Courvoisier Bottle Catalogue PART 1, standard range bottles and vintages (last updated: Dec 22, 2024)

(804 bottles; but still more exist)

Click to go to limited editions and specials    Click to go to miniatures, half bottles and magnums


I have made a short introduction to the bottle shapes that have been used
and also to the embleme’s on the labels. If you are interested you can click here.

Courvoisier was established in 1828 bij Emmanuel (also called Émile) Courvoisier. Sometimes the year 1935 is stated as such, but we can see that they have celebrated their 100 year existence in 1928.
After 1866 the firm’s name has been Societé Veuve Courvoisier & Curlier Frères. Between 1868 and 1870 Courvoisier & Curlier and between 1870 and 1909 Fréderic Curlier. In 1909 the Simon brothers renamed the company Courvoisier.
Established in 1809 this house is the youngest of the ‘Big Four’ (Hennessy, Rémy Martin, Martell and Courvoisier). In size Courvoisier now takes the third place.

Courvoisier has become famous for its slogan: ‘Le Cognac de Napoléon’, which they now have been using since the 1920’s.

Table of contents:

1. Curlier
2. Without any quality indication
3. Stars and VS
— 3a. Stars cognaçaises and flasks
— 3b. Star Luxe
— 3c. VS old style
— 3d. VS with blue capsules
— 3e. VS new style
4. C de Courvoisier
5. Le Petit Caporal
6. Reserve, VO, VVO and VSOP
— 6a. Before the Josephine bottle and flasks
— 6b. Josephines without further qualification
— 6c. Josephine fine champagne
— 6d. Josephine fine champagne with napoleon in shoulder blob
— 6e. Label with rounded corners
— 6f. Toast of Paris labels
— 6g. Tribute to the origin 1828
7. Napoléon
— 7a. High bottles, before the Josephine bottle
— 7b. Josephine bottles, fine champagne
— 7c. Josephine bottles, old liquor cognac
— 7d. Josephine bottles, cognac
— 7e. Josephine like, clear glass bottles
— 7f. Dark glass bottles with a ribbon
— 7g. Bottles with red capsule
8. XO
9. XO Impérial
10. Extra Vieille
11. Initiale and Initiale Extra
12. Vintages
13. Limited editions and specials (on a separate page)
14. Miniatures, half bottles and magnums (on a separate page)

1. Curlier

  Frederic Curlier, vintage 1868  Frederic Curlier, Très Vieille Fine Champagne, magnum (1960s) Frederic Curlier, borderies (put in Dame Jeannes probably in 1941; recently bottled (2010s) Frederic Curlier 1890 (bottled 2010s)

2. Without any quality indication

1950s? Longer capsule  4/5 Quart

3. Stars and VS

3a1. three stars cognaçaises without the silhouette of Napoleon

With 3 stars below the word cognac (distilled 1920-30s, bottled for the German Army first half of the 1940s).);  3 stars without the word 'cognac' stated Late King George V mentioned in neck label; 'Founisseur Breveté de S.M. l'Empereur' on main label. Text underneath in French. No silhouette de Napoléon. Late King George V mentioned in neck label; 'Founisseur Breveté de S.M. l'Empereur' on main label. Text underneath in French. No silhouette de Napoléon. '3S' punctured out.  Late King George V mentioned in neck label; 'Fournisseur Breveté de S.M. l'Empereur' on main label. Text underneath in French. No silhouette de Napoléon. Appellation Controlée printed below 'Cognac' (1940s).. By appointment to the Late King George V; bicoloured capsule (est. 1940s) Bicoloured capsule; by appointment to the Late King George V (1940s)

72ctl, printed inside the two circulair lines between 'cognac' and the red text underneath. Text underneath in French. Royal Warrant to his H. M. King George VI; with an Italian duty medal (head seal: sigillo testa di donna; 1940s) Without a silhouette de Napoleon; Royal Warrant to his H. M. King George VI; 70cl (est. 1940s)

3a2. three stars cognaçaises with the silhouette of Napoleon

Late King George VI mentioned in neck label; different cap; 'Fournisseur Breveté des Cours Etrangiers' on main label; text underneath in English. Silhouette de Napoléon. (1950s)  Almost the same as previous one. Difference is: Courvoisier LTD stated in the shoulder label. 26 FL.OZ stated, English text; Canadian import (1960s)  Text underneath in French; ABV stated; 1960-70s  Different capsule and cork. Text underneath in French. Only the capsule is different from previous bottle and also 'Courvoisier Ltd' not stated on the shoulder label.  72ctl, printed differently inside the two circulair lines between 'cognac' and the red text underneath; also lic. 129 stated. Text underneath in French.  73ctl, printed inside the two circulair lines between 'cognac' and the red text underneath. Text underneath in French. Duty seal (star: sigillo stella,1950s) 73ctl, printed inside the two circulair lines between 'cognac' and the red text underneath. Text underneath in French, with a paper tax seal around the neck Italian import, Ferraretto, text in black; 73 ctl, stated; 1950s Italian import: G. F. Ferraretto, text in red; 73 ctl, stated; 1960s.   Same as previous bottle, but with a paper seal on top. (Italian text)  Very much like the previous bottle, but a different importer: Luigi Renzini; 73ctl (Italian text)  Different Italian importer: Cedal S.p.a. in Milano; 73cl  73cl; Italian import, 1950s; Reservé 1a la Vallée d'Aoste; click to see detail  73cl; Italian import; Reservé 1a la Vallée d'Aoste; stated differently; click to see detail Diferent text under the name 'Courvoisier'; 'all Courvoisier Cognac bears the registred phrase: The Brandy of Napoléon' printed in red. 4/5 Quart; with the General Law sentence (before 1964)  Diferent text under the name 'Courvoisier'; 'all Courvoisier Cognac bears the registred phrase: The Brandy of Napoléon' printed in red. 4/5 Quart; no General Law sentence (after 1964)  Sole importers for Japan, L. Rondon & Co.  Underneath: Cognac Französisches Erzeugnis

3a3. three star flaks

3 star flask, content not indicated 73cl flask, Italian import by Ferraretto; Duty medal with star (1950s) 73ctl flask, Italian import (est. 1960s)

3b. three star luxe (the Josephine type bottles started in the 1960s).
3b1. Green glass bottles, imperial warrant on the neck;  *** luxe on the label (or no neck emblem):

Produce of France 700ml stated 24 fl.oz. 680ml and 70°proof 40%vol stated Glass not so green; 24 fl.oz 680ml stated '*** luxe' on the label; imported by Cedal, Milano, 70cl '*** luxe' on the label; imported by Cedal, Milano, 'e 70cl' stated   70cl, stated differently; Cedal import (1970s) '*** Luxe' printed on the label; 680ml in the left bottom and 40%vol to the right (1970s)  Same as previous, but now 'e680ml' is printed  '*** Luxe' printed on the label; 40%vol in the left bottom and 0.70L to the right  Same as previous bottle, but with a paper duty seal on top  '*** Luxe' printed on the label; 40%vol in the left bottom and e0.70L to the right  '*** Luxe' printed on the label; 40%vol in the left bottom and e0.70L to the right; text in green letters    '*** Luxe' printed on the label; 40%vol in the left bottom and e680ml to the right 40%vol on the left and L0,70 on the right; Belgian import by Breuval; on the back: acquit with a 1980 date 1 US Quart (0.946L), Duty Free Stocks (1970s) 1L bottle; 40%Vol stated in the left corner and 1 Litre in the right Not less than 35 OZ stated  1L bottle, with 1 Litre (35 oz) stated on top left corner  1L bottle, with 1 Litre stated on top left corner 40 fl.oz and 1.13L indicated (1970s)  1.13L (ca 1960) 1.13L (ca 1960); screw cap is different (1970s)  1.13L 3star luxe (1960s); 1.13L stated on the righ and with an address line below in the middle.

