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+Bottle pictureLabel↨ Remarks (still in Dutch)↨ source↨ location
Raam FrèresLater owner: Maurain (1873)EP
Rabanit & Co., R.R.@
Rabaudindependant, also known as Domaine de Nanclas1,EPDomaine de Nanclas
Rabaudié, Laowner: Barokas@
Rabelaistrademark of Frapin1
Rabelais, Père & FilsOwner: Boutillier, Briand (1903)
Raby-Laroche, les heritiersEPSt-même-les-Carrières
Racine, Jules@
Raffin, JeanLater owner: Boulestin (Pierre Barret,1938)@
Ragot & Co., L.J.EP
Raguenaud, PaulEPChateauneuf s/ Charente
Raillard FreresTrademark of Croizet-Eymard (1902)1,EP
Raimond, HenriLater owner: Barnett (1880)EP
Rainicourt & Co.Owned by Hardy (1976)1, EPCognac
Raisins d'OrFrapin trademark1
Ramard FrèresLater owners: Geo Saunier; Rémy Martin (1908)EP
Ramard, G.EP
Rambaud FrèresLater owner: Barriasson (1892)AlC
Rambaud, Guyzelfstandig1Chez Paraise
RambourVan Puy Gaudin1
Rambur & Co.EP
Rameau & Co.Later owner: Ménard, Roger & Co. (1889)AlC
Ramet & Co., L.Later owner: Guerin (1890)AlC
Ramineau, A.Later owner: Henry Coulot (1916)AlC
Ramond FrèresEP
Ramos & Co., RoelLater owner: De Laage (1873)EPLima
Ranclos, J.L. duowner: E. Normandin (1937)AlC
Rancourt, Ch. deDeed 1908EPCognac
Randon & Co., R.W.Later owner: Meukow (1883)EPCognac
Ranis & Co., A.Later owner: Prunier (1925)AlC
Ranson & Co., J.Estab. 1825; later owner: Delamain (1942)EPJarnac
Ranson & DelamainEstab. 1763EP
Ranson Fils & Co.@
Ranville & Co., J.B.Owner: Achille Gauthier (1862)InpiBordeaux
Rasca BucheEP
RastagnacOwned by Hardy (1979)1,EP
Raton, RobertEP
Rault, J.EPSt. Laurent de Cognac
Raux & Co. JosephEP
Ravail FilsLater owner: Bisquit-Dubouché (1893)EP
Rayer, Pierreindependent1Le Brandart
Raymond & Co., A.EP
Raymond Lecourtowner: Ménard, Roger & Cie. (1893)AlC
Raymond, PhilippeEPListrac-Médoc
Raynal & Co.Estab. 1840 in Jarnac; later owner: Louis Saulnier (1891)EPCognac
Raynaud FrèresEP
Rayne AînéEP
Raynier & Co., A.F.Later owner: Jahns (1889)AlC
Rayon d'OrLater owners: Fromy; Unicognac
Real de Lys & Cie.Owner: Mercier Roger & Co (1965)EPParis
Réal-Choplin & Cie., M.Later owner: Maurice Roux (1886)EP
Reau, Richard & Cie.Now owned by CCGEPSt. Jean d'Angély
Reau, Richard & Cie.width=19Now owned by CCGEPCognac
Réau & Co., JeanSame as Reau FrèresEPMontboyer
Reau FreresEstablished in 1899; Réau-Richard; now owned by CCG (through Brugerolle, 1988)
1, EPCognac
Rebaudy, A.R.Later owner: Staub (1934)AlC
Rebel & Co., Julesbrand name of Gautier (aigre) 19781,EPTonnay-Charente
Reboul & Cie., M. deOwned by Richard Frères (1981)EPSt. Jean d'Angély
Reby FrèresEstab. 1889; succ. Eugène Reby EP
Recamier, A.owner: Prunier (1909)EP
Récapet, L.EP
Red TapeOwners: Pignon & Co.; later Maurice Lacroux (Prunier, 1927)@
Redon, MartialDeed 1933EPSt. Brice (Logis de Gardépée)
Regaud & Co., H.Later owner: Oscar Auger (1890)AlC
RégenceOwned by Unicognac (1978)1
RegentSpanish cognac, owner: E. Barrau@Montgat (ES)
Regis, Geo & CharpentierEPBordeaux
Regnart, Louis@
Regniault, A.EPDijon
Regnier Frèresowner: E. Normandin (1904)EP
Regor Frèresowner: Ménard, Roger (1891)AlC
Reichard & Co., JeanLater owner: Tribot (1895)AlC
Reigner, AlainEPBrie sous Matha
Reigner, Pierremust be a succeeder of Alain Reigner@Brie sous Matha
Reine, Cognac de laEP
ReldaOwned by Castillon-Renault (1903)1
Relebrun, DeLater owners: Million (1895); Boisnard (1897)AlC
Rellaud, Laurent@
Rembardt & Co., JulesOwned by Renault St. Louvent & Co. (Renault, 1921)EP
Rémi, JeanEP
Remusat, Hélie deEst. 1893; owned by Moyet SA1,16,EP
Remy & Co., AlbertLater owner: Chabanneau (1923)EP
Remy & Co., EdgardLater owner: Boutillier, Briand & Co. (1903); Boutillier Delaurière & Co (1923)EPCognac
Remy, FrançoisEP
RenaissanceJules Robin (1978); owned by Monnet according to Paczensky
Renard, JulesLater owner: Quillet (1885)
Renard & Co., JulesDeed: 1885EP
Renard Frères, JulesLater owner: Michel (1902)
Renard & Co., L.Later owners: Dupont (1887); Jacques Cognet (1965)EPCognac
Renard, CharlesLater owners: Camus (1947); SAPVIN (1963)EP
Renard, L.Van Dupont (Cognet)1
Renardi, JohnLater owner: Jules Aumon (1882); Camus (1921)EP
Renaud, Andrétrademark of Frapin1
Renaud, AntoninLater owner: Camus (1947)AlC
Renaud, Bernardowned by CCG1
Renaud, Emmanuel & Co.Established in 1883EP
Renaud, Gay & Co.Later owner: Prunier (1914); brand can be spelled as Gay-Renaud, Gay, Renaud and as Gay Renaud.1, EP
Renaud, Georgesindependent1, EPBoutiers
Renaud, J.Deed 1909@St.-Jean d'Angely
Renaud, J.E. & DualléEstablished in 1795EPBordeaux
Renaud, MichelEPParis
Renaudeau, AndréEPChampagne-Vigny
Renaudin Frères & Co.Owned by Roffignac1,EP
Renault, MauriceOwner: Gaston Camus (1937)AlC
Renay, LouisOwned by Castillon-Renault (1978)1
Renay & Fils, Louisowned by Meukow (1906)AlC
René Albert & Co.owner: Lacoste (1890); Prunier (1928)AlC
René & Co., John. B.owner: Salignac1,EP
Renier & Co.Could be same brand as L.H. Rénier@
Renou, F.Later: Renou-Bourreau; also called L'Enclouse des Vignes@Mageloup-Floirac
Rensselaer & Co.@
Requier Frères, Mon.@Périgueux
Réserve ChantillyOwned by Royer (1965)1
Réserve des GourmetsCaviste in Paris@Paris
Réserve du PrinceBlended by Jacques Boursaud from pre-World War I cognacs@
Réserve du VerlaineEPBoulogne (Paris)
Réserve Louis-PhilippeEP
Restaurant Henryaddress: Place Gaillard; prob. Paris@
Reunited ProprietorsSucc. L. Origlia (I. Rivoli)@
Reuss & Co, Laowner: Mesure (1909; (via Fleuranceau; 1901)AlC
Reuss & Cie., Julesbrand owned by Gautier/aigre1,EP
Revel & Co., A. deLater owner: Lucien Foucauld (1898)EP
RexLater owners: Pascal Combeau (1900); now owned by Gautier/aigre1
Reynac, MarcelLater owner: Bredon (1945); Union Coopérative de Viticulteurs Charentais (1965; Mounier)@
Reynard, Louis'Logis du May'@
Reynaud, Mariusowner: Boutillier & Briand (1884)AlC
Reynaud, PaulLater owner: Louis Royer (1903)EP
RGB-CognacBrand of Rouyer Guillet (1953); can be Royal Golden Bell; but also Rouyer Guillet Brand1
RheansLater owners: Marcel Bredon (1946); Unicoop (1965)
Rhedal Frères & Co.Later owner: Mariage, Vve Angibaud (1904)EP
Rheine & Co.owner: Henri Beausoleil & Co. (1965)
Rhenard & Fils@
Rhode & Jahn, Hy.EP
Riberaud, Pierrezelfstandig1Saint-Ciers-de-Champagne
Ribert, JulesLater owner: Barnett (1885)EP
Ribet & Co.established in 1884EP
RicardDomaine du Foucaudat@Juillac-le-Coq
Ricard, Jean succeeded by Gilbert Ricard@Juillac-le-Coq
Ricard & Co., J.Judging by the emblem, it is the same familyEP
Ricard, TPossibly it is J. Ricard. See Ricard, Gilbert (owne
r of Foucaudat)
Riccard, F.owner: Salignac1
Richard & Co.EPJarnac
Richard & Co.Later owner: Lucien Bellot (1878)EPCognac
Richard & Co., RaoulEP
Richard & Co., RobertLatere eigenaren: Tressac, Seguin & Co (1882); Rustad 1912; Bache-Gabrielsen (1927)EPCognac
Richard & Pailloudowner: Vallein (Vallein-Tercinier); ca. 1930sEPSégonzac
Richard, Edmondsucceeded by Gyl Richard@Echebrune
Richard FrèresEst. ca. 1850; later owners: Curlier (1895); Courvoisier (1909)EPJarnac?
