Deficiency diseases are generally referred to as chlorosis. The name means pallor or decolourisation. In almost all deficiency diseases, this is the main symptom, but there are also other symptoms and in some deficiency diseases, poor growth or deformation are in the foreground.
The cause of deficiency disease is, of course, poor nutrition.
Deficiency diseases are often divided into diseases due to a deficiency of a micro-element and diseases due to a deficiency of a macro-element. The microelements are: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sulphur; the macroelements are iron, boron, manganese, zinc, copper and molybdenum.



Above are some examples of leaves with deficiency disease, with a healthy grape leaf on the right for comparison.

Engelse naamFranse naamSymptomenStatus
Nitrogen deficiencyNitrogen deficiencyCarence en azoteYellowing, starting in older leaves; poor growthmost common deficiency disease
Phosporus deficiencyPhosporus deficiencyCarence en phosphoreweak growth, curled leaves; yellowing leaves with red spots; (darker leaves later turning brown)infrequent
Potassium deficiencyPotassium deficiencyCarence en potassiumyellow or red discolouration starting at edges of leaves; starts on older leaves; sometimes also necrotic dots; later also curling over
Calcium deficiencyCarence en calciumNecrotic edge to leafOccurs infrequently in vineyards
Magnesium deficiencyMagnesium deficiencyCarence en magnesiumwhitening, later red
Sulfur deficiencyCarence en soufrerare
Iron deficiencyIron deficiencyCarence en fer; Chlorose ferriqueYellowing with green veins; beginning in young leaves; later whitening
Boron deficiencyBoron deficiencyCarence en boreDeformation of tendrils
Manganese deficiencyManganese deficiencyCarence en manganèseyellowish discolouration between the veins
Zinc deficiencyZinc deficiencyCarence en zincirregular growth of young leaves; small leaves with sharp teeth; light green to yellow discolouration between veins
Copper deficiencyCarence en cuivreDark green and twisted leavesrare in vineyards
Molybdenum deficiencyMolybdenum deficiencyCarence en molybdèneBegins with necrosis at the leaf marginrare in vineyards
bunch stem necrosis; waterberry
"bunch stem necrosis; waterberry "
dessechement de la rafle
Stems of berries dry up, grapes remain souroften due to magnesium deficiency


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