'*** luxe' on the label; no neck label (probably not fallen off; I have seen more without a neck label)  70cl, Französisches Erzeugnis  75cl, no neck label; '*** luxe' on the label; with paper top sea ; Italian import (Cedal)

3b2. Green glass bottles, royal warrant on the neck; *** luxe, trois étoile luxe or three star luxe on the label:

'*** Luxe' on the label. With 'Le Petit Caporal' underneath; 70cl.  *** Luxe, 70cl stated *** Luxe, 70cl stated; Portuguese import by Costa Pina & Vilaverde, Porto different text underneath: 24 FL.OZ, 680ml and 70% Proof 'XXX Luxe' on the label. 0L.70 stated; Dutch import. Contenido Neto 700ml stated, Maxican import by Productos Internationales s.A.  '*** luxe' on the label; imported by Dala Cedal, Milano, 75cl (minimo 73ctl garantito) Duty Free Stocks stated (UK import) 0,7L? Import fro the Fiji Islands (1970-80s) 0,945L stateda and quart printed on the shoulder *** Luxe, 1Quart; 0,945L; different screw cap 1Litre stated 1L bottle. Stated: 35 1/5 fl.oz. 1 Litre. (1960s)

Trois etoiles luxe on the label; standard text underneath; corked cap  Trois etoiles luxe on the label; standard text underneath plus an address line; 0,70l (small 'l') stated  Trois etoiles luxe on the label; standard text underneath plus an address line; 0,70L (capital 'L') stated; also the cap is a little different  'Trois Etoiles Luxe' on the label. 73ctl; Cedal import.  'Trois Etoiles Luxe' on the label. 73ctl; corked cap; Ferraretto import.  'Trois Etoiles Luxe' on the label. 0L.70 stated; Dutch import.  'Trois Etoiles Luxe' on the label; corked cap; Belgium import

Three star luxe, 24 FL OZ 680ml stated; with text left and right of 'trade mark' (around the head of Napoleon); 1970s  'Three star luxe' on the label. 24 1/2 fl.oz;  0.7L flask

3b3. Clear glass bottles; trois étoiles luxe, three star luxe or *** luxe on the label; some have corked caps other have screw caps:

Trois Étoiles Luxe; on the left below it says 40%  Very small differences: observe the distance between the lines of text; also the emblem does not touch the line above (possibly different content); said to be 1950s, but production of Josephine bottle started in the 1960s. 70 cl. stated  Trois Étoiles Luxe; ABV not stated (1960s). Trois Étoiles Luxe, 70 Proof and 24 FL.OZ stated  Trois Étoiles Luxe; with three lines of text underneath, Italian import, Cedal s.p.a.; 75cl, 73ctl garantito (1960s)  Trois Étoiles Luxe; with three lines of text underneath, Italian import, Cedal s.p.a., last address line is a bit different (Milano is added); Conten. Idrato 73CTL (ca 1970s).  Trois Étoiles Luxe; with three lines of text underneath, Italian import, Ferraretto; 73cl, 73ctl (1970s)  0,70L Trois étoiles luxe; Dutch import for Wed. G. Oud Pzn, Haarlem Trois Étoiles Luxe, Quart printed on the shoulder; 1 US Quart on the left. Trois Étoiles Luxe, Quart printed on the shoulder; 0,945L on the right below No content stated, Suisse import by Haecky Importation 40° Duty Free Stocks (1970s)  Trois Étoiles Luxe; Französisches Erzeugnis 70cl D.F.S. VENEZIA Three star Luxe, no content or abv stated; shoulde be 750ml, because it is a US-bottle. Three Star Luxe; on the left below it says 70 proof and on the right: 24 fl oz; capped cork (1960s)  same as previous but with an additional address line on the left side, below the medal  Same as previous, but with a screw cap  Same as previous, but with a different screw cap (1970s)   70cl with text: NAAFI: "Duty Free Supplies for HM Forces'  '*** Luxe'; 24 fl.oz and 70%Proof (1960-70s)  2 pints 3 star luxe (1.1366L); below left: not less than 2 pt 8oz; upper right: 40.5 GL (said to be 1950s, but production of Josephine bottle started in the 1960s.) 3 star luxe, 1 imperial quart *** Luxe, imperial neck emblem; 40 FL OZ. 1,13l stated and 70° Proof (1970s) *** Luxe, 40 FL OZ. 1,13l stated and 70° Proof (1970s). Differences with previous bottle: the l of 1.13 and the °. Also the neck label has vanished.  Content not stated (said to be 75cl on auction)

First the bottles with ‘Trois Etoiles Luxe’, followed by ‘Three Star Luxe’ and then ‘*** Luxe’.

3b4. The Brandy of Napoléon on the main label:

The Brandy of Napoléon; on the left below it says 40%  No ABV stated  The Brandy of Napoléon; on the left below it says 70 proof and on the right: 24 fl oz (prob. 1970s)  The Brandy of Napoléon with three lines of text underneath, in English; 70 proof stated  70cl, not stated; text underneath in English; with 70% Proof stated (twice)  Italian import, 73ctl, Ferraretto, Milano  Italian import, Alemagna Milano (1970s) Réservé a la Vallée d'Aosta; Italian import, Laurent Ottoz, St. Chrisophe  'Productos Internacionales S.A.' stated; Mexican import  1L, Französisches Erzeugnis 1970s Without 3 star luxe indicated; 1970s, est. 70cl

3b5. Green glass bottles with a shoulder blob:


'e 680ml' stated (end 1970s) e680ml (end 1970s); whiter label; text below right medal is a bit longer e70cl stated (1980s) Same but capsule less dark With a yellow-gold label in the shoulder blob, label itself very yellow too and no bees on it; e70cl stated 40%vol stated and e0.70L stated  40%vol stated and e70cl stated with a paper duty seal  text: distribué par Perrier - Jouet - Barton & Guestier Distribution  70cle stated; Italian import (Dalla Spirit, Genova) With a brown label in the shoulder blob, label itself is also brown and no bees on it; cl 70e stated; Italian import (Spirit, Genova) 70cl stated differently; Italian import (Dalla Ditta Cedal, Milano) 700ml stated; with 'Produce of France' underneath 700ml bottle with different cap (Mexican import)

1Litre bottle  1 Litre stated a little higher; UK import  'e 1 Litre' in much bigger letters  'e 1 Litre' in much bigger letters; now with Produce of France added to the address line (1990s)  Almost identical to previous bottle, but lettertype of addres line is little different, moren dense; note how Courvoisier starts above the 'J' of Jarnac instead of above the 'R'  1L, Bahrain Tax Free Shop 1,13L stated e1,13L stated

3c. VS old style

It is said that Courvoisier began using VS in the 1960s (in addition to the 3-star designation). Probably the Josephine bottles are meant, as already in the 1930s VS was used in cognaçaises.

