Courvoisier Bottle Catalogue PART 3, miniatures, half bottles and magnums (last updated: Mar 11, 2025)

(336 miniatures, 95 mid-sized bottles and 92 magnums; but still more exist)

Click to go to standard bottles and vintages  Click to go to limited editions and specials



A. Miniatures (up to 18cl):
1. Stars
2. VS
3. C de Courvoisier
4. Le Petit Caporal
5. Without age indication
6. VO, VVO, Réserve
7. VSOP, no further distincion and fine cognac
8. VSOP Liquor Cognac
9. VSOP Fine Champagne Cognac
10. VSOP ‘Transportation’
12. VSOP Exclusive
14. Napoleon
15. XO
16. Extra Vieille and 60 ans
17. Chateau Courvoisier and Grande Fine Champagne
18. Gala
19. Millennium
20. Limited editions
21. Miniature canons
B. Mid-sized bottles (20 – 50cl bottles)
C. Magnums and more

A. Miniatures

Ca. 5cl; no qualification

1.  Stars
*** one star

1 star

*** on neck label; label says: ’the brandy of Napoleon’, with Napoleon silhouette underneath, old type bottles

Courvousier not printed at the bottom of the shoulder label; old type cap different text underneath 40% stated left of 'cognac' Cork with capsule; Courvoisier printed at bottom of shoulder label; 40% stated screw cap; 40% stated No abv stated Different text underneath and no 40% stated  70 proof stated

The above ones have all the Napoleon silhouette on the bottom. The first three do not have the name Courvoisier at the bottom of the shoulder label and they have old caps. Differences in colour of glass, number of text lines underneath on the main label and percentage of alcohol stated.

*** on neck label; label says: ’the brandy of Napoleon’ without the Napoleon silhouette, old type bottles

1/16 pint indicated; New York import

These seven do not have the silhouette of Napoleon depicted. First four have old caps. Other differences are in colour of glass, colour of the stars, number of text lines underneath on the main label. Fourth bottle has 70% Proof stated.

‘*** luxe’ on shoulder or neck label; label says: ’the brandy of Napoleon’, white glass with Napoleon silhouette underneath, newer type bottles

Neck label bears the royal coat of arms; 70 proof stated Neck label bears the royal coat of arms; 40° stated Two lines of text underneath Three lines of text underneath ca 5cl; 70 proof; stars are 'open' Französisches Erzeugnis For Tarom (Romanian Airlines)

‘*** luxe’ on shoulder or neck label; label says: ‘The Brandy of Napoleon’, green glass

Old cap, three stars Luxe on the shoulder screw cap Red cap; *** Luxe on neck label 3cl, Italian import

‘*** Luxe’ on shoulder or neck label; label says: ’trois étoiles luxe’, white glass

ca 5cl; 70 proof; stars are coloured (gold)

‘*** Luxe’ on neck label; label says: ’trois étoiles luxe’, green glass
0.027L stated 0.027L stated; with échantillon gratuit printed. L 0,027 stated; Dutch import by Wed. G. Oud, Naarden With 40% on the top left and 3cl on the top right, in red No content or ABV stated; Ferraretto import Different text underneath just two lines of text underneath; content stated below on the right (0.027L?) Two lines of text, no content stated 70% Proof stated Französisches Erzeugnis 40° G.L. In flight sale only (est 5cl)
Label says: ‘*** luxe’, green glass

40% and 0,027 stated and echantillon gratuit on the upper left 40%VOL and 0,027L stated Abv or content not stated; two lines of text underneath Abv or content not stated; three lines of text underneath; said to be 5cl Abv or content not stated; two lines of text underneath 40%ALC stated, Dutch import for Oud Wijnkopers, Haarlem Alc.40% stated in top right corner; left unreadable; underneath four lines of text 40% stated on the left below; Französisches Erzeugnis Abv stated differently on the lower left corner; Französisches Erzeugnis 'Duty Free Stocks' With Courvoisier LTD on main label high on the left and Cognac France on the right; 40%vol and Produce of France underneath With Courvoisier LTD on main label high on the left and Cognac France on the righ; underneath: 70 Proof and Produce of France Same as previous bottle, but letters are thinner 0.027L; Luxe on neck label in different letter style and with stars in red; line left and right of cognac, dividing the label 2,7Cl stated; Dutch import by Allied Spirits and Wines Nederland; neck label has dropped off Luxe on neck label in different letter style and with stars in red; line underneath cognac, dividing the label; 5cl (1980s) Luxe on neck label in different letter style and with stars in red; line left and right of cognac, dividing the label; ca 5cl 3cl, no neck label No neck label; 40%vol and CL 27 stated

‘*** Luxe’ on neck label; label says: ’three star luxe’, green glass

1.5 fl.oz stated   text in small print just above 70° and Proof

First one has three line of text underneath, second one has 0.027L, third one just the address, number four and five have 70% Proof, but ‘produce of France’ is placed right above ‘Proof’ on the first and just a little higher on the second. Last bottle has Produce of France in big capitals.

