Other producers (table) For an explanation of the columns and codes, click here. Search: Name ↨ on mappictureType of producer ↨ Remarks ↨ Source ↨ Place ↨ Website ↨ Abbaye de Fontdoucen'other'owner: Boutinet family@St. Bris des Boishttp://www.fontdouce.com/ Acquired Tastenunknown producer@US Adet Seward Co.n'other' tradinghouse'owned by Bardinet; nowadays no longer makes cognac, but brandy.1,5,EPBordeauxhttp://www.bardinet.fr/default.asp?hasLegalAge=1&sx_lang_languageid=1 Alambique ClassiqueImporter and wholesaler; owner Hermann Suppanz@Bad Wörishofen http://www.alambic-classique.com/ Alan B.nunknown producer@ Alcools Vivantnowner: David Mimoum, producer of eaux de vie; cognac brands: Loriot and Decroix@Baignes-Sainte-Radegonde AlexandernGrappa producerbrand of Bottega SPA, produced by Distillery de la Tour@Italy Alizénliquor producerBrand of L&L, now owned by Quitesential Brands Group@UK Allure Royalen'other' tradinghousebrand name of Jean-Marc Daucourt; no longer for sale.@Angoulemehttp://www.daucourt.com/ Angevinnprobably produced by Hardy continuation of Angevin from 1745@ Antiquaires, les * du Cognacbouilleur de profession or distilleryPinard family1,3,5Jarnac Arc Royaln'other' tradinghouseowned by Rola Weinbrennerei und Likörfabrik@Rottenbrug (D)http://www.rola-spirituosen.de/ AsdanUnknown producer@ Asta Mauricenindependant Belgian bottler, Asta Morris@BE Aukrust (Solan)nUnknown ownerproduced by Chateau de Montifaud@Noorwegen B&AnUnknown producer@ BaardsethnUnknown producerowner: Premium Brands Ltd. (Kentucky)@ Baker, VWnUnknown producer; registered in 2021@Saintes Bancel & Cie., J.unknownBrand of Domaine de Fontsèche. Bought in 1990 by the Japanese Nikka; sold on to Berteau in 20002,5,EPDompierre sur Charente Banko Monaconunknown producerOwner: somodi or MC Product Spirit; (Volodymyr Banko)@Monacohttps://mcproductspirit.mc/ Barnettnold brand, was owned by Paulet, is now re-purchased by Alliance Export SAS (2012)Alliance Export SAS@Villeneuve le Comtehttps://en.barnett-cognac.fr/ Baron de BeauchesnenEst. in 2004 by Philippe Paul-Henri Ciofolo@https://cognacdebeauchesne.fr/ Baron Patricknwine producerowner is Baron Patrick Ladoucette, producer of Pouilly Fumé wines (among others)@ Baron Ledacn@ Barrel BaronnBuys cognacs at various bouilleurs de Cru; als whiskys@NL Bastionnbrand of Moscow Inter-Republic Winery, made in France@ Beaubourgnunknownproduced by Les Grands Chais de France@Petersbach Beld, van dennwine producer@Minzac Berry Bros & Ruddn'other' tradinghousewine and spirits company; own brand with cognac from Frapin1,5,EPLondonhttp://www.bbr.com/whiskies/cognac Bigalletnunknown producerproducer of liqueurs; same as Bigallet & Jinot@Virieu sur Bourbre BlasonnOwner: Roidor@Basel (Su) Blue Bottle Companynunknown producermade for Ermuri Genuss Company@Detmold (Ge) Boismorandowned by Corum DistributionUnknown producer@ Bonaparten'other' tradinghousebrand owned by Arcus@Noorwegen Bossnern@Berlin (GE) Boununknowncandidate: Boussard (Sète)@ Bouquetnunknown@ BoutilliernNot much is known about their production, but they seem to own vineyards.They claim to be descendants of Boutillier who was prt of Briand, Boutillier DeLauriere. They probably started afresh.