Richard FrèresEstab. 1830; Later owner: CCG (1987)1,3a,EPSt. Jean d'Angely
Richard, Ph.Est. 1830; later to become Richard FrèresEPSt. Jean d'Angely
Richard & Co., JulesLater owner: Alexis, Antier & Fils (1897)AlC
Richard, Jules (Jules Richard)Later owner: Rivière, Gardrat (1874)AlC
Richard, L.@
Richard, R.@
Richard FilsGeorges RichardAlCSegonzac
Richard & Mullerlater owner: Laugerat (1909)AlC
Richardson & SonsEP
Richelieubrand name, used by Godet (sold to Distell?)1
Richelieubrand name, used by Hardy (owned now by Unicoop) (sold to Distell?)1
RichelieuOwner: a Suisse compagny: Ramseier@
Richelieu & Co.Owners: Barnett (1885); Pellisson Père (1894); Simonnot & Rinuy (1964)
Richelieu Frèresowner: Grandsaignes-Pionneau (1911)AlC
Richemond, A.Later owners: Félix Girard (1894); Jules Bellot (1900)AlC
Richemont & Co., A.Later owner: De Laroche (1949); A.M.A.D. (1964)EP
Richemont, Jean deVan Roffignac (1965)1
Richot & Co.Nég. Riviere Gardrat (1875)EP
Ridel & Co., Jas.@Cognac
Rieunier & Cie.EP
Riez & Co.Later owners: Navarre (1886); Jean Rullaud-Larret (1964)EP
Riffaud-Merlin & Co., L.Owner: Merlin (1901)AlC
Rigaudias, A.EPClermont-Ferrand
Rignoux & Co.Est. 1868 (succeeded by Armand Gauthier)@
RilacOwner: Guy Clair (1979)@Brie-S/-Matha
RillorEts. Fraioli Frères
Rimaud & Co. Later owners: Jocelyn Perrois (1902); François Mathez (1952); Louis Royer (1965)1Jarnac
Riolan & Cie. E.Later owners: E. Normandin (1878); Duras (1908)EP
Rion & Co., DeLater owners: Geoffroy (1907); Petit-Laroche (Elichagaray) (1922)AlC
RippeNég. De la RocheEPCognac
Rippe, G.@Champmillon
Rissac & Co.EP
Rissac & Cie., Felix deOwner: E. Normandin (1934)AlC
Ritleng & Co.EPSaintes
Ritz-CarltonCognac produced by United Vineyard Proprietors of Cognac (Monnet); later also cognacs of Gourmel1,EP
RivallandNég. Georges Courant (1946)EP
Rivalland, G.EP
Rivaud & Cie., JosephSucc. De Edmond Machenaud & Cie.EPAngoulême
Rivaud & Co., F.EP
Rivaud Frères & Cie.Later owner: Bisquit-Dubouché (1893)EP
Rivaud, H.Later owner: Bisquit-Dubouché (1893)EP
Rive & Co., C.H.Later owner: Pellisson Pere (1887)EP
Rive & Co., H.EP
RivièreEPSt. Amant de Graves
Rivière, René@Moulidars
Rivière & Cie., AugusteLater owner: Bonnaud (1890)EP
Rivière Gardrat & Cie.Later owners: Alexia Antier & Fils (Paul Antier 1897); Paul Antier & Pomarel (1907); later: Gautier/Aigre1, EP
Rivière, EmmanuelDeed 1908@,AlC
Rivière, François@
Rivière, Philippe@Angeac-Charente
Riviere, veuve HenriEPGondeville
Rivolta & Cie.owner: Ménard, Roger & Cie. (1891)@,AlC
Rizat, J.participant world exhibition Philadelphia 1876@
Robert & Co., JulesEP
Robert & Co., O.later owners: Merlin (1912); Moyet (1921)EPSt. Sulpice de Cognac
Robert & FilsLater: Vve Robert & Fils; merged in 1939 to become Vinicole CharentaiseEPSt. Jean d'Angely
Robert & Fils, J.EP
Robert & Fils, Vve.See Robert & Fils; became Vinicole Charentaise in 1910; bought by Richard in 1958EPSt. Jean d'Angely
Robert & Succ., JeanEP
Robert Henry@
Robert, HenriLater owner: Dupont (1894); Jacques Cognet (1965)EPCognac
Robert, J.brand owned by Gautier/Aigre1
Robert, Jeanindependant producer (possibly went bankrupt in 1998)1,EPLe Renclos
Robert Père & Co., Fr.Later owner: Eug. Pellisson (1894)AlC
Robertin, B.Later owner: Albert Robin (1905)EP
Robertson & Co., LowWhisky producer@Leith (UK)
Robillot, J.Owned by Gautier/Aigre (1955)1
Robin, AlbertEst. in 1860; brand name has been in the possession of Prunier for some time. Later owned by Charrier.1,EPCognac
Robin-Garraud & Fils, J.Est. in 1860; later owner: Albert Robin (1884)EP
Robin, E.E. Robin; estab in 1864EPMatha
Robin, Eug.Eugene Robin; estab. in 1795; later owners: Lutaud, Bidoit (1929); now a brand name owned by Brugerolle / CCG (1982)1,EPMatha
Robin, JulesEst. in 1782; Martell took over in WO-II or shortly after (1949?)1,3a,4,9,EPCognac
Robinet & Co.Later owner: Ménard, Roger (1889)AlC
Robinet & Co., P.Later owner: Marchand, Lecoq (1896)AlC
Robinson Ltd, Frederic@Stockpot (UK)
Robline frèresLater owner: Castillon-Renault (1903)1
Rocard & Co., F.Later owner: Union des Proprietaires Distillateurs (Salignac, 1926)@
Roccard & Cie., F.owned by Salignac,
possibly mispelling for Rocard
Rochambeau FrèresLater owners: Sauvion (1902)EP
Rochard & BouletrauEP
Rochard & Co.Later owner: Tricoche, Bonniot (1900)AlC
Rochas & Fils, E.EPPoitiers
Rocche, Cte. H. de laLater owner: Jacquet, Klug (1901)EP
Roche & CavalierLater owner: Taillard (1897)AlC
Roche, Louisowner: Vin Conseil SARL (1981)EPFlayosc
Rocheandrey, laOwner: Hardy (1979)1
Rochebois, Hubert deenterprises, Paris; probably produced by Distillerie de Moisans in SireuilEP
Rocheblois, Hubert deowner: ITM enterprises, Paris; probably produced by Distillerie de Moisans in Sireuil@
Rochechouard, J. deLater owners: Vve Savard, Georgeon (1922)@
Rochecorailmerk van Rousille3a,EPLinars
Rochefrette, G.Owner: Bardinet (1993)@
RochelleProduced by Ev. VignierEP
Rochelle FrèresLater owner: Prunier (1907)EPCognac
Rochelle, laProduced by GodetEPRochelle
Rochemond & Cie.Owner: Rouyer Guillet (1972)1,EP
Rochemont & Cie.Van Rouyer Guillet (1971)1,EPCherves de Cognac
Rochemont & Cie., J.E.EP
Rochenac, Marquis deOwner: Hardy (1976)EP
Rocher Cognac@La-Côte-Saint-André
Rochette FrèresI have only seen sève as a product, not cognacEPLimoges
Rochette, Kersaint & Co.EP
Rodard & Cie.owner: Ménard, Roger & Cie. (1891)EP
Rodde & Co., HenriSuccesseur of Rodde & MontagnonEPSegonzac
Rodde & MontangonEstab. in 186515,EPSegonzac, Aigrefeuille
Rodel, J.F.EP
Rodier, J. & Cie.Owned by Brugerolle (1981); nowadays only used for 'brandy'1Matha
Rodier, JeanOwned by Brugerolle (1981)EPMatha
Rodin, A.Owned by Brugerolle (1984); nowadays only used for 'brandy'1
Rodinaud & Cie., L.EP
Roëwell & Co.Later owner: Cunéo d'Ornano (1893)AlC
Rofica CognacVan Roffignac1
Rogalle FrèresLater owner: Boutillier De Laurière (1933); producer of the 'Roi de France 1811 Réserve de l'Empereur' bottle.@
Rogée & Monnet, veuvesucc. De Martin & Rogée (est. in 1850)EPCognac
Rogée de BonnefondNég. MestreauEP
Roger & Co.Estab. in 1899; later owner: Reau FrèresEPMontboyer?
