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ollaBottle pictureLabel picture↨ Remarks↨ source↨ location
Machall FrèresDeed: 1893Alc
Machenaud Neuillac, E.Emile Machenaud, deed 1858inpiAngoulême
Machenaud & Co., EdmondEP
Machenaud & Co., J.A.EP
Machenaud, Rhodius & Cie.owner: EngrandEPAngoulême
Machet, Vve.Est. 1901EPAigre
Macias, LuizEP
Mackdelle & Co.owner: Lucien Guérin (1883); Bernard Guérin (1904)EP
MacMahon & Co.Later owner: Lucien Bellot (1895)AlC
Maes, André@
Magellan, J.B.owner: Prunier (1909)15,EP
Mager AînéEP
Magnac & DemathieuEPAurillac
Magné, As.EPSaintes
Magne, L.EPBréville
Magnier & Cie., A.Estab. in 1852; later owner: Leyrat/Engrand1,EPAngoulême
Magraval & Co., B.EP
Mahjongtrademark of Frapin1
Mähler, Besse & Cie.EPCognac
Mailleberchieowner: Lucas frères (1981)1Mailleberchie
Maillet, PaulEPNonaville
Maine des RoisOwner: Staub (1938)@Juillac-le-Coq
Maine Moutard, leEPChevanceaux
Mainguenaud, G.EPCognac
Maison de l'Empereurunknown producer; made for the Palais de Compiègne@Compiègne
Maison FM d'Antony & Fils@
Maison des Vins de Charente, laEP
Maison du Chêne VertOwner: Summertime@Jarnac
Maison Margnat@Sireuil
Maison Rougehotel in Dinard@Dinard
Majorowner: Brugerolle (only seen for brandy)1
Majos & Co., F.Est. 1804; later owner: Brugerolle1,EPMatha
Malayne & Co., E.Later owner: Prunier (1909)EP
Malbec, Raymonddeceased early 2000s1Saintes
Maldini Maubrac & Co., A.@Chili
Malibran FréresLater owner: Prunier (1907)AlC
MalifanProduced by Union des Vignerons CharentaisEPBrie-s-Matha
Malifaud, Gme.deed 1883EPSte Même Cognac
Malleger, Jean1Moulidars
Malletproduced by H. Mounier (Unicoop)@
Mallet & Co., A.EP
Mallet Frères@
Mallet, Jean-Paulowner: Unicoop (via Mounier)1,EPCognac
Mallinger, JeanSucceeded by Patrick MallingerEPHiersac
Malmaudowner: Pierre-Jean RougeEPAumagne (Brizambourg)
Malot & Fils, A.Later owner: Louis Gauthier (1929)AlCSt.-Jean-d'Angély
Maltail, A.owner: Lacoste Fils Frères & Co. (1892)
Malveaux FrèresLater owner: Tricoche, Bonniot (1898)AlC
Manard FrèresEP
Mandrin, Louisgroup of young winegrowers, SARL du Cep d'Or 1,EPLes Aireaux (Graves)
Mangon & Fils, veuveLater owner: Gautier (1977)EPAigre
Manguy, R.EP
Manille & Co., Ch.EP
Manou & Co., J.F.Deed 1896EP
Manuel & WebsterWarehouse, including wine and spiritsEPGlasgow
Manuel de Monterac & Co.owner: Jules Bellot (1874)AlC
Manuel Fornaguere, Sr.owner: Eugène Prud'homme (1897)AlC
Maqueda, Cia.EP
Marais & Cie., L.owner: Normandin (E.), 1902AlC
Marat & Co., D.Later owner: Lucien Bellot (1891)AlC
Marbais & Filsowner: Normandin (E.), 1890AlC
Marboeuf & Co., A.Deed: 1885; later owner: Pellisson Père (1902)EP
Marbot & Co., H.EP
Marbot, grandOwner: Etienne Gasqueton (1959)EPMachecoul
Marcadier, MarcelNow: Marcadier S. - Barbot A.1,6,EPSégonzac
Marcadier, Mme. MarcelNow: Marcadier S. - Barbot A.EPSégonzac
Marceau, GuyLater owner: Castillon (1935)EPCognac
Marceau, L.EP
Marcelain & Co., R.G.EP
Marcelin & Filsowned by Pellisson, pèreEPCognac
Marcelin, G.@
Marcelin Renoux & Co.Deed 1894AlC
Marcelle Brand@
Marcenac, A. & NeveuEPBordeaux
Marchadier & Co., Marcdeed 1869EPCognac
Marchaisse, S.Later owners: Ollanier (1884); Duras (1895)EPSt. Jean d'Angély
Marchand & Co., EmileDeed 1901AlC
Marchand, AlbertLater owner: Camus (1908)@
Marchand, G.EP
Marchand, Gabrielakte 1872EP
Marchand, Gabrielle@
Marchand, J.Later owner: Geoffroy (1897)AlC
Marchand, Lecoq & Co.akte 18969,AlC
Marchand, RenéSucceeded by Marie-Claude et Patrice MarchandEPSt. Thomas de Conac
Marchant Aîné@
Marchaud, AndréEP
Marché & Cie., Paulestabl. 1891EP
Marchery & Cie., deEP
Marchive, R.G.Logis de Scée@Vars
Marcilly Frères, P. deEPSaintes
Marcour & Fils, P.Owner: Normandin (E.), 1890AlC
Marechal FrèresOwner: Normandin (E.), 1890EP
Marel & Co.Later owner: Tiffon (1883)EP
Marengo, lepossibly only 'brandy'EP
Mareuil, Antoine deowned by Gaston de LaGrange (1964)AlC
Mareuil, Comtes desince 2015; Philippe Vallantin-Dulac@Saint Seurin de Cursac
Margueriteowner: Union Coopérative de Viticulteurs Charentais (1933)AlC
Marguerite & Cie., RobertEP
Marianneowner: Taillefort1
Marie AntoinetteOwner: Bonnaud (1890)AlC
Marie BrizardFounded in 1755; became Marie Brizard & RogerEPBordeaux
Marie Brizard & Rogerbought by Belvedère Group9,EP
Marie Leblanc@
Marie Roger & Filsowner: Ménard, Roger & Fils (1895)AlC
Marie, P. SteLater owner: De Laage (1873)AlC
Marigny FrèresLater owner: Barnett & Elichagaray (1930)
Maril, JulesLater owner: Monnet (1902)EP
Marimont, Duc deowner: Hennequin & FilsEPMetz
Marinbrand of Piet van Gent's Distilleerderij@Schiedam (NL)
Marin & Co., NoëlLater owner: Camus (1937)AlC
Marin FrèresOwner: Camus (1926)AlC
Marin, JulesEP
Marion & Co., F.EPSt. Jean d'Angély
Marion & Filsowner: Marie Brizard & Roger (1902)AlC
Marionnaud & Co., H.owner: Bonnaud (1890)EP
Marius & Co., HenryLater owner: Guerin (1887)EP
Marius Brunproduced by L. Croizet for the Grand Café de l'Union@Ussel
Marius Fils, A.Later owners: Croizard ; Lutaud ; Bidoit (1906)AlC
Marjolaisowner: Quancard1
Marlin & Fils, Veuve@
Marlive & Co., Charlesowner: Prunier (1951);
(or Baron, 1981, according to the global brand database)
Marlot & Co.Later owner: Fromy, Rogée & Co.@St. Jean d'Angely
Marmitonowner: Royer (1983)1
Marmont & Co., H.owner: Vve Savard & Georgeon (1915)AlC
Marmont, L.EP
Marmoutier & Co.owner: Lucien Bellot (1882)EP
Marot & Fil, J.J.Owner: Jules Bellot (1906)AlC
Marot, Laurentowner: Reau-Richard (1984); now CCG1
Marot, R.owner: Georges Baubeau (1936)AlC
Maroy & Co.owner: Royer (1967) (brandy?)1