‘***’ flasks

  ca 78ml (2.75 FL.OZ) different label and a paper seal2 3/4 fl.oz. (ca 78ml) 80ml 160ml flask  5cl 5,5 FL.OZ (ca 16cl)

2. VS
VS Old type bottle

First one has VS writen on a plastic strip. The other five all say ‘Liqueur Cognac’ on the neck label and differ in the text lines underneath.

VS Newer type with neck label and ´The Brandy of Napoleon´ on main label

First one has the coat of arms on the neck label. The others differ mainly in text underneath. The last one differs from second to last by two extra text lines under and above ´The Brandy of Napoleon´.

VS Newer type with neck label and ´Very Special´ on main label

1/16 pint; 'Very Special written' in Roman type (I suppose the neck label has fallen off); bigger emblem and with the text 'Fournisseur breveté des Cours Étrangiers’ imported by Bellows Imported by Taylor1/16 pint; imported by Taylor; silhouette of Napoleon is smaller (less high) 1/16 pint; imported by Taylor; silhouette of Napoleon is smaller (less high)'; no text 'trade mark' around the silhouette. 1/16 pint; imported by Taylor; silhouette of Napoleon is smaller (less high); very special is printed in two lines Very Special in italics different text underneath Only VS on the neck label and on the main label: 'Very Special, Très Special'

VS Newer type no neck label, green glass

No content stated ca 5cl; VS is printed very bold 3cl stated 3cl stated and a cotisation mark and a recycling symbol 5cl stated 5cl stated; label is more white and letters more sharp 5cl; glass has a lighter colour 50ml stated 50ml stated and 'very special tres special); looks very similar to the bottle with neck label in the row above with 'Very Special Très Spécial' on it (has the neck label just fallen off?)

VS Newer type no neck label, white glass

Content stated in the far lower left corner Content stated in the far lower left corner; different importer 50ml on lower left; the address is stated twice (two lines) 50 ml stated in top left corner 50ml on lower left; the address is stated twice (in three lines; 'Place du Chateau on first of these lines) e5cl stated in lower right corner; little space between abv and adrdress e5cl stated in lower right corner; no space between abv and address e5cl stated in lower right corner; addional text next to the recycling symbol in top right '5cl' stated in lower right corner (no 'e') with a cotisation mark in top lefte5cl stated in a blue area With two marks left and right of cognac vs

50ml, Australian import

New 2016 model, 50ml Content not stated (ca 4.5cl)

3. C de Courvoisier

All are 50 ml, the first has an embleme of Napoleon and two lines of text at the bottom; the second and third have three lines of text at the bottom. Their difference is in the type of glass that is used.

4. Le Petit Caporal

Le Petit Caporal (ca. 2cl)

5. Without age indication

Two bottles with just Courvoisier and a bottle Fine Champagne Cognac.

6. VO, VVO and Réserve

vo 20 years old, New York import vo 20 years old, New York import; information below is different VVO, 40 ans

Two almost identical VO bottles, the second has some text in between the two frameworks of the main label. Then two 20 years old VO bottles, the first in French language, the second in English. Next a eighty years old Grande Fine Champagne, followed by a V.V.O. Last bottle is a Réserve.

7. VSOP, no further distinction

Suppoesly VSOP; note: THE BRANDY OF NAPOLEON all in capitals; Französisches Erzeugnis 3cl stated, Italian import by Cedal, Milano (1970s) 3cl not stated (est. 1980s)

The first three are rather old bottles (old type caps). Followed by four bottles that have each a different text underneath. Last one says ‘fine cognac’.

8. VSOP liquor cognac

First one is an old type bottle, followed by two bottles without a silhouette of Napoleon at the bottom, and two with such a silhouette.