Roger & Co., JulesOwner: Camus (1991)@
Roger & Co., MarcOn the labels you can see different dates of establishment: 1847, 1886 and 1887. 1847 obviously is the first. Later owner: Lucien Foucauld (1884); now: CCGEP,1
Roger FilsEPMontboyer
Roger Lroed & Co., H.owner: Jules Broutet (1891)@Cognac
Roger Moreau & Co.owner Mercier Roger & Co. (1954)AlC
Rogers & Co.Later owners: Veuve Planat (1882 )EP
Rogers Symington & Co.EP
Roi de Franceproduced by Rogalle Frères@
Roi des RoisVan Dontrac & ses Fils, J.B.EP
Roi SoleilBrand of Augier (so Seagram now))1
Roi, leNég. L. FoucauldEP
Roiron, AugusteLater owner: Taillard (1899)AlC
Roizan, Charles deEPCognac
RolandOwned by Unicoop (1936)1
Roland, GeoBrand name owned by Gautier/Aigre (1982)1
RoletProducer: Rolet-Jarbin; maybe owned by the Belgian importer Geens@,1Souméras
Rolla-Fonclare & Cie.Later owners: Boutillier, Briand (1897)AlC
Rolland & Co., E.Later owner: Edmond Dupuy (1895); Rustad, Bache Gabrielsen (1919)EP,1Cognac
Roller, G. & Co.Later owner: René Niel (1950); Moyet SA (1978)1
Romain Fils, LouisLater owners: Marchand, Lecoq (1900); Barriasson (1965)EP
Romain, Jean-FrançoisEPHiersac
Roman, neveuLater owner: Bisquit-Dubouché (1893)EP
Romarin & Co.Later owner: Pellisson Père (1948)EP
Romford & Co., JulesEPCherves de Cognac
Romigny & Co., DeLater owners: Boutillier, Delaurière (1922)@
Roncières & Co., Th. DeLater owner: Rémy-Martin (1908)EP
Rondon & Co., L.@
Rondrail & Co., S.EPMontboyer
Ronsac, G. deLater owner: Reau FrèresEP
Ronsard, RenéLater owner: Ivaldi (1960).
The Ronsard brand still exists, but only for brandy
Roos, A.Trademark owned by Camus (1997)1,AlC
Rosaud Père & FilsLater owner:Parsonage, Septimus (1899)AlC
Rosenörn, F. de & Poissonnier, Ch.Later owner: Edmond Foucauld (1899)AlC
Rosenthal, E. deLater owner: Jules Bellot (1877)EP
Roset, A.V.Owners: Henri Roy (1910); Salignac (1980); AV Roset1,AlC
Rosier & Co.Later owner: Ménard, Roger (1889)AlC
Ross & Co.EP
Rossmer & Co.@
Rossollin, AlfredEP
Rostain & Co., G.Later owner: Jules Bellot (1886)AlC
Rostan & Cie., JulesLater owner: Marchand (1903)EP
RostandBrand name owned by Adet Seward, now Bardinet (1980)@,AlC
Rostand, R.M.EP
Roturier & Co., E.Deed 1893AlC
Roturier, Jean-Guy & Yves1,EPMacqueville
Roturier, Père & Filssee Roturier, Jean-Guy & Yves@Macqueville
Rouas, MoïseEPSegonzac
Roubell, duIvaldi?EP
Roubeyrac, seigneur deOwned by GuerbéEPJuillac-le-Coq
Roubilliac & Cie.Later owner: Boutillier, Briand & Co (1885)EP
Rouchon, E.EPToulon
Rouffaer & PougetouxWine producer (Bordeaux region)@
Rouge, distillerieThey produced Jacques Lagan cognac for the US; the distillery is now owned by Louis Royer.1
Rougé, HenriDeed 1888EP
Rouge, Hotel de Maisoncognac van A.E. Dor voor Hotel de Maison Rouge in Dinard1Dinard
Rougé, PierreEstab. in 1856EP
Rougé, Pierre-Jean(Rougé distillerie)EPAumagne
Rougé, PJ@
Rougemont & Cie., PaulLater owner: Daniaud (1895)AlC
Rouget & Co., Ch.Later owners: Balluet (1909); Denis-Mounié (1925); later it was used for brandyEP
Rouleau & Co., JulesLater owner; Barnett _ Elichagaray (1908)EP
Roulet & Co., Ch.EPLimoges
Roulier & Cie., A.Later owners: Remy Martin (1908)AlC
Roulleau & Cie., P.Estab. 1864; later owners: Merlin (1912); Moyet (1921)1,EPCognac
Roullet & DelamainEst. 1824; succ. Delamain & Co.EPJarnac
Roullet, Georgeshas become Roullet-Fransac and moved to Cognac@Chermignac
Roullet, PaulDeed: 1890AlCJarnac
Roullet, Paul F.Deed: 1890AlCJarnac
Roullet, Serge & FilsNow called Roullet & Fils, still active1,3,3a,4,6,7Le Goulet (Foussignac)
Roullet FransacNow called Fransac, still active; formerly called Georges Roullet, see above@Cognac
Roullin & BarbraudDeed 1889EP
Roumond & Cie., B. deowner: Normandin (E.), 1890AlC
Rouscher & Co.@
Rouselle, Gve & Cie.Owner: Salignac (1926)1
Rousseau & Cie., JulesEP
Rousseau & Co.Later owner: Barnett, Elichagaray (1904)EP
Rousseau & Co., Ch.Deed 1862; later owner: Tiffon (1921)EPJarnac
Rousseau, A.EPSt. Jean d'Angely
Rousseau, Jean-PierreEPCherves-Chatelars
Rousseau-Garin, A.Owner: Richard Frères (1975); now CCG1,EPSt. Jean d'Angely
Roussillon & Co.Later owners: Jacquet, Klug (1898)AlC
Rousteau & Fils, G.Rousteau, Pascal & Jean-Marie; owner of the brand J'y Crois and possibly still active with this brand nameEP
Rouvert, & Cie.Owner: Castillon-Renault (1903)1
Rouvier FilsOwner: Renault, Saint-Louvent (1913) now Renault1
Rouvier FrèresLater owner: Prunier (1912); Larsen (1932)AlC,@
Rouville & Co.Later owners: (1909) Robin, Albert; KlungAlC
Rouville, Prince deowner: Prunier (1986); possibly only used for brandy@
Roux & Cie.Estab. 1864; later owners: E. Merlin & Co (1912); Moyet (1921)EPSt. Sulpice de Cognac
Roux-Delmon, E.Deed 1882AlC
Roux FrèresNow called: Castel Sablons@St. Maigrin
Roux, ASame as Domaine du Mazureau (probably owned by Moyet)EPSt. Sulpice de Cognac
Roux, Albert & MichelUnknown producer; made for London restaurantEPSt. Sulpice de Cognac
Roux, ArmandEstab. 1812EPJarnac
Roux, MauriceDeed 1884; Later owner: Chotain & Douteaud (1900)EP
Roux, R.Estab. 1864; later owner: E. Merlin & Co (1912)EPSt. Sulpice de Cognac
Roux, Moyet & Co.Later owners: E. Merlin & Co (1912); Moyet (1921) (Moyet re-bought the brand?) AlC
Roux, VeuveLater owner: I. Sauvion (1902)EPCognac
Rouyer Aîné & Co.Deed 1862EPSaintes
Rouyer Guillet & Co.Owner: CCG1,3a,4,5,6,EPSaintes
Rovers Ducart & Cie.Later owner: Segrestan (1913)EP
Roy & Co.Later owner: Planat (1859); Camus
Roy & Co., AdrienLater owner: Monnet (1912)EPCognac
Roy & Co., HenriOwner: Union des Proprietaires Distillateurs (Monnet) (1936)1,EPCognac
Roy & Co., E.owner: St. Légier-de Grandsaignes-Pionneau (1901); Camus
Roy & Co., FernandLater owner: Prunier (1925)EP
Roy & Co., Gve.Later owners: De Moerner & Deville (1903); Barnett, Elichagaray (1920)EP,AlC
Roy & Fils, A.@
Roy & Fils, P.Domaine de la Courade@Verrières
Roy de Franceproduced by Rogalle FrèresEP
Roy de Prussebrand of H.-F. & J. von Knobelsdorff GmbH; produced by Castel-SablonsEPSchloss Frankenberg (GE)
Roy, Augusteowner: Ménard & Roger (1890)EP
Roy, Cognac du Roy 1840Owner: Auboyneau (1935); AMAD (Prunier, 1965)1
Roy, duOwner: Prunier1
Roy, Gilbert1Le Chaix (Baines -Sainte-Radegonde)
Roy, Gustave & Couprie, IsabelleSucc.: De Moerner & Deville9
Roy, LouisNow owned by Gall & Gall (2004)EP
Roy, Marc@Triac-Jarnac
Roy Normandinowner: Henry Roy (1932)AlC
Royal Capriceunknown producer@
Royal de Keyzer@