@ Bransonnproduced by Raymond Ragnaudbrand owned by rapper 50 Cent's@ Brim, Chateau den'other' tradinghousebrand of Distillerie Paul Devoille (mainly liqueurs)@Fougerolles Brim, Comte denunknownowner: Wing Global ltd, New York@ Brim, Marquis denunknownowner: Wing Global ltd, New York@http://marquisdebrim.com/ Briottet, Edmondnunknown@Dijon Brizac, denunknownProbably a brand produced for supermarkets@ Broff, denunknownbrand owned by Nuga, importer@Saarbrücken (Du)http://www.nuga.eu/ CnunknownDesigned and distributed by Mark Littler@ Cadenhead, Williamn'other' tradinghousewhiskey house; produced by Charpentier in Brie sous Archiac@ Calisinaccoöperatie; stopped around 2009Cooperation LiboreauB,EPSiecqhttp://lgeoffrin4.free.fr/siecq/ Cardin, Jacquesn'other' tradinghouseowner is Sydney Frank Importing Company@New Rochelle (US)http://www.sidneyfrank.com/ Casteljac, Gaston den'other' tradinghouseowned by Adex@Castelnau d'Auzanhttp://www.terroir-armagnac.com/DetailsProdEdito.aspx?productID=41 Chadutaud DSPnunknown@St. Brice Chalfontenunknownowned by Chatam@ Champagnerenunknown@ Chance, lanunknown(Jean Goudert?)@ Chapters of Ampersandn'other' tradinghouseproduced by Tiffon@http://chaptersofampersand.com/ Charlemagne, J. & L.'other' tradinghousebrand owned by Bouyer family@Angoulêmehttp://www.charlemagne.fr/ Charles Gabrielnowned by Slauer Sardet@Le Havre Charville Frères, denContinuation of old brand@https://en.cognac-de-charville.com/ Charpentier, Denisn'other' tradinghouseindependant3,4,5,EPParijshttps://denischarpentiercognac.com/?lang=en Chateau de Verteuilntradinghousemade by Bouyer (Charlemagne) for the de Larochefoucauld family@ Cheval d'Ornunknown producer from Etriac; unknown owner@ Chevaliernprobably supermarket brand (Aldi), producer Courvoisier@ Chevalier, distilleriendistillery owned by Alain Chevalier@Chateauneuf sur Charente Chevalier de Crucbouilleur de profession or distillery; still active? owned by Bégouin1,6Ste.-Lheurinehttp://www.cognac-pineau-begouin.fr/ Clark & SheffieldnUnknown producer@US Cognac de l'Estuairenproduced by Les Hauts de Talmont@Talmont sur Girondehttps://www.leshautsdetalmont.com/ Commanderie de Richemont n'other' tradinghouseBrand of Calvet (in collaboration with Les Grands Chais de France)BBordeauxhttp://www.calvet.com/ Compassnowned by Slauer Sardet@Le Havre Comte Audoin de DampierreThey now mainly use the brand name Chateau de PlassacEP,1,3a,BSt.-Genis-de-Saintongehttp://www.chateaudeplassac.com/ Comte de Boisdauphinnunknownowner: Louis-Marc Servie, comte de Boisdauphin (monaco)@ Comte de Mambeaunwholesaler; owner: Ben Barbaud@Puilboreau Comte de PierrenOwner: Glemet frères; distilled by Pierre Comte de Joyet@Jurignac Comte de Valzacnunknown producerowner: Armadis SAEP Comte Joannbrand of The Wines 88 Caratsproduced by Cabel in Sonnac@Libourne Comte Josephnbrand of Les Grands Chais de FranceEPPetersbach (Zw)http://www.gcfplanet.com/en/Home-2.html Comte Jerom Inunknown brand of Siabrück Brände; producer unknown@ Conquerantnowner: Jean-Luc Etievent@ Co-opnowner: Co-operative Group Ltd@ CordonnunknownLouis Lord producer?