Marpon, JacquesEP
Marquand & Co., LucienEP
Marque du Casqueowner: Adet Steward (1944)AlC
Marquet Son & Co.owner: Godard Frères (1860, CT de Bordeaux)Inpi
Marquet, C.owner: Pellisson, père (1882)EP
Marquet, G.owner: Pellisson, père (1889)EP
Marquis & Co., Jeanowners: Normandin (1927); UnicoopAlC,1
Marquis C. de Genet@
Marquis d'AubironEP
Marquis de ClionEPSt. Jean d'Angely
Marquis de FesquesEP
Marquis de la Croix du Lôowner: Lorrain, Depas & Neveu (1889)AlC
Marquis de la Croix Landol@
Marquis de La Fayettesee Marquis de La Fayette; owner H. Mounier, Unicoop (1934)EP
Marquis de Lafayetteowner: Grandsaignes-Pionneau (now Camus); 1908
Marquis de LafayetteOwner: Paul Antier & Pomarel (1908)
Marquis de la FerrièreOwner: Artaud de la Ferrière; later owner: Godet@
Marquis de LageardProduced by Lheraud@
Marquis de LonacOwner: CCG1
Marquis de Maumontowner: Fernand Angibaud (1918)AlC
Marquis de Moncyowner: Minard, later CCG (1963)EP
Marquis de Montleauowner: Pascal Combeau (1933)AlC
Marquis de PoursacEPJonzac
Marquis de RantiereEP
Marquis de RochenacOwner: Hardy (1976); now De RochenacEP
Marquis de SauvalOwner: Prunier (1909)3a,EP
Marquis de SavignacOwner: Christian Thomas (owner of Beaulon)@St. Dizant du Gua
Marquis de SerignacOwner: Coopérative de Consommation des débitants de boissons du Boulonnais, produced by Mauball (1949)EP
Marquis de SourdisEP
Marquis de St Maigrin1,3a,EPArchiac
Marquis de Valladesowner: Chollet@Saint-Trojan
Marquis de VillardOwner: Ernest André (1927); Bache Gabrielsen (1945)AlC
Marquis DelysOwned by EurocognacEP
Marquis Delysprobably bought up by Peuchet
Marquis Pierre de VilleminOwned by Henri Mounier/Unicoop; only seen for Brandy1
Marquis Rocadourowner: Quancard (1982)1
Marquis, Ed. René & Filsowner: Roffignac (1934)1
Marquis & Co., L.Owner: Prunier (1907)EP
Marquise de Vérignacpossibly produced by Salignac for the Italian marketEP
Marrot, Marcel1,EPAigre
Marroy & Co.EP
Mars & Co., BernardEP
Marsanowner: Delaurière (1947)AlC
Marsan & Co., A.owner: Bisquit (1933)EP
Marsanex, L. deLéonard de Marsanex; Later owners: Louis Serre (1900); Bastier-Chagnaud (1952); Later Moullon, now CCG 1, EP
MarsatNég. Unicognac (1980)@Jonzac
Marsat & Co., J. Eug.(deed 1893)EP
Marsat, A.Nég. Unicognac1,EPJonzac
Marsaud & Co., M.owner: Dessandier (1882)EP
Marsens, C. & H.Later owner: Jaquet, Klug, Pelot (1895)AlC
Marsy & Co., deowner: Prunier (1981); possibly already in 1896: A. de Marsy)EPCognac
Martard & Cie., Ph.owner: Normandin (E.), 1890AlC
Martayrol Ets.Distiller@St. Denis de la Plaine (Paris)
Marteau & Co.owner: Pionneau & de Grandsaignes; now Camus
Marteau FrèresOwner: Antier, Pomarel (1905)AlC
Marteau, LouisOwner: Staub (1928)AlC
Martel & Co., J.L.10
Martel & Co., Jean LouisEstab. 1870EP
Martel FrèresEstab. 1819; (same as Gallin-Martel Joseph); leter owner: Martell (1951)EPCognac
Martel, Charlesfondée 1946@Jonzac
Martell & Co. Edmondest. 1896
Martell & Saugé, Edmondest. 18969,EPCognac
Martell, Edmondest. 1902EP
Martereau & Co., FilsEP
Martisee MeusnierEP
Martial & Co., AndréLater owner: Henri Rodde (1933)AlC
Martial, B.owner: E. Normandin 1924AlC
Martin & Cie.Later owners: Boutillier, Delaurière (1937); Briand; Prunier1Ségonzac
Martin & Cie., L.owner: Normandin, 1902EP
Martin & Cie., R.EP
Martin & Co., J.B.owner: Kopf (deed 1901) and later Grandsaignes-Pionneau (deed 1903); after that Ernest Merlin (1908)AlC
Martin & Co., J.R.owner: Rouyer Guillet/CCG (via Mercier Roger (1954) and via Sauvion)1
Martin & Co., M.owner: Auboyneau (1912) and later AMAD (1965)EP
Martin & Co., P.Deed 1886EPCriteuil-La Magdeleine
Martin & Co., P.J.owner: Guy Bastier; same as Pierre MartinEP
Martin & Fils, veuveBeg. Rémy-Martin (1905)EP
Martin & Rogéeowner: Monnet (see also Rogée & Monnet; 1894)1,EPCognac
Martin Frèresowners: Staub (1903); Roullet, Denis & Mounié (1911); Roullet 1913; Staub (1952)1, EP
Martin, F.L.Deed: 1876EPSt. Félix
Martin, H. jeuneNég. Prunier (1906)EP
Martin, Jeanowner: Georges Courant (1976)EP
Martin, jeune & Co.Nég. Prunier (1906)EP
Martin, JulesNég. Boutelleau; Maurice Saulnier (1915)EP
Martin, JulietteEPBarret
Martin's, John@
Martin, Chateau SaintEP
Martin, E.Eugène Martin@Touzac
Martin, M.Later owner: Auboyneau (1912); AMAD (1965)@
Martin, Marc1Courgeau
Martin, PaulOwner: Guérin Frères (1886)EPBordeaux
Martin, Pierreowner: CCG (via Bastier-Chagnaud, 1951); same as P.J. Martin1,EPCognac
Martinache & Co.owner: Auguste Roy (1876); Dugas (1895)EP
Martinat, J.owner: Henry Coulot (1916)EPChateaubernard
Martinaud, Albertbrand now owned by Unicoop (1934)@
Martinaud, JeanEst. 1847; see Martinaud Distilleries (same address). Jean is Propriétaire-Viticulteur@Chantillac
Martineau, G.Gustave Martineau; owner: Union des Propriétaires Distillateurs (van Salignac, 1947)EPSaintes
Martinet & Co., Ch.owner: Jules Bellot (1894)AlC
Martinet & Co., Ed.EP
Martinet, A.owner: Fournier (1889)EPChateauneuf
Martinette & Co.owner: Planat (1891); later: Tricoche and Bonniot (1893)AlC
Martinewskiowner: Curlier (Courvoisier, 1909)AlC
Martinez, Frederickowner: Augier Frères & Co. (1898)EP
MartiniMartini & Rossi@
Martini, A.G.Later owner: Camus (1907)AlC
Martini Fils & Co.Later owner: Boutillier, Briand (1890)AlC
Martiny FrèresEP
Martonnaud Jne.Later owner: Bisquit-Dubouché (1893)AlC
Marville & Co.owner: Camus (1883); Grandsaignes, Pionneau (1910); Camus (1921)EP
Marx BalononBelgian importer@Bruxelles (Be)
Mary & Marchandowner: Poux & Kondratowicz (1895); Daranlot, André (1950)AlC
Mascaux, CamilleEPJumet