9. VSOP Fine Champagne Cognac
VSOP Fine Champagne Cognac with coat of arms on neck label

With an old cap; 5cl Screw cap; on label: 'all Courvoisier cognac bears the registered phrase The Brandy of Napoleon, Reg. U.S. pat. off' 1/16 pint; screw cap; on shoulder: 'Courvoisier VSOP Brand Liquor Cognac'; on label: 'all Courvoisier cognac bears the registered phrase The Brandy of Napoleon, Reg. U.S. pat. off'; better glass quality same, but no paper top seal and cap is darker VSOP Fine Champagne on shoulder; 3ctl; on main label just: 'the Brandy of Napoleon' Old type cap; different text underneath; two lines different text underneath; three lines5cl; screw cap 'Lufthansa' Liqueur cognac on main label

VSOP Fine Champagne Cognac with just VSOP on neck label

First three bottles only differ in the red text underneath. Next two have younger design label with a smaller embleme of the coat of arms.

VSOP Fine Champagne Cognac with Fine Champagne in one line on neck label and coat of arms on main label

0.027L stated 0.207L stated; with 'echantillon gratuit' stated 28ml stated 0.043L stated Text underneath is different No text underneath70Proof, Produce of France underneath 70Proof 40%vol, Produce of France underneath; 5cl

VSOP Fine Champagne Cognac with Fine Champagne in one line on neck label and silhouette of Napoleon on main label

3 ctl stated 40% vol  80% proof stated  80% proof stated; higher label  0.027L stated 43ml stated

VSOP Fine Champagne Cognac with VSOP Fine Champagne on neck label, fine champagne in two lines

25ml stated 0,027ml stated 0.05L stated 0.05L stated; with an addtional text line underneath the address line 50ml stated (left side) 50ml stated (right side) different text 5cl stated; 40%Vol stated

VSOP Fine Champagne Cognac with no neck label, main label undivided (green glass)

First two bottles are 0.027L, the second one does not have Courvoisier in black letters. Next three say 2.7cl, first one has it left, second and third on the right; the placing of the letters of the last one differ from its predecessor. Bottles 5 to 10 all say 3cl. First of these has no extra symbol, second one has one extra symbol in the right to corner of the label, third one on the top left and numbers four and five have two symbols. These two differ in the colour of the label. Last bottle has a black label and asian letters.

VSOP Fine Champagne Cognac with no neck label, main label divided by a line (green glass):

Product of France stated on the right; long neck Prduct of France stated more to the middle; 5cl stated 50ml stated Different shape of the bottle and text lines are different too (80 proof) Without 80 Proof 0.05L stated 50ml stated; short neck

VSOP Fine Champagne Cognac with no neck label (white glass)

e3cl stated; VSOP written in between VSOP and cognac e3cl stated; no text left or right of the wrath of laurels 3cl stated; cotisation symbol in top right corner; bicoloured cap 3cl stated; Danish text underneath

5cl stated; two lines of text underneath 5cl stated; one line of text underneath; cotisation symbol present three lines of text underneath with Hiram Walker mentioned as bottler 5cl stated; text underneath is placed between (not under) ABV and content 5cl stated; bicoloured cap 5cl stated, bicoloured cap; much darker label e5cl stated e5cl stated, much darker label

Fine Champagne written below VSOP cognac; 5cl stated; with appellation controlee stated on top of the label Fine Champagne written below VSOP cognac; 5cl stated; with appellation controlee stated on top of the label; with a cotisation mark Fine Champagne written below VSOP cognac; 5cl stated; with appellation controlee stated on top of the label; much darker label 50ml and 40%alc/vol; US bottle VSOP stated underneath Courvoisier; 5cl; gold coloured cap

Long neck; 5cl stated 3cl vsop fine champagne 3cl vsop fine champagne; content not stated; with Asian characters

VSOP newer types

50ml 5cl

10. VSOP ‘Transportation’.
White glass

First one says ‘fine cognac’. All other transportation bottles say ‘fine champagne cognac’. The difference between number two and three is just the seal over the cap. Numbers four to six have a wreath of laurels on the label. The text of the first is different from the othe two and these two differ in the cap.

Green glass

First two have a necl label with the Imperial Coat of Arms. The difference is in the seal over the cap. The third has a neck label with VSOP Fine Champagne on it. The other five are much alike, but they have different sizes of the word ‘rtation’. First one very big, second one is smaller (compare it with the word cognac above), third, fourth and fifth even more small; they have different texts just above ’transportation’. Third and fourth differ in the space under the word transportation.


  50ml; VIP-label probably has fallen off

They are much alike, but the text on the bottom of the label differs.

