Denis Mounié Bottle Catalogue (last updated Dec 21, 2024)

(342 bottles from 35cl and up, but still incomplete

J. Denis, Henry Mounié & Co. was founded in 1838 by Henri Mounié and Justin Denis. Later the name was simplified to just Denis-Mounié. In the 1970s Denis-Mounié was taken over by Bénedictine and a bit later sold to Hine. They are not produced anymore.


0. Introduction to emblems
1. Gold Leaf
2. Stars
3. VS
5. Napoleon
6. FOV
7. XO
8. Edouard VII
9. Extra and Hors d’Age Extra
10. Decanters
11. Vintages
12. Limited editions
13. Magnums

0. Introduction to emblems:

Very early they started using the name and emblem ‘gold leaf’ for their bottles. I have seen an advertisement in the Hobart Town Daily Courier from 1856 were Denis and Mounié’s celebrated gold leaf was mentioned. The first use of this emblem probably dates back from 1850, fourteen years prior to the registration of the first name and logo by Hennessy. The gold leaf was mostly used to indicate their lowest grade of cognac, but the image was also used as an adornment on bottles of higher quality. It has been used right up to the end of Denis and Mounié’s existence in the 1990s.

By appointment to the Late King George V written on a gold coloured grape leaf.  Suppliers of fine cognac cince 1838 written on a grape leaf

In 1908 they were appointed supplier to the Royal Court of King Edouard VII. The brand Edward VII was created in honour of this occasion. The Royal appointment was continued by George V. This was used on their bottles. First as ‘Appointment to the H.M. King George V’ and after his dead (1936) as ‘By appointment of the Late King George V’.

 By appointment to the Late King Edouard VII on a banner and with their coat of arms  By appointment to H.M. King George V on a banner and with their coat of arms  By appointment to the Late King George V on a banner and with their coat of arms

And some other recurrent emblems used on the main label:

Suppliers of fine cognac since 1838 on a banner and with a grape leaf  Suppliers of fine cognac since 1838 on a banner and with their coat of arms Tradition Qualité and a grape leaf; used on three stars quality bottles

Different neck emblems; they exist in different colours:

ER probably stands for Edouard Roi; used on Edouard VII bottles (I have heard of another possible meaning of ER: Elizabeth Reign) GR stands for Grande Réserve; used on Edouard VII bottles DM below a crown; used on Edouard VII bottles; DM: Denis-Mounié DM on a grape leaf; DM: Denis-Mounié; used on Edward VII and several other bottles Just DM; used on Edward VII bottles DM between the Royal lions Royal coat of arms and 'By Appointment'; used on Edouard VII bottles Extra; used on Edouard VII bottles and Extra bottles Three stars; used on Gold Leaf VSP; used on gold leaf (Very Soft Pale) Three stars and DM under a crown; used on gold leaf bottles VSOP below the coat of arms

1. Gold Leaf

Gold Leaf has been used by Denis-Mounié from 1850. So their very first bottles could very well have been Gold Leaf’s too. It is used to indicate their lowest quality of cognac, comparable with three stars and VS.
1a. Gold Leaf cognaçaises (all have also three stars):

Possibly 1930s; appointed to the Late King .... (Edouard VII) Denis-Mounié; gray-green colour of the label; old type capsule With a brown coloured leaf (est. 1950s) With Denis-Mounié & Co in red on the neck and low on the bottle; Gold Leaf no. 1 Monopoly (est. pre-WWII) With Denis-Mounié & Co in red on the neck; Gold Leaf no. 1 Monopoly By appointment to the late King Gerge V; expedié sous acquit regional (estim. 1940s) J. Denis and Henry Mounié; label has sort of gold colour; estimated 1940-50s; appointed to the Late King George V; 4/5 Quart; Carillon importers, New York Same as previous, but with a paper duty seal; 4/5 Quart; Carillon importers, New York Name: Denis-Mounié & Co.; paper duty seal; 4/5 Quart; Carillon importers, New York (est. 1950s) Denis-Mounié, three stars and name 'Gold Leaf' on the cap; different importer, McKesson & Robbins

