Courvoisier Bottle Catalogue PART 3, miniatures, half bottles and magnums (last updated: Mar 11, 2025)
(336 miniatures, 95 mid-sized bottles and 92 magnums; but still more exist)
A. Miniatures (up to 18cl):
1. Stars
2. VS
3. C de Courvoisier
4. Le Petit Caporal
5. Without age indication
6. VO, VVO, Réserve
7. VSOP, no further distincion and fine cognac
8. VSOP Liquor Cognac
9. VSOP Fine Champagne Cognac
10. VSOP ‘Transportation’
12. VSOP Exclusive
14. Napoleon
15. XO
16. Extra Vieille and 60 ans
17. Chateau Courvoisier and Grande Fine Champagne
18. Gala
19. Millennium
20. Limited editions
21. Miniature canons
B. Mid-sized bottles (20 – 50cl bottles)
C. Magnums and more
A. Miniatures
1. Stars
*** one star
*** on neck label; label says: ’the brandy of Napoleon’, with Napoleon silhouette underneath, old type bottles
The above ones have all the Napoleon silhouette on the bottom. The first three do not have the name Courvoisier at the bottom of the shoulder label and they have old caps. Differences in colour of glass, number of text lines underneath on the main label and percentage of alcohol stated.
*** on neck label; label says: ’the brandy of Napoleon’ without the Napoleon silhouette, old type bottles
These seven do not have the silhouette of Napoleon depicted. First four have old caps. Other differences are in colour of glass, colour of the stars, number of text lines underneath on the main label. Fourth bottle has 70% Proof stated.
‘*** luxe’ on shoulder or neck label; label says: ’the brandy of Napoleon’, white glass with Napoleon silhouette underneath, newer type bottles
‘*** luxe’ on shoulder or neck label; label says: ‘The Brandy of Napoleon’, green glass
‘*** Luxe’ on shoulder or neck label; label says: ’trois étoiles luxe’, white glass
‘*** Luxe’ on neck label; label says: ’trois étoiles luxe’, green glass
Label says: ‘*** luxe’, green glass
‘*** Luxe’ on neck label; label says: ’three star luxe’, green glass
First one has three line of text underneath, second one has 0.027L, third one just the address, number four and five have 70% Proof, but ‘produce of France’ is placed right above ‘Proof’ on the first and just a little higher on the second. Last bottle has Produce of France in big capitals.
‘***’ flasks
2. VS
VS Old type bottle
First one has VS writen on a plastic strip. The other five all say ‘Liqueur Cognac’ on the neck label and differ in the text lines underneath.
VS Newer type with neck label and ´The Brandy of Napoleon´ on main label
First one has the coat of arms on the neck label. The others differ mainly in text underneath. The last one differs from second to last by two extra text lines under and above ´The Brandy of Napoleon´.
VS Newer type with neck label and ´Very Special´ on main label
VS Newer type no neck label, green glass
VS Newer type no neck label, white glass
3. C de Courvoisier
All are 50 ml, the first has an embleme of Napoleon and two lines of text at the bottom; the second and third have three lines of text at the bottom. Their difference is in the type of glass that is used.
4. Le Petit Caporal
5. Without age indication
Two bottles with just Courvoisier and a bottle Fine Champagne Cognac.
6. VO, VVO and Réserve
Two almost identical VO bottles, the second has some text in between the two frameworks of the main label. Then two 20 years old VO bottles, the first in French language, the second in English. Next a eighty years old Grande Fine Champagne, followed by a V.V.O. Last bottle is a Réserve.
7. VSOP, no further distinction
The first three are rather old bottles (old type caps). Followed by four bottles that have each a different text underneath. Last one says ‘fine cognac’.
8. VSOP liquor cognac
First one is an old type bottle, followed by two bottles without a silhouette of Napoleon at the bottom, and two with such a silhouette.
9. VSOP Fine Champagne Cognac
VSOP Fine Champagne Cognac with coat of arms on neck label
VSOP Fine Champagne Cognac with just VSOP on neck label
First three bottles only differ in the red text underneath. Next two have younger design label with a smaller embleme of the coat of arms.
VSOP Fine Champagne Cognac with Fine Champagne in one line on neck label and coat of arms on main label
VSOP Fine Champagne Cognac with Fine Champagne in one line on neck label and silhouette of Napoleon on main label
VSOP Fine Champagne Cognac with VSOP Fine Champagne on neck label, fine champagne in two lines
VSOP Fine Champagne Cognac with no neck label, main label undivided (green glass)
First two bottles are 0.027L, the second one does not have Courvoisier in black letters. Next three say 2.7cl, first one has it left, second and third on the right; the placing of the letters of the last one differ from its predecessor. Bottles 5 to 10 all say 3cl. First of these has no extra symbol, second one has one extra symbol in the right to corner of the label, third one on the top left and numbers four and five have two symbols. These two differ in the colour of the label. Last bottle has a black label and asian letters.
VSOP Fine Champagne Cognac with no neck label, main label divided by a line (green glass):
VSOP Fine Champagne Cognac with no neck label (white glass)
VSOP newer types
10. VSOP ‘Transportation’.
White glass
First one says ‘fine cognac’. All other transportation bottles say ‘fine champagne cognac’. The difference between number two and three is just the seal over the cap. Numbers four to six have a wreath of laurels on the label. The text of the first is different from the othe two and these two differ in the cap.