Old type 1930s VS Liqueur Cognac; 4/5 quart stated; By appointment to the late king George V; F.C.G. Importers; with a paper duty seal; US import (so already very early, VS was used for the US market) By appointment to H.M. King George VI (1940s)

With bees on the label, the brandy of Napoléon:

80°Proof and 4/5 Quart stated, imported by Taylor & Comp.; with additional text on main label and the Federal Law Sentence on the glass (early 1960s) VS 4/5 quart, imported by Taylor & Comp. and has a paper duty seal; less text on main label  White glass 4/5 Quart; very special also on main label (end 1960s)  Productos Internationales, (Mexican import)  White glass, no content stated, screw cap  4/5quart, The Brandy of Napoleon, screw cap; New York import (estim. 1969-1970)

With bees on the label, Very Special:

Screw cap, with a Maryland State stamp  80 Proof, screw cap, content not stated (prob 750ml) Green glass, 700ml and 24.6 fl.oz.liq stated, bilangual, also the neck emblem; Canadian import (end 1970s) 80 Proof, screw cap, content not stated (prob. 70-75cl) White glass 1 Imperial Quart; (1960s) Green glass 1 Imperial Quart; (1960s) With the Imperial Coat of Arms on the neck label; 750ML (25.4 FL OZ) and 80 Proof indicated; US import by Taylor (1977-1982)  750ML and 80 Proof indicated; with the Imperial Coat of Arms on the neck label (est. early 1980s) 750ML and 80 Proof indicated; with the Imperial Coat of Arms on the neck label; different capsule (est. early 1980s)

Without bees on the label, the brandy of Napoleon:

70cl; on neck blob a silhouette de Napoleon and three stars (1990s) 'Le Cognac de Napoléon'; on neck blob a silhouette de Napoleon; e 70cl stated; on the back an EAN and a green point (1990s)  70cl stated; Italian import (Spirt, Genova) 40%ALC/VOL and 700ml indicated; Australian import 750ml and 40%alc/vol stated 1 Litre stated; with an EAN on the back and a green point e1Litre; with NAAFI Stores HM Forces stated

Without bees on the label, Very Special:

Very Special; on the neck blob: VS very special; 70cl; Italian import (Spirit, Genova) Very Special; on the neck blob: VS very special; 700ml, Import by Bellows, St. Thomas - U.S. Virgin Islands (1990s) Very Special; on the neck blob: VS very special; US import (Taylor, Miami), sole distributor for the USA same as previous but with a Tennessee state stamp 750ml stated; US import by Hiram Walker (Framington Hills), sole distributor for the USA; 1990s  Very Special; on the neck blob: VS very special; text underneath is different: produce of France  With USDF stated in the right bottom corner; said to be 1 Litre

Very Special - Très Special; on the neck blob only VS; 750ml (Canadian import, ca 1990s)

3d VS with blue capsules

70cl stated on the left side, vertical. On the right: Courvoisier - 16200 Jarnac, France (est. 1990s)   Same as previous, but with a paper duty seal.  70cl stated vertical on the left side. Text on the right side differs: Courvoisier S.A. 2 Place du - Chateau 16200 Jarnac France Same as previous, but with a papaer duty seal (VS is stated on the neck capsule, but very vaguely)  70cl stated on the left side, vertical. No address line on the right. e 70cl and 40%vol stated on the left on two lines 700ml stated 40%alc/vol and 750ml stated (Canadian import) 40%alc/vol and 750ml stated (Canadian import); address lines on the right side have much more text e1Litre stated on the left side, vertical ; back side has an EAN and a green point    1Litre stated on the left side, vertical; less space between vol. and 'e 1Litre' and different vertical text on right side. (No emblem; fallen off?) Label same as previous bottle but with an emblem in the blob and with a paper duty seal (Spanish import)  1L and abv stated in two vertical lines

Oval label; 70cl stated 70cl, with a paper duty seal  700ml stated 750ml stated 750ML stated differently  750ML, capsule has different colour blue  1 Litre stated  1Litre stated differently  Content not stated, said to be 1L

750ml stated; VS not stated on the capsule (end 2010s) 1Liter stated (very small); VS not stated on the capsule

3e. VS new style

70cl stated on the back 70cl on the back with a UK sticker 700ml stated (ABV in capitals); from 2015 on; Australian import New style 2015; 40% alc./vol and 750 ml stated (ABV in small letters) New style 2015; 40% vol. and 750 ml stated (ABV in small letters); a B-nuber just after de ABV (South-African bottle)  1 Litre stated 1L, stated on the back 1L, stated on the back, UK bottle, different back side

700ml, with a lot of pictograms on the back (French market bottle) 70cl (from 2022 on); US market  750ml  content and abv indicated, 750ml  New design, 1L (2022)

70cl; these bottles can be ordered with a hand engraved personalized message (2024)  100cl; these bottles can be ordered with a hand engraved personalized message (2024)

4. C de Courvoisier (from 2012)

No content stated     750ml stated; cognac placed directly below Courvoisier  750ml stated; different capsule and smaller emblem

5. Le Petit Caporal (second half 1940-50s)

Le Petit Caporal is stated on the neck label.  Le Petit Caporal is stated on the neck label; with a paper duty seal (1950s) Just two lines of text beneath; with bees on the label and the 'fournisseur breveté' sentence in small letters; the shoulder label is more wide than it is high; no back side label A paper shoulder label, saying: Le Petit Caporal. The label says: The brandy of Napoleon'; (1960s)  Same as previous one, but with a paper seal on top  Same as previous two bottles, but without the 40% stated below on the left  The label says: Le Petit Caporal. Screw cap. With a paper duty seal on top, Spanish import

6. Reserve, VO, VVO and VSOP (first VSOP’s were produced in 1910)

6a. Before the Josephine bottle and flasks

Reserve (1930-40s) VO, 'cognac' is left off VO, by appointment to the late King George V (1930s) VVO, 40 ans 40 years old VVO, by appointment to the late King George V VO, 20 ans; by appointment to the late King George V (1930-40s) VO, by appointment purveyors of cognac brandy to the late King George VI (after 1952, probably before 1960) VO, by appointment purveyors of cognac brandy to the late King George VI; Oud, Duttch import 30 years old Liqueur Cognac (1950s) VSOP Liqueur cognac VSOP 30 years old cognac (not liqueur cognac)

With Contenance 72 CTL and Degrés 42 indicated; Italian import (ca. 1960s)

6a2. Flasks

70cl flask, VSOP; 40° indicated, printed on the main part f the label on the right side 70cl flask, VSOP; 40° indicated, printed in the lower left 0,70L flask, VSOP Fine Champagne 0,7L with Napoleon silhouet above the label  VSOP Fine Champagne, content not stated; probably around 70cl, 40° stated  VSOP Fine Champagne, 42° stated (1960s) VSOP Fine Champagne, 70cl (not stated); 1960s

6b. Josephine bottles (1952-1980s)
6b1. no further qualification; with the royal warrant on the neck label (1950-70s)

Green capsule; content 70cl not stated Green capsule; with a paper seal on top. Gradi 40%; anidri (not readable); different capsule; Italian import (Ferraretto)  'Duty Free Shop' underneath

No percentage or content indicated With 40% in lower left corner (1950s)  0L.70 stated and 40° VOL % ALC; importé par Oud Pzn & Co, Haarlem  With a paper seal on top. Gradi 40%; 73 CTL; Italian import (Ferraretto) 75cl stated; Italian import (Cedal); text underneath in black letters No content or abv stated; text underneath in English; should be 750ml, because it is a US bottle  80 Proof and 4/5 quart stated    80 Proof and 4/5 Quart stated; New York import by Taylor 80 Proof and 4/5 Quart stated; Miami import by Taylor (1969) 40° and Duty Free Stocks stated  Asian import by Caldbeck MacGregor and Co. and with a sticker on the neck with foreign characters   700cc stated; Argentinian import by Wattine Bossut & CIA, Buenos Aires 1 Quart; 1 US Quart stated (1970s); cork

70cl indicated  Screw cap; said to be 70cl on auction  80% Proof and Product of France stated  Screw cap; Italian import by Cedal, 73CTL (1970s) 1 Quart; 0,945L stated (1970s) 4/5quart US import by Taylor, New York (1970s) 700ml Asian import by Caldbeck MacGregor and Co.  DFS Venezia stated Hong Kong import by Gibb. Livingston

CONT. APROX. 700 ml stated; Mexican import CONTENIDO NETO. 700 ml stated; Mexican import

With a sticker of the Napoleon silhouette:

No content or ABV stated, no address line; 'trade mark' printed left and right of the Napoleon emblem 0,70L stated; with Napoleon and 'trade mark' printed on the neck emblem and an address line underneath (est. 1970s) 0,70L stated, with Courvoisier stated below VSOP, with a paper duty seal on top (est. 1970s) 80°Proof, 1 Imperial Quart