1b. straight bottles with a small gold leaf:

With 40%vol and 70cl indicated, tapered bottle Content not stated (ca 68-70cl); 1960s; DM in the blob, no stars; tapered bottle With a paper duty seal on top, DM in the blob, no stars, 40° indicated; straight bottle (1950-60s) With DM cognac on the capsule and a hanging 'gold leaf' card. Same as previous, but with Französisches Erzeugnis on the back  Suppliers of fine cognac; imported by Soffiantino, Genova; 73cl Suppliers of fine cognac; colour of glass is much lighter; imported by Soffiantino, Genova; 73cl DM and three stars in the blob  Three stars on the neck label; suppliers of fine cognac; 70cl (1960s); screw cap Three stars on the neck label; suppliers of fine cognac; yellow capsule; 70cl (1960s); yellow screw cap In my opinion this is a forgery!

1c. straight bottles with a big gold leaf:

three stars on the leaf; suppliers of fine cognac; imported by Soffiantino, Genova; 75cl (1960s) three stars on the leaf; suppliers of fine cognac, with 70 proof stated (the blob emblem with 'DM' on it has fallen off) three stars on the leaf; suppliers of fine cognac, without 70 proof stated (1960s) Three stars on the neck. Looks very much like previous bottle; different colour of label Screw cap, some bottles had a very orange leaf With a screw cap, much less orange leaf Half bottle

1d. tapered bottles, VSP, with gold leaf written in red:
(VSP stands for Very Soft Pale, which is also written on the leaf)
 VSP, 1970s 0.70L stated and 40%G.L. (1970s) Same as previous bottle, but with a paper duty seal on top Different cap, content not stated (70cl) Same as previous, but with a paper top seal Italian import by Marie-Brizard & Roger, 73cl (1970s)
1e. aberrant (shaped) bottles:

abnormal shape of bottle VSP; golden leaf; 750ml 25.4floz GL on neck blob, text: by appointment to the Late King George V; 80 proof stated; 75cl; for the 125th anniversary of Denis-Mounié (click to see backside); 1963 GL on neck blob, text: by appointment to the Late King George V; Gold Leaf in white letters; said to be 4/5 quart and bearing the Federal Law sentence; est 1960-1964. ca. 0.7L Gold Leaf flask ca. 0.5L Gold Leaf flask

2. Stars

3 stars, by appointment to H.M. King George V (est. 1930s)  3 stars, by appointment to the late King George V (Est. late 1930s-40s) 3 stars cognaçaise  3 stars; the bottle has the look of a gold leaf, but it only states 3 stars (est. 1960s)

68.2cl and 24 fl oz stated; 70 proof (est. 1980s) Looks like content is stated on the lower left 70cl printed on the left 70cl and 40°GL indicated and 40%vol in the upper right (1970s) 75cl stated on lower right; with a paper duty seal on top (neck emblem has come off) 75cl stated on lower right, with a paper duty seal and importer data on the lower end of the label (Sidalm, Milano) 75cl (stated at the lower part of the label); Aquavite di vino printed, with a paper duty seal and importer data on the lower end of the label (Unidal, Milano)

Different neck emblem: DM and three stars Different neck emblem and different capsule; 0.70cl and 70° stated Different cap and neck emblem; 24 FL OZS and 70 proof stated Different cap and neck emblem; 24 FL OZS 'Produce of France' and 70 proof stated Only 40° indicated Content not stated and with a paper duty seal on top Aquavite di Vino in black letters; 75cl Italian import  40% stated; medaille d'or Saint Loo 1982

70cl and 40%vol stated, colour of label is golden; Japanese import

68.2cl and 40%vol stated (en 1970s or early 1980s) 70cl placed in the upper right corner  70cl (placed in the lower left corner) three stars Fine Cognac, content not stated (1980s) With a cotisation symbol  Three stars fine cognac; Italian import, Soffiantino  70cl, importé par S. Bloc, Bruxelles, 1988

3 star cognaçaise bottle, Portuguese bottle  3 star cognaçaise bottle, Portuguese import with a duty seal and importer data at the bottom

3. VS

750ml stated (1970-80s)



4.1 Cognaçaise bottles:

VSOP, old type (1940-50s?)

