Larsen Bottle Catalogue (last updated Mar 15, 2025)

(244 regular bottles and 193 viking ships, but still incomplete)


The Larsen brand was founded in 1926 by Jens Larsen. Their official name is Larsen – le cognac des Vikings, reflecting pride in their Norwegian background. It is not surprising that they chose the viking ship (or Drakkar) as their logo. The brand is probably best known for its bottles in the shape of a viking ship of which they made dozens, both ceramic and glass.
In 2012, the company was sold to Rémy-Cointreau  and resold six months later to Altia.
Most of their cognacs are blends of grande champagne, petite champagne, borderies and fins bois.


1. Stars
2. Fine champagne and spécial
3. VS
5. VSOP Réserve
6. Napoleon
7. XO
8. Très Vieille Fine Champagne
9. Extra, Extra Réserve, Extra Or and Hors d’Age
10. Vintages
11. Decanters
12. Limited editions
13. Viking ships
–13a. glass ships
–13b. ships with a carved prow, unicolor
–13c. ships with a ship drawn on the sail
–13d. other ships
–13e. limited edition ships
–13f. 35-50cl ships
14. Magnums

1. Stars

Recent edition, like the early editions in the 1920-30s

Larsen also printed on the capsule with 40° indicated Without an autograph through the text; Larsen also printed on the capsule  720ml stated on the back; Asian import  Italian import Italian import, with 73cl indicated in red With Cognac Französisches Erzeugnis

4 stars, 1L

2. Fine Champagne and Spécial

Fine champagne (1970s) Spécial, 70cl (est 1980s) INH 0,7L 0,70L stated on the right; Französisches Erzeugnis

content not indicated

3. VS

70cl indicated in the lower right  1L Very Special, 50cl, printed very vaguely (early 2000s) 0,35L

700ml 750ml (ca. 2013) 1L 500ml

700ml 1L 350ml VS (2020s)

500ml VS (2020s) 500ml VS (2020s)

1L, indicated very vaguely on the lower right  33cl

700ml (ca. 2019) 1L 1L bottle, slender neck 500ml 350ml 500ml


VSOP Viking (1980s) 50cl VSOP fine cognac VSOP, grande fine cognac 0.50L VSOP grande fine cognac (est 1980s)

0,70L indicated on the lower left, grande fine cognac; also a cotisation symbol (1990s) Grande Fine Cognac, blue label, 700ml indicated on the back Black label, fine cognac; 0,70L indicated Black label, fine cognac; 100cl indicated 1l indicated 0,50l indicated 0,35L indicated

Content not indicated (prob. 700ml) 700ml indicated (ca. 2013) 1L (not indicated) 1L (not indicated) and text below 'fine cognac'  1L indicated and text below 'fine cognac'

700ml indicated 750ml indicated 1L, indicated on the lower left  33,33cl indicated Malaysian bottle; prob. 35cl

350ml indicated on the box

content not indicated (prob. 700ml) 700ml 750ml 1L 1L with a paper duty seal 350ml 350ml with a paper duty seal (Spanish)  500ml

750ml Fûts roux

700ml mature casks 1L mature casks with a paper duty seal 500ml mature casks 350ml mature casks 50cl mature casks

700ml, mature casks, thick neck (2019) 1L mature casks, thick neck

5. VSOP Réserve

700ml (2018) 700ml, different back side; Asian import  1L indicated on the back 1L, black capsule  thick neck1L


6. Napoléon:

Red band around the neck; Gradi 42 indicated; Italian import (1960s) Red band around the neck; Gradi 42 indicated; text on shoulder label and 'cognac vieux' in green letters; Italian import (1960s) Napoleon, a green band around the neck; 42° indicated

Copper coloured capsule, green glass Different back side; Philippines import With an Asian duty seal Copper coloured capsule, clear glass, with a duty seal (1960s) text to the left and right of 'Larsen'; different back side 740ml printed to the right of Larsen  green coloured capsule

text on the label in black (1980s) text on the label in brown; with a paper duty seal 700ml stated on the back (Asian) With ABV and content (700ml) indicated Different blob; Asian bottle capsule in reversed colours, no back label (ca. 1970s) capsule in reversed colours, with a back label  Capsule in reversed colours (Taiwanese bottle) Clear glass

(1960s) 100cl (ca. 1970s)

No content or ABV indicated (70cl bottle) 0,70l indicated; and with a cotisation symbol  70cl indicated 700ml stated on the back side; Asian  500ml

Inverted colours: Larsen in green on a golden background; 0,70L indicated and a cotisation symbol (1990s)  inverted colours, content not indicated; no cotisation symbol