6b2. with liqueur cognac stated (1960-70s)

Content not stated; on the shoulder is fine champagne  70 PROOF and 24 FL. OZ stated; on the shoulder is liqueur cognac  Content not stated; label is golden-yellow; additional text in black; different capsule 70 PROOF and 24 FL. OZ stated, yellow label 70 PROOF and 24 FL. OZ stated, brown label (1970s) 24 2/3 FL OZ PRODUCE OF FRANCE stated; Australian bottle

Screw caps:
70° Proof and 24 FL.OZ. stated, brown label, screw cap (1970s)  Both 24 2/3 FL.OZ and 70CL stated; on the shoulder is Courvoisier  24 1/2 FL OZ PRODUCE OF FRANCE 700 ml stated; label is golden-yellow; screw cap 700 ML NET and 40% stated; screw cap 700 ML NET stated on the left and 40% on the right in smaller letters; screw cap No content or alcohol proof stated; on the shoulder is liqueur cognac; screw cap; Duty Free (London Airports); 70cl 24 3/4 FLOZ 700ml (Australian bottle) Contents 700 ml stated, screw cap Contents 700 ml stated and Duty Free Stocks FOR US FORCES ONLY stated 1 Quart, without ABV stated; Hills Duty Free Shop (1970s)

6c. VSOP fine champagne cognac

'The Brandy of Napoleon' is in red lettering. Without bees scattered over the label. Content not stated (70 or 75cl); could be that the neck label has fallen off.

6c1. Fine champagne cognac, the royal warrant on the neck label (1950-70s):

70cl (stated at auction); 1960s  75cl (not stated)  42% stated on the left below (click to see detail); 1960s   With 70 proof stated on both sides of the text underneath 73cl stated, Ferraretto import with a paper duty seal (1950s) 72 ctl 42° stated, Ferraretto import (1950s) Italian import, Ferraretto, 75cl (1960-70s) 72 CL stated in black Italian import, Laurent Ottoz, St. Chritophe 73ctl (1960-70s) Italian import, Ferraretto, 75cl; with an US Navy Mess sticker  Dutch import (Wed. G. Oud Pzn & Co, Haarlem); (said to be 70cl at auction) With 'cognac fine champagne' below; content not indicated 720cm3 stated, Argentinian import  Mexican import, Aguilar 80 proof stated  With Französisches Erzeugnis stated; said to be 70cl (1960s) Same as previous, but with 40% stated in the lower left Contents 25 1/3 OZ, 40% Alcohol per volume (Canadian bottle)   Gibb. Livingston & Co., import for Hong Kong  750ml (not indicated); with different text underneath (3 lines)  1 US Quart  1L.

Brand liqueur cognac on the shoulder; 4/5 quart  Brand liqueur cognac on the shoulder; with a paper seal on top. 4/5 Quart.

Courvoisier on the shoulder and fine champagne on the label; 'para uso exclusivo forças armadas'; volume not stated (ca 70cl) With fine champagne on the shoulder and Liqueur Cognac on the label in greenish letters

80Proof and 4/5 Quart indicated; already with the new type of capsule; US import by Taylor (1970s)

6c2. Fine champagne cognac, the imperial warrant on the neck label (1970-80s):

Liqueur Cognac stated, Le Cognac de Napoleon; 680ml stated (said to be1980s)  Liqueur cognac, The Brandy of napoleon; 680ml stated and 40%vol  24 fl oz, 680ml stated and Liqueur Cognac Same text as previous bottle, but much more brown label No abv or content stated; The Brandy of Napoleon; screw cap 70CL stated, Dutch import by Oud, Haarlem 70ctl stated, the brandy of Napoleon, Italian import, Cedal e70CTL stated, Le Cognac de Napoléon, Italian import by Cedal, Milano 80Proof, US import by Taylor 750ml, US import (1980-82) 750ml, US import; text underneath is different 0.70L stated and 40% G.L.  40° stated to the left and '0,70l' to the right; one line of text (address) between these two  40%VOL stated to the left and '0,70l' to the right; one line of text (address) between these two 40%VOL stated to the left and '0,70l' to the right; one line of text (address) between these two; with a paper duty seal on top   40%Vol stated to the left and 'e 0,70l' to the right; one line of text (address)  40VOL% stated and 0,70L with an address line in between (1980s)  On the right it says 'e0,70l'; no text to the left of the content  Produce of France 700ml stated 24,6 fl oz liq 700ml and 40% alc/vol stated (Canadian import) 700ml and 40% alc/vol stated (Canadian bottle) 80 Proof and product of France stated; prob. 700ml 0.7L with Französisches Erzeugnis underneath (1980s)  Duty Free Stocks; 70cl (not stated)  70cl, with HKDNP stated (1980s)  70cl, specially bottled for MALEV (Hungarian airlines)  1L bottle 35,2 fl oz liq 1L indicated and 40%alc./vol.; screw cap  1L bottle  1 imperial Quart (1.14L); 1980s  1 Quart and 0.945L stated, no blob 1 Litre HKDNP 1 Imperial Quart (1.14L, Canadian), 80°Proof (Canadian)

6c3. Fine champagne cognac, just a blob seal on the shoulder, no neck label (1970-80s):

With 680ml stated; Liqueur Cognac With 680ml stated; Liqueur Cognac. Label has a much lighter colour Content not stated (said to be 70cl); Liqueur Cognac (1980s) e680ml stated (without liqueur cognac) 0,70L stated    70cl, for Jouet - Barton & Guestier Distribution (Paris); 1980s   e 0,70L stated; underneath: Cointreau France Distribution with address e 0,70L stated; underneath: Importeur: Schneider - Import, Bingen am Rhein Different text underneath  e70CTL stated; Italian import (Cedal, Milano) cl70e stated; Italian import (Spirit, Genova) 'e 70cl' stated; Italian import, Milano 40 GL. and e0,70L stated; Importado por Hiram Walker Europa S.A. (J. Abascal, Madrid)  Duty Free Stocks, 70cl; content not stated but stated on auction. 700ml stated; with Produce of France underneath; different gold bands around the capsule 700 ML NET and ALC 40% by vol indicated

750ml stated 750ml/80 proof stated 750ml and 40% alc/vol stated; with an address line in between (Canadian import)  750ml stated; with Produce of France underneath 750ml, US import by Taylor (end 1980s) 750ml, different lining around label: two lines in stead of three; gold bands on capsule are also different; the medals are replaced with laurels; US import, Taylor & Co., Miami

1000ml stated and 40%ALC/VOL 1L bottle; stated is '1 Litre'; brownish label 1L bottle; stated is 'e 1 Litre' (1980s)  1L bottle; stated is 'e 1 Litre'; more yellow label 1 Litre. Does not say 40% Vol on the lower left.  1 Litre (stated). Does not say 40% Vol on the lower left. Brownish label. 1Litre stated on the lower left; 40%alc/vol on the right e1Litre stated, imported by Oranjeboom, Haarlem Hollande 1L (stated in small print below HKDNP.) 1Litre (stated), Duty Free Stocks (1980s) 1 imperial quart (1.136 liter)  1 imperial quart (1.136 liter), label is more bronze coloured

New cap and capsule; 70cl, not stated

6c4. Fine champagne cognac, with the silhouette of Napoléon on the neck label (1970-80s):