4b. Straight bottles with a gold leaf:

This looks like a falsificatiom; to me this is a gold leaf bottle and somebody stuck a VSOP label on it

Content not stated; said to be 23.66 fl oz. (1970s) On the upper edge of the label: very old fine cognac; 24 FL OZS stated (1970s)  With yellow-brown shoulder blob, content not stated (prob 70cl); 1960-70s 75cl stated; Italian import, Soffiantino Genova; importer data underneath in red 75cl stated; Italian import, Soffiantino Genova; importer data underneath in black 35cl bottle (not stated; 1960s)

4c. Tapered bottles:

0.70L stated; DM on cap and on shoulder blob 24 FL OZS stated; shoulder blob with VSOP Fine Champagne printed underneath; Italian import, 70cl stated Fondé en 1838 stated underneath; 75cl stated, Italian import Fine Champagne stated underneath; Asian import by Mitsukoshi; 700ml VSOP that is also called Napoleon and Edouard VII; probably 700ml Fine Champagne stated underneath; Asian import by Mitsukoshi; 700ml stated on a different sticker; with a black neck label with Asian text Pretty simular to previous bottle, but with black adornments to the left and right of the coat of arms 700ml, Asian import (Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei) Beneath is printed: Fondé en 1838; Asian import DM on the cap; 0.70L stated, copper coloured cap (1970s) DM on the cap; content not stated, copper coloured cap (1970s) DM on the cap and DM on the shoulder blob; content not stated, copper coloured cap; 0,7L is stated on the bottom (1970s)

4d. Slender, cognaçaise like bottles:

700ml Asian import, Mitsukoshi

70cl stated in the bottom left corner (1960-70s); black capsule with white letters 70cle stated in the bottom left corner (1980s) 70cl stated on the right side next to VSOP 70cl e stated on the upper right side; Französisches Erzeugnis (1980s) 70cl e stated in the upper left corner; a otisation symbol in the lower left 70cl stated next to 'vsop'; German import, Eimann Marken Getränke, Nürnberg. 70cl e stated in the upper left corner; Italian import, Soffiantino, Genova (1970s) 70cl e stated in the upper right corner (1980s) 750ml stated in the top left corner; US import, Park Benziger & Co., Yonkers, NY 70cl e stated; bronze coloured capsule with brown and red lines and letters (1970s) 70cle stated next to 'vsop' and with a green point symbol; German import, Eimann Marken Getränke, Nürnberg (diiferent from previous); (1990s).

5. Napoleon

No content stated 70cl stated, selected for Mitsukoshi 70cl stated, selected for Mitsukoshi, capsule has lighter colour and a different stickker on the back  Green capsule

70cl stated 700ml stated on the back, selected for Mitsukoshi

6. FOV, finest old vintage

FOV, Japanese import On the bottom label: Jardine Riche Munchs Ltd No lion on bottom label, screw cap With HKDNP stated; underneath: Denis-Mounié; Asian import 70cl stated; with HKDNP stated; underneath: Denis-Mounié With HKDNP stated; underneath: Jardine Riche Munchs Ltd; Asian import 700ml stated on the back; Asian import 700ML stated, bottled for Caldbeck Macgregor; the name Denis-Mounié is completely left off no content stated, bottled for Caldbeck Macgregor; the name Denis-Mounié is completely left off (1990s) Screw cap (1980s) simple cork; 1970s Dark red capsule, 70cl stated; no shoulder or bottom label; Asian import 700ml stated on the back-side Black capsule, 70cl stated; no shoulder or bottom label; 'Finest Old Vintage' in different typecase; Asian import Black capsule, 70cl stated; no shoulder or bottom label; label just says: FOV cognac; Asian import 700ml; FOV stated on capsule; Asian import 1L bottle (not stated) with HKDNP stated 1.00L stated; black capsule with FOV on it 30cl, not stated; black capsule small bottle (half)