7. XO


700ml, stated on the lower right side 700ml, stated on the lower left side (1990s) 100cl indicated 33,33cl

700ml 1L

XO Paradise Cellar, 700ml XO Paradise Cellar, 1L

XO Extra d'Or; XO on label and neck; content not indicated (700ml)  XO Extra d'Or; XO on label and neck; content 70cl indicated XO Extra d'Or; XO only on the neck; content 700ml indicated

XO, Réserve, 700ml

8. Trés Vieille Fine Champagne

No content or ABV indicated (1960s) 73cl indicated; Italian duty seal around the neck 73cl indicated, with importer's information (Sicit) 0,75 stated on the lower right  No content and no ABV indicated Only 42° is indicated 700ml, not indicated  35cl (1960s)

40° indicated (est. 1960s) 70CL indicated (est. 1970s) Content is not indicated (ca. 1960s) L 0,75 indicated on the lower left side; Italian duty seal (1950s) Same as previous bottle, now with importer's information on the neck (1960-70s) Content is stated on the lower right; Italian duty seal

No content or ABV indicated 700ml indicated (Australian bottle) 0,70L indicated; with Französisches Erzeugnis stated Taiwanese import (1981) 0,70L indicated and 40° 70cl indicated; colours of the capsule are reversed

Almost clear glass; 73cl Italian import (1970s)

No content or ABV stated 70cl indicated 0,50L

9. Extra, Extra Réserve, Extra Or and Hors d’Age

Extra 42° indicated Extra, 700ml indicated Japanese back label, 700ml (1985)

Extra Réserve, 70cl indicated Extra Réserve, content not indicated Extra Réserve, 700ml indicated on the left side

with 40%vol and 070L indicated; and a cotisation symbol too (1980s)

Ypsilon, Age d'Or

Extra Or (2017) Neck is smooth

Hors d'Age, 0.70L (1970s)

Hors d'Age , the blob is completely red Hors d'Age, the blob is red and gold (1980s) Without the appellation statement, but with 40%vol indicated; the stopper is silver coloured Without the appellation statement and without 40%vol indicated

10. Vintages

1875 Extra vintage 1893 Extra Vintage, cordon riveted to the capsule; the shoulder label has probably fallen off1893 Extra Vintage, cordon not riveted

1969 petite champagne 1979 borderies 2015 grande champagne (2022)

11. Decanters

Trés Vieille Réserve, printed in roman letters; baccarat Trés Vieille Réserve, Laresen printed in italics; baccarat Trés Vieille Réserve, no text on the neck; Japanese bottle

Hymne au Voyage (2018)  Probably a re-fill bottle

12. Limited editions

Très Vieille Fine Champagne, Singapore   XO Art Collection  XO Art Collection Monopole

Rien de la qualité; grande fine champagne

Skarven (cormorants), VSOP (probably an inn in Tromso) Skarven (cormorants), XO (probably an inn in Tromso)

Arctic XO, 70cl (1998)  Arctic XO, 700ml (1998)  Arctic XO (2011)

100cl VSOP, 75th anniversary Store Norske Kulkompany Spitsbergen (1991) Svalbard (Spitzbergen); 100cl 1992 Svalbard (Spitzbergen); 100cl 1993 Svalbard (Spitzbergen); 100cl (1994) Svalbard 1996 Svalbard 1997 Svalbard (Spitzbergen); 100cl 2002

Grande Réserve, 1L La Réserve, 1L La Réserve, Traveller Exclusive, 1L

700ml Aqua Ignis 750ml Aqua Ignis (ca. 2021) 700ml Aqua Ignis VS

Slekta, limited VSOP, 700ml (2015) Winter blend (ca. 2016) Summer blend; probably not a cognac

Cooper's VSOP, toasted blend (2018) 50cl VSOP, Cooper´s selection: #01 Double Toasted (2019) 50cl VSOP, Cooper´s selection: #02 Nordic Oak (2020)

500ml limited VSOP edition, fine champagne (2021) VSOP sneaker edition, 0.7L (2022) VSOP fins bois, limited edition, vintage 2012, 500ml (ca 2023) Aland, 1L Traveler's exclusive

XO by JHT (Jare Henrik Tiihonen; aka Cheek); 2016 100 anniversary Estonia, 500ml (2018)

90th anniversary of Reidar Larsen (1985) 90th anniversary of Reidar Larsen; with the Norwegian flag (1985) 90th anniversary of Reidar Larsen, different colour and with a signature on the gold stripe 100th birthday Reidar Larsen; 0,70L (1995)

In commemoration of the discovery of America, 1000 years ago by Leif Eiriksson; très vieux 700ml  In commemoration of the discovery of America, 1000 years ago by Leif Eiriksson; with Cognac XO stated