Mascota, laAntonio ??verusEPCoatepec (Mex)
Mascotte, laEP
Masderoysecondary brand of René Roy@Juillac-le-Coq
Massia, RenéEPSavigne
Masson & Co.owner: Union des Proprietaires Distillateurs (Salignac, 1926)
Masson & Co., veuveowner: Barraud, Saudau (1883); Saudau (1891); Emile Barraud (1891); Savard, Georgeon (1915); Daranlot (1930)EP
Masson, PaulEP
Masson, RobertEP
Massougnes, J. deEPFontaines
Masy, AlfredEP
Matard, Michel@St. Sulpice de Cognac
Mathezowner: Royer (1965)1Jarnac
MathusalemOwner: Antier, Alexis & Fils (1894)AlC
Matignon & Co., A.@
Matignon & Co., AlexandreEstablished in 1845; owner: Boutillier-DelaurièreEPCognac
Matignon & Co., L.deed 1864EP
Matjangowner: Dubois, Lizée & Co. Alfred (1885)EP
Matte & Co., J.Nég. Croizet (1905)1,EPSt. Même
Mau, Yvon@
Mauball, E.M. deowned by Hardy (1949)EPCognac
Maubergé Frères & Co.Later owner: Hardy (1891)AlC
Maudet & Co., Léonowners: Dupuy (1913); Bache-Garbrielsen (1945)1,EPCognac
Maudet, LucienSucceeded by Sebastien Maudet1,BChampagne-Vigny
Maufert, Eugène deLater owner: Farvaud (1897)AlC
Mauger, M.G.owners: Marcel Bredon (1949); later: Royer1
Mauget & Co., Henriowner: Roy, Henri (1911) and after that Union des Propriétaires Distillateurs (Salignac, 1926)AlC
Mauget, Jean-Noël@Ambleville
Maumont, Louisdeed: 1887EPCognac
Maurain & Co., RaoulEP
Maurain, Aîné & Co., P.A.probably same (successor) as Raoul Maurain; deed 1867EP
Maurel, Tissot & Co.deed 1885EP
Mauriac Fils & Co.Later owners: Jacquet, Klug (1897)AlC
Maurice & Co.owner Czuba (1874)AlC
Maurice & Co., G.M.owner Union des Propriétaires et Distillateurs (1924) (Via Martineau)EP
Maurice & Co., Henryowner: Dyke, Gautier (1910)AlC
Maurin, Marcelowner: Unicoop (1934)1,EPCognac
Mauriol & Co., J.owner: Union des Propriétaires Distillateurs (via Salignac, 1906)1
MaurlecOwner: Fournier-Demars (1979)EPSt. Amant
Mauxion & Co., Ch.Later owner: Louis Saulnier (1894)@Jarnac
Mavian & Co., J.@
Maxim's, les cavesRestaurant Maxim's (Cognac by Bouron)1,EPParis
Maxime FrèresLater owner: Camus (1898)AlC
Maximel & Co., HenriEPMontboyer
May, leowner: Unicoop (1947) (Le May started again with a new owner; brand names Le May and Logis du May)1Lignières-Sonneville
Mayer & Co., JeanEPSaintes
Mayflower's Cognaclater owners: Lucien le Tanneur (1933); Louis Royer (1965)1
Maynard & Fils, D.owner: E. Normandin (1894)AlC
Maynard Tailleur & Fils, D.owner: E. Normandin (1895)AlC
Mayor, Sworder & Co. Ltd.merchant, importer@London (UK)
Mazauric, Heyng & Filsowner: L. Royer (1902)AlC
Mazerolles, lebrand name of GuérinaudEP
Mazet & Cie., A.EP
Mazet, François & Cie., P.owner: Laugerat (1907)AlC
Mazois Gillarowner: Geoffroy (1907); Petit Laroche (1922)AlC
Mc. Dowell & Co.Later owners: Riviere-Gardrat (1879); Bisquit-Dubouché (1884)EP
McPherson & Sons, John@UK
Médéric & Cie.owner: Roger Ménard (1891)EP
Mehaud Frères & Co.owner: Pellisson, Père (1956)EP
Meilhied & Cie.EP
Melchers, J.J.Dutch distillery@Schiedam (moved to Soest)
Meldon & Co. A.Later owner: Clement (1909)AlC
MellortLater owner: Favraud (1898)AlC
Melnotte & Cie.Later owner: Parsonage, Septimus (1896)AlC
Melton & Co., G.H.owner: Prunier (1920)EPCognac
Ménage à Troisowner: Jules Robin (1984)1
Ménager & Co., E.EP
Menager, B.owner: Salignac (1910)1
Ménard & Co., A.owner: Ménard-Roger (1892)AlC
Ménard & Co., Frédericowner: Ménard-Roger (1989)AlC
Ménard & Filsowner: Ménard-Roger (1895)AlC
Ménard et Fils, J.P.See Ménard1,2,3,3a,4,5,6,7,B,EP
Ménard-Roger & Co., A.owner: Ménard-Roger (1887)9, EP
Mendelssohn & Co.EP
Ménorval & Co., H.owner: Prunier (1909)1,EP
Menotti, HermanosOwner: Agard de Nard (1880)EP
Mentor & Co.owner: Monnet (1896; via Salignac, 1891)1,EPJarnac
Menuet, A.H.Later owner: Frapin (1904)AlC
Menuet & Fils, E.bouilleur de Cru; now owned by Cartak (Hong Kong)1,2,3,3a,5,6,14,B,EPSt.-Même-les-Carrières
MercenacOwner: Escher S.A. (Génève)EP
Merceron & Co., F.Owner: Camus (1902)EP
Merceron, Dominique@Fleurac
Mercier & Co., Aowner: Menard, Roger & Cie.AlC
Mercier & Co., A.M.Estab. 1830EP
Mercier FrèresPropriétaire-viticulteur
Mercier, F. & Fils1La Perrière
Mercier, La Roche & Cie.Deed 1901AlC
Mercier, Roger & Cie.owner: Sauvion (1925); Rouyer-Guillet; CCGEPCognac
Mercy & Co., L. deOwner: Lutaud & Bidoit (1928)EP
Meridon & Co., A.Owner: Denis, Mounié (1901)EP
Merignac & Co., J.Later owner: Favraud (1950)EPJarnac
Merigot, Jeanowner: Guy Clair1
Merillon, veuve JeanEP
Merlesse & Filsowner: Fournier (1907)EPChateauneuf
Merlet & CartronEP
Merlet, D.EP
Merlin Fils & Co., E.Later owner: Guignard, Fernand (1965)EPJarnac
Merlin, Laurentasikstopped in 20041,5,6,EPArthenac
Merout & Co.Deed 1863, Tribunal de BordeauxINPI
Merpin & Co., C.owner: Lucien Foucaud/CCG (1891)1,EP
Mertens, HenriEP
MerventBrand of Maxime TrijolEPSt. Martial
MervignacF. de Mervignac; owner: Savard Georgeon (1908)@
Merville Frères, Defrom Geoffroy & Fils (1910); bought by: Petit-Laroche (1925)@Cognac
Mery & FilsAlso: Méry; succeeded by Méry-Melrose; still active5,BSalles-d'Angles
Mesnard & Co., Adrianlater owner: Meukow (1886)EP
Mesnard, A.later owner: Meukow (1868)EP
Messiréowner: Hardy (1981)1,EP
Mestreau & Co. owned by Grosperrin and recently broght out againEPSaintes
Mestreuse, A.H.Later owner: Marchand (1908)AlC
Mesure Fils Aîné, L.deed 1908EP
Metayer & Co., Ale.Deed 1882EP
Métreau, Louis@Saint-Aigulin
MetropoleNég. J. Faure & Cie.EP
MetropoleNég. DarvillyEP
Metzer & Böhm@Nürnberg (Ge)
Meunier & Co., C.owner: Lucien Bellot (1903)AlC
Meunier Frères@
Meunier, Arnauldowner: L.P. Michel (1901)AlC
Meunier, ArnoldDeed 1903AlC