7. XO

(All older XO bottles have also Napoleon stated)

70cl stated Content not stated  75CL with import data beneath; Italian import (early 1970s)  70cl stated; Italian import, no importer data beneath 700ml stated on the back; with a black neck label (Asian) 700ml with a black neck label; just one line of address underneath 70cl; with a gold leaf instead of the coat of arms

with 70cle and 40%vol stated on the label (1980-90s) Content not indicated (70cl)

8. Edouard VII

8.1 Cognaçaise bottles (1920-30s):

Said to be 70 cl; est. 1920-30s Different capsule Said to be 70cl; golden emblem Said to be 70cl; golden emblem. different capsule (est. 1920-30s)

8.2 Straight bottles (in between normande and bourgogne shape), 1930-50s:

Said to be 750ml, not indicated (est. 1940-50s)  1 Pint and 9fl.ozs. (ca. 75cl), New York import (1930s)  1950s 12 FL.OZ. (35cl); New York import (1930s)

8.3 Straight bottles, VSOP – Edouard VII, with Denis Mounié on a green band below (est. end 1940s-1950s):

75cl Edouard VII, VSOP stated; with the Italian head seal (in use from 1947-1949 officially, maybe a few years longer) Fine champagne cognac, 30 anos; Mexican import VSOP, Edouard VII, 30 ans d'age; ausländisches erzeugnis, in Österreich abgefült

8.4 Straight bottles with Denis Mounié on a green band below (est. 1950s-1970s):

Shoulder blob says: E.R. Shoulder blob says: GR (gold) Shoulder blob says: GR (black) With a paper duty seal  Shoulder blob says: DM (D and M partly overlap) Shoulder blob says: DM in green with a crown above; 40° stated Shoulder blob says: DM in green with a crown above. 40° printed next to produce of France Shoulder blob says: DM with a crown above. Italian import for Soffiantino (Est. 1970s) Shoulder blob says: DM in green with a crown above. Italian import for Soffiantino; emblem on the capsule Shoulder blob says: DM in gold with a crown above. Italian import for Soffiantino (Est. 1970s) 35cl

8.5 Tapered bottles, emblem centered (est. 1960-70s):

24 fl ozs stated (no duty seal); Vieille Fine Champagne on top of the main label on a separate band Vieille Fine Champagne on top of the main label on a separate band; Italian import (Soffiantino) Capsule in green (no crown above DM), DM on shoulder blob in green; Fine Champagne on top of the main label on a separate band (est. late 1960s-1970s). Capsule in green (no crown above DM), DM on shoulder blob in green; Fine Champagne on top of the main label on a separate band (est. late 1960s-1970s) Same as previous but with a paper duty top seal Italian import (Soffiantino) 75cl 40° stated in red; Französisches Erzeugnis 70cl Ausländisches Erzeugnis in Österreich abgefüllt; this one has Extra on the shoulder blob (1970s) Fine champagne; VSOP added

8.6 Tapered bottles, emblem on the upper left (est. 1970s):

24 FL OZS stated; shoulder blob has probably fallen off 70cl and 40%vol. stated; copper coloured cap; DM on shoulder blob 70cl (roman letters) and 40° stated; copper coloured cap; DM on shoulder blob; emb.; 16167 D stated (1970s) 70cl (roman letters) and 40° stated; copper coloured cap; DM on shoulder blob; emb.; without an address line; 16167 D stated (1970s) 75cl stated No address line on the bottom of the label No address line on the bottom of the label; with a paper duty seal 70cl stated; copper coloured capsule; German import Different importer 40% stated; different importer: Marie Brizard & Roger