@ Courcelnmerchant in wine and spiritsproduced by La Martiniquaise Group1,EPhttps://www.la-martiniquaise.com/en/the-group/our-history/ Couronne d'Ornunknown@ Coutanseaux Aînénold brand, recently revived (2017?)owned now by Frèrejean Frères@http://www.coutanseaux.com/ Couturiernunknownowner: Domaine des Broix@ Couvignacnunknown producerUS brand owned by Premium brands@ Couzin, FrédericnUpdate sep 2020: stopped. Wholesaler that releases a grande champagne under its own name@Verrières Crocodile Brothersnunknown producer; started in 2023@Cognac Croix Royalen'other' tradinghouseowned by Rola Weinbrennerei und Likörfabrik; produced by H. Mounier@Rottenbrug (D)http://www.rola-spirituosen.de/ Cyrille, CCnunknown producer@ Dallmayrn'other' tradinghousedelicatessen firm; produced by Lhéraud5,6,EPMunchen (Dui)http://www.dallmayr-versand.de/Weine-Spirituosen/Cognac Dantan, Julesnunknown producer@ Daucourt, Micheln'other' tradinghousewhiskey maker of French origin who now also makes cognac@ Daudin, Jeanndistillery; Xavier Daudin now.1,5,EPTouzac DelagenUnknown producerProbably produced for the supermarket chain Delhaize@ DelaitrenunknownOwned by the Metro group@ Delatour, Jean Pierrenunknown@ Delorme, Julesnunknownproduced by Distillerie de Matha (CCG)@Matha Delpech Fougeratbouilleur de profession or distillerybrand of Vinet-Delpech; see there1,3a,5,6,B,EPBarrethttp://www.vinet-delpech.com/ Denis Boutrier Vth, J.nunknownsince 2014 @Chateaubernard Denoix, Elie-Arnaudnbouilleur de profession or distilleryBCollonges-la-Rouge De l'YeusenBrand owner: Jacques CavardSince 2014@Cognachttps://www.cognacdelyeuse.com/ De Veren´other´De Vere Luxury Spirits and Fine Wines@Canadahttp://luxuryspiritsgroup.com/home/ Distillerie de l'EtangDistillery owned by Giraud family not Paul Giraud in Bouteville@Boutiers St. Trojanhttps://www.cognac-giraud.fr/ Distillerie du PérigordnDistillerie@Sarlat-la-Caneda Distillerie du Peyratbouilleur de profession or distilleryB,EPHoulettehttp://distilleriedupeyrat.com/ Double Nobilitynunknown producer@ Duc de BorzacnunknownBrand is owned by supermarket chain Leclerc@ Duc de Fuguenunknown producerBrand is owned by a Asian firm@http://www.ducdefugue.net/ Dujardinnunknownbrand owned by Melcher@Uerdingen (Du) El Septimonunknown producerSpanish brand@(Es) Emperiornunknown producer@ Epoque, l'nunknown producerSince 2024@ Ethiene FranceisnUnknown producerowned by a US company@ Excellence de Belliardnowner: Chateau Renon@Tabanac Exston'other' tradinghouseowners: Bernie Leung and Sara Shen; made by Vallantin-Dulac@ l'Extasenproducer unknown@ E&JnCalifornian wineproducerowned by: Ernest & Julio Gallo@Modesto (US) Farmilynunknown producer; owner is Italian@ Faye, Lanunknown producer@ Figaratnunknown producer + collaboration with Eurovins@ Five Stones Vineyardsnunknown producer@Israelhttps://5stonesvineyards.com/about/ Fonbelle, François denspecialist in gourmet products; only minibottlesBParis Fontagard DistillerieDistillery; established by Ernest Granchère in 1870@Neuillachttps://www.fontagard.com/ Fookes, G.B.nunknown producer; for Australian market@ Forgotten CasksnProject by Henry Preiss and Alain Royer (2020s)@ Fournerie, Lan@ FusionnProduced by distillery Maison Alchimie (Richard et Maud Guerin; established in 2021@Segonzachttps://fusioncognac.fr/ Frérotnunknownowned by Flaviar@ GalaxieDistillerProduced by Charpentier Distillerie@ GardennunknownFake? Off the market again?