Meunier, L.EPMétairies
Meunier, Mère & Fils, A.EPVoiron
Meurice & Co., A.P.Later owner: Clément (1898)AlC
Meusnier, A.EPPoitiers
Meyer & Co., JasLater owner: Marchand, Lecoq (1898)AlC
Meyer FilsThe founder Daniel Christoph Meyer was from Hamburg and moved to Bordeaux around 1775 to become a wine merchant. EPBordeaux
Meyfor & Co., Geo.owner: Renault (1881)EP
Meyniac & Co., C.Later owner: Jules Bellot (1895)AlC
Miaulisowner: Louis Maignen (1891)EP
Michaeli & Co.EP
Michaud & Co., M.owner: Favraud/CCG (1896)1,EPJarnac
Michaud, GustaveEPChâtellerault
Michel, Jeanowner: Dor (1926)EPJarnac
Michel, L.P.Established in 1852; owners: Veuve Mariage, Angibaud (1912); Pierre Barret (1938); Boulestin (1953)EP
Michel, St.Compagnie Viticole des Charentes@
Michelet Frèresowner: Ménard, Roger & Cie. (1898); Louis Saulnier (1923)AlC
Michelet, J.probably father of Eric Michelet@Segonzac
Michenot, L.Later owner: (Calvet (1904)@
Mignard FrèresNég. Monnet(1934)EP
Mignot, Mme.EPTarsac
Mignotte-Picard & PonnelleEPBeaune
Migrossupermarket chainEP
Mikkelsen, HansEP
Millon & Co., E.Deed 1892AlC
Milord FrèresOwner: Neiraud (1900)EP
Milton & Co., E.Later owner: Prunier (1903)EP
Minard Frèresowner: Georges Courant/CCG (1975)1,9, EPCognac
Minargentowner: Marc Pollet & Fils1,EPAulnay-de-Saintonge
Mirabeau & Co., JulesLater owners: Denis-Mounier (1885); Boutillier, Briand (1891)AlC
Miradorowner: Brugerolle1,EPMatha
Mirault, J.EP
Mireille & Co.Later owner: Lucien Bellot (1899)AlC
Miriam & Co., A. deEPSt. Jean d'Angely
Miroir & Co.Later owners: Ménard, Roger & Co. (1889)AlC
Mitchell, Gerald@
Mitchells & ButlersOriginally distillers, they now run some thousand bars, pubs and restaurants in the UK@Birmingham (UK)
Mocoowner: Berger (Gautier/Aigre); 19781
Moerner & Co., H. deSucc of Moerner & Matard; now Barnett & Elichagaray 1920 (via Geoffroy 1904)
Moerner & Deville, H. deLater: Moerner & Co.; owned a Chai in Cognac around 1895EP
Moerner, Baron deowner: Euro-negoce (Pasquinet); before from Th. GautierAlC
Moerner, H. de & Matard, H. FilsDeed 1877EP
Moerner, H. de & Robert, J. & Co.EP
Moét & Co., A. F.Later owner: Union Cooperative de Viticulteurs Charentaise (Unicoop)AlC
Moinard & FilsEPSt. Jean d'Angely
Moine & Co.owner: Ménard, Roger & Cie. (1891)AlC
Moinier & Cie., Alexsee poster@
Moitard, L.Owner: Richard Frères (1975); now: CCG1
Molina Jeune, N.@Bordeaux
Molinay y Ca.produced by Spanish company. So not really cognac.@Xerez (ES)
Mollard & Fils, Henriowner: Sauvion (1904)EP
Mombel Bossart FilsLater owner: Lucien Guerin (1896)AlC
Mompo, J. Antonio@ES
Monac Frèresowner: les Grands Chais de France (also: Monac)1
Monaco CognacNég. BoutelleauEP
Monarchowner: L. de Salignac (1907)
Monarchimported by Monarch Fine Liquors@Hood River (US)
MonarcheUnknown producer@
Monarque, Grandowner: Unicoop (1931)EP
Monchy & Co., A.owner: Léo, Vve Emile Seguin & Co. (1887); Remy-Martin (1902)EP
Moncimier, A. deowner: Jules Bellot (1877)EP
Moncourrier & Fils, LeonEPBordeaux
Mondésirbrand of Gautier/aigre (1982)1
Monete, LouisEP
Mongaud, domaineEP
Monic & Co., C.Y.EP
Monier & Co.EP
Monier-Ferrandbrand of Franck G. Monier and Pierre Ferrand; they were active from around 1993 till 2005 4Segonzac
Monis & Co.Succeeded by B. Vert; later owner: Tiffon (1921)EPJarnac
Monnier, Jas & Cie. est. 1838@Cognac
Monier, PaulBrand of Franck G. Monier and Pierre Ferrand, after Pierre Ferrand was worked out of his own business by Andreu and Gabriel4,EPChassors
Monod & Co.Later owner: Camus (1947)EP
Monopole de la Tour@
MonroeOwner: Les Chais Beaucairois@Beaucaire
Monroy & Co., G.owner: Prunier (1909)EP
Monsinjon & Cie., E.Later owner: Chauvin (1896)AlC
Mont d'OrNég. Fournier (1909). Also Monte de OroEP
Montagnac & Co.Owner: Georges Seguin (1899)AlC
Montagnard & Co.Later owner: Comandon (1895)EPJarnac
MontagneDutch distillery@Zaltbommel (NL)
Montagne's Sons, E. laAmerican importer for wine and spirits@
Montagne, Saint Paul deOwner: Vignoble Rocher@Libourne
Montaguowners: Comandon (1978); Bénedictine ((1974); Hine (19821
Montaigneestab. 1881EP
Montaine, JulesEP
Montanel & Co., G.owner: Remy Martin (1908); Géneral Cognac Distillers (1937)EP
Montangon, A.J.Estab. 1865EPSt. Jean-d'Angely
Montangon, AlbertEstab. 1865EP, AlCCognac
Montauban son Fils & AugéNég. CroizetEP
Montbel & Co.Possibly owned by Marteau@
Montbel & Co., H.owners: Ernest Georgeon (1934); Eugene Pellisson (1936); André Daranlot (1950)AlC
Montblanc & Co.owner: Favraud (1908)AlC
Montblanc & Co., Julesowner: Royer (1965) via Jules Duret (1890)1
Montboyerowner: Réau-Richard1
Montcalm, L.J.Nég. I. Sauvion (1904)EP
Monte de OroNég. Fournier (1909)EP
MonteracOwner: Henri Mounier (1979)EPCognac
Monternot, J.owner: Vallein-Tercinier (via Broyer 1904)@
Monteru Frères, deowner: Comandon/Hine1,EPJarnac
Montevart & Cie., D.C.EP
Montfermeil & Co., P.Later owners: Jacquet, Klug (1898)AlC
Montfortsame label as Henri de MontfortBTouzac
Montfort & Co.owner: R.P. Picamilh (1908); also the lily as their emblem (see Henri de Montfort)
Montfort, Henri de@Cognac
Montignac & Co., deOwners: Martin et Rogée (1887)EP
Montjoye & Co.EP
Montpellier & Co.Later owner: Lucien Bellot (1892)AlC
Montrac, CognacEPJarnac
Montrac, Imperialowner: Favraud (1944)AlCJarnac
Montrac, Imperial Cognac
Montroc & Co., H.owners: Daniaud (1885); Camus (1902)
Monvignac, JeanEPMontboyer
Monvil & Co.EP
Monville & Co.Later owner: Pascal Combeau (1922)AlC
Monville & Co., JamesNég. BoutelleauEP
MonvizacEPSaint Ciers-du-Taillon
Moore, W.produced by Chateau de JarnacEP