8.7 Slender cognaçaise like bottles (1970-80s):

With a green grape-leaf; 70cl stated in upper right corner and 40° in upper left; (possibly the gold colour on the blob has worn off) With a golden grape-leaf; 70cl stated in upper right corner and 40% in upper left; and with a cotisation symbol With a golden grape-leaf, label is brownish; 70cl stated in upper left corner; and with a cotisation symbol 70cl e stated on the upper left With a golden grape-leaf, label is green; 70cl e stated in upper left corner; with Asian characters on the capsule With a golden grape-leaf, label is green; 40° and 70cl stated in upper left and right corner 40%vol. stated on the left and 70cl e on the right (on 2 lines) 70cl e stated on the right; Frazösisches Erzeugnis With a golden grape-leaf; 70cl e stated in upper left corner; Italian import for Soffiantino With a golden grape-leaf and brown label; 70cl stated in upper left corner; Swiss import for Hans. U. Bon. AG, Zürich With a green grape-leaf; 70cl e stated in upper left corner; Swiss import for Hans. U. Bon. AG, Zürich 70cle indicated in the lower left; with a cotisation symbol 70cl stated in lower left corner; specially selected for Mitsukoshi. 70cl stated in upper right corner; specially selected for Mitsukoshi (stated differently); with a black neck label. 50cl

8.8 Flask:

said to be 70cl flask 35cl flask

9. Extra and Hors d’Age Extra

50 years old, 42° (est. 1930s)

50 years old stated on the label 50 years old stated on the cork Long capsule without text on it  24 fl ozs stated; DM printed on the cap Extra on shoulder blob in gold; 24 fl ozs stated Marca Registrada printed in lower left. Mexican import

Extra, no content stated  Extra, 70cl stated; Suisse import, Hans U. Bon. AG, Talacker, Zürich With a black neck label; Asian import

Extra - Hors d'Age; 70cl stated Extra - Hors d'Age; Asian import  With a black nec label; Asian import, 700ml  Specially selected for Mitsukoshi, 700ml

Shoulder blob has DM and two lions; 70cl Extra Hors d'Age (1990s)  Shoulder emblem has DM and a grape leaf; 70cl stated on the left, Extra Hors d'Age  70cl stated on the right, with a cotisation symbol, Extra Hors d'Age  70cl stated; Französisches Erzeugnis  content not stated

10. Decanters

VSOP Napoléon Edouard VII Edouard VII; with foil on top  Hors d'Age Hors d'Age; bigger letters (wider); 75cl stated Hors d'Age; bigger letters (wider), without capsule but with a paper duty seal Hors d'Age; imported by Marie Brizard & Roger  Réserve Extra, 30 ans, vieille fine champagne Extra, 50 ans Grande Champagne (1960s) Réserve 1893, vieille fine champagne Réserve 1906, vieille fine champagne