Royal Golden BellOwner: Rouyer Guillet (1948)EPSaintes
Royal Horse@
Royal Hunter, theEP
Royal MarquissacOwner: Nicolas/Rémy Martin (1972)1
Royal MonopoleOwner: Pierre Jules Cheveu; later owners: Geoffroy (1907); Petit-Laroche (Elichagaray) (1922)
Royal SaintongeDeed 1911; owned by Puet; later owners: Cointreau; Salignac (1977)1
Royal SymbolOwner: Courvoisier (1983)1
Royal CognacOwner: Pellisson Père (1890)AlC
Royal-CognacOwner: Jules Gilson (1899)EP,AlC
Royanne & Cie., deOwner: Furlaud (1898); Rullaud, Larrett (1926), Gasqueton frères (1978); Séguin (1988)EP
Royon & Co., B.owned by Balluteaud (1928)EPBlanzac
Rozeau & Co., GeorgesLater owner: Boutillier, Briand (1901)EPCognac
Rozet & Cie., L.EPSt. Jean d'Angely
Rubbens, gebr.Belgian gin distillery; no more own-label cognacEPZele (B)
Ruben & Co., S.Later owner: Lacoste (1892)AlC
Rubert & Co.Later owner: Cunéo d'Ornano (1893)AlC
Rubi Fils & Co.@
Ruffy & Co., P. (or L?)EP
Ruisseaux, B'on desBaron des RuisseauxEP
Rullaud-Larret, J.Later owners: De Luze (1966); Rémy Martin (1980)EP,1Cognac
Rullier & Co., A.Later owners: Vve Savard; Georgeon (1921)AlC
Rumano Fils & Co.Later owner: Lucien Bellot (1896)AlC
Russac, FelixEPSt. Jean d'Angely
Russell & Cie., H.@
Russell & McIverNég. Philippe de CastaigneEP
Rustad & Bache-GabrielsenEst. 1903-1905; now Bache & GabrielsenEP
Ruter frèresOwned by Puy Gaudin (1986)1
Rutschmann & Co., OscarRutschmann, Union de Distillateurs de Cognac; later owners: Gonzalez (1884); Mazières, Courret (1887)EP
Rymal & Co.Later owner: Morand (1893)AlC
S-Fine CognacOwner: Pernod-Ricard1
Sabanero, L.EPBogota
Sabin & Co., JulesLater owner: Pellisson (1898)AlC
Sabion, J.Later owner: Marchand, Lecoq (1899)AlC
Sablière, De laLater owner: Félix Girard (1894)AlC
Sabourin FrèresOnly wines nowadays@Cars (Gironde)
Saccone & Speed Ltd.EPLondon
Safewayproduced by the Compagnie Viticoles des Charentes for former British supermarket SafewayEP
Sage & Co. Geo.Later owner: Rivière Gardrat (1872)EP
Sagud, J.G.Later owner: Boutillier, Delaurière (1925)@
Saifsee poster@
Sainsbury'sproduced by cognac producer in Jonzac (Unicognac?)EPLondon
Saint Clair, M. deEP
Saint DenisOwned by Tricoche, BonniotAlC
Saint GenesSame as Chevalier Saint Genes@Bouteville
Saint HubertOwner: Maurice Astruc & C. Lange Jas.EPBordeaux
Saint Loup, A. deLater owner: Dugas (1895)AlC
St. Jean & Co., P.Owner: Dupuis (1950)EPCognac
Saint-Aulaire, deOwner: Vve Tesseron (1945)1Chateauneuf-sur-charente
Saint-Brice, deOwner: Pascal Combeau (1898)AlC
Saint-Cirq & Co.Owner: Leyrat/Engrand (1978)1
Saint-Cybard, JulesOwner: Quillet (1885)EP
Saint-Germain, M. deEP
Saint-Jeanowner: Marcel Bonnaud (1897)AlC
Saint-Léger & Co.EPCognac
Saint-Louvent & Co., deOwner: Castillon-Renault (1929)1, EP
Saint-Marc & Co., G.Gabriel Saint-Marc & Co.; later owner: Georges Seguin (1884)EPCognac
Saint-SulpiceOwner: Moyet SA (1978)1
Sal & Rosas & Ca.Later owner: De Laage (1873)AlC
Sala & Co., J.Later owner: De Laage (1873)AlC
SaladinOwner: Castillon-Renault (1978)1
Salençon, Marquis duOwner: Robert Delaurière (1964); later Jules Robin (Martell)1,@
Salin & Fils Frères, P.Deed 1863 (Tribunal de Bordeaux)INPI
Salis & Co., M.L.Later owner: Vve Léon Croizet (1914)EPRoyan
Salle, LaOwner: Unicoop (1934)AlC
Salle & Fils FrèresLater owners: Alfred Dubois, Lizée (1885)AlC
Salley Père & FilsEPRouillac
Salomon, MarxEPBruxelles
Salvert, Comte desame as Chateau de la TilladeEPSaint-Simon-de-Pellouaille
SamocanteOwner: Ricard (1979) (Eurnegoce, 1989)1Juillac-le-Coq
San MartinOwner: Barnett, Elichagaray (1910)@
Sandeman & Co, DavidBritish firm that purchased young cognacs (including Hine) and stored and bottled them itself under their own name@London & Glasgow
Sander-Colon, J.Owner: Petit-Laroche (Elichagaray) (1922)AlC
Sanglier, leEP
Sans SouciEP
Sansac & Co.Owner: Salignac (1901)1
Santi & Cie., Jh.EP
Sarasac & Cie., J.Owner: Larsen (1950)1,EP
Sardin Roux Bazin & Co., veuveDeed 1877EP
Sarrazin, P.Deed 1946EPJarnac
Sarre & Cie.@Lyon
Sarteur & Co., F.EP
Saudau & Co., A.Deed 1891; owner: Emile Barraud (1906); Vve Savard, Georgeon (1915); Daranlot, André (1950)@,AlC
Saugé & Co., JulesEP
Saulnier Cormereau & Co.Later owner: Dyke, Gautier (1891)EP
Saulnier FrèresDeed 1934; André Saulnier@St. Amant des Graves
Saulnier, A.See Saulnier Frères@St. Amant des Graves
Saulnier, P.M.EP
Saunier de LongchampsOwner: Delpech Fougerat; still used for their Pineau (1989)3a
Saunier, GeoOwner: Rémy Martin (1904)1,EPCognac
Sauvagnac, H.L.owner: Fernand Guignard (1950)AlCCognac
Sauvaitre, J.G.EPCognac
Sauveteurs, Le Cognac desNég. Louis Soupé (1884)EP
Sauveur & Co., R.Owner: Pellisson Père (1903)EP
SauvionEst. 1835; owner: Rouyer Guillet (Later: CCG)1, EP
Sauvion & Co., I.Est. 1835EPCognac
Sauzin, René1,EPDeuville (Segonzac)
SavalOwner: Monnet (1975)EPCognac
Savard & Co., P.Deed 1887
Savard, P. & Georgeon & Co, veuveowner: Savard & Georgeon (1901); Daranlot, André (1950)EP,AlC
Savarit, FEPSt. Sulpice de Cognac
Savenay & Cie., G.Later owner: Barnett (1884)AlC
Savoy HotelUnknown producer; made for the Savoy Hotel in London@
Sayer & Co., Geo.Deed 1859; later owner: Barriasson (1943); later: Gaston de Lagrange1,9,EPCognac
Sazerac de Forge, RogerEstab. 1891AlCCognac
Sazerac de Forge & FilsEstab. 1782; merged with Engrand; now from Leyrat1,EPAngoulême
Saznatam, Nauj Oinotna LerabaCould be: Matanzas, Juan Antonio Abarel@
Scéemade by Marchive@Vars
Schatto Monieule & Co., C.Later owner: Alfred Dubois, Lizée (1894)AlC
Schatzmann, GustaveOwner: Ménard, Roger & Cie. (1894)AlC
Scheuer & Co., Leo@
Schoengrun-Lopès-Dubec & Cie.EP
Schönberg, F.J.Later owner: Lucien Foucaud (1873)EP
Schormais, deName according to online shop (provenance: Christies)@
Schrader & Co., B.J.Later owner: Bisquit-Dubouché (1886)EP
Schrader's., B.J.Later owner: Bisquit-Dubouché (1888)AlC
Schrok, A.G.Later owner: Jules Bellot (1886)AlC
Schröder & Schÿler & Co.Est. 1739; originally traders; now predominantly in Bordeaux; later owner: Bisquit-Dubouché (1891)EPAigre
Schroder, M.@
Schÿler Fils & Co., AlfredEP
Sébastien & FilsLater owner: Jules Lainé (1880)EP
Séchaud & Co., F.Later owner: Vve Marriage, Angibaud (1911)@
Ségor & Co.Later owner: Baraud (1886AlC
Segrestan & Co., J.Deed: 1887; later owners: Fouchez (1922)EPCognac
Seguin & Co.Owner: Moullon (1864)AlC
Seguin & Co., GeorgesEst. 1883; later owners: Ohlenschläger, Laffon (1904); Paul Haber (1907); Hugo Cahn (1912); Daniaud (1927)9,EPMontagnac-Cognac