Mootz & Co., Chr.@
Morand, Henrideed 1885EPRichemont
Morand & Co., J.H.Deed 1890AlC
Morat, JulesNég. BoutelleauEP
Morault & Co., A.owner: Lucien Foucauld (1900)EP
Moreau & Co.owner: Lutaud & Bidoit (1926)AlC
Moreau & Cie, Geo.Later owner: Vert (1903)AlC
Moreau, C.Later owner: Michel (1902)AlC
Moreau, DidierEPChadenac
Moreau, J.J.EPJuillac-le-Coq
Moreau, Jeuneowner: Barnett, 1885; Barnett & Elichagaray (1905)EP
Morel Frères & Saulouowner: Prunier (1910)EP
Morel, Claude@Jarnac
Morel, Fco.EP
Morgenroth, LouisOwner: Jules Duret (1890)AlC
MoriceLater owners: Matez (1947); Royer (1965)1,EP
Morice & Co., G.Gaston Morice; later owners: Mathez (1947); Royer (1965)AlC
Morice, Noulaud & Co., G.Armand noulaud;AlC
Morin, Michel@
Morin, Père & FilsEPNuits-Saint-Georges
Morion & Co., Julesowner: Lucien Foucauld (1898)EP
Mornac & Co.owner: Normandin (E.), 1887AlC
Mornac & Co., JulesNég. C.E. Tallon1,EPJarnac
Mornaud & Co.Est. 1814; owner Castillon-Renault (1885)1,EP
Morot FrèresLater owner: Jobit (1894)AlC
Morrisonspossibly a supermarket's brand from Great BrittanEP
Morrthon & Co., A. deLater owner: Boisnard (1899)AlC
Morten & Co.EP
Morton, AlfredBrand of Adet Seward (1918); revived by a descendant in 2013
Morton, W.Deed 1863 (Tribunal de Bordeaux)INPI
Morton, WilliamRouyer Guillet (1982)1
Mortreuil, D.EP
MoserHans Moser, probably Austrian wine house that made some miniature cognacs@
Mosnac & Cie, Félix de owner: E. Normandin (1899)AlC
Mossion, Louisindependant1Vaux-Rouillac
Mouche, Lucien@
MougetOwned by Salignac1
Mougon, René@
Moulavin, XaverOwned by Croizet-Eymard (1902)EP
Moulette & Co.Owner: Fajou (1913)AlC
Moulette & PonvertDeed 1881EP
Moulin & Co., J.EP
Moulin de MouginsBrand produced by Delamain for the restaurant of Robert Vergé1,EPMougins
Moulin, Claudenow: Régis & Nicolas Moulin (Domaine de la Croix Blanche)1Macqueville
Moulin, J.very probably now Claude Moulin@Macqueville
Moulin, R.EP
Mounier FrèresDeed 1921AlCCognac
Mounier, P. & Croizet, D.owner: Merlin Fils, Jarnac (1904); Fernand Guignard (1965)
Mounier, PaulLater owner: Comandon (1889)EPJarnac
Mour Fils, G. de@Bordeaux
Mourierbrand name of de Didonne1
Mourier, L.Proprietaire@
Mouraille FrèresLater owner: Tricoche, Bonniot (1893)AlC
Mousquetairesgc@Salles d'Angles
Moussard & Co., P.Later owner: Tricoche, Bonniot (1893)AlC
Moussours & DelignacEPLimoges
MoutonOwned by Mouton-RothschildEP
Mövenpickproducer unknown@
Moyet Gautier & Co.Deed 1898EP
Moyet, ClaudeThey now make the brand Grande Croix Mougne@Nercillac
Moyet, E.See Moyet@
Moyse FrèresEP
Multi-presentationsOwned by Cayre1
Munzer & FilsEPBordeaux
Murac, G.H. deowner: Bache-Gabrielsen (1985)EP
Muraour & Cie, F., successorsSuccessor van Achin Fils AinéEPBellegarde-Coupy
Murat, P.Owned by Brugerolle (formerly of Lucien-Foucauld)1,EPMatha
Muraud FrèresOwner: Bisquit-Dubouché (1890)EP
Mure, EdmondEPSurgères
Murel & Filsowner: Louis Maignen, 1891 (via E Normandin 1890)AlC
Murray, F. & D.EPGimeux
Musac, deOwned by Bache-Gabrielsen1
Mussel FrèresEP
Myron, LouisEPBarbezieux
N. G. & C. @
NadauOwner: Jousson Nadau (1949)@Angeac-Champagne
Nadaud, le Fils de M.G.Later owner: Barriasson (1863)EP
Nandré FrèresLater owner: Jobit (1896)AlC
Nangis, Jo. DeEP
Napel & Co., AlfredEP
Napoleon & Cie., NicolasEPParis
Napoleon Dor@
Napoléon Vendés & Co.Owner: Sauvion (1902)@
Napoleon, A.G.@
Napoleon, Legrand & Co.Nég. I. Sauvion & Co. (1904)EP
Naranjo, J.E.Later owner: De Laage (1873)EP
NarbonaMade in France@Uruguay
Nartigue & BigourdanEPBordeaux
National French Brandy CompanyOwned by Alphonse Bellot (1884)AlC
Nau, FirminDeed 1869EP
Naulin, A.Arthur Naulin, see Naulin, now owned by Boinaud9,EP
Naulin & Cie., A.See A. Naulin; Est. 1879; later owners: Kopf (1901); Grandsaignes De Pionneau (1902); Merlin (1908)AlC
Navarre & Co., Ch.Deed 1866EP
Navarre, HenriEP
Navarre, Henri deLater owners: Kopf (1901); de Grandsaignes, Pionneau (1903); Merlin (1908)@,AlC
Navette & Co., G.@
Navilly, F. deLater owners: Esmangart de Bournonville (=Augier) (1896); Augier Frères (1913); Augier Frères, Comtesse de Varenne et Wennerberg (1944); Jacques Burignot de Varennes (1951)EP
Nedac Frèresowner: Normandin (E.) 1890AlC
Negresco Hotel@Nice
Neiraud & Co., E.1,9, EPCognac
Neiwalf et Co., J.B.Owned by G. Martineau15
Nelly Son & Co.@Bordeaux
Neptune, leSwedisch brand, made in FranceEP
Nerbette & Co., C.later owner: Dyke, Gautier (1895)AlC
Nercillac & Co., deOwner: Lacroux (Ch. Paulet, 1902)AlC
Néron & Co., MarcLater owner: Lucien Bellot (1881)EP
Nersac & Cie.Later owner: Rivière; Gardrat (1895)AlC
Nestor & Cie.Owner: Ménard, Roger & Cie. (1891)EP
Neubert, GustaveLater owner: Lynch Frères & A. Fourcade (1863, Tribunal de Bordeaux)INPI
Neuillac, E.M.Deed 1863 E. Marchenaud-Neuillac; TdC AngoulêmeEP
Nève FrèresEPBeaufays (B)
Neveu, J.R.EPJuillac-le-Coq
Newton & Co., H.J.EP
NexonPossibly produced by Distillery de la Tour (Pons)EP
Neyret Fils Arnaud & Cie.EP
NiargerBrand of G. Regrain (anagram)EPMontluçon
Nicard & Cie., M.EP
Nicholson & Co., J.W.Later owner: Augier Frères (1874)EP
Nicolaswholesale of wines with its own brand of cognac, now owned by Rémy Martin1,EPCharenton
Nicolas NapoléonOwned by Hertzberger; wholesale of wines with its own brand of cognac1Paris
Nicolet & Co., J.EP
Nicot & Co., FernandEPSégonzac
Nicot & Co., JacquesEstab. 1852; later owners: Lucien Foucauld (1896); Van CCG1,EPCognac
Nicou, Jacques@Aujac
Niederthaler HofEPMontboyer
Niel, RenéLater owners: Lafitte (1940); Jean Fargeas (1942); Moyet SA (1958)1,EPCognac
