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↨ Namemapbottle/label↨ remarks↨ source↨ place↨ website
Alban de Mazottenbouilleur de Cru?@Ségonzac
Archambaud & FilsMap marker green cirkel 7No direct sales; succeeded Yves Archambaud1,5,6,EPLignières-Sonneville
Arnaud, Père & Fils
nGérard; 2020: Sylvie Arnaud
EP,VICBouteville (webtite not longer operative; (not active anymore)
Aubineau< jeannNot active anymore, but still has some bottles to sell@Malaville
BanchereauMap marker green 94,5,BEraville
Baron de l'IfMap marker green cirkel 7owners: Pierre and Daniel Duluc1,BTouzac
Bastit nstill for sale?
Gerard Bastit; also Ernest Bastit
Beau, PaulMap marker green 9has also some excellent borderies1,2,3,4,5,6,7,B,EPSegonzac
BergeaudMap marker blue 9see table petite champagneB,1Celles
Blanleuil & FilsMap marker green 9BCriteuil la Magdeleine
Borderon, Guynactive? Bouilleur de cru?VICLignières-Sonneville
Bouju, DanielMap marker green 93,3a,4,5,6,7,B,EPSt. Preuil
Breau, GuynNow: Breau Tetart Annie; still for sale?1,EPLe Bouquet (Ségonzac)
Bredon, Octave nOctave & Raymond Bredon; discontinued (2018)1,5,6Segonzac
Breuil de Segonzac, DomaineMap marker green 9B,EPChez Collet
Brillet, J.R.Map marker blue 9see table petite champagne too1,3,3a,4,5,6,7,14,B,EPGraves-St.-Amant
Brisson, GillesMap marker green 9now: Cyril Brisson1,5,B,EPChateaubernard
Brugier, Danielnthey won a prize in 2016@Verrières
Capbern-GasquetonMap marker green 9@Gimeux
Chabernaud, Vivianenactive? 1,5,6,BCriteuil-la-Magdeleine
CharmilleMap marker green 9Used to be Boulay's brand. He now makes 1719 (see La Maison 1719)@Touzac
Charpentron, Claude & CIEMap marker green 91,5,6,B,EPGondeville
Chateau de MontifaudMap marker green 9owned by Louis Vallet2,3,3a,4,5,6,7,B,EPJarnac-Champagne
Clair, PascalMap marker green 9Also petite champagne1,3a,5,6,BNeuillac
Claoué-Morton, vignoblesnsells only to the big firms@Salles d'Angles
Collin, Jean-Noël
Map marker green 9possibly not active anymore1,4,5,B,EPSalles-d'Angeles
Cosson, Gillesn(La Grange Neuve); 1999 faillissement?
Mogelijk overgenomen door Mondory met merk Astris
Coteaux de LignieresMap marker green 9@Lignieres-Sonnevile
Couprié, André (now Michel)
Map marker green 91,3,4,5,6,BAmbleville
Courtin, Jean-Noël
Map marker green 9@Saint-Preuil
Courtin & FilsMap marker green 9Same as Jean-Noël Courtin@Saint-Preuil
Croix MaronMap marker green cirkel 7owned by Daviaud family@Segonzac, Bouchet
DagnaudMap marker green 9stopped in September 2020BChateaubernard
Delaunay, Mme. M.Map marker blue 9now owned by daughter and son-in-law: Lebecq; see Lebecq.