24 FL OZ. 680ml 70 PROOF (capitals!); Liqueur cognac 70cl stated below in the middle  70cl stated on the right side  almost the same as previous one, but with brighter and sharper letters on the shoulder 40° and 0.70L stated, Portuguese import by Costa Pina & Vilaverde, Porto  No content stated Produce of France 700ml stated   70cl stated; Cedal import 700 ML NET and ALC 40% by vol stated 80 Proof stated, content (70cl) not stated  4/5 Quart, Taylor import  70cl, Französisches Erzeugnis; Charles Hosie import With Ausländisches Erzeugnis indicated (1980s)  24 fl oz. 680ml 70 proof, Liqueur cognac (1970s)  24.6 fl oz liq 700ml and 40%alc/vol stated  Japanese import bij Caldbeck Corp.; 700ml, stated on the back Duty Free Stocks, 70cl (not indicated)     with a sticker: specially packaged for Singapore Airlines Same sticker and also 'Singapore Duty Not Paid' stated (700ml) 700ml, Mexican import (the duty seal says 750ml) 80 proof stated; and 'trade mark' printed on the neck label. 4/5 quart stated; US import by W.A. Taylor, Miami

Content not stated; 95cl

Screw caps:

Duty Free, Caldbeck Corp. import; 70cl not stated; screw cap  HKDNP stated in the top left; imported by Gibb, Livinston & Co, Hong Kong; 70cl screw cap (1970s)  Special bottled for Singapore Airlines; screw cap Quart, 0,95L 1 quart (stated on the shoulder); longer capsule and colour of label is different; no blob 35,2 fl oz liq 1L indicated and 40%alc./vol.; screw cap  1Litre, stated below; no blob 1 Litre, no blob; much less yellow label (more sand) 1 Litre, Duty free stocks   

73ctl stated; no blob; note the different text: 'Fine champagne VSOP' on the label and the text left and right of the emblem. Cedal import (Italia)
6d. Fine champagne cognac, with Napoleon figure on the shoulder blob (1980-90s):

70cl With a more modern emblem of Napoleon Same as previous, but much less golden label  Same as previous bottle, but with a paper duty seal e0,70l stated; Distribue par Perrier - Jouet _ Barton & Guestier, Paris; with a cotisation ark on the back   70cl With a more modern emblem of Napoleon; Italian import; with a paper seal on top 700ml stated; 'Produce of France' underneath 700ml stated; Australian import bottle 40%ALC/VOL and 750ML stated; 'Produce of France' underneath  40%alc/vol and 750ml stated; address line underneath  1L 1L; label less golden.  Same as previous but with a sticker stating: 'Duty Free Suppliers LUQA Airport' (Malta import) e1Litre, Dutch import by Hieberts-Oranjeboom Rotterdam Shorter capsule; text (contenido neto 700ml) stated right of the Napoleon silhouette; 40°GL on the left; Mexican import Shorter capsule; text (contenido neto 700ml) stated right of the Napoleon silhouette; different text underneath

Clear glass, gold coloured capsule; e0,70L stated (1980s) 700ml NET and ALC 40% by vol stated 700ml stated; Produce of France added  Clear glass, volume and ABV not stated  Same as previous, but with a DFS sticker (Duty Free Stores)  With HKDNP on it; on the back: 700ml (it looks as if 1 Litre is stated at the front too?) Three lines of text below Cognac: 70cl Singapore import. Four lines of text below Cognac: 70cl Singapore import; Asian text on the back side 1 Litre stated 1000ml stated HKDNP 1 Litre stated on the front Duty free shops, Bangkok Airport, 1L (not stated)

700ml, Japanese import (black label) The Japanese text below is different, as is the back

6e. VSOP, label with rounded corners (1990-2010s)
6e1. fine champagne:

40%vol and e 70cl stated Same as previous, but finer ribs on the cap More yellow label and text (e70cl); on the back is a pregnancy warning and a green point; also an EAN, a UK duty sticker and a standard drinks symbol Same as previous bottle but with a paper duty seal. VSOP on the shoulder is sharper; content and ABV reversed. VSOP on the shoulder; content (e 700ml) and ABV in larger print (Australian) CONT.NET. 700ml stated; Mexican import 750ml indicated  1L bottle 1L bottle; 'e 1 LITRE' printed in bigger letters on the left side.  Content not stated

Napoleon on a blue surface:

different cap; blue emblem and 'VSOP Fine Champagne' on the shoulder; 70cl  700ml stated, Mexican import 750ml stated (Canadian bottle)  different cap and 'VSOP Fine Champagne' on the shoulder; 1L

VSOP has moved to the label in stead of on the shoulder:

e70cl stated; no VSOP on the shoulder e70cl; no VSOP on the shoulder. UK import  Almost same as previous bottle but the border around the label and the cap have a different, more yellow, colour; 70cl 1L bottle e1 Litre indicated

750ml; no VSOP on the shoulder, high shoulder. 1L bottle

6e2. fine cognac:

 70cl; text on label: first line: cognac; second line VSOP and third line Fine Cognac  70cl; text on label: first line: VSOP; second line Fine Cognac; VSOP in bigger letters  700ml stated 70cl bottle, but content not stated  750ml stated 750ml stated, much brighter blue and different text below fine cognac  1 Litre

6f. Toast of Paris bottles (>2016)

70cl VSOP, The Toast of Paris  70cl VSOP, The Toast of Paris; backside is different, less text and a UK sticker. 40%ALC/VOL and e700ml stated; VSOP, The Toast of Paris; on the back: 22 standard drinks (Australian import)  750ml stated On the front is indicated: 40%ALC/VOL and 1Litre  With a paper duty seal (said to be 1 Litre)

6g. Tribute to the origin 1828 (2022):

Tribute to origin in 1828, 700ml (2022) 700ml, different backside (includes an EAN number) 750ml and 40% alc/vol stated 1L bottle (not stated)

Hand engraved bottle, buyer can choose its own design (2024)

7. Napoleon (first Napoleon’s were produced in 1909)

7a. Napoleon, fine champagne cognac, high bottles

Napoleon 80 ans; 1930s Cognac Grande Fine Champagne Napoleon; on bottom of label text left and right (left: appellation controlee); (1950s) Grande fine champagne; with 70°Proof stated (1940-50s) Cognac Fine Champagne Napoleon with 70 proof stated (est. 1940s)  Strenght 30° U.P. (imperial proof, so 40%)  Same as previous, but with 40% stated and no paper duty seal.  ‘Fournisseur Breveté de S.M. l’Empereur' and on bottom of label text only on the right  ‘Fournisseur Breveté de S.M. l’Empereur' and on bottom of label only 40%  72cl stated at the bottom of the label; with an 'N' in the blob (1950s) 'Fournisseur Breveté des Cours Etrangiers'; 1950s 'Fournisseur Breveté des Cours Etrangiers', with appellation controlée stated; Italian import bottle for Ferrareto, but in a US bottle with the governmental warning embossed on the back; 1950s 'Fournisseur Breveté des Cours Etrangiers'; Hong Kong import by Livingston & Co.

7b-1. Josephine bottles; the eagle is inside the  frame of  the label

Two lines of text underneath the framework; no neck label (fallen off?) and no capsule; Italian import  75ctl, Italian import for Ferraretto Bronze coloured capsule; no text underneath  40% underneath  Same as previous but with a black capsule (1950s) 42% underneath L. Rondon & Co., sole agents for Japan; 70cl not stated  With 80 proof stated (Mexican import)  72 ctl stated  70 proof stated below left; clearly coloured golden eagle and clear letters  70 proof stated below left; eagle and letters are more hazy Cognac Französisches Erzeugnis Duty Free Shop; content not stated (said to be 750ml on auction) 1 US Quart, no blob and no text or label on shoulder or neck; on the back: reservé a l'exportation

7b-2. Josephine bottles; the eagle interrupts the  frame of  the label:

73cl Ferraretto import; the eagle is in outline  73cl, Ferraretto import; more yellow label and letters are less hazy  73cl, Ferraretto import; the eagle is solid; on back: federal law forbids the re-use of this bottle.  more yellow label and letters are more clear; the eagle is solid 73 CTL indicated, Réservé a la Vallée D'Aoste, import by Laurent Ottoz - St. Christophe (1968)  Missing the text 'Fournisseur bréveté des Cours Étrangiers'; 4/5 Quart, US import by Taylor (estim. 1960s) NB (Napoleon Bonaparte) on the label; missing the text 'Fournisseur bréveté des Cours Étrangiers' and has 'Courvoisier' written instead of 'Napoléon'; not explicitly stating that it is in fact a napoléon cognac; 4/5 Quart, US import by Taylor (estim. 1960s)  84°Proof, 4/5 quart. Napoleon is stated on the neck. Taylor import (1950s)