@http://www.weiku.com/products/5413446/Garden_Cognac.html Gauvrynunknown@ GilbertnFrançois Gilbertnear Rétaud (near Saintes) @ Giorgionmade for Gucci through the Emperor's Brandunknown producer@ Gleann MornBottled by Whisky distillerunknown producer@ Global Signature nunknown producerowner: Maison des Futailles (Canada)@ Golden Chateaununknownfor Asian market@ Golden WatnUnknown producer; since 2021@https://goldenwat.com/ Gordon and Macphailn'other' tradinghouseno more cognac?@(Scotland)http://www.gordonandmacphail.com/ Goultiernunknown producer; probably started in 2024possible owner: Leanez, Curacao@ Grafé LecocqnBelgian wine importersNégociants-eleveursEPNamur (Be) Grand Moulinnunknown producer@ Grand Rayonn'other' tradinghouse producent: Gasqueton, Cognacowned by Rola Weinbrennerei und Likörfabrik@Rottenbrug (D)http://www.rola-spirituosen.de/ Grandes Distilleries Peureuxnother distillery@Fougerolles Gregarious Grumpnindependant bottlerunknown producer@UShttps://www.gregariousgrump.com/ Guilde du Cognac, lan'other' tradinghouseowned by Maison Villevert, eigenaar Jean-Sébastien Robicquet@Merpinshttps://www.maisonvillevert.com/ Guy De Bersacn'other' tradinghousewas owned by Asbach; Domaine du Chillot verkocht aan Bols; momenteel Domaine du Coquerel.1,3a,EPMillyhttp://www.calvados-coquerel.com/cognac.htm Hauts de TalmontnSarl les Hauts de Talmont@Talmont-sur-Gironde Hellfestnwholesaler; owner: Ben Barbaud@Puilboreauhttps://cognac-hellfest.com/# Henrin'other' tradinghouseprobably produced by Frapin@South-Africahttps://henricognac.co.za/#home Henry Toursier & Cie.nowned by Alain Palissière. probably started in 2022, first bottle in 2024@Saint-Ciers Champagne Hermitage Cognacn'other' tradinghousein collaboration with various wine producers@Wiltshire (UK)http://www.brandyclassics.com/ Honor, House of d'Orsayn´other´of the Palmera Group; uses cognacs from Birkedal Hartmann @Marshall Islands House of Spiritnunknown producermade for House of Smoke@Detmold (GE) Imoyanwine makerfrom KWV (Harsway investments); part of Distell@Paarl (SA) Imperial Collectionn'other' tradinghouseowned by Premier Liqueur Grouo@Belize Je Suisnunknownmade for importer Simone Int. @ JMLnunknownmade for Debowa@Siedlec (Poland) Jon Bertelsenn'other' tradinghousein collaboration with various cognac producers3,5,Bhttp://www.jonsutvalgte.no/ Joseph Charles, Henrinunknown@ JuanicónAuthorized by the French to produce cognac, honoring debts contracted during World War 2 In collaboration with French experts@Uruguay Klinkovnunknown producerVery probably not real cognac @ KWV nwine and spirits producer in South AfricaIn collaboration with (produced by) Charpentier@Paarl (Zuid-Afrika)http://www.kwv.co.za/ L & LnOwner: Lafragette & Legier(also known from Alizé); do they still make cognac?5Cognachttp://www.canal-des-2-mers.com/alize/index.htm Laborie, E.nunknown(Hameau de Neuville is now part of Mousseaux-Neuville)@Hameau de Neuville Laborie, E.n'other' tradinghouse; I only saw miniatures (but see also E. Laborie in Hameau de Neuville)brand of MartayrolBCambremerhttp://www.calvados-martayrol.fr/ Lafitte, Jacquesnunknown producer@ Laforest, Pierrenunknown producerowner: Pierroth Wein A.G.