Tomi Björck, Finnish restaurateur and chef; 50cl (ca. 2020)   VSOP by Trew Love, 70cl Grande champagne (2024); comes in several different boxes

Viking Bell with a drakkar inside; 50cl, 1998 Different ship and differen shape of the bottle Viking Bell with a warrior inside; 50cl, 1998 Viking Bell with a different warrior inside; 50cl, 1998 Arctic XO

Viking with shield, 70cl, dark blue; small ship (ca. 1998) Viking with shield, 70cl, blue, big ship (ca. 1998) Viking with shield, 70cl, light blue Viking with shield, 70cl, blue and silver Viking with shield, 70cl, green Viking with shield, 70cl, white (ca. 1998) Viking with shield, 70cl, red and grey (ca. 1998) Viking with shield, 70cl, red (ca. 1998)

Porcelaine Viking Line, Cinderella, 50cl Artoria Limoges (1989)

Sally Albatros, 50cl Artoria Limoges (1992)

Little horse, 50cl

13. Viking ships (drakkar) (first release was in 1952)

(It is extremely difficult to ascertain the year of production and content of the Viking ships, so there could have been made mistakes in arranging them)
More information about Larsen vikingships can be found on the website of the Larsen Collector Club, maintained by Tor Ansgar Bakken.

13a. Glass ships:

Réserve Spéciale; frosted glass, with a glass flag; this possibly (probably?) is one of the early releases (est. early 1950s) With gold stripes on the shields and Cognac Larsen in gold (before 1980, prob. 1960s) Empty bottle, frosted glass, with TVFC on the back; ALC GRH. 40% and INH. 0,7L (probably a Dutch bottle, est. 1970s) Backside is different

"Very special and delicate fine champagne cognac, is a world-wide exclusivity of Larsen SA"; 40%vol, 0,70L, clear glass (after 1980) "Very special and delicate fine champagne cognac, Larsen Vikingship"; 40%alc/vol, 700ml, clear glass (after 1980) With a golden flag; 40%vol and 700ml indicated and HKDNP; clear glass With a golden flag; "very special and delicate"; 0.70 Japanese bottle (1980s) "Very smooth and delicate"; 700ml Japanese bottle

With little gold dots on the shields, no gold stripes on the sail and with a golden flag; 70cl is indicated on the back  With little gold dots on the shields, no gold stripes on the sail and with a golden flag; a pregnancy warning on the back (2000s)

13b. Coloured porcelain ships with a sculptured dragon head in the prow:

Light grey with gold bands at the opening (Artoria limoges) Mat blue Lilac Light lilac Dark pink light pink  Light almond green Jade green Matt light jade green Yellow Light yellow White  Dark blue (2023?) Gold colour, Artoria Limoges light gold colour Silver

With a gold coloured flag With a silver coloured flag Black, with a silver coloured flag


13c. Coloured porcelain ships, with a finely drawn drakkar in the sail

13c1. simple shields (1980s):

Black (1989) Dark blue (1988)   Blue (1988) Light blue (1978) Very light Blue (ca. 1986) Marbled blue (1990) Blue Rose Metallique; the ship changes colour under strong and weak light from calm mottled blue to dark purple (1989) 1989 Marbled green (1987)  Jade green White green Beige marble (1989)  Beige marble, with a cotisation symbol  Mother of pearl Lilac, the ship in the sail is difficult to see, but it is there (1989) Dark purple Red (1989)  1980s) 

Bright red, with engraved shields (1987) Marbled green, with engraved shields (1987)

13c2. with finely carved shields:

black, matt black, shiny, 700ml, Artoria Limoges Different sticker on the back, 70cl; tha Artoria mark on the bottom is different too Black, 70cl different back label; Castel limoges (1990s) 1990s  Night-blue blue-green  Sea-green Pine green Blue-green Turquoise (1993) Yellow 70cl marble ruby  Heather violet Marbled blue Marbled green Platinum

13d. Other drakkars:

13d1. Metal-like drakkars

  Platinum  Silver

13d2. white Drakkars:

0.70L, Without "LARSEN cognac France" stated; bottled in 1982 for Belgium 4/5 Quart, 80 proof; US import; before 1980s  With "LARSEN cognac France" stated (1987) 70cl, golden balls as shields (1970s)With golden balls as shields, the balls are perfecly smooth (est. 1980s) (is this 70 or 50cl?)     The label on the back is a bit different (2000s) White Drakkar with golden flag and golden lines in the sail; no gold on the shields; Artoria Limoges

13d3. other

Different ship in the sail (probably an older bottle, before 1980) Different ship in the sail, blue Chinese ship, Hong Kong (2008) Chinese ship, Hong Kong (2008)   Black ship with gold stripes in the sail Nigh blue with gold dust  Unicolor red (2023?)