Nignon, E.proprietor; made som fine vintages for Larue Restaurant in Paris before WW-II@
NinicheNég. J. de VerrièreEP
Niox, A & A. Vallein Fils & Co.Deed 1863; succeeded Claviez & Co.; same emblem as Niox J.M.D.EPSaintes
Niox, J.M.D.Establ. in 1853; later owner: Denis-Mounié (around 1946)@Saintes
Noblet, A.EPTarsac-Hiersac
Noblet, J.EPBonneuil
Noé & Co., J.A.Later owner: Jules Aumon (1891)AlC
Noël & Cie., HenriEst. 1853EPCognac
Noël Marin & Co.owner: Camus (1937)AlC
Noireau & Filsowner: E. Normandin (1890)AlC
Nollet & Cie., HenriEst. 1753 (looks suspiciously like Henri Noël & Cie)EPCognac
Nony, JeanEPBordeaux
Norddeutscher LloydEP
Noriega, RomigioEP(Mexico)
Norkman & Co., G.N.Later owner: Lucien Bellot (1879)EP
Normand & Co., RogerDeed 1894; later owner: Bastier Chagnaud (1958; later: CCG1,9
Normandin Fils & Co., EdgardEst. 1891; later owner: Henry Roy (1932)AlCJarnac
Normandin, ChristianNow: William and Frederic Normandin@Lagarde-sur-le-Né
NorvinOwned by Castillon-Renault1
Notre Dame de Liesse@
Noussan & Co., Ch.Later owner: Bisquit Dubouche 1886EP
Nusbaumer, J.EP
Nuyens & Co.Est. 1802; owner: Castillon (1956)EP
O, René d'EP
O'Donnor & Co.Owned by Geoffroy (1889)9
ObertinOwned by Busnel, distillery@Cormeil
OceanusBottled by Scotia Duncarron Ttd; producer unknown@Scotland
Ochsner & Fils, G.G.Later owner: Louis Eschenauer (1977)@
OdéonEst. 1858; later owner: Unicoop1,EPCognac
Odinot, Achille@
Olanyer, Ls.Deed 1859 (Tribunal de Bordeaux)Inpi
Old ManEP
Oldenborgh & Co., J.Est. 1799; later owner: Geoffroy (1899)AlC
Oldenborgh & Zonen, J. vanEst. 17999; Dutch wine merchantEPDordrecht (NL)
Olivier FrèresEP
Olivier, S.Owner: Union des Propriétaires Distillateurs (1924; Salignac)EP
Ollanier & Co., A.André Ollanier; deed 1883 (St.-Jean-d'Angely)EPAulnay
Ollivier, C.Later owner: Castillon-Renault (1964)1
Omby, IsanLater owner: Bonnaud (1891)EP
Opera ClubEP
Opimian Society, theCanadian wine societyEP(Canada)
OrancoRouyer Guillet (1981)1
OrdisSee Organisation de Distribution; owner Fernand Ferrand (1965)EP
Orfin, d'Owned by Gautier/Aigre (1988)1,EPAigre
Orienrac & Co.EP
Orient CognacEP
OrleansUnknown producer@
Orly, la Ferme d'EP
OrphiOwned by Unicognac1,EPJonzac
Ortigé AînéDeed 1863 (Tribunal de Bordeaux)INPI
Oscar Auger & Co.Deed 1889AlC
Oscar FrèresEP
Oscar & Co., P.Later owner: Quillet (1885)AlC
OshidoriOwned by Prunier1
Osmany & Co., A.Owner: Albert Bonnaud (1893)EP
Oudinot, Pierreowner: J. Rullaud-Larret (1946)EP
Ouest-Alcools@Puteaux (Paris)
Ourtin & Cie., PaulEP
Outin, Maison J.@Laval (Mayenne)
Ouvrard, Pierrette(no more wine or cognac)EPAumagne
Pacaud, RobertIndependent; now Michel Pacaud1Cherac
Pagel & Co., JeanLater owners: Cavaillé (1928); Larsen (1943)1,EP
PagèsBrand made by distillerie du Velay@Le-Puy-en-Velay
Paillard, A.Later owner: Bernard Parias (1954)EP
Paillassou, F.firm@Bordeaux
Paillé 87, Paillé 97Owner: Georges Monnet (1963)1
Pailloud, Père & FilsEPChateauneuf-sur-Charente
Pailloux, E.EPAigre
PalaisUnknown producer@
Pallas & Co., A.Owner: Boutillier, Delaurière (1933)@
Paloc & Co., A.J.Later owner: Pellisson Père (1893)AlC
Pannequin, C. & L. Deed 1896AlC
Papin@St. Pierre d'Oleron
Parnelle, RichardNég. BoutelleauEP
Panot & Co., W.Later owner: Tricoche, Bonniot (1893)AlC
Pantier & Cie., de@Bordeaux
Paon & Cos.owner: Arbouin, Marett (1878)EP
Papegaai, deMade by Distilleerderij van Berckel & Co.@Delft (NL)
Papillon, leEP
ParapheOwned by Castillon-Renault (1978)1
Pardo de Sola & Co.EP
Pardon, T.Owned by Pernod-Ricard (Bisquit-Dubouché, 1893)1,EP
Parsonage & Fleming, S.Parsonage, Septimus (deed 1896)AlC
Part des AngesBrand of CFC (Compagnie Française des Champagnes)1
Parville & Co., A. deLater owner: Tricoche, Bonniot (1900); Maurice Lacroux (Paulet, 1961)AlC
Parzac & Co.Nég. Monnet (1900)EPCognac
Pascalowner: Bastier-Chagnaud (1958)EPJuillac-le-Coq
Pasewalker, AlterEPGensac
Pasqué FrèresLater owner: Prunier (1909)EP
PasquinotVan Ricard1
PasteurLater owners: L. Guérin Bernard et Co; Pascal Combeau (1912)AlC
Pasteur & Co.EP
Pasteur, Jules & FilsLater owner: Sauvion, 1902EP
Pastour de CostebelleMade for the French navy@Sireuil
Pastureau Frères & FilsEP
Patoisan, Le@
Patriceowned by CCG (via Georges Courant, 1941)AlC
PatriciaOwned by CCG (via Georges Courant, 1941)1
Patriote Breton, leEP
Paul Aubier & Co.Owner: Ménard & Roger (1891)AlC
Paul Etter SoehneDistillery@Zug (Ge)
Paul FrèresOwner: Marchand Lecoq (1900); Barriasson (1952)1,EP
Paul Monierworked with Pierre Ferrand for a while; now from Marie-Josée Monier with Le Palin brand4,EPChassors
Paul Pelgésee poster@Bordeaux
Paulain & Cie.EP
Pauléon & Co., D.Later owners: Daniaud (1883)AlC
Paulhiac & Cie, L.Owner: Camus, via Pionneau (1920)1, EPAngoulême
Paulin, veuve L. et ses FilsEPLa Mure
Pauly & Cie.owned by CCG, via Georges Courant (1944)1,EP
Pavard, Henriowner: Remy Martin (1908)EP
Pavie, PaulEPSt. Dizant-du-Gua
Pavois, duEst. 1910; owned by Brugerolle1,EPMatha
Payan, MaisonEPVilleurbanne
Paynaud, EdmondSucceeded by Jean Paynaud1,B,VIC,EPBouteville
Payrault, Michelinetaken over by Montifaud?EPJarnac-Champagne
Péchade & Co., J.Later owner: Charles Lecoq (1898)AlC
Pecheur, AntoineLater owner: Pascal Combeau (1903)AlC
Pechillon, R.EPCherves de cognac
PegasusLater owner: Houssin (1887)AlC
Pelgar & Co.owner: Pellisson (1876)EP
Pellerin & Co.owner: Curlier (1886); Courvoisier (1909)EP
Pelletant, J.E.Arthur Naulin successeur (son in law); Dupont (1908)EP
Pelletier & Co., NoelEP
PellisonEstab. 1880@
PellissonZie Pellisson SA; established in 1834AlC