@Rümmelsheim Lafragetten'other' tradinghouseorganic producer; from L & L, see there3, EPCognachttp://www.francedesaveurs.com/professionnel/region/Poitou-Charentes-19/Aperitifs-et-Spiritueux/entreprise/L.-et-L.-COGNAC/347.html Landart, lenunknown producer@ Landonnunknown producer, @Verdille Lasdoux, Amélienunknownfocuses on Baltic countriesEP Last Drop Distillers Ltd.n3 retired whiskey makers looking for and bottling old stocks@Londenhttp://www.lastdropdistillers.com/home-main/ Latourelle, Philippen'other' tradinghousenég. Martayrol@Maupas Laurendeauxnunknownowner: Mack & Schuhle Inc., Florida@ Laytonnproduced by Dobbe@ Leadershipnunknownowner: W&P International Export@Cognac Léasnviticulteur-negociantFrom Perrier-Léas, started in 1989@Vanzac/Champagnachttps://www.perrier-leas.com/ Le Maynsupermarket brand, produced by Mounier@ Légende, Lanunknown (maybe owned by La Croix Marron?)@ Lise Baccaracoöperativegroup of 6 winegrowers, president: Gérard PaignonBPonshttp://www.lisebaccara.com/ Lonnal, denbrand of Distilleries de Charleroiunknown producer@Charleroi LoriotnOwned by 'Vivant'produced by Cooperative Viticole du Brossac (Bons Bois)@Chalais Louis jamesnunknown producer@ Louis Lordnowner: Viniparrainageunknown producer@St.-Émilion Maison du Chêne Vertnunknownowner: Summertime, Jarnac@Jarnac Majesten'other' tradinghouseowned by Branded Spirits; vooral actief in China@http://www.cognac-expert.com/cognac-brands/majeste-cognac Malesannbrand of Castel Frères?@ MalternativenIndependant bottler of cognac; collaboration with several cognac producers@Belgium Marie Galantenunknown producerunknown owner@ Marino, Rep. Sannunknownunknown producer@ Marmotn'other' tradinghouse; used to be Distillerie Marmot in St. Savinienindependant (Suisse)1Cognachttp://www.dettling-marmot.ch/de/home/ Marnier'other' tradinghousemade by Marnier-Lapostolle (liqueur manufacturer); they also produce Grand Marnier1,4,5,EPParis (filiaal in Bourg-Charente)https://www.grandmarnier.com/en-us/ Marsac, Albert denUnknown producer, distributed by Rubbens, Belgium Mauret LafagenUnknown producer; bottles only seen in Asia@Ambleville MentgesnGerman Liqueur producerunknown producer@Neef (Ge) MenuetnFormerly a bouilleur de cru, now owned by Cartak (Hong Kong)1,2,3,3a,5,6,14,B,EPCognac Mercadiernbrand for Boosie Badazz, American rapperUnknown producer in Bourg-Charente@Bourg-Charente Merlet & Filsdistilleryowners: Frères de Chevessac. 1,5,BSt. Sauvanthttp://www.merlet.fr/ Michelle d'Ornproducer unknown@ Mitchell & Sonnwine merchants@Dublin (Ierland)http://mitchellandson.com/ Mixermannunknown producer@ Monaconproduced for MC Product Spiritunknown producer@Monacohttps://mcproductspirit.mc/en/about Monceaununknownprobably produced for (German) supermarket chain@ MonopolnOwned by Altiaproducer unknown@Helsinki (Fi) Montaillacnbrand of Les Grands Chais de France@ Montaubert et Fils, Albert denbrand of Pierre Barrier, produced by Tercinier@Parishttp://www.montaubert.com/ Monfleurienbrand of Olga Otrokhovageproduced by Boinaud@ Montignac, Baron denbouilleur de profession or distillery1,5,6,EPMerpinshttp://le-cognac.com/montignac/montignac.html