Seguin Ley de MarzoEP
Seguin, EmileDeed 1867; later owners: Vve Emile Seguin (1883); Léo, Vve Emile Seguin (1887); Remy Martin (1904)EPJarnac
Seguin & Co., Vve EmileDeed 1883; later owner: Remy Martin (1907)EPJarnac
Seguin & Co., Léo, Vve EmileDeed 1888; same brand as Emile SeguinEPJarnac
Séguinard Fils, A.see poster@Angoulême
Seguinot & Fils, PierreSee Seguinot & Co., G.; still active1,3a,5,6,7,B,EPSegonzac
Seigneurie de CharouxOwner: Pellisson Père (1896)AlC
Seignouret Frères & Co.Est. 1830@Bordeaux
Seignouret Frères et Bouchard15Bordeaux
Selected Brandies AssociationOwner: Louis Saulnier (1894)AlC
Selection Peuchetsee Peuchet; Peuchet was probably taken over by Tissandier of Clermont.EPClermont
Seligsen & SommerfeldEP
Sempéproduced by Société des Armagnacs, Sempé@Sempé
Sénailhac & Co., DeLater owner: Boutillier, Braind (1896)AlC
Senechal & Co.EPTonnay-Charente
Sénéchal, M.Later owner: Clément (1898)AlC
Sénémaud & Co., J.Later owner: Bisquit-Dubouché (1876)EP
SeniorOwner: Bastier-Chagnaud (1983); now of CCG1
Serancourt & Co., F.Later owner: Prunier (1909)EP
Serge, deBrand name owned by Lanxner; made kosher cognacEP
Seron FrèresEP
Serpette & Fils, HenriLater owner: Prunier (1909)EP
Serre & Co., LouisEst. 1846; owner: CCG (via Serre-Bastier (1929), Bastier-Chagnaud (1958), Chagnaud, Moullon)1,9,EPCognac
Serres Père & FilsDeed 1886; continuation of Benoit SerresEPCognac
Serres, BenoitEst. 1841EPCognac
Servant & Co.Later owner: Bisquit-Dubouché (1892)AlC
Servant, MichelEst. 1843EPSurgères
Servant-Mure, M.Est. 1843EPSurgères
Servant-Mure, Ch.EPSurgères
Servière Succ'rEst. 1784; later owner: Tribot & Fils (1894)AlC
Seuillet, Etienne1Le Rainé (Cozes)
Seve JehanneLater owner: Lucien Bellot (1895); Jobit (1925)@
Sheehy & Co., GeoEP
Shepherd & Co., T.D.Shepherd acquires ownership of Meukow (1874); Meukow is now owned by CCG (1979)EP
Sherman House CellarsNég. Lucien-FoucauldEPUS
ShortsWine merchants; producer unknown@London
Sibadey, JeanLater owner: Rémy Martin (1904)EP
Sicard & Co., E.Later owner: Maurice Roux (1886)EP
Sicard & Co., J.Possibly the later owner was Monnet, Société des Propriétaires Vinicoles de Cognac (1975)@
Sicard & FilsEstab. in 1842; later owners: Reau Richard (1965); CCG (1969)1,EPSt. Jean d'Angely
Sicard & Vignier, A.@Cognac
Sicard, Aug.Deed 1860EPCognac
Sidéri, A.N.EP
Sidney & Co.EP
Signature de Francebrand of Boinaud in the past (1995)6,EPAngeac Champagne
Siléne Fils FrèresEP
Siller & Co., F.EP
Silver RingOwner: Alfred de Luze (1863, Tribunal de Bordeaux))INPI
Simard, MarcelEP
Sime & Co., E.Owner: L. de Guinefollaud?
Simon, AndréAndré Simon was a famous wine merchant, gourmet and writer who lived in London; brand name owned by Unicognac1,EP
Simon fils, L. André
Simon Fils, PaulEP
Simon Rynbende & Zn.Dutch distillery@Schiedam (NL)
Simonet, H.Later owner: Eugene Ballet (1946)@
Simonin & Cie.owner: Ménard, Roger & Cie. (1891)AlC
Simonnot, GérardNow Vignoble Simonnot; still active; Emmanuel Simonnot13,B,EP,VICChateauneuf
Simonnot, Marc et GérardNow Vignoble Simonnot; still active; Emmanuel SimonnotB,EPChateauneuf
SingaLater owners: Jules Robin (1882)AlC
Singa & Co., DanielLater owners: Jules Robin (1885); Charles de Rancourt (representative of Jules Robin, 1908)EPCognac
Sire de Malembeau & Cie.Owner: Hardy (1979)EPCognac
Six O'ClockOwner: Sauvion (1925)EP
Skinner & RookMerchants@Nottingham
SmartOwner: Camus (1978)1
Smith & Co. Lmt., StephenLater owner: Prunier (1905)EP
Smith & Co., W.J.EP
SMWSScotch Malt Whisky Society (est. 1983); they also have marketed some single cask cognacs @Edinburgh
Société Anonyme des Viticulteurs FrançaisEP
Société Anonyme Distilleries de JonzacEPJonzac
Société Anonyme GranvinsEPParis
Société Centrale des Propriétaires VinicolesOrganisation from 1835-1838 to liberate winegrowers from the negociants influence; then became brand name of Niox (1853?); directeur Amedé Niox; later owners: Denis-Mounié, Roullet (1946)EP
Société Coöperative L'Elbeuvienne
Société Coöperative Vinicole du Pays de CognacManagers: Louis Descudet (1933), Marcisse Guignon (1935), Louis Bourdaraud (1936)EP
Société des Alcoóls du Quebecunknown producer@Montreal (Ca)
Société des Eaux de Vie de Cognac@
Société des Propriétaires Vinicoles de CognacEst. 1838; owner: Monnet1,EP
Société des Vins & SpiriteuxOwner: Monnet1,EP
Société Distillerie Cognac@
Société G.N. ChristoforoffSee ChristoforoffEP
Société Genérale de CognacOwner: Boulestin (1885)EP
Société Noël & Co.Later owner: E. Texier (1898)AlC
Société pour la Commerce des Eaux de Vie de Cognac@
Société pour la Distillation de CognacEP
Société Vinicole de CognacEst. in 1838; Soc. Des Propr. Vinicoles de Cognac (Monnet); 1904
Société Coöperative des Viticulteurs de Cognac et des CharentesOwner: Gonzalez & Satub (1903)AlC
SodicognacOwner: Gautier/aigre (1977)1
SodisOwner: Gautier/aigre (1979)EP
SogedocEts. Raymond BarreauEPJarnac
Solange FrèresLater owner: Castillon (1912)EP
Soleil, JeanOwner: Louis Mauguy (1885)EP
Solençon, Chateau du@
Soloire & Co., LaLater owner: Denis, Mounié (1892)AlC
Sonac & Co.Soc. Des Propr. Vinicoles de Cognac, Salignac, (1895); Monnet (1906)EPCognac
Sonac & Co.Soc. Des Propr. Vinicoles de Cognac, Salignac, (1895); Monnet (1906)EPJarnac
Sonneville, deEP
Sorel Jubin & Co.Owner: Jules Robin (1882) remark: looks like an anagramEP
Sorel, LouisLater owner: BrugerolleEP,1Matha
Sorin & Co., J.Estab. 1858; owners: Richard Pailloud, later Vallein-Tercinier1,EPSegonzac
Sorin Delorme & Co., A.EPSt. Jean d'Angely
Sorin Frères@
Soto, F. & R.EP
Soualle & de Bailliencourt, producer from Bordeaux@
Soubiron, PierreOwner: Pernod-Ricard (1983)1
Souchay, F.C.Est. 1846; later owner: Monnet (1926)EPCognac
Soulié, J.M.Nég. Barriasson (1885); Marchand (1901)EP
Source du Cognac, A Laproduceur: De Malhere; later owner: Lucien le Tanneur (1934)AlCJuillac-le-Coq
Soustre, GeorgesEP
Southard & Co.EP
Southern Vineyard ProprietorsEP
Souvigny & Cie., G.J.H.EP
Souza Carneiro Cia.@
Spawforth & FilsEP
Spencer & Co. Ld.EP
Splannderunknown producer@
St. Cyr, DeLater owner: Lavergne Gardrat (1881)AlC
St. Denisprobably owned by GodetBLignières-Sonneville
St. MichaelProduced for Marks & Spencer@
St. Michelowner: Compagnie Viticole des Charentes@
St. Pierre, B. deLater owner: Emile Garraud (1887)AlC
Stallard, JosiahWine and spirit merchant@Worcester (UK)
Stamboisowner: Chateau de Chasseneuil@