Pellisson & CieZie Pellisson SA; established in 1834AlC
Pellisson AînéDeed 1905AlC
Pellisson, E.Deed 1904AlC
Pellisson, E.Zie Pellisson SA; established in 1834AlC
Pellisson, EmileDeed 1904AlC
Pellisson, Jean EmileDeed 1904AlC
Pellisson, E.M.Deed 1904AlC
Pellisson, G.see poster@Plassac
Pellisson, J.Deed 1905AlC
Pellisson, J.E.Deed 1904AlC
Pellisson, J.M.Deed 1904AlC
Pellisson, J.M.E.Deed 1904AlC
Pellisson, Jean MarieDeed 1904AlC
Pellisson, J.M. EmileEstablished in 1903AlC
Pellisson, M.Deed 1905AlC
Pellisson, MarieDeed 1905AlC
Pellisson, Marie EmileDeed 1904AlC
Pellisson FilsDeed 1905AlC
Pellisson Fils., J.E.Zie Pellisson SA; established in 1834
Pellisson Père & Co.Zie Pellisson SA; established in 18349,EP
Pellisson Père & FilsZie Pellisson SA; established in 1834AlC
Pellisson & Co., J.E.Zie Pellisson SA; established in 1834EP
Pellisson & Sons, MarcAlC
Pellisson SAEst. 1834; 1876 is anothe date often used; owned by Hennessy; eau-de-vie is still produced1Cognac
Pellisson & Co., AGZie Pellisson SA; established in 1834AlC
Pellisson, Eugéne & Co.Est. 1894; owner: Daranlot, AndréEP
Pelpel(est. 1811)@
Peltier-Maurin, Jeanzelfstandig1Les Florenceaux
Peltonowned by Gautier/Aigre (1982)1
Penisson & Co., YvanEPSaint Romain de Benet
Pepin FilsLater owner: Bisquit-Dubouché (1893)AlC
Percepont, RobOwner: Léon Croizet (1902)EP
Perdreaux & Co., D.Owner: Normandin (E.) 1890AlC
Père Marquette & Co.Owner: Duras (1921); Union Coopérative de Viticulteurs Charentais (Unicoop, 1936)@
Pereire Fils & Co., J.Later owner: Pellisson Père (1891)AlC
Perier & Co., H.owner: Jacquet, Klug & Co (1901); Albert Robin (1921)EP
Perla de Costa-Rica, LaOwner: Bisquit-Dubouché (1896)AlC
Perla de San Cosme, LaOwner: Bisquit-Dubouché (1891)AlC
Perla Del Ecuador, laEP
Perla Del Pacifico, laOwner: Bisquit-Dubouché (1893)AlC
Pernay, EdmondProdced by LarsenEP
Père Sarlandie, LeOwner: Jules Bellot (1886)AlC
Peroche Freresowner: Normandin (1886)EP
Perodeau & Cie., A.Est. 1852. Abel Pérodeau; owner: Royer (1981)1,EP
Peron, O.Est. 1828. Later owners: de Laroche (1949); AMAD (1964)EP
Perquis & FilsVan CCG1
Perrein FrèresEP
Perrier & Co., J.owner: Maurice Clement (1946)AlC
Perrier, EmileEPMontlieu
Perrier, EmileEst. 1923. (his daughter-in-law has established the Distillerie de la Tour, together with Jean-Michel Naud)EPPons
Perrier, JulesOwner: E. Merlin (1901)AlC
Perriere & Co., ConstantLater owner: Pellisson Père & Co. (1885)AlC
PerrieuxOwner: H.E. Reurhoff@Amsterdam
Perrin FrèresOwner: Ch. Jobit (1890)AlC
Perrin, HenriEP
Perrois & FilsLater owner: Jules Aumon (1891)AlC
Perroquetbrand of
Robert, Henri
Owner: Dupont (1896)
Perrot & Co., veuveowner: E. Normandin (1902)EP
Perville & Co., O.owner: Moullon (1904)EP
Pesquier & Co., Paulowner: M. Th. Gautier (1951); later: Ricard1,EPJuillac-le-Coq
Petit, AEPMontendre
Petit, Michel@Segonzac
Petit-Boussac & Co.Later owners: Vve Rogée and Monnet (1896)EP
Petit-Laroche & Co., J.Owner: Petit-Laroche (Elichagaray) (1922)AlC
Petré & Cie., JulesEP
Petrel & Co., A.Owner: Georges Courant (1947)EP
Petrissans, caveswine-shop, est. 1895EPParis
Peuchet & that bottles old cognacs; cognac producer: Frapin1,EPParijs-Bougival
Peuchet-Tissandier & Co.see Peuchet; Peuchet was probably taken over by Tissandier of Clermont.EPClermont
Peureux, les Fils d'AugusteEst. 1864; still exits, but no cognac anymore, just eau-de-vie and other liqueurEPFougerolles
Peyrat & Co., Ch.Later owner: Bisquit-Dubouché (1892)AlC
Peyrouse, La(still some GC vintages around; 1900, 1898)@
Peytavin, Mauriceest. 1888EPVillers-Cotterets
Phileas & Co., B.Later owner: Boisnard (1884)9Cognac
Philebert & Co.Later to become Tessendier (Tessendier founded Philebert and named his cognacs Philebert at first)
Pialoux & LombardLater owner: Jerdi, Rudolf (1894)AlC
Picard & Co.owner: Shepherd (Meukow, 1899)EP
Picard & Fils, A.Later owner: Jules Bellot (1910)AlC
Picard, J. Alfredowner: Union Coopérative de Viticulteurs Charentais (1933)EP
Pichon & Co.owner: Renault (1898)AlC
Pichon, Ant.EPMontbrison
Pierart & Co., JeanOwner: Louis Maignen (1892); info on label: bottled by BoutelleauEP
Piercel, E.EPParis
Piercel de Saint Jacques, ESame as Piercel, E.@Paris
Pierfond & Co., JLater owner: Lacoste (1892)AlC
Pierr, S.S.Later owner: Boutillier (1879)AlC
Pierre & Co., Gustavebrand of Gautier (1978, Aigre)1
Pierre & Fils@
Pierre JosephEPSegonzac
Pierre, LouisEP
Pierrefontbrand of Gautier (1984, Aigre)1
Pierybrand of Robert, Henri; owner: j. Dupont (1896)EP
Pigallière, A. de laowner: Abel Pérodeau (1909)AlC
Pignon & Co., T.owner: Lacroux (Ch. Paulet, 1927)AlC
Pignon Th. & Dubois, G.owner: Maurice Lacroux (Ch. Paulet, 1903)EP
Pignon Th. & F. CurlierLater owners: Georges Dubois (1898); Courvoisier (1916)AlC
Pilain & Co., Marcelowner: Ivaldi (1928)EPSt. Jean d'Angely
PilgrimProduced by Barriasson@
Pillet, HenriEPJuillac le Coq
Pillet, JeanDistillery; he is succeeded by Patrice Pillet1,BNancras
Pillet Père & FilsPredecessor of Alain Pillet, who still is activeEPRouffignac
Pillet, RémiPredecessor of Patrice Pillet, who is still active1Nancras
Pillet, S.Predecessor of Patrice Pillet, who is still activeEPNancras
Pillion, S. Normandin & Co.Deed 1890EPJarnac
Pillion-Matignon & Co., S.owner AE Dor (1924)EPJarnac
Pinard & Cie., A.owner: Louis Royer (1907)EP
Pinard & Co., A.owner: Gros Freres (1886); Henri Roy (1924); Salignac (1934)
Pinet-Castillon & Co.Taken over by Renault9,EPCognac
Pinettes & Cie., E.EP
Pinot & Cie.EP
Pinsard & Co., PaulEP
Pionneau & Co.Brand now owned by Camus@