Denis, JacquesMap marker green 9B,EPSt. Preuil
Desse, RaymondMap marker green 91,B,EPSegonzac,16.html
Domaine d'Audevillenbrand ownd by Sauzeau; almost everything is sold to the big firmsBMalaville
Domaine de Chez BacouMap marker green 9Owned by family Martin@Mainxe
Domaine MontansierMap marker blue 9Jobit family; makes fine champagneBGraves Saint Amant
Drouet & FilsMap marker green 94,5,B,EPSalles d'Angles
Dubreuil, MarcelnLast owner, Jean Dubreuil, has passed away in 2015. 1,5Malaville
Dudognon, C.Map marker green 9Claudine Dudognon, took over from Raymond Dudognon.1,4,5,6,B,EPLignieres-Sonneville
DulucMap marker green cirkel 7Owner: Gratien Duluc. 1,BTouzac
Dupuy, GuynNo direct sales, eveything is sold to the big firms1,6Ambleville
Echassier, l'Map marker green cirkel 7owner: Jacques CollinBChateaubernard
Fillioux, JeanMap marker green 9they still have Folle blanche and Colombard1,2,3,3a,4,5,6,7,B,EPJuillac-le-Coq
Font-BorneMap marker green 9owner: Georges Jobit; Now Viviane Jobit1,5,BFont-Borne
Fontaine de Font ArnatnOwner: Jean-François Biteaud
Forgeron, MichelMap marker green 91,3,3a,4,5,B,EPChez Richon
Fort, JeanMap marker green 9Now Jean-Noël Fort
Fouché, Annetten@Bonneuil
Gacon, FrancisMap marker green 9Now Bruno Gacon1,5,7,B,EPLes Touches-de Périgny (outdated link)
Gauthier, BernardMap marker green 9@Malaville
Gay, Jean-BrunoMap marker green 9@Salles d'Angles
Geffard, HenriMap marker green 9now Stephane Geffard1,3a,5,6,7,B,EPVerrières
Giraud, PaulMap marker green 91,2,3a,4,5,6,7,B,EPBouteville
Glemet, Jean & RogerMap marker green 9Hans (c.-f.)Malaville
Golvet, Robertnactive? Bouilleur de cru?1Chez Gente
Gourry de ChadevilleMap marker green 9established in 1619!1,2,3,3a,4,5,6,EPSegonzac
Grenier, Christinen@Viville
Guerbé, Maison
Map marker green 9changed their name to: Paris (late 2010s)1,2,4,6,5,B,EPJuillac-le-Coq
Guillon-Painturaud (Jean Pierre)Map marker green 9propr. Guillon, J.P.
In 2021 sold to Thorin.
Guionnet, B.Map marker green cirkel 7Bernard Guionnet has been president of the BNIC; passed away in 2011; Amélie Guionnet-Godon continues the company; o.a. Distillerie des Barbotins; direct sales?1,5Gensac-la-Pallue
Hermellennow Monique Gourry; No direct sales.1Lignières-Sonneville
Héritiers BitaudnSee also Distillerie Sovicri; they stopped selling bottles1,5,6,B,EPCriteuil-la-Madeleine
Janneaud, les Deux FrenesnNo direct sales@Lignières-Sonneville
Jousson, JeannAlso Chateau Jousson; produced by Distillerie du Vieux Chene; still for sale? 1,EPLe Bois d'Angeac
Jullien, André
Map marker green 9Owner of Logis de la Mothe, which is now his current label. In the past he used the label André Jullien1,3,3a,5,6,B,EPRoissac
Landreau, DomaineMap marker green 9Now Thomas Landreau, before: Paul and Daniel.1,EPCriteuil-la-Magdeleine
Lascaux, MauriceMap marker green 9After Maurice first Sylvain Lascaux and now Rémy Lascaux1,5,B,EPSt.-Même-les-Carrières
Laurichessenson-in-law of Paul Beau@Segonzav
Laval, Maison Jeannstill for sale?1,5,6,EPSegonzac
Lavigne, Robertnactive? Bouilleur de cru?1,5,6Ambleville
Lebecq, Alain et LaurenceMap marker blue 9B,EPCriteuil-la-Magdeleine
LégierMap marker blue 9Previously: Logis de la Barbe owner: Marie Légier; before: Bernard Légier1,5,6Criteuil-la-Magdeleine
Leonard, Jean-PierreMap marker green 95,EPGondeville
Logis de BarbeMap marker blue 9New name: Légier1,5,6Criteuil-la-Magdeleine
LicornenStill active?4Malaville
Logis de l'AjassonMap marker green 9owned by Yves Fillioux, son of Jean-Pierre. No direct sales anymore,4,5,B,EPEraville-Chateauneuf
Logis de la MotheMap marker green 9brand name of André Jullien
1,3,3a,5,6,B,EPCriteuil de la Magdeleine
Logis de MontifaudMap marker green 9owned by Landreau family (they stopped in 2020)1,3,3a,5,B,EPSalles d'Angles
Lotherie, Henri deMap marker green cirkel 7Now Edith de Lothérie
Maison 1719, laMap marker green 9Owner: Boulay@Touzac
Marcadier, Simone & Barbot, A.Map marker green 9 1,5,6,B,EPSegonzac
Map marker green 91,2,3,3a,4,5,6,7,B,EPSt-Meme-les-Carrières
Mercier, Paul
nLater: Paul & Gérard Mercier; still for sale? 1,EPLe Pible
Mercier, Père & Fils
Map marker green 9Now Dominique Mercier1,5,6,B,EPLignieres-Sonneville
Mery-MelroseMap marker green 9before: Méry & Fils5,BSalles d'Angles
Michelet, Domainenowned by Savin-Michelet; now Christophe Savin; still for sale? Bouilleur de cru?BCriteuil de la Magdeleine
Michelet, EricMap marker green 9BSegonzac
Michelet, Jeannownes one of the best vineyards in gr. ch. (Mazotte); possibly succeeded by Eric Michelet Bouilleur de cru?
