Rouyer Guillet Bottle Catalog (last updated Sep 28, 2024)

200 bottles, but still incomplete (only half bottles and up)


Rouyer Guillet was once a glorious brand with over 35 distilleries and more than 50 employees. It was started by Philippe Guillet in 1701 in the city of Cognac. Only in 1801 they became Rouyer Guillet, when Mr. Rouyer married to a Guillet daughter. Rouyer was from Saintes, and soon after the marriage they moved the company to Saintes.
The founder of the company, Mr. Rouyer, had been mayor of the city of Cognac for three years in the 1680s. In 1701 he was bestowed with the ´Brevet Royal´ by King Louis XIV and was ennobled at the same time. These two events can be found on some of the labels of their bottles.
Their most famous emblem, however, is the angel that can be seen in the form of a cherub on almost all labels.
In the 1970s, they were decimated by the economic crisis of the period and in 1992 they teamed up with Michel Coste of the Compagnie Commerciale de Guyenne. They recovered in the 1990s, but sadly Michel Rouyer/Guillet died unexpectedly in 1999.
Today production is very low, mainly for the Asian market.



1. Without age-indication
2. Stars
3. Brevet Royal
4. VS
5. VO, VSOP and Damoisel
6. Napoleon
7. RDA (Réserve de l’Ange)
8. XO
9. Reserve and other old qualities
10. Hors d’Age
11. Vintage
12. Limited editions
13. Magnums

1. Without age-indication

Said to be bottled in 1946

Fine champagne, with a spout Content not stated Content not stated, Duty Free, Singapore  Roy de France 70cl stated on the back side; Asian import Jacckson & Co., Malacca Different stopper, Asian import

Fine champagne Fine champagne; content given in fluid ounces (barely visible is fl.oz. 2/3 on the lower left) Fine champagne (1970s) Fine champagne; with product of France indicated Fine champagne 75cl, with importer data underneath, Gnudi import, Bologna (1970s)  Fine champagne, with importer data underneath, Gnudi import, Bologna, stated differently (1970s)

2. Stars

Half bottle  est. end 1950s

1950-60s 1950-60s, with a paper duty seal 1950-60s, with a paper duty seal; importe data below: Baker import, Trieste-London; 75cl. On the back side: Federal law forbids reuse of this bottle. So this looks like a US bottle that has been shipped to Italy later on. That would mean that the lower label with import data was also added later on, because that was destined for the Italian market.  Different back side Screw cap, 70° stated (1970s) Screw cap, 40° stated ca. 1L bottle, Französisches Erzeugnis

3. Brevet Royal

Brevet Royal sous Louis XIV, Roy de France, liqueur brandy; screw cap (1960s) Brevet Royal sous Louis XIV, Roy de France, Très Vieux Cognac; screw cap; with 40° indicated (1960s)

Brevet with a black capsule; without stars Brevet Royale, VSOP

70cl Brevet Royal with 3 stars, with a cotisation symbol, red band around the base of the capsule, screw cap 70cl Brevet Royal with 3 stars, with a red band around the base of the capsule, screw cap No stars on the shoulder label; 40° and 70cl indicated  70cl Brevet Royal with 5 stars, Französisches Erzeugnis, screw cap  70cl Brevet Royal with 5 stars,no red band around the base of the capsule, with a cork

Brevet Royal; with a cherub on the shoulder; round neck label (1960s)  Brevet Royal; with a cherub on the shoulder; neck label is oval Brevet Royal and 40° stated; no cherub on the shoulder    Brevet Royal with 5 stars; Französisches Erzeugnis Fine champagne stated; Französisches Erzeugnis, 70cl (not indicated); (1980s)   75cl stated, Brevet Royal sous Louis XIV, fine champagne; Italian import

70cl, a number in the lower right, horizontally placed  With the number in the lower right in vertical position

4. VS

VS VS, cognaçaise

5. VO, VSOP and Damoisel

V.O. Liqueur Brandy, guaranteed 25 years of age VO (estim. 1950s)

 VSOP (1968)

RGB VSOP 15 ans d'age RGB VSOP 15 ans d'age, Französisches Erzeugnis (1950s) VSOP, réserve de l'ange