Star of India, TheEP
Startz, C.H.Later owner: Million (1893)AlC
Stirnemann & Co.Later owner: Gonzalez (1896)AlC
StockNég. D'Aubigny (1947)EPTriest (It)
Streuli Frères@Hottingen (Su)
Struman FrèresEPBruxelles
Suarez & Co., F.EPBolivia
Suberbie y Ormazabal_ZumarragaEP
SuchacOwner: Durbiss (1991)EPCherac
Sugier & co., MarieLater owners: Félix Gross (1897; Henri Roy (1910); Salignac (1925)1
Sully, MartinGrocery store; unknown producerEPNîmes
Sumac & Co., G.Owner: Camus (1898)
SundsvallSwedish brand@
SuperlativeOwner: Camus (1946)1
Sureau, CharlesEst. 1825EPSurgères
Sureau & Cie., M.Later owner: Louis Maumont (1892)AlC
Sureau Jeune, Charles@
Susbielle, M. deEPLibourne
Sussezac, T.Later owner: Jules Aumon (1887)EP
Sutain & Filsowner: E. Normandin (1921)AlC
Suzac & Co., A.Later owners: J. Denis & Henry Mounier (1892)AlC
Sylvain@Charenton (Paris)
Sylvain, Père & FilsLater owner: Michel (1902)
Symbole royaleOwner: Courvoisier (1983)1
Taad & Co., A.P.Later owner: Merinvil (1950)@
TailleventRestaurant in Parijs; Nég. Hine, ThomasEPParis
Talbois & Co., R.E.EPBirmingham
TalbotLater owner: Monnet (1906)@
Talbot, RomainLater owner: L.P. Michel (1902)AlC
Taillandier & Co., D.EP
TailleferThey are now called Tallefort, still active1Saint-Preuil
TalleyrandOwner: les Grands Chais de France1Petersbach
Tallis, C.@Jersey
Tallon & Co.Later owner: Monnet (1926)EP
Tallon & Co., C.E.Camille-Edouard Tallon; later owner: Monnet (1926)EPCognac
Tamon & Co., JulesEst. 1880; later owner Camus (1957)1
Tampier & Co., L.Est. 1816 in Bordeaux; later owner: Adet Seward (1938)1,EPBordeaux
Tampier Aîné & Fils@Bordeaux
Tampon & FilsOwner: E. Normandin, 1902AlC
Tancy, Albert@Bordeaux
Tanier & Co., A.D.Later owner: Gustave Duret (1884)AlC
Tapon, T.EP
Tardet, MichelStill active, but now called Tardet-Pradère@St. Pierre d'Oléron
Tardieu & Co., RémyOwner: Bache-Gabrielsen (1910)1,EPCognac
Targon & Co., Rob.EP
Tarin & FilsBrand owned by Croizet-Eymard (1902)1,EP
Tassel & Co., W.Later owner: Bisquit-Dubouché (1893)AlC
Taste, laEP
Tauzia, MarcelSucc. De Ch. CourrègesEPCaudéran
Tauzia, Maurice deEPS. Savinien
Owner: Quangcard (1978)1,EP
Taverny, James@Gentilly
Taylor & Co., Ed.Later owner: Sauvion (1921)EP
Taylor & Co., Johnowner: E. Normandin, (1934)AlC
Teilliard & Co., L.Later owner: Auguste Diot (1904)9,EP
Teissedre & Co., A.@Bordeaux
Tell & Cie., G.Later owner: Sauvion (1901)EP
Temple, Réserve duowner: FroissantEPConchil-le Temple
Temps Jadis, leOwner: Royer (1965)1
TenersLater owner: Jules Aumon (1887)EP
Ternay, Amiral deOwner: Sauvion (1902)EP
Terrasson, Comte de Montleau, H.Henri Terrasson, now succeeded by Gerald Terrasson (see there)@
Terreaux & Co., Victorowner: Boutillier - Briand (1901)@
TerrefourOwner: Quancard1
Tessandier & Co.Deed 1890AlC
Tesseron, A.probably succeeded by Jean Philippe TesseronEP
Tessier & Co., A.Possibly related to the Moyet family (1921) EPSt. Sulpice de Cognac
Tété, C.EPHonfleur
Texier & Co., E.Deed 1887EPJarnac
Texier & Co., JulesDeed 1919EP
Texier & Fils, DenisLater owner: Grandsaignes-Pionneau (1904)EPCognac
Texier Gérard & Co., J.Owner: Camus (1913)1, EP
Texier, R.@Montchaude
Texier & Co., RogerDeed 1902@
Thadée Aîné & Co., M.Later owner: Maurice Roux (1886)EP
Theallier, Gabriel@Valnence-sur Rhone
Theil, Jean@Moulis-Médoc
Thierry & Co.Owner: Lacroux (Ch. Paulet) 1904AlC
Thomas Baty & Sonwine merchants@Liverpool
Thomas Frères Brisson & Cie.Deed 1863EP
Thomas, AlainOwner: Slaur Sardet@
Thompson, H. & Delhomme fres.Deed: 1863 (Tribunal de Bordeaux)EP
Thooft & Van VollenhovenEst. 1808EPRotterdam
Thoret & Co., A.Later owner: Boutillier Delaurière (1929)AlC
Thunder & Co.EP
Tiffon & RoyDeed 1868EP
Tillac & Co., FelixLater owner: Boutillier, Briand (1901)EP
Tilleard & Co., Ph.EP
Tilsatt Salt & PepperNot sure about this product.EP
Timpan Fils & Co.EP
TinvilleOwner: Bisquit (1890)1,EPJarnac
Tio Chepe'conac'@
Tisseraud Naulets & Co.Later owner: G-me Malifaud (1886)EP
Tissot & Co., C.Est. 1814EPCognac
Tissot & Co., G.Est. 1835; deed 1885; later owner: Bourbon, Boussaguet (1886); Sauvion (1896)EP
ToblerOwner: Tobler-Cenon, deed 1948@
Todivala & Co.EP
Tolima, ElEP
Tolley FrèresLater owner: Rivière Gardrat (1883)EP
Tomassin & Co.EP
Tonnelle lamerk van MenuetEPSt. Même-les-Carrières
Topaze, AlbertLater owner: Jules Robin (1882)EP
Tosta Frèresowner: Gautier-Cavaillé (1928)EP
Tour d'Argentbrand of the famous Parisian restaurant@
Tour de Lusignan, le@
Tour du Monde, leOwner: Agard de Nard (1880)EP
Tour EiffelTour Eiffel Restaurants
Tourell & Co., F.Later owner: Roullet & Delamain (1886)1,EP
Tournell & Co.Later owners: Staub (1929); Hardy (1965)1,EPCognac
Tourneur, ArmandLater owner: Barnett, Elichagaray (1903)AlC
Tourneur & Co., Will.Owner: Mestrezat, Bordeaux (1985)EP
Tournoy(Manoir de Toutourne); owned by Michel Guionnet (1948)EPBourg-Charente
Tradition & QualitéOwner: Unicognac
(possibly a brandy made for Gall & Gall, NL)
Tradition Brillat-SavarinOwner: Guy de Bersac3a
Traditions de LahonEP
Tramar, Guy deLater owner: Prunier (1905); the brand name still exists for ArmagnacEP
Tre Stjernerthe name means: three stars (Danish)EP
Trebogad & Cie., O.EP
Tremblé, MichelEPLa Chapelle des Pots
TrenaisOwner: Jules Robin (1983)
Trenet & Cie, A.C.Owner: Jules Robin (1984)1
Trésor, le@
Trésor de FranceEcole de Cuisine et de patisserieEP
Trésor RoyaleTrademark of Frapin1
Tressac & Co.Later owner: Rustad (Bache-Gabrielsen,1909)AlC
Tressac & Co., J.Later owner: Rustad (Bache-Gabrielsen,1914)EP
Tressac Seguin & Co.Owner: Bache-Gabrielsen1, EPCognac
TrianonOwner: Compagnie Girondine-BordeauxEP
Tribot Fils & Co., A.Auguste Tribot; est. 1831; Later owner: Sheperd (Shepherd, Meukow; 1926)EP
Tribot Père, Augte.Auguste Tribot; later owner: Henri Morand, petit fils (1894)AlC
TribouletLater owner: Georges Courant (1942); now: CCG1
Tricoche & Co.Est. 1820; owner: Paulet (1961)1,EPCognac
Tricoche, Bonniot & Co.EP
Trois Chevaliers, lesOwner: Cosson, GillesEP
Trois ClefsEPMontboyer
Trois EmpereursOwner: Guy de Bersac (eigenlijk van Domaine du Chillot)1,3a,EPSegonzac
Troisgros FrèresProduced for the Troisgros Restaurant by different houses, Paulet, Hine, Croizet, Hine, Robin amongst others1,3a,EP
Tron FilsLater owner: Bisquit-Dubouché (1891)AlC
Trost, HermanEP
Trouville FrèresLater owner: Grandsaigne, De Pionneau (1907)EP
Trüsart & Cie.Later owner: Pellisson (1894); back to Trüsart in 1908.