12. VSOP Exclusif

3cl VSOP rouge

First bottle has no dots between the letters of VSOP; second bottle has a wreath of laurels around the embleme of Napoleon; third one has no mentioning of VSOP and has content and alcohol percentage mentioned on the bottle. Next two bottles have blue caps, the latter has a different border around the embleme. Last one is a VSOP Rouge.


These three bottles only differ in the colour of their cap.


14. Napoleon
Old type bottles with the Imperial Coat of Arms as well as the Royal Coat of Arms

Nap, 80 ans  Said to be 5cl

Josephine type bottle with the Imperial Eagle inside the framework of the label and the Roayl Coat of Arms on the neck label

First one says ´Old Liquor Cognac´, next has no further qualification. Third to eight all say ´fine champagne´. Third has no alcohol statement, fourth has a stamp, fifth says 40%, sixth also, but has a stamp too. Seventh says 42% and eighth 70 Proof.

Josephine type bottle with the Imperial Eagle interrupting the framework of the label and on the neck label the Royal Coat of Arms

30ml, stated on the back; Japanese import by Caldbeck McGregor & Co.

First bottle has fine champagne on it. Second one has not. Third and fourth have 40% underneath, but differ in colour of the label. The fifth has the address written underneath. The sixth has ‘Old Liquor Cognac’ on the label and 70% Proof. The seventh has 70% Proof and Produce of France underneath.

Josephine type bottle with the Imperial Eagle interrupting the framework of the label and on the neck label the Imperial Coat of Arms

No content or ABV stated 40%, address and 0.027L stated underneathsame, but with a yellow label 40%Vol address and 0.027L stated underneath; address in two lines Same, but yellow label 28ml stated70 Proof, 40% and Produce of France underneath 'Duty Free Stocks'

Newer type bottles, green glass

First three have the silhouette of Napoleon. Of these the first does not repeat the name Courvoisier on the label twice just under ‘Cognac’. The second of these says 5cl, the third 50ml.

New type bottle, white glass

0.027L with a neck label 0.05L with a neck label Content not stated, prob 5cl; with a neck label 0.05L without a neck label CL 5 stated; with a paper seal on top

15. XO

No content stated on front; on back: 0,05L Same, but with paper seal on top Same, but more distance between the emblem and the XO Different colour of cap and label  50ml 80 proof stated 50ml and 40%alc./vol. stated on the back 5CL stated additional text underneath 5cl, not stated; S.L.T.A. AVIEMORE MAY 1989 VIVE L'ECOSSE! small label XO fine champagne

XO Imperial

First four bottles all have an embellished border of the label. First one has six lines of text just under ‘Cognac’; second has five lines. The third bottle has letters in the chain and additional text written under XO Imperial. The fourth and fifth bottles have no embellished border

16. Extra Vieille and 60 ans

First two bottles say ‘Cognac Extra Vieille’ but differ in the address line underneath. The third bottle has ‘Cognac Grande Fine Champagne Extra Vieille’ written on it.

60 ans; estim 5cl

17. Chateau Courvoisier and Cognac Grande Fine Champagne

18. Gala (1950s)

No content or ABV stated 5 ctl and 40% stated just under 'For Long Drinks' Different colour glass and 70%Proof stated underneath No silhouette of Napoleon and text underneath in red; 5cl Gala Club Gala Club with 40% on it

19. Millennium

20. Limited editions

10cl Mizunara

21. Miniature canons

Trois Etoiles luxe Trois Etoiles luxe, Breuval import (Belgium) Trois Etoiles Luxe, Italian import (Cedal) Three star luxe stated Very Special stated  VSOP, ABV stated in black   VSOP with ABV in red low on the label 40%vol and produce of France stated below; 5cl VSOP, no red on the neck label and 40% stated differently  VSOP, bicoloured cap VSOP, green cap VSOP, Französisches Erzeugnis VSOP, 0,027L stated 5cl 5cl VSOP exclusif

Napoleon, with the Royal Coat of Arms Napoleon, with the Imperial Coat of Arms Without the additional protective cap

B. 20 – 50cl bottles


Half bottle  11,5 Fl.oz (half bottle)

35cl (1970s); click to see back-side 350ml 0,35l indicated 0,35L 3 stars Luxe; blob on the shoulder 35cl, Dutch import