11. Vintages

1805 Grande Champagne for Hotel Ritz Paris 1808 Grande Champagne (1930s)  1808 GC 1812 Grande Champagne 1812 GC Hotel Ritz, according to Christies it is a Denis-Mounié 1815 GC 1815 GC 1830 GC 1846 GC 1858 GC 1861, choisi spécialement pour la Restaurant Rudolf Dressler 1863 GC 1865 GC 1865 GC, different label 1865 Chateau Lagrange 1865 GC 1865, with Denis-Mounié on a separate band attached to the label 1875 GC 1878 GC  1884 GC 1893 GC 1893, different capsule and different colour of coat of arms; the adendum is possibly (probaly?) the same series 1893 GC, different label; with 40° stated 1893 GC, different label; without 40° stated 1900 GC 1900 Fine Champagne 1906, Grande Champagne 1906 grande champagne, with 70°Proof indicated 1906, Petite Champagne 1914 grande champagne  1914 GC (est. 1960s)  With 42% stated on the lower left With 40% stated on the lower right 1914 GC, crimped cap and 70 Proof stated 1914 GC, waxed cap and with 70 Proof stated 1914 waxed cap, no proof stated 1914 GC, DM on the capsule and with 40% stated 1918, Réserve Spéciale de monsieur Albert Pigasse 1925 1926 1929 GC 1929 GC 1934 vieille fine petite champagne, landed 1935; bottled by Ellis & Co, Richmond 1935 GC, 24 Fl.oz. 1937 Petite champagne 1957 GC 1961 GC, bottled 1975, 24 fl.ozs. 1961 GC, bottled 1975, 24 fl.ozs.; different neck label 1961, 36%alc/vol; 68cl 1969 GC, landed 1972, bottled 1989 by London Bridge Bottlers 1969 GC, landed 1972, bottled 1989 by Justerini & Brooks 1969 GC, landed 1973, bottled 1988 by London Bridge Bottlers 1969 GC, landed 1972, bottled 1993 1969 GC, landed 1972, bottled 1994 1973 GC, landed 1974, bottled 1990 1973 GC, landen 1974, bottled 1994

12. Limited editions

King's Reserve with 'Late King Edward' readable on the right side of the banner (est. 1910s) Special Reserve Special Réserve, vieille fine champagne for Restaurant Lamazère Gold Leaf Medicinal Brandy, for Czech market; (est 1920-30s) Reserve de la maison 1865 vintage for Restaurant Rudolf Dressel (Berlin) Reserve des 2 Magots (restaurant in Paris) Reserve Speciale 150th anniversary (1988) Averys single cask selection petite champagne (1977) 15 Years Old, bottled by Bristol Brand Comp in 1988 25 years old grande fine champagne VSOP, Vieille Reserve du Centenaire

44 for Soda; 'By appointment to the late King George V; (probably end 1940s or early 1950s)

VSOP Réserve 700ml book, Limoges  Premium Réserve 700ml book, Limoges 70cl Napoleon Tour Eiffel, Limoges 70cl Napoleon Tour Eiffel, Limoges, with HKDNP stated 70cl Duty Free Philippines

Set of three book shaped cognac bottles (700ml), VSOP Reserve, Premium Reserve and Extra Reserve; with two Scotch Whisky bottles

13. Magnums

Big bottle, estimated to be 2.5L 2.5L Gold Leaf Magnum, gold leaf and 3 stars on shoulder label 1.5L Gold Leaf, small grape leaf; DM with crown on shoulder blob 1.5L Gold Leaf, small grape leaf; DM with crown in red on shoulder blob 1.5L Gold Leaf, small grape leaf; DM with crown in red on shoulder blob and with importer information below  1.5L Gold Leaf; different colour of cap; three stars in shoulder blob 1.5L Gold Leaf, large grape leaf

VSOP, 150cl stated; with a cotisation symbol VSOP, 150cl stated; without a cotisation symbol   Said to be a magnum, but looks much bigger 1.5L VSOP; 40% stated in lower right With import information below on the label

1.5L FOV 1.5L FOV with HKDNP stated; content stated on the back

12,5L Edouard VII 3L Jeroboam (said to be 1.5L, but must be 3L; click to see next to a 70cl bottle); name in red on the label: J. Denis Henry Mounié & Co. 3L Edouard VII, Jeroboam; different stopper and capsule Estimated 2.5L; 40° indicated and with ER in the emblem; dimensions: 36 cm height and 3.3Kg weight. (note: could be 2.2L); 1950s 2.2L, with Cognac stated above Edward VII; ER in the shoulder blob 2.2L ca. 2.2L; in the emblem is printed QEB (1950s) No shoulder blob, 40° indicated; said to be 2L 1.5L (est. 1950s)  1.5 Quart King Edward, VVSEP; ER in the shoulder blob Magnum Edward VII (est 2.25-2.5L) 1.5L Edouard VII 1.5L Edouard VII With 40° on lower right (in red), 1,5L 1.5L without content or ABV stated 1.5L Edward VII, different shape of bottle and 'fine champagne cognac' stated; DM on the capsule and 40° indicated 1.5L Edward VII, different shape of bottle and 'fine champagne cognac' stated; DM on the capsule, without ABV indicated 1.5L Edouard VII, selectionné par Monsieur Dougnac, Grand Hotel, Montesquieu Volvestre (Haute Garenne)