Trut Fils, J.EP
Trut, J. & Martin, C.Deed 1883EPCognac
Tuileries, Cognac desProduced by Brossault & Co.@
Turbin & Co., HenriEP
Turbot & Co., Ch.Later owner: Prunier (1926)1
Turin, A.Later owner: Laugerat (1912)AlC
TylersWine Merchants@London
Tytell, Henri & FilsLater owner: Hardy (1978)1
U.C.C.Nég. GautretEPJonzac
Uffaut, d'Est. 1891EPCognac
Uhink & Co.Later owner: Planat (1891)AlC
Ullrich, Paul@Basel (Su)
Uncle's Special Reserve, myEP
UnicognacCooperative founded by J. Gautret and also sold as a brand1,3,3a,5,B,EPJonzac
UnicoopCooperative founded in 1935 and also sold as a brand@Cognac
Unicorn Brand, TheEP
UnicoviOwner: Unicoop1
UnionBrand of Frederic Picauron (1898)AlC
UnionOwner: Unicogac1
Union à CognacOwner: Salignac1
Union CharentaiseOwner: Léonce Damour (1886); Camus (1896)
Union Charentaise was used by several houses: Léonce Damour, Camus, Kopf, Paul Garnaud
Union Charentaise d'Exportateurs de CognacsOwner: Croizet, Lutaud, Bidoit (1921); Armand Hardy (1929)AlC
Union ClubOwner: Frapin (1982)1
Union de la Viticulture et du Commerce CharentaisEP
Union de los OceanosOwner: C. Agard de Nard (1880)EP
Union des Bouilleurs de Cru CharentaisEPJarnac
Union Cooperative de Viticulteurs des CharentesVan A.L. Lagarde Aîné; later owner: E. Million (1896); see also Viticulteurs RéunisAlC
Union de Cooperatives du Cognacprobably UnicognacEPJonzac
Union des Charentes, l'Owner: Merlin (1908)AlC
Union des Producteurs FrançaisEPParis
Union des Propriétaires distillateursOwner: Salignac (1924)1
Union des Viticuleurts Charentaispredecessor to Unicognac@
Union JarnacaiseLater owner: Ranson (1911)AlC
Union Vinicoleowner: Fayou; Jolly (1891)@Cognac
Union Viticole des Propriétaires CognaçaisOwner: Monnet (1904)AlC
Uniona CognacOwner: Salignac (1978)1
United Vineyards Proprietors (under Salignac)Established by Salignac (1838); now owned by Monnet (1897)AlC
United Vineyards Proprietors (under Monnet)Established by Salignac (1838); now owned by Monnet (1897)AlC
Untel & Co.EP
Urbain GrandierOwner: Geoffroy (1907); Petit-Laroche (Elichagaray) (1922)AlC
Vachier & Co., PhilipLater owner: Duval, Chaprt (1885)AlC
Vadron Freres@
ValacOwner: Confidentia (Les Grands Chais de France, 1974)1
Valade & Cie., PierreEPBordeaux
Valade & Co., A.Deed 1886EPChateaubernard
Valade, F.same emblem on label as Pierre Valade@Bordeaux
Valade, J.@
Valbert & Co., Jn.Nég. FournierEPChateauneuf
Valbert BrandSame emblem on label as Jn. Valbert & Co.; Nég. FournierEPChateauneuf
Valbrun, GeorgesLater owner: Albert Robin (1886)AlC
Valentin, AugusteLater owner: Dugas (1895)AlC
Valera & Co., A. dedeed 1921AlC
Valère, G. de@
Valiant, HectorLater owner: Hoger-Paul Povelson (1948)@
Vallade, Hoirie-Rogersucceeded by Jean Vallade@Brie-sous-Archiac
Vallantin Aîné, J.Deed 1862 (TdC Angoulême); The Grape-Vine Cultivator's Company; Inpi
Vallary & Co., P.Later owner: Louis Royer (1908)1,EPJarnac
Vallat, Louisprobably misspelled: see Louis ValletEPArgentat
Valle deOwner: Barriasson/Gaston de la Grange1
Vallée de LyonOwner: Barnett, Elichagaray (1898)AlC
Vallee, CognacEP
Vallein, G.Later became Vallein Tercinier & Co; still active as Famille Vallein TercinierEPChermignac
ValleroyOwner: Unicognac1
Vallet, Louissee also Louis VallatEPArgentat
Vallet, Louisbrand owned by Montifaud@Jarnac-Champagne
Vallière & Co., P.Later owner: Monnet (1926)EPCognac
Vallon & Co.Later owner: Renault (1899)AlCCognac
Vallon & Co.Later owner: Louis Royer (1965)AlCJarnac
Vallon, J.F. (Jean-François)probably taken over by Louis RoyerEPJarnac
Vallon, J.F.@Cognac
Valois, Jean deOwner: Unicoop (1933)1
Valroy & Co., M.Later owner: Prunier (1909)EP
Vandermeulen Frères, P. & M.Belgian wine merchant@Oostende (B)
VannierSame emblem as A. Vannier & Co.EP
Vannier & Co., A.merk van Gautier/aigre1,EP
Vanor & Co., O.Later owner: Prunier (1909)EP
Varnier FrèresEP
Vassal, J.Joseph Vassal (from 1817 or before); later owner: Laugerat (1885)EPSt. Jean d'Angely
Vauban & Co., A.Later owner: Monnet (1926)EP
Vauban & Co., AlfredLater owner: Monnet (1905)EP
Vauban Père & FilsLater owner: Monnet (1905)EPCognac
Vaucelle, A.Later owner: Louis Royer (1965)1
Vaud, AndréNegociant-distillateur@Malaville - Chateauneuf
Vaudel & Co.@
Vauleton & Co.@
Vaurs Successeur, P.E.Later owner: Royer, Vert (1899)AlC
Vavasseur, Alfred leEPBordeaux
Veau & ses Fils, veuve L.Est. Around 1867-1891; merged to become Vinicole Charentaise (1931)EPSt. Jean d'Angely
Vendée & Co., NapoléonEst. 1835; Later owner: Sauvion (1902)EP
Vendell & Co., Jean@
Vendés & Co., NapoleonEst. 1835; Later owner: Sauvion (1962)@
Vénérand & Co., GeorgesLater owner: Mariage, Vve; Augibaud (1904); compagnie Agricole et Viticole (Salignac, Monnet; 1920)EP
Vénérand & Co., G.Later owner: compagnie Agricole et Viticole (Salignac, Monnet; 1920)1
Vérac FrèresLater owner: Paul Martin (1894)AlC
Verbena (Jules Hue & Co.)Later owners: Tricoche, Bonniot (1895); B. Vert & Co. (1900); Tiffon (1921)EP
Verdeau & Co., AngelEPBarbezieux
Verdier & Cie.EP
Verdier & Co., G.EP
Verdon & Co., A.Deed 1886EP
Verdun & Cie.@
Vergnée & Cie., E. laLater owner: Sauvion (1901)EP
Veriac & Co., E.EP
VernayEst. 1875; EPBordeaux
Vernay Frères & Co.Later owners: Charles; Hunet (1886)AlC
Vernet & Cie., duLater owner: Faure (1881); Tricoche, Bonniot (1900)EP
Vernet, EmileLater owner: Alexandre Bonniot (1884)EP
Vernet, LéonLater owner: Roger, Ménard (1889)AlC
Vernette, EmileLater owner: Jules Robin (1910)AlC
Verneuil, J.Later owner: Bisquit-Dubouché (1893)AlC
Vernon & Co., F. deLater owner: Bache Gabrielsen (1978)EP
Véron & Co., G.Later owner: Tricoche, Bonniot (1893)AlC
Verrière, J.Liquoriste@St. Seine l'Abbaye
Verrière & Co., J.Later owner: Bisquit-Dubouché (1893)AlC
VersayesOwner: Gautier/aigre1
Verschnitt, CognacEP
VersennesOwner: Séguinot1,EPSegonzac
Vert & Co., B.Later owner: Tiffon (1921)EPJarnac
Vertemart, deLater owners: Proux; Kondratowic (1884) André Daranlot (1950)EP
Verteuil & Co., M. deLater owner: Bache-Gabrielsen (1947)EP