Green glass
First two have a necl label with the Imperial Coat of Arms. The difference is in the seal over the cap. The third has a neck label with VSOP Fine Champagne on it. The other five are much alike, but they have different sizes of the word ‘rtation’. First one very big, second one is smaller (compare it with the word cognac above), third, fourth and fifth even more small; they have different texts just above ’transportation’. Third and fourth differ in the space under the word transportation.
They are much alike, but the text on the bottom of the label differs.
12. VSOP Exclusif
First bottle has no dots between the letters of VSOP; second bottle has a wreath of laurels around the embleme of Napoleon; third one has no mentioning of VSOP and has content and alcohol percentage mentioned on the bottle. Next two bottles have blue caps, the latter has a different border around the embleme. Last one is a VSOP Rouge.
These three bottles only differ in the colour of their cap.
14. Napoleon
Old type bottles with the Imperial Coat of Arms as well as the Royal Coat of Arms
Josephine type bottle with the Imperial Eagle inside the framework of the label and the Roayl Coat of Arms on the neck label
First one says ´Old Liquor Cognac´, next has no further qualification. Third to eight all say ´fine champagne´. Third has no alcohol statement, fourth has a stamp, fifth says 40%, sixth also, but has a stamp too. Seventh says 42% and eighth 70 Proof.
Josephine type bottle with the Imperial Eagle interrupting the framework of the label and on the neck label the Royal Coat of Arms
First bottle has fine champagne on it. Second one has not. Third and fourth have 40% underneath, but differ in colour of the label. The fifth has the address written underneath. The sixth has ‘Old Liquor Cognac’ on the label and 70% Proof. The seventh has 70% Proof and Produce of France underneath.
Josephine type bottle with the Imperial Eagle interrupting the framework of the label and on the neck label the Imperial Coat of Arms
Newer type bottles, green glass
First three have the silhouette of Napoleon. Of these the first does not repeat the name Courvoisier on the label twice just under ‘Cognac’. The second of these says 5cl, the third 50ml.
New type bottle, white glass
15. XO
XO Imperial
First four bottles all have an embellished border of the label. First one has six lines of text just under ‘Cognac’; second has five lines. The third bottle has letters in the chain and additional text written under XO Imperial. The fourth and fifth bottles have no embellished border
16. Extra Vieille and 60 ans
First two bottles say ‘Cognac Extra Vieille’ but differ in the address line underneath. The third bottle has ‘Cognac Grande Fine Champagne Extra Vieille’ written on it.
17. Chateau Courvoisier and Cognac Grande Fine Champagne
18. Gala (1950s)
19. Millennium
20. Limited editions
21. Miniature canons
B. 20 – 50cl bottles
Le Petit Caporal:
VO and VSOP:
Looking for the value of this bottle
I don’t know the value of empty bottles. Besides that, I doubt that this combination of bottle and cradle is authentic.
Can you please help me with this 1.5 litre vsop fine champagne cognac. I purchased this for my collection. I cannot find anything on the net of this size , age and or value.
Thanks Pete
You forgot to attach the photo?
Can you please help me with dating this bottle? I haven’t seen another quite like it. It came with a cannon.
Thank you!
I haven’t seen this one before eighter. It is a pity the photo is so small, I can’t read all the details.
I guess the backside has no label.
It is probably from the 1960s. But if you send a better photo I could probably say with more certainty from what years it is. I’ll send you an e-mail to facilitate sending a better picture.
I have one full Magnum of V.S.O.P Courvoisier, The Brandy of Napoleon Cognac it has on it the coat of arms of the United Kingdom, by appointment, purveyers of cognac to the late King George V1
Can you give me what year? Also has it got a value in todays market?
It belongs to a friend who is 85 years old, her father (Edgar Brit) was a Jockey for Queen Elizabeth and it was either given to him by the Queen or when he rode in India.
You did not attach a photo, but given your description it will be from the 1960s. Could be 1950s or also early 70s.
If you would buy such a magnum in an auction, the price would be around €150.
Edgar Brit? You didn’t mean Edgar Britt (double ’t’) the Australian Jockey?
How old is this? I got this on a recent trip to France.
I can’t read the little shoulder label. Does it say ‘Le Petit Caporal’? Le Petit Caporal bottles are from the 1950s. But the cognac inside has been aged for 2-4 year so it is a low quality cognac.
How big is the bottle?
Is it possible to post a photo with higher resolution?
It is indeed a le petit caporal. I believe its 18ml but I’m not sure. It’s definitely smaller than 50ml. What’s your Email?
Hi,please can you tell me somethig of this bottle Courvoisier. I can’t to find anything on the web. The bottle was buyed 1960 somewhere in Europa. Any info,price. . .
Best regards
Hi Bojan,
It is difficult to see what content it has. It looks like half a bottle to me, maybe 340ml?
The three star courvoisier is the lowest quality. They are not worth much. Just this year a whole bottle and a half were sold for €42.
But because this bottle is not on my catalog page yet, could you perhaps send me a better picture?