier?) | @ | Chermignac | |
Royal Master | | | brand of Vinet-Delpech | @ | | http://www.vinet-delpech.com/private-label/ |
Sainte Croix | | | Brand of Francis Mocq (there is a relation with Unicognac) | @ | | http://www.saintecroix-cognac.fr/ |
Seignette | | | Arcaz Seignette (1804); now owned by Sazerac Brands
| @ | La Rochelle | |
Sieur de Plaisance | | Testaud, Guy (Guy Testano) | | 1,3a,6,B,EP | Lamérac | |
Sirap | | | Brand name of monsieur François Anthoene, who also has the brand Paris (Sirap backwards)) | @ | | |
Soarer | | | Brand of E. Rolland & Co. (owned by Bache-Gabrielsen, via Dupuy) | @ | Cognac | |
St. Jean Dior | | | brand of Unicoop | @ | Jonzac | |
St Rob | | Chabasse | | @ | St Jean d'Angély | http://www.cognac-strob.com/page/le-domaine
Staub & Co., A. | | | Staub does not produce this brand anymore, but they now produce François I | 1, EP | St. Preuil | http://www.staubcognac.fr/ |
Surrenne Maison | | | brand of Tiffon/Braastad | @ | Jarnac | http://www.surrenne.com/ |
Talisman | | | brand of Cognac Ferrand | @ | | |
Tanneur, (le) | | | Nég. Royer | 1, EP | Jarnac | |
Terrac, Duc de | | Landier | | @ | Foussignac | |
Tesco | | | brand for supermarket; owned by Salignac | 1, EP | Cognac | |
Textor de Ravisi | | Made by Bouron, Chateau de la Grange | | @ | St. Jean d'Angély | |
Tour Vert, la | | Pinard & Fils | | B | Foussignac | http://www.guy-pinard.com/ |
Trésor des Rois | | | brand of Vinet-Delpech | @ | | |
Tricoche | | | brand of Birkedal-Hartmann | @ | | |
Ussé, d | | | owned by Baccardi (brand of Chateau de Cognac - Otard) | @ | | http://www.dusse.com/ |
Valcoeur | | Bonnin (logis de la Montagne) | | @ | Challignac | |
Vallet, Pierre | | Montifaud; owners are Vallet family | | EP | Argentat | http://www.cognac-vallet.com/ |
Viaud, Dominique | | Renaud Delile is their more usual brand name | | @ | La Brousse (Matha) | http://www.cognac-dominique-viaud.fr/ |
Vieille Ville | | | brand of Domaine des Broix | B | Touzac | http://www.domainedesbroix.com/ |
Vigier-Latour | | | brand of Unicoop (Mounier) | 1, EP | Cognac | |
Viking | | | brand of Larsen & Co. | EP | | |
Villanelle | | | brand of Gemaco | @ | | |
Voisin | | Olivier Blanc, owner of Leopold Gourmel; Pierre Voisin established Gourmel and was the father-in-law of Olivier Blanc | | 6 | Genté | |
Volare | | Peyrot | | 1 | Jarnac (Marancheville) | http://www.cognac-peyrot.com/ |
Secondary brands of cognac firms (table) — No Comments
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