12 fl.oz and 70° stated (1970s)  340ml flask, came with a leather holder (click to see) 3 star luxe, 0,35L  40% in red letters, no shoulder label; Fournisseur breveté des Cours Étrangères ca. 20cl with 40° stated; Fournisseur breveté de S.M. l'Empereur No content stated (around 20cl); Fournisseur breveté des Cours Étrangères  No content stated (somewhere between 15 and 25cl?); Fournisseur breveté de S.M. l'Empereur 35cl; 40° stated (1960s); Fournisseur breveté des Cours Étrangères  3 star luxe; said to be 35cl on auction 12 FL. OZ. 35cl for Expresstrans 20cl 3 star luxe 50cl flask (1980s) 500ml flask; different shoulder label 11.5 OZ 340ml three star luxe

35cl, Duty free shop Bale (1970s)


375ml 50cl

200ml, US import 35cl VS (three stars stated too) 375ml (stated)  35cl stated 375ml 50cl VS

20cl 35cl stated e35cl stated; address line on two lines 'e 35cl' stated in a different type face; the address line is just one line; UK import 50cl, indicated; back side has a cotisation symbol, a tidy man and a green point (1990s)

200ml  35cl stated   375ml 375ml stated; very special printed below VS e 50cl


said to be 35cl (seen in several shops)  375ml  375ml VS 50cl, not stated (seen in several shops)

35cl (2022) 375ml 50cl

Le Petit Caporal:

Content not stated; hight is 26cm, width is 6cm; approximately half a bottle Half bottle, with additional text below (1940s)

VO and VSOP:

Half bottle VVO, 40 ans 1/2 pint (ca 35cl) 20 years old VO; by appointment to H.M. King George V (est. 1930s)

around 20 cl 35cl 35cl 35cl VSOP 35cl fine champagne cognac, Französisches Erzeugnis 50cl VSOP Fine champagne 50cl VSOP, fine champagne 50cl VSOP

e50cl  50cl, different address line between ABV and volume 35cl fine cognac  50cl 20cl fine cognac 50cl VSOP Fine cognac e 50cl, PET bottle


200ml 350ml stated on the back 375ml, stated 50cl 50cl Artisan edition, triple oak 50cl Artisan edition, triple oak; with produce of France stated


35cl 35cl



35cl XO Imperial, Asian import 35cl XO Imperial, HKDNP, Asian import  35cl; stated on backside 35cl;


500ml 1972 vintage, bottled in 2017  500ml 1977 Vintage (2017)

Limited editions:

Tournoi des Cinq Nations; estim. 35cl FCN exclusive, 35cl (stated on the box)  35cl Exclusif 35cl Exclusif, different capsule and a paper top seal 35cl Exclusif; Courvoisier now above 'Le cognac de Napoleon' 35cl, stated on the back, different capsule 50cl Travel retail exclusive; le voyage de Napoléon Exclusive edition, with a duty seal (50cl)   Nuits de Paris, 35cl Collection du paradis (Jim Grierson) 20cl 20cl Chai Renard (2017)

hight 10cm, contains cognac

C. Magnums and more

Three stars

5L, King George VI mentioned in neck label (1950s) 3L three star bottle (not stated but confirmed).  1.5L Not stated, but must be a (double?) magnum  3stars, 6 PT 12 FL.OZ (3.75L) 6 PT 12 FL OZ (3.78L) *** Luxe 6pt 12 fl.oz. 3.780L; imperial coat of arms on neck label (note large letters on neck emblem) 3.780L stated, *** Luxe 3 star luxe with the Royal Warrant (King George VI); 3.78 Litres indicated Trois Étoiles Luxe, content not stated, said to be 3L (could be more) 148 CTL stated; Italian import by Cedal S.p.a. 1.5L *** Luxe, different text underneath 150 CTL stated 1.5L 3 star luxe, content stated differently 1.5L Trois Étoiles Luxe; standard two lines of text underneath 150 ctl trois etoiles luxe; different text underneath and a paper seal on top; Italian import Cedal Spa. (Lic. abbreviated) 150 CTL trois etoiles luxe; different text underneath and a paper seal on top; Italian import Cedal Spa. (licenza full out) 1.5L, offert par Air LB 1.5L The Brandy of Napoleon Trois Étoiles Luxe, 1.4 Litre stated 1.4L Trois Étoiles, imported by Breuval, Brussels, 1973 1.4L *** Luxe, imported by Breuval, Brussels, 1976 1.50 Litre stated 3 Star Luxe, 150cl up-side-down


1 Gallon, imported by Taylor & Company 1 Gallon (prob. maybe 1.5G); imported by F.C.G. importers; late 1930s or late 1940s. 1 Gallon (3.78L) VS with tipping ring; imported by F.C.G. importers 3.78L (133 fl.oz.) 3.78L