1 Liter  VSOP, 70Proof, 68 and 24 stated VSOP, 70cl and 40%vol stated

VSOP in a carafe

The Damoisel bottle design was registered in 1968:
a. no text at the foot:

Below: no text; VSOP stated on the shoulder VSOP is not indicated, nor is fine champagne; 75cls Italian import

b. main text at the foot: Rouyer-Guillet:

Below: Rouyer Guillet; damoisel; fine champagne vsop on the shoulder Below: Rouyer Guillet; damoisel; fine champagne vsop on the shoulder; the back side has a Japanese shoulder label Below: Rouyer Guillet; damoisel; fine champagne vsop on the shoulder; the back side has importer info on the shoulder: T.T.W.M.R. - R.O.C. Below: Rouyer Guillet; damoisel; without fine champagne vsop on the shoulder; content not indicated; Französisches Erzeugnis, Original Abfüllung Below: Rouyer Guillet; damoisel; without fine champagne vsop on the shoulder; 700ml, Japanese import Below: Rouyer Guillet with importer info; damoisel; without fine champagne vsop on the shoulder (strange looking closure, probably a forgery) Below: Rouyer Guillet; damoisel; VSOP stated on the shoulder; on the back: 0.7L, Japanese label Below: Rouyer Guillet; damoisel; fine champagne vsop in small letters on the neck Fine champagne VSOP on the glass at the shoulder

c. main text at the foot: VSOP:

On the shoulder: VSOP directly on the glass; 70cl indicated (around 1980)  Below: VSOP, damoisel 750ml, 25.4 FL.OZ, 80°Proof Below: VSOP, damoisel 700ml 40°GL Below: VSOP, damoisel 700ml 40°GL; newer screw cap Below: VSOP, damoisel 70cl 40%vol Malaysian import

d. main text at the foot: fine champagne:

Below: Fine Champagne, damoisel; on the back side Rouyer Guillet is also embossed on the glass Below: Fine Champagne, product of France; damoisel; 1970s Below: Fine Champagne, damoisel; 40° stated (also 70cl, but not depicted) Below: Fine Champagne, damoisel; 700ml Frankreich (1968) Below: Fine Champagne, with importer info: De Groot & Bonke, Rotterdam, damoisel Below: Fine Champagne, with Italian importer info, damoisel; paper duty seal; 1968

70cl and ABV stated, Damoisel (est. 1980s) 70cl and ABV stated, Damoisel; Asian back label no content or ABV stated; damoisel

6. Napoleon

24 oz (1970s)

68cls, 24 fl and 70°Proof stated, brevet royal 680ml, 24 fl and 70 proof stated, brevet royal  70cl stated, Napoleon, brevet royal 70cl Japanese import

70cl stated; Japanese sticker on the neck 0.7L stated on the back side, Japanese import  70cl stated on the back, Japanese import bottle

7. RDA (Reserve de l’Ange)

RDA, red capsule RDA, presumed 1900s, b 1965; bronze cap RDA, bronze cap with a paper duty seal

Réserve de l'Ange

8. XO

40° and 70cl stated (1970-80s) 40° and 70cl indicated; produce of France in red; Italian import Content and ABV not indicated; 70cl stated on the back, Italian import (1970s) Content and ABV not indicated 40°GL. and 70cl stated on the back, Japanese import 40°GL. and 70cl stated on the back, different back side, Japanese import 40° and 70cl stated. XO also indicated on the neck

The little figure (horse) is in gold The little figure (horse) is in silver  With content and ABV stated

9. Reserve and other old qualities

Cognac de l'Ange, 15 ans d'age; Italian import Cognac de l'Ange, 15 ans d'age; with a paper duty seal (1950s) Angel brand, 15 years old

Reserve de l'Ange, 50 ans d'age; also stated on the main label (b. 1950s) Reserve de l'Ange, 50 ans d'age, not stated on the main label (Italian import, 1940-50s) Reserve de l'Ange, 50 and d'age, not stated on the main label; 75cl, import data underneath: Baker & Co. (1950s) Reserve de l'Ange, 50 years old Reserve de l'Ange, 50 years old; also stated on the main label; half bottle Reserve de l'Ange, 50 years old (RGB, est. early 1960s)