ca. 2-2.5L 1875 GC 1.5L 1893 GC 5L 1805, choisie specialement pour Hotel Ritz Paris

3L Edouard VII, Jeroboam in a cradle; mame in red on label: Denis Mounié & Co.

Limited edition Reserve Speciale 1970 Souvenir de Paradis, 1.5L, limited edition




Denis Mounie bottle catalog — 23 reacties

  1. Hi, I have a bottle of Gold Leaf Cognac similar to one in your photos. I am hoping you can tell me its value? It’s in good condition. Serial number is 250591833. I am unable to send you a photo because the file says it’s too large.
    Can you please send me an email that can except larger files?

    Thank you,

    • The photo is too small to be able to read the label. It looks like an ‘Extra’. There are not many extra’s around. A normal price would be around €200-300, but these days prices in auctions are going through the roof. So €400-500 could be possible if enough bidders are interested.
      Good luck.

    • The only gift box I’ve seen auctioned off was along with a bottle of Edward VII. That didn’t bring much (35 pounds). And I saw one single glass go for 25 pound. There’s just not that much interest in it, but you never know. You have to have a little luck with those things. I also wouldn’t be surprised if 100 pounds were offered for it.

    • Hi Radka,

      The photo is too small to see any details.
      I’ll send you an e-mail and maybe you could send the photo in a bigger format?


  2. Greetings. An uncle of my has bought quite a few bottles and one of them was the one in the attached photos which i can’t seem to add. There is no date on the bottle and we can’t seem to find a price for them. Can you help me identify this bottle? Kind regards

  3. Hi,
    I wonder if you could help. I have this little bottle ( flask) of Denis Mounié cognac . We found it hidden in an very old wardrobe of a house we are renovating from 1705 and I am so curious to find out the year it was produced. Could it be after around 1860
    Many thanks, much appreciated

    • Hi Stephen,

      I estimate this bottle from the 1950-60s. During that periode this kind of bottles were made by several brands.
      I guess it is 20-3ocl or thereabout? I would say this is worth €40-50 if filled with the original cognac. I am not familiar with the worth of empty bottles.


  4. Hello, I have a Denis Mounie Cognac Edward VII in magnum but I am struggling to date it and estimate its value. Would you be able to help me please? Amongst your images I found the resembling neck emblem, but I don’t find the right combination with the main emblem. I attached a photo of the bottle. Thanks!

    • The photo is very small. If I send you an e-mail, could you send a better picture? Maybe one of the whole bottle (including the top) and one where you can see the shoulder emblem?
      Looks like the same shoulder emblem as the first bottle at 8.2 but I am not sure.
      I would guess this bottle to be probably 1940s-50s.

  5. Hello I have multiple bottles of grande champagne extra denis-mounie y dont know the year of the bottles but it is one of the bottles in the 9.1 extra segment, could you tell me the value of the bottles please.

    • Hi Santiago,

      Very difficult to say in todays market, but if in good condition and proper filling level they sell easily for €300. Sometimes people are prepared to go even much higher (even double that). You have to be a bit lucky to find people to bid against each other in an auction.

      Good luck,

  6. Hi

    I have a DM miniature that is at least 60 years old unopened. It’ belonged to my great grandmother and has always been kept by a member of the family. It has a black wax seal. I’m unable to attach photos as the files are too large but if you respond I can reply with them.

    I’m hoping you may be able to date it for me.

    Kind regards

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