Verteuil, deOwned by Bache-Gabrielsen1
Veulle, deDeed 1951 (Annie de Veulle)EPBourg-Charente
Veuve & Cie., EmileLater owner: Alphonse Bellot (1885)EP
Veuve MachetOwner: Gautier/aigre (1978)1
Veyrand & Co., A.Later owner: Prunier (1909)EP
Vial & Co., VincentEPMatha
Vial & Fils, T. de@Bordeaux
Vialon, DominiqueEP
Vibrac & Co., I. deLater owner: Sociétés des Prorietaires Vinicoles de Cognac (Monnet, 1898) EP

Owner: Unicognac (1976)
Vicenty, BernardEPLandon
Vicomte de GambierEP
Vicomte des AulsneauxOwner: Louis de Salignac (1902)
Vicomte d'OrsacOwner: Louis de Salignac (1902)AlC
Vicomtesse, LaOwner: Philippe de Foulhiac de Padirac (1982)1
Victor, LouisOwner: Dominique Rivière (1987)@St. Maigrin
Videau & Co.Later owner: Lucien Foucauld (1897); now owned by CCG1
Vieille CureLiquor company near Bordeaux (Abbaye de Cenon)@Cenon
Vieille GardeEP
Viel (restaurant)unknown producer, made for Restaurant Viel@
Vieuille & Co.Deed 1896AlC
Vieux CastelEP
Vieux CellierMade for La Clef du Cellier, Paris@
Vieux MaisonBritish Transport Hotels Ltd.@
Vieux Vert@Ardennes
Vigier, J. & L.EPLaprade
Vignac & Cie., LeOwner: E. Normandin (1890)AlC
Vignac & Co., Ev. DeLater owner: Monnet (1902)EPJarnac
Vignac & Co., L.EP
Vignaud, MauriceDeed 1905AlCCherves de Cognac
Vigneau, RenéDeed: 1924AlC
VignelacOwned by Camus (1975)1
Vigneron & Co.Later owner: Pellisson Père (1895)EP
Vigneron Charentais, Cognac du@
Vignerons Bouilleurs de Cru, Cie@Péreuil
Vignerons UnisOwner: Pierre-Victor Guillon (1875); J. Alphonse Grollaud (1899)EP
Vignier & Co., EvaristeESt. on Ile d'Oléron in 1650; in Cognac in 1855EPCognac
Vignier-Dodart & Co.Deed 1862EP
Vignier-Gassies & Co.Deed 1877EP
Vignoble de la Pradelle@Juillac-le-Coq
Vignobles FougeratJean FougeratEP
Vilagos@Vilagos (Hu)
Vilbert & Co, B. deLater owner: Bache-Gabrielsen (1948)1
Villac & Co., JulesLater owner: La Participation Charentaise (Camus, 1875)EP
Villamil, F. de@Bordeaux
Villard & Cie., J.M.Van Brugerolle1,EPMatha
Villard & Co., E.Later owner: Rustad (Bache-Gabrielsen, 1909)EPCognac
Villard, RaphaëlLater owner: Pascal Combeau (1935)AlC
Villars, deOwner: Marcel Boinaud-Réchou (1954)EPAngeac-Champagne
Villars, Henri deOwner: L'Héritier Guyot (1976)EPDijon
Ville de CognacEP
Ville, Le@Rouillac
Villedrac, Ch. deEP
Villefayaud, Georges@
Villemond, D.Later owner: Daniaud (1883); Camus (1902)EP
VilleneuveNég. BrugerolleEP
Villers, J.Later owner: Bisquit-Dubouché (1893)AlC
Villers & Co., G.EP17003
VillesuzannePossibly also known as Domaine de Lorimont; possibly bought by Boinaud (De Luze) early 2000sEPRoissac
Villiere, F.M. de laFélix Marie de la Villière; brand owned by Vinet-DelpechB,EPBrie-sous-Archiac
Villon, O.@
Vinet & Co., L.Later owner: Lucien le Tanneur (1938)EP
Vinet & Co., U.Later owner: Prunier (1909)EPCognac
Vinet & Co., UrbainLater owner: Prunier (1889)EP
Vinet, GeorgesEPBurie
Vinicole CharentaiseEmerged in 1931 from Audouin-Dubreuil, Robert and Veau, among others@St.-Jean d'Angely
ViocSocieté Cooperative@Macqueville
Violet & Co's., JamesEP
Violet Frères, J. & owned by Pernod-Ricard@
Violet Quemin, L.@Monbazillac
VirganF. San Roman é Hijos?EP
Virgilio dall'Orso & Co.Owner: De Laage (1873)EP
VisonH. de la Chaume@
Vison & Co., J.Later owner: Pellisson Père (1909)EP
Visschers, P.A.Est. 1869EPAntwerpen
Vital & Co., C.Later owners: Lucien le Tanneur (1940); Royer (1965)1
Vitarelle, B. deLater owner: Prunier (1909)EP
Vitet & Co., L.Deed 1883EP
Viti OléronCoöperativeEPSt. Pierre d'Oléron
Viticulteurs CharentaisEPCognac
Viticulteurs des Charentes, lesOwner: E. Vert (1903)AlC
Viticulteurs RéunisOwner: E. Millon (1892)AlC
Viticulteurs RéunisOwner: Prunier (1902)EPCognac
Viticulteurs SaintongeaisOwner: Puy Gaudin1,EPChenac
Vitis, deOwner: Suzy Guillon, married to Jean Queron (1978); now they're using the name: Le Plantis des ValléesEPMacqueville
Vitrac & Co., JulesLater owner: Prunier (1926)EP
Vivat & Co., HenriLater owner: Prunier (1892)AlC
Viverac, deOwner: Inno-France1
Vivienne & Co.Owner: Gautier/Aigre1
Vivier & Co., duLater owner: Renault, St.-Louvent (1909)EP
Voix RomaineBEcoyeux
Vollaud, Gérard1Chez Boursac (Ars)
Voltaire & Cie.Nég. I. Sauvion (1909)EP
Vorats FilsEP
Vosgesowned by UnicognacEP
Vouquet & Co., J.Later owner: Bacqué (1897)AlC
Vriel & Co., A. deLater owner: Compagnie agricole et viticole à Cognac (Salignac, 1920)AlC
Vrijmoed & Zonen, JohannesDutch distillery@Schiedam (NL)
Vrillaud & Co., J.Owner: Fournier Demars (1977)EPSt. Amand-Montrond (Cher)
Vrillaud & Co., J.EPTonnay-Charente
Vrillaud, J.Owner: Gautier/Aigre (1978)1
Vurlaud, Paul deOwner: Paul Guilbot (1890)AlC
W. & J.C.Later owner: Edmond Belly (1863)
WagramOwner: Etienne Gasqueton (1955)EP
Wakeham & Son, Saml.EPLiverpool
Walker & Sons, John@Kilmarnock (UK)
Walker, PeterEP
Walkers, John@
Wallace & Co., T.F.EPLondon
Walmsley & CharnleyEPBlackburn
Walter SymonsLater owner: Rivière-Gardrat (1874)AlC
Walton & Co., JamesEP
Wanda, JulesEP
Watt, Andrew A. & Company@
Weber, FrèresEPLausanne
Weil FrèresDeed 18869
Westerling & Co., B.Later owner: B. Gassies & Co. (1884)AlC
White & Son, J.EP
Whitwham & Co.@
Widmann & HarthLater owner: Meukow (1909)1,EPBordeaux
Wildman & Fils, Frederickowned by Courvoisier. Also: Frederick Wildman & Sons.1,EPNew York
Wilkoproduced by German distillery@Kaarst (GE)
WillisauProducer: Diwisa distillerieEPWillisau (Su)
Wine Agency, theEPLondon
Wolff Fils, A.Later owner: Dessandier (1897)AlC
Woltner & Co.@
Woltner FrèresEPParis
Wulff & Co., H.EP
Wüstinger, A.C.@Bernburg (Ge)
Yrisarri & OteroEP
Yrisarri, J. JuanEP
Yuan Yang, OshidoriOwner: Prunier (1983). The meaning is: Mandarin duck1
Yvon & Co., A.Deed 1910; owner: Gautier/Aigre (1984)EP,1Aigre
Yvon, A. & GaboriauEP
Yvon, J.EP
Yvon de RosyDeed 1921AlC
Zangroniz & Co., de@Bordeaux
Zèbre & Co., Ch.owner: Savard, Vve ; Georgeon (1912); Daranlot (1950)AlC
Ziltener, Andréwine producer in BourgogneEP
ZwackThe producer still exists, but they don't make cognacs anymore; they produce liqueurs.EPBudapest