Names of the past H till L For an explanation of the columns and codes, click here.. Show 102550100 entriesSearch: ↨ NameBottle pictureLabel picture↨ Remarks↨ source↨ location Haartman & Co., DeMikael Haartman. Owners: Pascal Combeau (1895); Compagnie Française des Eaux-de-Vie Teillard (1895); Prunier (1907)@ Haas, G. & B.Later owner: Pellisson Pere (1884)EP Haddad, MartinProduced by Eagle Distilleries@Zarqa (Jordan) Hadden & Co.owner: E. Normandin (1899)AlC Hagèsdistillery@Le Puy-en-Velay Hale, Arnott & BarronEPLondon Halley, Jean@Cherbourg HamdyLes Successuers de V. G.L. Hamdy & Co.; owned by Larsen@ Hamel Centibert@ Hamer van BelleEPTilburg Hamilton & Co., JEPBordeaux Hamilton & Co., J.S.Later owner: Alexandre Matignon (1898)AlC Hamlon & Co.Later owner: Farvaud (1897)AlC Hamon & Co., P.EPCognac Hamy & Co., A.EP Hanappier & Co.estab. 1817; owner: CalvetEP Hanappier - PeyrelongueOwner: Calvet EPBordeaux Hansy & Co., deEstabl. 1843EPSurgères Harbor, N.J.estab. 1864EPAigre Harcourt, J. deowner: Prunier (1928)AlC Harcourt, O. d'EP Hardy-CusenierOwner: Renée Cusenier (1921)AlC Harmey & Co., F.Later owner: Barriasson (1889)AlC Harold & Co., Jamesowner: Prunier (1909)EP HarrierVan Comandon/Hine1 Harrod's Ltd.warenhuis; cognacs van Paulet1,EPLondon Hartmann Fils FrèresStarted in 1887 by Halfdan Birkedal-Hartmann (See Birkedal-Hartmann); later owner: Gonzalez (1894); Staub (1904)EP Harveyswijnhandel van Allied Lyons; o.a. cognac van Exshaw1,EPBristol (UK) Hatch, Mansfield & Co. merchantsEPLondon Hatton & Co.Deed 1861InpiJarnac Haud Frères, A.@ Haumant, A.Later owner: Bisquit-Dubouché (1908)AlC Hautebar & CieVan Rouyer Guillet1,EP Hauteneuve & Co., G. d'Owner: Guerin (1883)EP Hauteruche & Co., L.Later owner: Bonnaud (1890)AlC Havard & Co.owner: E. Normandin (1902)AlC HavilandOwner: Bisquit-Dubouché (1932)EP Hawker, JamesJames Hawker & Co.; shippers@Plymouth (UK) Hector & Co., A.Owner: Pluchon (1883); later: Boutillier - DelaurièreEP Hector Romain & Co.owner: Boutillier-Delaurière (1936) AlC Hector Winesborderies@Saint-Sévère Hedges & Butler LTDwine merchants@London Hédiarddelicatessen chain; produced by Delamain and Hine and maybe others1,EPParis Hédiarddelicatessen chain; produced by Delamain and Hine and maybe others1,EPParis Hédiard & Co., Elie9 Hédouard & Cie., JulesOwners: Boutillier-Delaurière (1948); later: Prunier1,EP Heidenreich, R.Deed (1960), Richard Heidenreich@ HeldezBrand of Delhaize group@ Héliot & Co.Owner: Geoffroy (1889); Barnett, Elichagaray (1922)9, EPCognac HellasNég. Marceil, E.L.EP Henekeys Ltd.English pub; Augier (among others)EPLondon Hennekens, Jacquesnot French cognac, so a fraud@Beek (NL) Hennequin & Fils, E.@Metz Hennequin, Jeanfirm name: E. Hennequin & FilsEPMetz Henri IVEP Henri MaisonOwner: Maxime TrijolEPCognac HenriquesOwner: Fournier (1908); Tallon EP,AlC Henry & Co., JulesOwner: Albert Castillon du Peyron (1933)EP Henry & Fille, veuveOwner: Les Grands Chais de FranceEP Henry Robin-MedardDeed: 1889AlCNiort/Cognac Henry Tytell & FilsOwner: Hardy1 Henry, RogerOwner: Marcel Bredon (1945); Unicoop (1965)EP Herald & Cie.Owner: de Laroche (A.M.A.D., 1949)EPCognac HeraldicEP Héraud, EutropeEPCognac Hercule, l'Henri Mounier (1878); Société des Distillateurs (Unicoop); EP Hériard & Co., Eliesucc. De Jules Caminade & Co.; owner: Remy Martin (1906)9, EP Hériard-Dubreuil, Jacques1Logis de Germeville, Oradour d'Aigre Hermel Frèresowner: Lacroux (Cha. Paulet, 1904)AlC Heroin et Co., Jos.Owned by G. Martineau15 Héron & Co., GastonDeed 1919EPCognac Herrmann LöwDistillery@Mistek (CZ) Herriot & Cie., LéonLater owner: Geoffroy (1897)AlC Hervé de la HorseOwner: Bache-Gabrielsen1,EPCognac Hervieux & Co.EP Heurtematte & Co., M.EP Heurtier, P.EPSt. Etienne Hijos de Joâo FariaEPBuenos Aires Hildén & Co., BernardDeed: 1885; later owner: Auguste Diot (1904)EPJarnac Hildernisse@Middelburg (NL) HillardsEP Hivert & Co., A.Later owner: Curcier & Adet (1863, Tribunal de Bordeaux)INPI Hivert - Pellevoisinowner: Godet 1860 (TdC de la Rochelle); (Louise Hivert marries Godet)1,EPLa Rochelle Hoar, PaulEP Homer & Co.owners: Barraud, Saudau (1886); Alphonse Bellot (1890); Lucien Guérin (1902); Pascal Combeau (1921)EP Homer FrèresOwner: Prunier (1907)VT Hommel, C.Later owner: Favraud (1896)AlC Hondevigne & Co., G. deLater owner: Bonhomme (1890)AlC Hoogen & Co., Frans van denEPDordrecht (NL) Hoogeweegen & ZoonLater owner: Lucien Bellot (1886)AlC Hornsey & Co., T.Later owner: Marchand (1894)AlC Horton & Converse@Los Angeles (US) Hotel de Paris@Monte Carlo Hotel du Lion d'OrHotelEPReims Hotel Regina BernasconHotel@Aix-les-Bains Hotte & Co., H.Deed: 1885EP Hotte Frères & Co.Deed: 1884EPCognac Houdayer & Co., D.owner: Adrien Aubinaud (Cognac, 1908)EP Hourdeaux, AmédéeLater owner: L.P. Michel (1902)AlC Houry & Co., MarcOwner: Prunier (1909)EP Showing 1 to 100 of 656 entriesPrevious1234567Next