7c-1 Napoleon, old liqueur cognac; royal warrant; eagle inside the frame of label:

The emblem of the eagle is completely inside the red framework of the main label; no content or abv stated 70°Proof stated, content on a separate sticker With content and abv stated  Only difference with previous bottle is the colour of the capsule (1970s) 70° stated in the upper left corner   Contents 25 floz 3 FLDR (fluid dram)  With 'strenght 30 u.p.' stated

7c-2. Old liqueur cognac, royal warrant; eagle interrupts the frame of label:

Not less than 24 OZ. 24 FL.OZ left, 70 proof in the middle and 680ml on the right 24 FL.OZ left, 680ml in the middle and 70 Proof on the right; 24 fl.oz in small letters left (1960-70s)  24 fl.oz (small letters) left, 680ml in the middle and 70 Proof on the right. 24 fl.oz (small letters) left  70 Proof left and 24 FL.OZ right (1960s)    24 FL OZ on the bottom left and Produce of France on the right  Contents : 24 FLOZ, 5 FLDR stated (fluid dram) 73 cl stated Neck label has disappeared; stated is: strenght 30° up; imported by Saccone & Speed Ltd, Malta

7c-3. Old liquor cognac, imperial warrant; eagle interrupts the frame of label:

24 fl.oz. and 680ml stated, the emblem of the eagle interrupts the red framework of the main label; imperial coat of arms on neck label 24 fl.oz. and 680ml stated; and 70 proof and 40%vol stated; the emblem of the eagle interrupts the red framework of the main label; imperial coat of arms on neck label 680ml, Courvoisier in gold letters on the glass, the emblem of the eagle interrupts the red framework of the main label; imperial coat of arms on neck label

7d-1. Napoleon cognac, with Royal warrant on neck label:

Without the text 'Fournisseur bréveté des Cours Étrangiers'. No content or alcohol percentage stated; no text underneath. (est. 1960s) With some foil around the neck and cap 40% stated and 0,70L 80° proof - product of France; wit Fournisseur Breveté du Cours Étrangiers 80° proof - product of France; without Fournisseur Breveté du Cours Étrangiers Without the text 'Fournisseur bréveté des Cours Étrangiers'. 73ctl stated; Italian import (Cedal SPA); (first half 1970s)  Without the text 'Fournisseur bréveté des Cours Étrangiers'. No content stated; 40% on the lower left; Duty Free Stock underneath  With the text 'Fournisseur bréveté des Cours Étrangiers'. 40° and 0.70L stated With the text 'Fournisseur bréveté des Cours Étrangiers'. 40° and 0.70L stated and; on the back: reservé a l´exportation; 40° and 0,70L stated; 'Réservé a l'Exportation'   With the text 'Fournisseur bréveté des Cours Étrangiers'. 40° printed in the middle below  With the text 'Fournisseur bréveté des Cours Étrangiers'. with a paper duty seal and 40° printed in the middle below   With the text 'Fournisseur bréveté des Cours Étrangiers'. 40% stated underneath; different placing and lettertype of the name Courvoisier (Courvoisier is written less wide)   40% and 0,7L stated 24 2/3 FL OZ and 700ml stated CONTENTS 24 2/3 OZ and 40% ALCOHOL PER VOLUME indicated (Canadian) HKDNP Duty Free  DUTY FREE STOCKS stated, 40° added (70cl) Content and ABV not stated; with a duty free sticker; Asian import 0,70l indicated; Asian import With the text 'Fournisseur bréveté des Cours Étrangiers'. No text underneath; 'duty free' printed on the label 70cl, Dutch import for Oud, Haarlem 70cl, Suisse import by Haecky Importation, Bale With 'COGNAC' printed underneath; Belgian import for Breuval; 70cl, 1974 70cl, Breuval import; 1976 23.6 US fl.oz. and 80 Proof stated; Charles Bellows & Co, Virgin Islands 4/5 Quart, US import by Taylor & Cie. 4/5Quart and 80 Proof stated; Charles Bellows & Co, Virgin Islands  Different importer (Italian)  Different importer, Italian. With the text 'Reservé a la Vallée d'Aoste' at the top of the label. 73cl stated. (1970s) Italian import. With the text 'Reservé a la Vallée d'Aoste' left and right from the eagle. 73ctl stated. terdaftar pada panitia hygiene makanan (Indonesia) 0.7L Französisches Erzeugnis Stated is: Cognac Französisches Erzeugnis; 70cl, not stated Duty Free Shop Bale stated specially bottled for Duty Free Shop Venezia; content not stated (said on auction to be 73cl) Duty Free stated; 70cl (not stated) Duty Free stated, Caldbeck Corporation, Japanese import    1 US Quart and 40° indicated 1 US Quart indicated on the bottom 1 Quart and 94,5cl stated (ca. 1980)

Screw caps:

No content stated; Singapore, Duty not paid. With the text 'Fournisseur bréveté des Cours Étrangiers'. No blob on the shoulder. 40% stated underneath; different capsule HKDNP indicated; screw cap; sole agents & importers for Hong Kong GIBB Livingstone & Co. Without the text 'Fournisseur bréveté des Cours Étrangiers'. No content or alcohol percentage stated; no text underneath; the name Courvoisier is in a different type font; screw cap 1 quart stated on the shoulder and 0,945L below; screw cap (ca 1979-1981)

7d-2. Napoleon cognac, with Imperial warrant on neck label:

e0,70L stated; with 'Le Cognac de Napoleon' in small print below the signature in French (1970s) e0,70L stated; with 'The brandy of Napoleon' in small print below the signature in English (1970s) 40%Vol and 0,70l stated underneath (1980s); in small print: 'the brandy of Napoléon' in English. 40%Vol and 0,70l stated underneath (1980s); in small print: 'the brandy of Napoléon' in English; with a paper duty seal: Portuguese import. e70CTL stated; Italian import; 1980s ABV not stated No content or ABV stated and no address line underneath. The line below the round stamp is longer: 'Courvoisier LTD 16200 France' 40%Vol and 0,70l stated underneath (1980s); the address line sits a little bit higher.  40% (without 'vol') and 0,70l stated underneath (1980s)  'e0,70l' stated  700ml NET and ALC 40% by vol stated (1970s) HKDNP stated Bahrain Duty not paid  Korea National Tourism Corporation - Duty Free Airport Sales  80 Proof stated; 0.7L is stated on the bottom Different closure, Mexican import (700ml) 700ml, with text in Tagalog (Austronesian language): terdaftar pada panitia hygiene maranan (Phillipine bottle) 1 Litre bottle 1 Litre bottle, screw cap

7e. Napoleon, Josephine like clear glass bottles

Fine champagne stated; 70cl stated on back-side 0,70l and 40°G.L stated on the back Spanish import by Hiram Walker  Same as previous, but with a paper seal on top; 70cl (stated on backside); 1980s. 700ml indicated on the back 700ml, Asian text on the neck and on the back  sticker with different Asian text on neck Singapore Duty Not Paid (Duty Free Sade) Also Singapore Duty Not Paid 'fine champagne old liqueur' stated  700ml (not stated); different backside with picture of the chateau; 80° Proof stated; USDF   700ml (not stated); different backside with picture of the chateau; 40%alc/vol and 80 Proof stated; USDF

Different emblem in the blob Asian Duty sticker on the front and Asian info on the back; 70cl Same, but with a paper top seal   'Fine Champagne Old Liqueur Cognac' stated; 70cl