Montrosenowner is the Bordeaux producer Chateau Montroseproducer unknown@St. Estephe Moonshadownowned by Tigre Blanc Paris@Paris Moreau A & MC (Alain Gabriel Moreau)nspirits producerBCognac Morton, AlfrednThis brand is recently revived by a descendant of the Morton family, Aymeric de Clouet (2013)@ Naudbrand name of Distillerie de la Tour; owner: Naud@Ponshttp://www.distillerie-de-la-tour.com/ or http://famille-naud.com/ NobletnUnknown Nos Régions ont du Talentnunknownbrand of Leclerc (supermarket chain)?@ Nyaknunknown@ Ocean Azulnproduced by Euro-Negoce@ Old Brothersnindependent bottler (Toulouse)started in 2016@ Oraclentraders; established in 2010Owned by MTEvins@Clermont Ferrandhttps://www.mtevins.com/cognac Organic Spiritnbouilleur de profession or distilleryBMerpinshttp://www.organicspirit.com/ Pantheonnunknown producer@ Patou, Pierrenunknownmade for importer Simone Int.@ Patte BlancheDistillery@Arthenachttps://cognacpatteblanche.com/xo/ Paul-Marie & Filsn'other' tradinghouse@New Yorkhttps://www.pmspirits.com/ Paulinenunknown producer@Ars PDA (Pard des Anges)nproduced by magni Spirits@Rörö (Zweden) Pegleynunknown producer@Cognac Peuchetn'other' tradinghouseEPClermont-Ferrandhttp://www.maison-peuchet.com/index.htm Philippe RochardnUnknown producer@ Pierre et ChantalnUnknown producer@ Pillet, Patricebouilleur de profession or distillery1,BNancras Portier, Lenunknown producerowned by Shannon 'Shay' Sharp, American football legend (around 2021)@ Premisnunknownowned by Premis Beverages@https://www.premisbeverages.com/ Prince Charmacn'other' tradinghousegeproduced by Didier Grandeau; possibly connected to Liboreau@Artigueshttp://www.grandissime.com/?page=GDMLayout Prince de Saint Méracn'other' tradinghouse@ Prince Dubarrynunknown@ Princes Christinenunknown@ Puy GaudinnUsually produces cognac under other names1Cozes Rachelnunknown producermade for Saybrex, a Californian wine and spirits company, established in 1987 @ Raillerie, Chateau de lanunknownbrand name is from Staub@ Rare Harenowner: Rare Hare spiritsproduced by Herbelot, bouilleur de cru in Echebrune (petite champagne); bottled for Playboy@ RayonnGodetowned by Lowe Imports (US)@ Rayon, Grandnunknownowned by Aldi;EP Residencenunknownowner: We Speak Spirits (M. Leboeuf Mathieu)@Jonzac Richelieu & Cie.n'other' tradinghouseowned by Distell; mogelijk geproduced by either Hardy or Godet 1,EP(SA)http://www.distell.co.za/runtime/popcontentrun.aspx?pageidref=3418 Rissac & Co.nunknown(owned by Prunier?)@,EP Rivente'nAmerican company (2017)geproduced by Raclie@Jacksonville (USA)https://www.riventecognac.com/ Rome de Bellegardenboasts to be descendants of old Bellegarde family; restarted around 2020Seems to be produced by Fillioux@Juillac-le-Coqhttps://romedebellegarde.com/ Roncevaux, R. denunknown@ Roque, Louisndistillery@Souillachttp://www.lavieilleprune.com/?navigation=accueil Rotary Club de Cognacn'other' tradinghousemade by winegrowers and distillers of the Rotary Club de CognacEPhttp://www.rotary-cognac-record.org/fichier-collection Roy Louisnunknownhouse brand Gall & Gall@ Royal Collectionnunknown@ Royal Comte Forluxbourgnunknown@ Saint Méracnproduced by Distillerie de Matha (Brugerolle)Made for