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Name ↨ mapbottlename of owner ↨ source ↨ place ↨ questionmarks ↨ Website ↨
Abecassis, Francissee ABK6@Claix
ABK6Map marker star red7Francis Abecassis7,BClaix
Aincourt, d'n (b)Vincent Norguet@Parijs
AudryMap marker star red7Stopped between ca 1950-1978, restarted with owner: Boisson, v.a. 1980) stopped again in the 2010s and restarted in 2023.1,2,3,4,5,6,B,EPThénac
Bache-GabrielsenMap marker star red7family company (wholesale dealer); bought A.E. Dupuy amongst others; see there 1,B,EPCognac
Birkedal HartmannMap marker star red7
Map marker star red7Owned by Distell 1,2,3,3a,4,5,6,7,10,B,EPRouillac (Jarnac)
Bossardn (b)brand of Triple Crown
Boullmer, Pierren (b)@Parijstrader?
BraastadMap marker star red7Emanated from Tiffon; but nowadays there are two companies: Tiffon and Braastad7,B,EPMainxe (Jarnac)
Bru, RolandMap marker square red2see Moisans distillerie 1,5,EPSireuil
Brugerolle, Léopold
Map marker star red7belongs to CCG; Brugerolle is in board of CCG (together with Meukow)1,3,3a,4,5,6,B,EPMatha
CampagnereMap marker square red2brand of Tessendier7Cognac-Cedex
CamusMap marker star red75th biggest firm; biggest firm still of founding family1,2,3,3a,4,5,6,7,10,B,EPCognac
Castelbajac, Vicomte Stephane deMap marker drop orangeIn collaboration with Logis de la Montagne; stopped in 20071,3a,5,6
Heidelberg (D)trader?
Chabasse (René-Luc)
Map marker star red72,4,5,7,B,EPSt. Jean d'Angely
Chateau Pauletn (b)owned by Cointreau (Héritiers Renaud-Cointreau)
CholletMap marker star red71,3a,5,6,B
Clos de RomasnBought by Amit Keval in 2009 (after bankruptcy)BNeuillacstill active?
ComandonMap marker star red7Made by Tessendier family; brand belonged to Denis-Mounié;
1, EPJarnac
Courvoisier, F. & Curlier Frères
Map marker star red7owned by Beam; Beam is bought by Suntory in 20141,2,3,3a,4,5,6,7,10,B,EPJarnac
Croizet (Croizet-Eymard)Map marker star red7owned by Russian Wine Trust (2007)1,2,3,3a,4,5,6,7,B,EPSt-Meme-les-Carrières
DeauMap marker square red2Belongs to Distillerie des Moisans2,5,EPSt. André de Lidon
DelamainMap marker star red7Owners: Braastad1,2,3,3a,4,5,6,7,10,B,EPJarnac
DobbéMap marker star red75Goux
Domaine des BroixnBought by a Russian companyBTouzac
Domaine du BuissonMap marker square red2brand of Tessendier7Cognac-Cedex
Domaine du FoucaudatMap marker green 9owned by Euronegoce Spirits; owner: Ricard@Juillac Le Coq
Dor, A.E.Map marker star red7Owner is now Rivière; bought in 2016 by Unicognac
Dumont, PascalMap marker star red7 4,5,B,EPJarnac
DuquaiMap marker star red7Van Philippe Braastad-TiffonBJarnac
FalandynBrand of Falandy-Liandry (made by Seguinot); targets the Asian market4CognacStopped?
Fontaine de la Pouyaden (b)Brand of Bouyer-Dubosquet
FransacMap marker star red7Brand of Maison Roullet-Fransac; 2013 sold to Changyu Wine
1,5,6,EPChermignac en Cognac;
Cognac of
Frapin, PierreMap marker star red7Owners: Héritiers Renaud-Cointreau (descendants of Frapin, Cointreau and Renaud)
Fussigny, A deMap marker star red7owned by Aroma (Russian)1,3,3a,4,5,6,B,EPJarnac
Gabriel & Associés Map marker square red2organic producur; Gabriel took over the name and brand of Pierre Ferrand; see Ferrand2,5,EP
GautierMap marker star red7Owned by the Belvedère groep (2006); logo: the heads of 3 deers
Gautret, JulesMap marker star red7brand of Unicognac; managed by Gautret1,3,4,5,7,B,EPJonzac
GirardMap marker star red7owned by Gemaco/Gautier/Aigre (Berger group)1,3a,9,EPAigre
Godard, Collection Ph.Map marker star red7@Longèves
GodetMap marker star red71,2,3,3a,4,5,6,7,B,EPLa Rochelle
Grosperrin, JeanMap marker star red7Cognacs de Collection; buys small lots and assembles them into blends; at present: Guilhem Grosperrin3,7,B,EPChermignac (inmiddels Saintes)
n (b)Of swedish origin; now belongs to the Finnish Altia Coorp.3.4Helsinki (outdated link)
Guérin Frères
Map marker drop brown4Belongs to Puy Gaudin1,9,B,EPChenac
Hardy & Cie., A.Map marker star red7Bankrupt in 1990's and is now owned by Unicoop. Still managed by the Hardy family1,2,3,3a,4,5,6,9,B,EPCognac
HectoreMap marker star yellowStopped in 2018@Saint Maurice de Tavernole (werkt niet meer)
Hennessy & Co., Ja's Map marker star red7Part of the LVMH combination1,2,3,3a,4,5,6,7,9,10,B,EPCognac
Hine, ThomasMap marker star red7Sold to the Nicolas family in 20131,2,3,3a,4,5,6,7,10,B,EPJarnac
Jenssen, Per-EgilMap marker green 9Bought by Alfred Tesseron in 2013; Chateau Pontet-Canet?; or is it now Russian?