Newer type with ribbon and without text fine champagne on the capsule:
750ml stated and 80 proof; fine champagne is on the main label. Old type capsule

7f. Dark bottles with a ribbon

40% G.L. stated on the left and 0,70 on the right; paper duty seal (Spanish import)  40%vol on the left side and 70cl on the right; address part of the text in purple 70cl stated, more yellow label; address part of the text in gold; cotisation symbol on the back  40%vol on the left side and 70cl on the right; with a number in white on the foot of the bottle With a number in white on the back on the foot of the bottle (1980s)  40%vol on the left side and e70cl on the right; on the back: 28 UK units Same as previous with a paper duty seal 80°PROOF stated    0,70L stated on the right side and 40%vol on the left; Portugese import  Different text underneath 700ml, Australian bottle (1990s) e700ml stated (Australian) 700ml Asian import; different text underneath With Asian characters underneath, HKDNP 70cl, Asian import 70cl, Asian import; sticker on the back side is on the shoulder Asian import by Allied Walker Distribution; 70CL 700ml Asian import, HKDNP  No text underneath; 70cl stated on back-side and with a paper duty seal on top No text underneath; 750ml stated on back-side (1980s) 750ml stated on the left side and 40%alc/vol on the right  1L bottle

7g. Bottles with a red capsule

Different shape of the label (ca. 2010s)  Same as previous, but with a paper duty seal

Napoleon bottle for Chinese market

8. XO (started in 1984)

8.1 XO, drop shaped labels

(front and back look alike, both have brown labels. The front bears a signature, the back  states the content and ABV).

With signature; content 70cl stated on back-side (click to see it) With signature; content 'e70cl' stated on back-side (click to see it) 40%Vol and 0,70L stated on back-side (different back-side)  40%vol and 0,70L stated; German bottle, alleinimport Seagram Deutschland  This is a back side: 40%vol and 0,70L indicated and a cotisation symbol (French bottle)   0,7L and 40%vol stated on the back (1980s) German import (Schneider, Bingen)  0,70L and 40% G.L. stated on the back (1980s) Spanish import (J. Abascal, Madrid)  700ml; different back-side (click to see it)    70cl stated at the bottom; click to see bottom and back-side (USDF bottle)  70cl, not stated but said at auction; USDF bottle with different back-side (click to see)  70cl, with a paper seal on top; Italian import (Spirit) (70cl stated on back-side)  70cl, with a paper seal on top (70cl stated on back-side, along with a tidyman symbol); 1980s  Underneath: idrato 70cl, anidro 28", 40%Vol (back-side)   40%Vol and 0,70L stated; Portuguese import (click to see back-side)  700ml stated 700ML NET and alc 40% by vol indicated 700ml stated in white letters; text above it is different  70cl; Asian import (click to see back-side) Asian import, 700ml, different back side 70cl bottle, Asian import (click to see backside, no emblem on back) 700ml, stated on the back; HKDNP; no emblem on the back Text below the signature in italics HKDNP (70cl) (front not shown, just back-side)) Singapore Duty Not Paid Asian bottle, back side  750ML stated, 40% ALC/VOL, 80 PROOF 750ml, 40%alc/vol; this is a back side (Canadian bottle)

750ml, 40%alc/vol with emblem; this is also a back side (Canadian bottle) 1L, stated on back, , Duty Free Shops Bangkok Airport 1L, stated on back, Duty Free ADF-BKK 1L HKDNP stated on the back

Kosher XO

e70cl; different label (around 2017?) Different label; 100cl XO fine champagne (Asian import) 
8.2 XO, newer labels

 70cl, stated on the back 70cl, Asian import  40% ALC/VOL and 700ml stated; Australian import  40% alc/vol and 700ML stated  750ml stated 750ml, figure of Napoleon not on the bottle e70cl indicated on the back; not Kosher XO; click to see box.  70cl Kosher XO, stated below Cognac; click to see box where it is stated too 1L bottle

750ml indicated; this is the Year of the Rat bottle, that is also sold in a blue box; the Year of the Rat box is red (click to see, 2020)

70cl stated on the back (The Toast of Paris, 2015)  Toast of Paris, e70cl, different back side 700ml stated on the back; Spanish import 40%ALC/VOL and e700ml stated; The toast of Paris is printed on the box only (Australian bottle)  750ml; The toast of Paris is printed on the box only Toast of Paris, e100cl  1L bottle (no text on the gold part of the label)

XO, new design, 700mle indicated on the backside (2022)  New design (2022), 750ml 1L bottle

9. XO Impérial (from 1984)

9.1 Older labels
9.1a Emblem of Napoléon directly above Courvoisier

The background of the purple-brown label has little figures of bees on it (emblem of royalty)  70cl, Swiss import for Bols - Cynar S.A.  The background of the brown label is plain; 70cl stated on back-side (1990-2000s)  Same as previous bottle but with a different back-side (click to see it)  Same as previous, but with yet another back-side  Singapore Duty Not Paid Cont. Net. 700ml stated (Mexican import) 700ml, new cellophane wrap with engraced security code (see back); Australian import by Swift & Moore 700ml Duty Free Sales Only, stated on back (1990s)

9.1b Emblem of Napoléon on top of the label (roughly 1990s)

With the silhouette of Napoleon; 750ml stated  Same as previous, but less tight typeface; 750ml stated (USA import)  Less text lines below XO Imperial; 70cl (stated on back-side)   70cl; the back is a little different (click to see)   Same as previous, but tighter typeface. Australian import, 700ml ('approx 22 standard drinks')  CONT. NET. 700ml stated, Mexican import

9.2 XO Impérial, newer labels (roughly 2000s)

XO Imperial 70cl  70cl, different back (click to see)  70cl, different back side  70cl, different back side  Used for the Vivienne Westwood edition (which has 'V.W' and a number on the back side and comes with a Starsky & Hutch style cardigan); 2005, has been on sale only at Harvey Nichols stores.  Another Vivian Westwood; backside is different 70cl, 'appellation cognac controlé is printed below 'le cognac de Napoleon'   70cl, three lines of text below 'cognac'  700ml stated  750ml, one line of text below 'cognac'  750ml, stated in a straight line  1000ML stated  Said to be 70cl on auction; Polish import. On the back there seems to be stated 0,7 in the lower right corner, but on the tax strip is stated 0,75.,

10. Extra Vieille

10a. high bottle

Green capsule; by appointment, purveyors of cognac brandy to the late King George V (est. 1940s); Jamaican import said on auction to be 70cl (1950-60s); neck label has fallen off With a Singapore duty not paid stamp; said on auction to be 700ml (1950-60s); Asian import 75cl (1950-60s); with a duty seal on top; Italian import by Ferraretto Extra

10b Extra Vieille with neck label of the royal coat of arms

Content or ABV not stated With 40% printed; content not stated (1960s) 70cls Portuguese import (1970s) With 40° and 0,70L (capital L) stated 40° and 0,70l indicated  Content and ABV stated on lower part of the label  Content stated in fl.oz and with the Courvoisier address underneath  24 flozs and 70 Proof stated (1960s) 0,7L, Französisches Erzeugnis 4/5quart, 80proof and produce of France indicated; Taylor import, New York 4/5quart, 80proof; Taylor import, Miami Several text lines underneath; imported by Cedal, Milano (early 1970s)  73cl; imported by Ferraretto With an Asian tax stamp on it (prob. Japanese); 1971 With a scre cap; 750ml; Australian bottle

10c. Extra Vieille Grand Fine Champagne, with neck label of the royal coat of arms

  This capsule looks white, but is bronze coloured with 40° stated on the lower left with degrés 40° stated on the lower left and contenance 70 CTL on the right 73cl stated, Italian import for Ferraretto (1960s) Jamaica import by Bryden & Evelyn LTD  Französisches Erzeugnis