1,B,EPAngoulême (Segonzac)
Montmorencyncooperative of 8 wine-growers 200 hectares of vineyard@Bouteville
Moulin, Hugues lenprobably not active for several years now
(possibly stopped in 2007)
Murray, FrançoisenNo direct sales anymore? 1Gimeux
NavarreMap marker green 9now Jacky Navarre5Gondeville
Olivier TébilynAlso named: OT@Salles d'Angles
Painturaud, JacquesMap marker green 9now Emmanuel Painturaud2,5,B,EPSegonzac
Cognac ParisMap marker green 9formerly known as Guerbé (see there), now owned by François Anthoene@Juillac-le-Coq
Pasquet, Jean-LucMap marker green 91,3a,5,6,B,EPChez Ferchaud
Pautier, Domainensells only to the big firms; does sell pineau.@Bourg-Charente
Paynaud, JeanMap marker green cirkel 7B,VIC,1,EPBouteville
Pelluchon, R.nRoger PelluchonBVerrières
Perrin, JeannNo direct sales? Bouilleur de cru?1Les Courades
Petit, BeatriceMap marker green 9B,EPVerrières
Peyrot, FrancoisMap marker green 91,6,B,EPJarnac
PhilbertMap marker blue 9See table fins bois
Pierre de SegonzacMap marker green 9Pierre Ferrand has passed away. Now Pablo Ferrand runs the company.1,3,5,6,7,B,EPLa Nerolle
Plassard, R.nEst. 1810; Roger Plassard has passed away. Successor?
New name possibly Cognac de Veulle
Pluchon, Jean-ClaudenVineyards at Treillis, Salles d'Angles; no visitors1,3a,6,B,EPAngoulême
Porte-Joie, JeannStopped; successor? 1Roumillac
Prioulat, PierreMap marker green cirkel 7Almost everything is sold to the big firms1,6,EPSt.-Fort-s/le-Né
Raby, Gerard & CecileMap marker green 9Before: Guy and Marcelle Raby; before that Henri and Pauline@La Brée
Raby, LuciennNo direct sales? Bouilleur de cru?EPGensac-la-Pallue
Ragnaud, RaymondMap marker green 9brother of Marcel ragnaud, has his own company1,2,3,3a,4,6,7,B,EPAmbleville
Ragnaud-SabourinMap marker green 9Former name Marcel Ragnaud1,2,3,3a,4,5,6,7,10,B,EPAmbleville
Raison PersonelleMap marker green 9Owner: Bertrand de Witasse@Angeac-Champagne
Ranson, JacquesnFirst partner of Delamain in earlier days. Still for sale? Bouilleur de cru?1,EPVerrieres
Réchou, M.
n No direct sales?1,EPAngeac-Champagne
Renoud, Michel & Isabellemeasle_green[10]befor: Bernard Renoud; still for sale? Bouilleur de cru?1,BGimeux
Renoux, Jean-MichelnNo direct sales? Bouilleur de cru?BSegonzac
Rosille, de lanOwner: Meslier, Claude
probably not active anymore; they produced 'fine champagne'
Roy René
nStopped, possibly bankruptcy in 2002)1,3a,4,5,6,EPLe Mas
Roy, Jean-ClaudeMap marker green 9Now Jean-Emmanuel Roy1,B,EP,VICLe Maine Verret (outdated link)
Sapins, lesnbrand of Domaine des Abels, organization for the mentally impaired@Lignières-Sonneville
Saunier, Jean-ClaudeMap marker green 9BSegonzac
Sauvaget, Jean-Francoisnstill for sale? Bouilleur de cru?1,6Gente
Sauzeau, MauricenNow called: Domaine d'Audeville (in Malaville)1St. Preuil
Seguinot & Co., G.Map marker green 9Gerard Seguinot, est. 18901,3a,5,6,7,B,EPSegonzac
Serplet, PierreMap marker green cirkel 71Lavaud
TallefortMap marker green 9Update Sept 2020: stopped with private selling. Brand of the company La Champagne St. Preuil; estabished by five winegrowers; nowadays run by Gilles Gazeaud1,3a,6,B,EPSaint Preuil
Testaud, GuyMap marker green 9He also buys cognacs to make his blends1,3a,4,6,B,EP
Thorin, Claude Map marker green 9Before: André Thorin
Voyer, François
Map marker green 9owned by François Chauchet (Chauchet-Voyer)


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