13e. Limited edition drakkars (they were mostly made in very small numbers, sometimes just a few dozen)

13e1.Anniversary bottles of Larsen and/or the Viking ship:

Jens Larsen 90th anniversary (1985) 60th anniversary of the Viking ship (2012)  Boundless Harmony; 70th anniversary vikingship, design by Chuan Jia (2022-23) Boundless Harmony; 70th anniversary vikingship, design by Chuan Jia, unique piece (2022-23)  80th anniversary of the Larsen brand (2006)  85th anniversary of the Larsen brand (2011) Larsen ship commemoration of first ship in 1952 (Part des Anges 2014) 95th anniversary of the Larsen brand (not seen a photo of a whole bottle); 2021

13e2. Anniversary bottles of Tor Ansgar Bakken and /or the Larsen Cognac Collector Club:

5th anniversary LCCC (2005) 5th anniversary LCCC (2005) 10th anniversary LCCC (2010); not sure if this is a full size bottle 15th anniversary of the LCCC (2015) Same ship, but with 'Invincible' on the flag 50th anniversary Vikingship, for Tor Ansgar Bakken (2002) 50th anniversary vikingshipfor, Tor Ansgar Bakken (2002) 50th anniversary vikingship, for Tor Ansgar Bakken (2002) 60th anniversary Tor Ansgar Bakken (2018) 20th anniversary Tor Ansgar Bakken for president of LCCC (2020)

13e3. Industry bottles:

Stenberg & Blom (wine importers) 1991 35 year Viking Rysstad; automotive industry (2011) Ostmarkseteren Restaurant (2000) Ostmarkseteren Restaurant 80 year (2006) Frederikshavn-Oslo (LCC), Danmark (2007) Oslo-Frederikshavn (LCC), Norge (2007) Oslo-Frederikshavn (LCC), Norge , Danemark(2009) Cometa project with Nexans Skagerrat, a Norwegian ship (2010) 35 year Nexans Skagerrat, a Norwegian ship (2011) Nexans (2012)  60 year Silja Line (2017)  Tallink (Estonian shipping company), 30 years (2019)

13e4. Commemorative bottles:

World championship football in France (1998) 20 year, jubilee cruise (1998) Tromso Anthenaeum 100 year (2000, 70cl) 2012 200 year Norges grunnlov (constitution); (2014) ONKLP & De Fjerne Slektningene (rap-rockband); 2015 Danish flag Independance Day Suomi (Finland, 2017)  2017 Finland won Ice Hockey Championship in Slovakia (2019)

13e5. UN bottles:

For United Nations (1986) For United Nations (1990) For United Nations, bigger emblem (1992)  Celebrating the UN peace keeping forces (1995) Norbatt Unifil Celebrating the UN

13e6. Lillehammer:

Lillehammer collection 1 (1994) Lillehammer collection 2 (1994) Lillehammer collection 3 (1994) Lillehammer collection 4 (1994) Lillehammer collection 5 (1994)

13e7. Other limited editions

Bicoloured, green Bicoloured, lila Bicoloured, yellow

13e8. Christmas and New Year

Good Jul (happy christmas); 2017 Good Jul (happy christmas); 2018  Good Jul (happy christmas); 2019 Good Jul (happy christmas); 2020 Good Jul (happy christmas); 2021 Good Jul (happy christmas); 2022 Noël 2022 Good Jul (happy christmas); 2023 (not sure if this one was released)  God Jul 2023, light blue God Jul 2024

13e9. Bejeweled:

13f. 35-50cl Drakkars:

50cl Glass, Asian 50cl, SDNP Black pearl 50cl 50cl 50cl gold colour (1984) 50cl, bronze colour (1980s) Platinum, 50cl

est. 35cl XO, content not known (1981) content not known XO, est. 35cl XO, est. 35cl

14. Magnums

1.5L Svalbard (1991)

1.4L 1.4L 1.4L 5th anniversary LCCC (2005) 1.4L Ostmarkseteren Restaurant 20 year jubilee cruise (1998) 1.4L 50th anniversary viking ship (2002)

Content not given; looks bigger than 3L


Larsen bottle catalog — 4 reacties

  1. Hello, can you give any information on how to find out when the Larsen Viking ship with clear glass and gold flag and gold marking on sail was produced.

    • I only found one such bottle with a note saying it was post-1980. Only very occasionally does someone say something about the age of the viking ships.

  2. Hello!
    I am interested in small larsen ships of 50 ml. You can give information about which were released and when.
    Thank you in advance for the information.


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