Jouffe, Laurentn (b)Jouffe; belongs to the J.E.D.I. companyBDinan
Jubert & Guerryn(Succ. André Vaud?)B,EPMalavilleStopped?
KazumiannOwned by Suren Kazumian; produced by Meukow@Moskou
Keltn (b) 3,5,EPEauze
Kirklandnbrand of Costco@
LaclieMap marker star red7Brand of Raffin@Cognac
Larcy, EduardMap marker star red7Brand of Raffin and LaclieBCognac
LarsenMap marker star red7Sold in 2013 to Altia1,3,3a,4,5,6,7,B,EPCognac
Laurière, densee also De Montleau@Mérignac
LeyratMap marker star red7Taken over by Abk61,2,3,5,7,B,EPChez Maillard, Claix
Lisker, ChristiaanMap marker star red7@Cognac (outdated);
Luze & Fils, A. deMap marker square red2Owned by the Boinaud group1, 2,6,7,B,EPCognac
Maison Coquart-Thomas (MCT)nEst: 2018@Virson
MaranchevilleMap marker star red7Gélinaud Distillerie@Mainxe
Martell, J. & F.Map marker star red7Owned by Pernod-Ricard; one of the big-4 1,3,3a,4,5,6,7,9,10,B,EPCognac
MartingalenOwned and produced by the Thomas family; established in 1920.
@probably living in or around Ars. The company is in the US.
Mauxion (Vignobles)Map marker yellow red@Houlette
Meukow & Co., A.C.Map marker star red7Bought by CCG in 19791,2,3,3a,4,5,6,7,B,EPCognac
MocqMap marker star red7Françis (SAS MVM)
MoisansMap marker square red2Owned by Bru; founder of Moisans Distillerie1,B,EPSireuil
MonnetMap marker star red7owned by Hine; history: bought by Scharlachberg; later by Asbach & Co, thereafter by LVMH, then owned by CL group Trinidad together with Hine. Now bought by Nicolas (together with Hine)?1,3a,4,6,10,B,EPCognac
Moullon & Cie.Map marker star red7Owned by Meukow (CCG); still managed by Moullon family 1,7,9,EP
MoyetMap marker star red7 1,2,3,3a,4,5,6,EPCognac
Normandin & Co., E.Map marker star red7Owned by Gemaco (Gautier/Aigre); of the Berger group; Normandin family still in charge1,3a,7,B,EPChateauneuf
Normandin-MercierMap marker star red7 1,2,3,3a,4,5,6,B,EPDompierre
OtardMap marker star red7Owned by Martini-Bacardi1,2,3,3a,4,5,6,7,9,10,B,EPCognac
Paul-Marie & FilsnBrand owned by Nicolas; is looking for old and rare casks of cognac and produces cognac in collaboration with Pierre Ferrand@Segonzac
ParkMap marker square red2Owned by TessendierEPMouzon
PasquinetMap marker green 9Owned by Euronegoce Spirits; owner:
Peyrat Ass. & Cie. (Philippe)Map marker star red7BCognac
PitaudMap marker square red2@Cherves
PlanatMap marker star red7owned by Soerlie and Nau families2,3,4,9, EPGensac-la-Pallue
Planat & Co.nowned by Camus (now sold to Soerlie and Nau)2,3,4,9, EP
PM SpiritsnBrand owned by Nicolas; is looking for old and rare casks of cognac and produces cognac @
Prince Hubert de PolignacMap marker star red7brand owned by H. Mounier; see Unicoop.3,3a,4,6,7,10,B,EPCognac
PrulhoMap marker star red7in collaboration with Compagnie Francaise Spiritueux BMerpins
Prunier & Cie., Jas.Map marker star red7Owned and managed by Burnez who was a cousin of Prunier)1,2,3,3a,4,5,6,7,10,B,EPCognac
Raffin, LeopoldMap marker star red7Brand of Raffin and LaclieBCognac
Rémy MartinMap marker star red7Owned by Cointreau1,2,3,3a,4,5,6,7,10,B,EPCognac
Renault Map marker star red7Castillon-Renault / owned by the Pernod-Ricard group1,2,3a,4,6,9,EPCognac
Ribauds, desnOwned by Jean Pestiaux@JavrezacStopped?
Richard DelisleMap marker star red7Owned by Cabanne family BBourg Charente
Royer, Louis & Co.Map marker star red7Owned by Suntory1,2,3,3a,4,6,7,B,EPJarnac
Salignac & Co., L. deMap marker star red7owned by Courvoisier (Beam)1,2,3,3a,4,6,9, EPJarnac
Soerlien (b)Per Christian Soerlie@
SylveluneMap marker star red7owner is Marrianne Soupé
Terrasson, Comte de Montleau, Geraldn@Libourne
TesseronMap marker star red7Also in possession of Chateau Pontet-Canet in Bordeaux3,BChateuneuf-sur-Charente
Tiffon & Co., M.
Map marker star red7family company of the Braastads
Triac, Chateau deMap marker star red7Brand of Tiffon (Braastad)
Vieille Villenproducer: Domaine des Broix (owned by Russian company)@Touzac


Cognac firms (table) — No Comments

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