10d. Extra Vieille with neck label of the Napoleon silhouette

 Black capsule, 070L stated  Brown capsule, 070L stated  Different line of text underneath  More text lines underneath   Different text lines, 70ctl stated  e70ctl stated (1970s)   Underneath: Contents 700ml 80°Proof stated (est. 1960s) 750ml stated; with 'Produce of France' underneath   Französisches Erzeugnis 0.7L, no text beneath cognac; Mexican import 0.7L, no text beneath cognac; Japanese import 750ml indicated on the lower left

e70cl stated on the lower right; Napoleon in the shoulder blob

11. Initiale and Initiale Extra (from 1988)

  Initiale; 70cl stated on back-side

70cl Initiale Extra, old emblem. On the back of the neck it says 'engraved security code' (click to see) 70cl Initiale Extra, old emblem. The two text lines below 'cognac' are somewhat larger. With an UK sticker; on the back of the neck it says 'engraved security code'  e70cl, a pregnancy symbol, green point and tidy man on the back 750ML

70cl Initiale Extra; new emblem of Napoleon; three lines of text underneath  Same as previous but with a paper duty seal on top  75cl Initiale Extra; three lines of text underneath 750ml stated; UK import 750ml, Australian import by Swift and Moore 40%Alc/vol and 750ML indicated differently; US import  Newer emblem of Napoleon; four lines of text underneath; 70cl  750ML stated; newer emblem of Napoleon; newer colours of emblem; five lines of text undernaeth  Coulour of the label is green

12. Vintages


1732  1758, bottled 1898 1763, bottled 1898 1789 1834 1848 Vieille Fine Champagne 1851 1867 1868, Released as Curlier (see detail of capsule) 1875 Liqueur Brandy 1875, cognac fine champagne (on the label it only says: by appointment) 1882 Grande Champagne 1884 Fine Champagne 1884 Fine Champagne 1887, imported by Mayor, Sworder & Co, London 1900 (b. 1930s) 1908  1914 Grande fine champagne 1918 Grande fine champagne  1978; 35 years old. French: Le Cognac de Napoleon.  1978; 35 years old. English: The Cognac of Napoleon

Other vintages were made: 1798, 1812, 1824, 1848, 1865, 1868, 1914, 1927, 1940, 1962.


Courvoisier bottle library — 56 reacties

  1. Hello,
    I found my bottle in your catalog: 7d-1 Napoleon Cognac–>Different Importer (Italian). But on the other side of the bottle is LIQUOR BOTTLE. Could you explain the difference between Napoleon Old liquor cognac and Napoleon cognac and what does my bottle belong to?
    I think the year is 1963?

    thank you,

    • The only difference is that they were produced for different markets. Old liqueur cognac was often used for the UK market. Indeed, sometimes it is possible to find out exactly what year a bottle came from, for instance if it is written on the bottle. Usually, it is only possible to indicate a decade.
      Kind regards,

  2. Hello,

    Unless I am mistaken I have not seen this flask and am very happy to share it with you.
    Thank you for your help in my daily life.

    Benoit from Vintage Liquors

    • Thank you for visiting and liking my website. And for the picture of course.
      I’d like to have it in a bigger format. So I hope you will accommodate me if I send you an e-mail.
      Kind regards,

  3. Hi,

    We found this unopened bottle in the wall of our house that we remodeled. Along with this were wiskey bottles, all with pre prohibition dates. CAn you help me in dating this bottle?

  4. Hello,
    I just found your site and wondering if you can help me to get some information about bottle of Courvoisier cognac. It is in family for years. As far as I remeber it shou be bring by grandfather befor 1980 or even sooner. Is there any chance that you will be able to date it little closer or give me some information about bottle and propably soe value idea as this is type of spirit which nobody will ever drink in family.
    Many thanks

  5. Good Day,
    I have an old bottle of Courvoisier that I would love to know the date and any other information of the vintage.
    Thanks in advance for your time.

    • Hello John,

      Beautiful bottle, not many around anymore, this is the first I see. Nice level also.
      Is the shape of the bottle like I think it is, with the shoulder wider than the base of the bottle? I can’t be sure because the picture is taken a little from above. And I never saw one from Courvoisier before.
      You are right, it could be 1930s, but you seem to be sure. Do you have any other information that this bottle is from that era? Is there info on the back?

      Kind regards,

    • Hi,
      Sorry, I don’t know exacly. Best guess is that these bottles were produced around 1980, based on an auction were was it was said the bottle is from the 1980s.
      There were two types, a regular one and an extra (it has ‘Extra’ on the shoulder.
      Here are some of them: Couvoisier limited editions: Chateau Limoges
      Prices vary quite a bit. I would say this one is worth about €100, but seem to sell much cheaper.
      I would estimate the extra at €300, but they seem to go for €100-200.

    • Could be 1950s, but possibly 1960s. Do you have the box?
      Courvoier VSOP has aged over 4 years and on auctions the 70cl bottles go for €40-60, with peaks of €80.
      Is this a 70-75cl or is it a magnum?

    • Hi Derek,

      Mostly around €120, with peaks up till €300 but also lows of €80. You just have to be lucky in an auction.


  6. Hi, I wonder if you could help me . I have an empty very tall large courvoisier bottle , looks very old. It was on my husband’s dad’s attic. I can’t find any information about it. What could it be worth? Thank you very much. I’m sorry I can’t attach the picture as I can’t compress it to 1 MB. Could I send it to you via email?
    Thank you very much

    • Hi,

      You are right. But there is only a small difference: your bottle has 40%VOL stated and there is one just like it that has 40VOL% stated.
      I put yours right next to it. Thanks for the picture.
      By the way, it is on the other page of course, were the limited edtions are: Courvoisier limited editions. Just a few rows down.


  7. Good day

    Please see picture attached, i am not sure from which year it is and it came with a canon stand.

    What would the ptice be, i see the ml is top left and top right is a B32

  8. I have a pair of old bottles that I have been trying to find information on. This one is unopened (AD1808) and the other one (AD2059) has been opened. Does anyone know anything about them besides the obvious? These are priceless to me but how much do you think they would be worth?


    • Unopened over €100. I would say about €150 on an auction. They are from the 1960s. There are not many of these ‘N.B.’ bottles around and I could not find any information about ageing. Is this also a US import by Taylor? The photo is too small to read.

        • This type of bottle (Josephine) started around 1960. Estimations given by others are usually rough estimations based on style of the label.

  9. Hi
    I have bottle the label says “Collection Courvoisier tres vieux Cognac”. Comes in wooden box with scroll. Scroll says 100 yr old, signed by Daniel Dumon, Maitre de chai(?). Would be grateful if you can help identify.

    • Hi Tim,

      Thanks for visiting my website.
      Concerning your question, can you send me some pictures of the bottle?


    • Hello!
      I come from Hong Kong and have a bottle of Courvoisier. It came from Miami and with neck label of the Napoleon silhouette. It look like a bottle of grande fine champagne extra but there is no any maker said it’s an extra. There is only “courvoisier grande fine champagne” only it! Would be grateful if you can help me identify.
      Thanks a lot!

  10. Hi
    i get a bottle of courvoisier xo cognac.
    But the back labels is a little bit different from what you show the above.
    These are the internet picture i google. Mine is same as these.
    There is no “e” before 70cl
    Is this real or fake? How much does it price?

    • Hello,

      This bottle is indeed a little different. All these bottles are from around the nineteen-eightees, or maybe late nineteen-seventies. They go for about €100,- on auctions in Europe, sometimes a little more.
      I see no reason to think it is fake.
      Nice find.


  11. I have a bottle of Courvoisier from I believe 1897. None of your bottles looks like mine. It states 50 years old, and we believe the original stamp stated 1947, so 50 years backwards would make it 1897. It has a picture of a building on the front larger label with water and a small vessel in the water. Can you give me any information on this?

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