Prunier Bottle Catalogue (last updated: Feb 24, 2025)
465 bottles, but still not complete (only half bottles and up)
Prunier is a very old and respected cognac firm. They started their busines in La Rochelle around 1700 as wholesalers, but only since 1769 they began selling cognacs using their own name. In 1850 they moved to Cognac.
As their emblem they have ‘La Vieille Maison’ or ‘La Maison de la Lieutenance’, the oldest existing house in the city of Cognac. This house is in their possession since 1971, but they knew the owners and were allowed to use the house as an emblem on their bottles long before they actually bought the house.
Another trademark that is often used is shown here.
Most of their production consists of blends, but they also have made quite a few vintage cognacs.
1. No age qualification
2. Stars
3. De Luxe
4. Special Selection
5. VSS and VS
6. Hostellerie
8. Special Reserve
9. Napoléon
10. XO
11. Réserve of the Prunier Family
12. Extra
13. Patriarche
14. Tres Vieile Grande Champagne
15. Vintage
16. Luxe decanters
17. Limited
— 17a. X years old
— 17b. Lot ‘x’
— 17c. Axel Gay
— 17d. Other
— 17e. Porcelain and figurines
18. Magnums
1. No Age Qualification
2. Stars
3. De Luxe
4. Special Selection
5. VSS and VS
6. Hostellerie
8. Special Reserve
9. Napoléon
10. XO
11. Réserve of the Prunier Family
XXO Family Series:
12. Extra
13. Patriarche
14. Très Vieille Grande Champagne (successor of the Patriarche)
15. Vintage
Series: ‘Réserve de la Vieille Maison’, 1900-1931 (bottled 1970s):
Series ‘Vintage’ 1962-1999:
Series with emblem of the house on the glass, 1967-1996:
Series with waxed cap and rope on top:
16. Luxe decanters
17. Limited
17a. X years old
– 10 years:
– 20 years (from 1968 on Prunier has produced a 20 years old on a yearly basis):
– older:
– series from 2019:
17b. Lot ‘x’
Series: The Purist (bottled by The Purist, some of them were released by The whisky Jury):
17c. Axel Gay
17d. Others
17e. Porcelain and figurines
18. Magnums
I looking for a 1920s bottle of pruner cognac does anyone have one for sale
Very nice Victor. Do you perhaps also have a website were people can see these?
Kind regards,
У меня нет сайта…
Коллекция коньяков миниатюры, около 2000 штук, от 2cl до 5cl.
Коллекция коньяков, больших бутылок, около 260 штук.
В коллекции есть экземпляры (миниатюры), которые изданы очень ограниченным тиражом, набор Prunier, один из них..
Лично знаком со Стефаном Бурнез и с некоторыми представителями коньячных домов Франции..
Nice collection!
And when you meet Stéphane, give him my best regards!
Le Jeu Prunier (набор Prunier), can you tell me what that is? Or maybe post a photo?
Kind regards again.
Могу передать привет Стефану прямо сейчас..
С ним общаюсь очень часто..
Набор Prunier, я показал фото (4×5cl), выпуск 14 комплектов, под мой заказ..
Также и другие выпуски, под мои заказы..
Prunier Patriarche, я достал этот коньяк из Америки, Стефан сделал мне 13 миниатюр.
Thanks, now I understand what ‘Набор Prunier’ is. I hear from some acquaintances of mine, who are also friends of Stephan, that he is very busy. Now I understand why! 🙂
Sincere regards,
Миниатюры из коллекции
Немного из моей коллекции Prunier.
Также собираю миниатюры.
Hello Ton,
Regarding the vintage series. The 2021’s with white label are all bottled by The Purist (Belgium, owner of wine4you shop), 3 of that selection are then released by The Whisky Jury (the round red dot on the frontlabel). So not vice versa. Nice work!
Thanks for the info. I am on holiday now, but will correct that over two weeks.
I found this bottle in my father’s basement. It is sealed and in excellent condition, as is the box. I can’t find the same label on your website. Can you tell me something about the bottle? What could their worth be?
Judging by the capsule I would say this is from the 1970s. I would love to have a somewhat bigger photo for the website, so if I send you an e-mail, would you be willing to do so?
The worth: it is a three star cognac, so the lowest quality of the Prunier range. It only had to be aged for 2,5 year to be called three star. Combined with the fact that these Prunier bottles are not in high demand, I would estimate an auction price of €30-40.
Kind regards,
Hello Ton,
Where would you place the millésime 1950 of Prunier?
Maybe the range of vintages should be larger?
Best regards,
I have arranged the Prunier vintages by series and then by age, rather than just by age.
In the last part of section 15 (vintages) there are two vintages from 1950. Do you have another one that is not there?
I see now, my bottle is one of the pictures in there. In fact, I believe you used my picture for it.
Thanks for your reply!
Good morning
Very impressed by the Prunier range you have put on line!! how did you get so many different qualities? As you say, the list is not completed, so by the way, do you want to get pictures from us to enlarge your collection?
Again, congratulations on this very good job
Dear mister Burnez,
Thank you very much for your compliments and for taking the time to look at the Prunier catalogue page.
And indeed, I would love to get more pictures. I will send you an e-mail to facilitate this.
Sincere regards,
Ton Hendriks
I have this old bottle that puts coñac could you give me information about it if you have it
Hello Josep,
That is a rare bottle, and I sure hope Stephane Burnez will give you a response too.
In my opinion this is pre-WW2. I will send you an e-mail.
Sincere regards,
I have a bottle of Saint Louis 1950 that is 50 years old for sale. What is this bottle worth?
Hello Peter,
I have never seen this bottle before. Is it cognac? I can’t really read what is printed to the left of XO.
Does it have any more information on the back?
Maybe you can send me some more pictures. I will send an e-mail to facilitate.