CGR (Cognac Grande Réserve), bottled 1930s (recapsuled bottle) Genuine 20 years old Reserve 20 years old, grande fine champagne (1930s) Reserve 25 years old, grande fine champagne Reserve 40 years old, grande fine champagne (est. 1920s)

Reserve 25 years old Réserve 40 years old (1950s) Reserve 40 years old Est. 1910s (b. 1970s) VO guaranteed 25 years old (est 1910s) Finest liqueur, 60 (80?) years old (b. 1970s) Vieille fine champagne (1930-40s)  VO ? ans  Réserve Spéciale (1950s)

Vieille borderies Vieille grande champagne

50 ans (est 1960s) Rois de France, 50 ans  Rois de France, Très vieux Vieille grande champagne; without an ear

Vieille grande champagne, with an ear and filigrane; 70cl (1960s) Vieille grande champagne, vieille champagne on one line; imported by the Borne company; 70cl, 40°G.L. (1960s) 100 years stated on the neck; Singapore duty not paid; Borneo company import Vieille grande champagne; Asian characters on the neck; 1970s Same as previous, but with on the back: 40° and 70cl, Borneo trading company (1960s)


10. Hors d’Age

  Hors d'Age, diferent capsule

11. Vintage

1811, Genuine Napoleon Reserve 1827 1848 1848, RGB, 100 years old grande fine champagne 1848, RGB, 100 years old grande fine champagne; different back side 1854 grande champagne; said to be bottled in 1910 (?) 1858 grande champagne, said to be bottled in 1968 1865 1865  1865, Réserve de l'Ange; cherube painted on the glass 1865, Réserve de l'Ange, with a US state seal; cherube painted on the glass  1865, Réserve de l'Ange; with an Italian duty seal; cherube embossed on the glass 1865, Réserve de l'Ange, blue band around the neck and with filigrane; with an Italian duty seal and importer data underneath (Baker & Co.); cherube embossed on the glass 1865, Réserve de l'Ange, blue band around the neck and no filigrane; with an Italian duty seal and importer data underneath (Baker & Co.); cherube embossed on the glass 1865, Réserve de l'Ange, red band around the neck and no filigrane; with an Italian duty seal and importer data underneath (Baker & Co.); cherube embossed on the glass   1865 Angel brand, fine champagne; 40° stated 1865 Angel brand, fine champagne, produce of France stated 1865, said to be bottled in 1964  1865  1875, bottled around 1977 1875 1875 Reserve, Grande Fine Champagne (b. 1964) 1875 Grande Fine Champagne 1875 grande fine champagne, cherube painted on the glass (b. early 1970s) 1875 grande fine champagne, no cherube on the glass (b. 1960-70s) 1875 Réserve de l'Ange 1875 Reserve de l'Ange, 80 years old 1875 Reserve de l'Ange, 80 years old with a paper duty seal (Italian) 1875, bottled 1930s 1875; Net 1 pint 5 Fl Oz 1/3; Grande vieille fine champagne 1893 1893 70°proof indicated; with produce of France stated and Est. 1701, both in red 1893 70°proof indicated; with produce of France stated and Est. 1701, both in red; and with a hanging card (1960s) 1893, 70ctls stated and 38/40° (b. 1950s) 1893, produce of France on the left and 70 Proof on the right in black (b. 1962) 1914 Réserve des Grandes Alpes 1914 (bottled 1975)

12. Limited editions

Brandy Soda

Sun Horse, glass with 24 carat gold:

70cl With a sticker  With a sticker and on a pedestal  Without Rouyer Guillet on the glass and without date of establishment on the sun Singapore import, stated on the glass on the other side XO stated  700ml Brevet Royal stated on the bottom 750ml Brevet Royal 750ml Brevet Royal with HKDNP stated Without gold Without gold but manes are yellow

Green variant, 70cl, Malaysia Duty not paid Green variant, 700ml indicated Dark blue colour (estim 35cl, not sure)

13. Magnums

Ca. 4L; not sure if this was a real bottle or a display bottle 2L Grande Reserve Roi de France Très Vieux, RGB, magnum 1.5L Cognac de l'Ange, 15YO 1.5L Cognac de l'Ange, 15YO; with produce of France indicated Magnum, Brevet Royal



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