3 Litres 150cl 3 Litres indicated 1.5L VS (est. 1990s) Different text underneath (magum, seen next to a regular size bottle)

150cl e150cl 1.5L 1.5L 1.75L Content and ABV printed in smaller lettering 1.75Liters; US bottle  1,75L

1 Gallon
VSOP 3 liters and up:

1 Gallon (est. 1940s)

3.78L VSOP 3.78L (1 Gallon), with a paper duty seal on top Content not stated, approx. 1 gallon (est. 1950s) Content not stated; 40% abv stated Prob. 1 Gallon; Hong Kong import by Gibb. Livinston & Co. (1980s) 378cls stated; green capsule (est. 1950-60s) 1 Gallon, label is more bronze  3L VSOP with a blob on the shoulder

VSOP Magnums:

Liqueur cognac VSOP Liqueur cognac, 2 pints 8 fl.oz (ca. 1.45L) 148cl stated; Italian import (Ferraretto) 150cl VSOP (not stated) 1.40L stated 1.4L stated; with 'Cognac' stated twice (1972) 1.5L (not stated); different capsule

1.5L stated

1.40L indicated 1.5L 1.50 Litre 1.40L indicated; on the shoulder below VSOP is 'courvoisier'

3L VSOP, Asian import 3L VSOP Exclusive 3L in a cradle 3L, 'Le cognac de Napoleon' above Courvoisier 3L, capsule and finish a little different 1.5L, Asian bottle 3L in a cradle 3L in a different cradle 3L in a different cradle


1.4L Napoléon  1.5L Napoleon Fine Champagne

1.5L XO Imperial (UK import) 3L XO Imperial (HKDNP, click to see back-side) 3L Toast of Paris, volume stated at the bottom 3L XO in a stand
3L Emperor

1834, probably 1 Gallon (60cm height)

Magnum canons
1 Gallon grand liqueur vsop cognac 3L VS 1/2 Gallon VS
Est. 1.5L, liqueur cognac 1.48L fine champagne VSOP (1960s) 1.48L fine champagne VSOP; different carriage (1960s) 1.48L fine champagne VSOP (1960s) with a paper duty seal 1.5L (not stated) fine champagne VSOP, Dutch import, Wed. G. Oud Pzn, Haarlem (1960s) VSOP fine champagne, Französisches Erzeugnis 1.5L Magnum with an imperial emblem 1.5L magnum fine champagne vsop


Courvoisier half bottles and miniatures — 13 reacties

  1. Hi,
    Can you please help me with this 1.5 litre vsop fine champagne cognac. I purchased this for my collection. I cannot find anything on the net of this size , age and or value.
    Thanks Pete

    • I haven’t seen this one before eighter. It is a pity the photo is so small, I can’t read all the details.
      I guess the backside has no label.
      It is probably from the 1960s. But if you send a better photo I could probably say with more certainty from what years it is. I’ll send you an e-mail to facilitate sending a better picture.

  2. I have one full Magnum of V.S.O.P Courvoisier, The Brandy of Napoleon Cognac it has on it the coat of arms of the United Kingdom, by appointment, purveyers of cognac to the late King George V1

    Can you give me what year? Also has it got a value in todays market?
    It belongs to a friend who is 85 years old, her father (Edgar Brit) was a Jockey for Queen Elizabeth and it was either given to him by the Queen or when he rode in India.

    • You did not attach a photo, but given your description it will be from the 1960s. Could be 1950s or also early 70s.
      If you would buy such a magnum in an auction, the price would be around €150.
      Edgar Brit? You didn’t mean Edgar Britt (double ’t’) the Australian Jockey?

    • I can’t read the little shoulder label. Does it say ‘Le Petit Caporal’? Le Petit Caporal bottles are from the 1950s. But the cognac inside has been aged for 2-4 year so it is a low quality cognac.
      How big is the bottle?
      Is it possible to post a photo with higher resolution?

      • It is indeed a le petit caporal. I believe its 18ml but I’m not sure. It’s definitely smaller than 50ml. What’s your Email?

  3. Hi,please can you tell me somethig of this bottle Courvoisier. I can’t to find anything on the web. The bottle was buyed 1960 somewhere in Europa. Any info,price. . .
    Best regards

    • Hi Bojan,

      It is difficult to see what content it has. It looks like half a bottle to me, maybe 340ml?
      The three star courvoisier is the lowest quality. They are not worth much. Just this year a whole bottle and a half were sold for €42.
      But because this bottle is not on my catalog page yet, could you perhaps send me a better picture?

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