Piot & Co.EP
Pissot, HenriProbably same as Guy Pissot (ancestor)AlC
Pivert Frères & Co.EPBarbezieux
Plaisanceprobably produced by Distilleries d'Aumagne@Aumagne
Planas, R. & ObarrioEP
Planat & Co.Owner: St Légier-de Grandsaignes-Pionneau (1889); bought by Camus in 19662,3,4,9, EPCognac
Planché, X.Xavier Planché (deed: 1875); Henri Conchon (son-in-law and successeur); later: Alexis Antier (1890); Paul Antier & Maurice Pomarel (1921)EPLaplante
Planque, Vinay & Co.Later owner: Tricoche, Bonniot (1898)AlC
Plante, L.Later owner: Tribot (1891)AlC
Plantier du ChêneBrand of Peuchet-Tissandier@Clermont
Plants & Co., G. desOwner: Moullon (1904)EP
Planty & Co., duOwner: Croizard, Lutaud, Bidoit
Planty & Co., J.Owner: Doignon (1887)EP
Plessac & Co., J.owner: Prunier (1909)EPCognac
Plessac & Co., L. deLater owner: Balluteaud (1928)EP
Plisson & Co., E.Later owner: Michel Ivaldi (1960)EPJarnac
Plisson, Savard & Co.Deed 1884AlC
Plotin & Co., RichardEP
Pluchon & Co., C.Camille Pluchon, deed: 1888; later owner: AMAD (1965)EP
Plum, N. & Paul@
Plumet & Co., Charlesowner: Lutaud & Bidoit (1923); Boutillier & Delaurière (1926)
Poché, le docteur Em.owner: Prunier (1900)EP
Pockwitz & BeermannEP
Podestal & Co., M.Later owner: Prunier (1905)EP
Poinsot & Co., A.Later owner: Tricoche, Bonniot (1893)AlC
Poirier & Co., Veuve J.M.Estab. 1795; deed 1861 (TdC Bordeaux)Inpi
Poissy, Distillery deno more cognac, only liqueursEPPoissy
Poitevin, AdistilleryEPLunel
Poitiers, H.@
Pol François@Chermignac
Pol François@Bordeaux
Pol Prainton & Co.owner: Bache Gabrielsen (1978)1
Polandré & Co.owner: Daranlot, André (1950)AlC
Polligny & Cie.owner: Jules Robin (1955)1
Pomarel & Co., J.Barnd of Gautier/aigre1, EP
Pomerri & Co., L.owner: Lacroux (Ch. Paulet; 1904)AlC
Pommard & Co.Later owner: Meukow (1892)AlC
Pomme PèreOwned by Edouard Dor (1893)EP
Pommier & Co., G.EP
Ponau & Cie., Jn.EP
Poncignon, JulesEP
Ponet, G.EP
Pontaud, Joseph deLater owner: Adet Seward (1977)@Bordeaux
Pontis, A.G. deLater owner: Pellisson Père (1888)EP
Ponvert, EmileDeed 1885EP
Porcher & Co., J.Nég. MonnetEP
Portet, André@Louzac St André
Portier, JulesLater owmer: Bisquit-Dubouché (1893)EP
Postel, AlphonseEPVersailles
Postillon & Co., G.Later owner: Alexis Antier (1897); Paul Antier and Maurice Pomarel (1912)EP
Postillon & Co., J. & F.deed 1897AlC
Potel et ChabotFrench caterer in ParisEPParis
Potet, C.Later owner: Segrestan (1887)EP
Pou, MaisonNég. FlavienEP
Pouchet Frèresthey were initially based in Bordeaux; later owner: Larsen (1935)1,EP
Pouilloux, RenéLater owner: Prunier (1912)1,EPCognac
Pouilloux, Robertsucceeded by Thierry Pouilloux, who is still active1Pérignac
Poullard, FrancoisOwner: Michel (1902)AlC
Poursin & Co., G.Later owner: Jacquet, Klug (1902)EP
Pourvil, deOwner: Henri Mounier/Unicoop (1985); still used for brandy
Pourville, Ed. deLater owner: De Laage Fils & Co. (1873)AlC
Powell Turner & Co.EPLondon
Pradier FrèresLater owners: Croizard, Lutaud, Bidoit (1921); later: Brugerolle1,EPMatha
Prainton & Co., PolOwner: Bache-Gabrielsen (1978)1Jarnac
Pranville, A. & MathieuEP
Prapic & Cie.EP
Prat, ArthurLater owner: Guérin (1884)AlC
Pratt & Co., P.P.Later owner: Prunier (1900)EP
Premont, PaulEP
Pressac, A.Deed 1905EPCheville-Bassac
Preux Chevalierbrand of Aujoux & Cie. (Beaujolais)@Leipzig (Ge)
Prévost & Co.Van Royer (1934)1
Prevost, A.produced by L. CroizetEP
Preyssac, Arnaud deOnly pineau nowadays; owned by Maison AnsacEPSemussac
Pries y Cia, AdolfoEPMalaga
Prinal & Co., AndréLater owner: Brugerolle (1991)EPMatha
Primeau & FilsDeed 1934EP
Prinal & Cie.owner: Brugerolle (1991)1,EPMatha
Prinal & Cie., A.owner: Brugerolle (1991)@Matha
Prince & Co, GeoLater owner: Rivière et Gardrat (1871)EP
Prince Albertproduced by U.C.C. (Gautret?) in Jonzac?EP
Prince AlexisEP
Prince DantanEP
Prince de FranceOwner: CFC (Compagnie Française des Champagnes)1,EPCognac
Prince Gifardprobably owned by De DidonneEPSemussac
Prince de GoyonOwner: Pernod-Ricard (1974)1
Prince de la LandeOwner: Distillerie de la LandeEPCognac
Prince Ival brand of Grande Empereur (owned by De Luze)@
Prince LaurentOwner: les Grands Chais de France (1980)1
Prince LouisOwner: Castillon-Renault (1980)1
Prince RobertVan Otard/Exshaw1
Prince, AndréVan Roffignac (1975)1
Prom & Cie., J.J.Deed 1860, CT de BordeauxInpi
Pronto AlivioEP
Propriétaireproduced by Les Viticulteurs de la Region de Cognac@
Propriétaires Vinicoles UnisPropriétaires Vinicoles de Cognac (Monnet, (1898)AlC
Prosper Claireowned by Coeuille & Co. (1926)AlCCognac
Proust, FrançoisEP
Proux, L. & Kondratowicz, G.Ancien maison Courrière & Co.EP
Proux, Leo@Angouleme
Prud'homme & Co., E.Deed 1894EP
Prunier, EmileEP
Prunier, P.Pierre Prunier, establ. 1848; owner: Vve P. Mariage et Angibaud et A. Drahonnet (1904)AlCAumagne
PsaraLater owner: Lacoste (1892)AlC
Puerta Del Sol, LaOwner: Jules Robin (1891)AlC
Puet & Co., E.est. 1870; taken over by Frappier & Co. (1919)@St.-Jean d'Angély
Puigmal & Co., C.@
Pullman & Co., Hy.Later owner: Prunier (1923)1, EP
Pureza, laEP
Puyrajou, R.zelfstandig1Anais
PyramidesTrademark owned by Frapin1
Quantin & Co.Nég. Comandon (1889)EPJarnac
Quéheillard, PaulEPBrive
Quellec, A.C. leLater owner: De Laage (1876)EP
Quellec, Louis leLater owner: Moullon (1873)EP
Quesnel & Cie., JulesLater owner: Barnett (1887)EP
Quetzal, elEP
QuevedoSpanish 'cognac'@
Quien, PhilippeEP
Quien & Co.predecessor of Philippe Quien@
Quillet & Co., O.Deed 1882; later owners: Barbottaud, Piveteau (1902); E. Merlin (1907)EP
Quin, Guillermo R.EP