Societe Interdis SNC, Mondeville@ Sarraudnprobably produced by Dobbé@ SassenGerman distilley; producer unknown (possibly H. Mounier)@GE SeracnProduced by Les Grands Chais de France@ Serge Alexandrenunknown producer (fb)He is the owner of Le Cognateque@Cognac Sires de la Tourbouilleur de profession or distilleryDistillerie de la Tour brandB,EPPonshttp://www.distillerie-de-la-tour.com/fr/distillation-cognac-brandy-vodka-distillation-spiritueux-li.html?Itemid=29 Skakke, Erlingn'other' tradinghouseProduced by Philbert (Bonnin)@ Société Viticole Cognacn@ Sontellenthis brand was active in the 2000s@ Sonynunknown producer; made aas a thank you bottle for the Sony compagny@ Sophie & Maxnthey are the owners of cognacexpertgeproduced by André Petit / Birius@Poullignac Sugar HillnDutch restaurant (Arnhem(unknown producer@Arnhem (NL) Tegnér & SonnSwedish brandunknown producer@ Thor HeyerdahlnOwner: Prizelius; unknown producer@ Through the Grapevinenbrand of La Maison du Whisky (LMDW), with a ahop in Paris; works with multiple brands@Parijs ToujoursnUnknownowner: Lebanese Arak Combination@ Tour Carréen'other' tradinghouseowned by Rola Weinbrennerei und Likörfabrik@Rottenbrug (D)http://www.rola-spirituosen.de/ Tour Ronde, Lanowned by Rola Weinbrennerei und Likörfabrik@ Tour, de labouilleur de profession or distilleryDistillerie de la Tour brand@http://www.distillerie-de-la-tour.com/ Touzain, Gérardnonly sells to the big houses1,3a,6Segonzac Trijol, Maximebouilleur de profession or distilleryCreated by Puy Gaudin? See BNIC1,3,4,5,7,B,EPSt-Martial-sur-Néhttp://www.maxime-trijol.com/ TrusartnTrüsart was established in 1868. Taken over by Pellisson in 1894. Restart in 2017 as Trusart.@Neumarkt (D) Tsar Alexander Inunknown producer@ Tycoonnunknown producerBrand owned by rapper e40@ Vacqueur, Maison A. denowner: Spirignac in Cognac; registered in 2021; Louis Royer still owns the Arbellot brand name (1956)Francois Arbellot de Vaqueur, Eric Aiguillon and Antoine Quéron@https://www.maisonadevacqueur.com/en Vaillant, lenunknown producerowner: Maison Guerbé@Juillac le Coq Vallein Tercinier, Famillebouilleur de profession or distillery1,B,EPChermignachttp://www.cognac-tercinier.com/ Vers'Angenunknownowner: Deal Glass SARL@Nercillac Viardot, Paulinenunknownprobably owned by Bertrand Laclie@ Vicomte de BressiacnunknownOwner: Casiono Guichard Perrachon, Société Anonyme@ Vieux Garçon Cognacnunknownproduced for LIDL by Grands Chais de France@Petersbach Vinet-Delpechbouilleur de profession or distillerybrand of Vinet-Ege; in 2012 Vinet and Delpech merged.1,6,BBrie-sous-Archiachttp://www.vinet-delpech.com/ Waitrose cognacnproduced for the British supermarket chain Waitrose@ Whisky Agencynindependent bottler owned by Carsten Ehrlich (German)@http://www.whisky-agency.de/ WhitenProduced by Sazerac, in collaboration with Quavo@ Wine SocietynCooperative association for wine purchasingEPStevenage (UK) WoodwintersnWine and whisky producer@Schotland Zeitgeistnunknown producerbrand owned by Uli Claus, Germany (Germanlux)@http://zeitgeist.ag/ Zelia'other' tradinghouse@Salles d'Angleshttps://www.facebook.com/CognacZelia/ Showing 1 to 292 of 292 entries
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