Hennessy Bottle Catalogue page 2: miniatures, medium sized bottles and magnums (Last updated: Mar 1, 2025)

579 miniature bottles, 36 hip flasks, 218 medium sized bottles and 184 magnums.




1. Unqualified, armed arm logo, VO and stars
2. Bras Armé
3. Fine Champagne and Fine Champagne Privilège
4. VS
5. Fine de Cognac
7. Cuvee Superieure
8. Bras d’Or and Napoléon
9. XO
10. Extra, Hors d’Age and older
11. Other editions
12. Miniature stands
13. Other special mini
14. Hip flasks


1. Stars
2. Bras Armé
3. VS
5. Cuvé Superieure
6. Bras d’Or and Napoleon
7. XO
8. Hors d’Age and older
9. Other
10. Silicone and plastic sleeves


1. Three stars and Bras Armé
2. VS
4. Napoleon
5. XO
6. Paradis
7. Richard
8. Limited editions
9. Cradles



1. Unqualified, armed arm logo, VO and stars:


SO (Superior old?) Possibly a VSOP Reserve, 3-4cl No age or quality stated; 40% with additional info at bottom of label Australian Brandy by Hennessy

Armed arm logo and VO:

with back label that explains the age-qualifiers Hennessy on the neck label with an armed arm VO (very old) With 40% on it  with additional info at bottom of label  VO, 50cl  VO with a screw cap

Two stars and three crowns:

Two stars; neck label has oval shape two star, neck label has crescent shape with a stamp on it in red Three crowns Three crowns

Three-stars 3cl:

 Three stars, brownish rather solid borders around labels Three stars, more golden and not so solid borders around labels The pull tab has no ribs additional text on label Different text underneath and the pull tab has no ribs Three stars Great Britain Screw cap Produce of France underneath; different top Free sample stamped on it No text underneath With 42% stamped on it With 'Cognac Französisches Erzeugnis' underneath With 1/16 pint and 80 proof stated; screw cap

High shoulder bottle; with Asian text underneath Three stars and joined neck and front labels 30ml Asian import

'very special' above and 'Cognac' under 'Hennessy'; 40% and 0.029L stated 70 proof and 40% stated 40% GL and 70 proof stated 40%vol and 70 proof stated; 3cl On both sides 70% proof stated Content not stated (prob. 3cl) Additional text on bottom of label Japanese text underneath 'Cognac' above and 'very special' under 'Hennessy'; 40%vol left and 70 proof right 'Cognac' above and 'very special' under 'Hennessy'; with a cotisation mark With 'echantillon gratuit' on it With Asian characters underneath

Three stars, 5cl:

5cl three star, japanese import 1.58 fl.oz stated (ca 4.5cl) Content not readable (prob. ca. 5cl) 5cl, Great Britain Said to be 5cl Content not stated, said to be 5cl on auction grape leaf on top part of the labellogo in front of name 'Hennessy'

Three stars, above 5cl:

Est. 8cl Somewhat bigger versio, 14.3cm in height; the opening is a bit different too (est. 1930s) approx. 5 3/4 inch tall; est. 3-4oz (9-12cl) Content unknown (prob. around 8cl) 8cl flask 8cl 10cl flask; also different cap `175ml, 42%; stated on the back (Asian import) 3 stars Great Britain, estimated by auction house to be 7cl (ca. 1950s) ca 9-10cl 9cl

2. Bras Armé

Bras armé and three stars:

70% Proof stated Less space between first and second line underneath; two separated labels  Imported for Schieffelin, New York; 1/16 pint stated Same, but now two separate labels Bottled for Irish Airlines (no content stated; click it) Bottled expressly for TWA 70 proof (content not stated, 3cl?)said to be 5cl

Bras Armé 2.9 and 3cl, high shoulder, shoulder label attached to main label:

Bras Armé, neck and front label are connected Bras Armé, neck and front label are connected, with 40% stated With 40% somewhat bigger  Bras Armé, neck and front label are connected; with extra text. 3cl stated Same but with red wax on top 3cl stated; logo notrunning through the 's' of bras armé Produce of France

Bras Armé 2.9 and 3cl, high shoulder, shoulder label not attached to main label:

Labels are separated seperated neck and front label seperated neck and front label; with 40% on it bras armé and three stars, seperated neck and front label with extra text Französisches Erzeugnis

No neck label, Bras Armé above 40% G.L. stated; 2.9cl, Belgian import for de Chassart No neck label, Bras Armé above and 40% stated No neck label, Bras Armé above and 70% PROOF stated 40% and 0.029L stated 40% and 0.029L stated in different type font and with three stars on it 40% Alc./Vol. 29ml. stated 40% Alc./Vol. 29ml. stated, but more to the sides produce of France Produce of France, with 40% on it With 70% proof and 29 millilitres stated No neck label, produce of France; with sticker Bras Armé under 'Hennessy', Französisches Erzeugnis Inh. 0.029 Ltr stated, Dutch import (Dutch text) With addional text on bottom of label Bras Armé, three stars Alc 40%, INH 2.90 CENT - 40%G.L. - 80 Proof stated

Fine Cognac 5cl (not stated); 70 proof Bras Armé, fine cognac  Same, but with a paper seal; 1/16 pint stated Bras Armé, fine cognac; with paper seal Fine cognac; 70proof stated (prob. 3cl) Bottled expressly for TWA

Different form of the label; 1/16 pint and 80 proof stated 40% on it  1/16 pint; Schieffelin import New York 3cl, Wax & Vitale import, Genova Bottled for National Airlines (click it) 1/16 pint stated Produced for TWA Französisches Erzeugnis Produce of France

Bras Armé low shoulder, 2.9 and 3 cl:

Bras Armé and three stars; 40% and content 0.029L stated Bras Armé; 40% and content 0.029L stated Bras Armé, alcohol percentage and content stated, little differently placed; additional text underneath 29ml Bras Armé, content not stated 29ml Bras Armé, content not stated; additional text underneath 29ml Bras Armé, fine cognac

Bras Armé above 3cl:

cognaçaise model; bras armé printed very small on neck label (content not stated, 5cl?) 5cl 1,58 fl oz stated (ca 4.5cl) BEA, British European Airlines (1970s)  Bras Armé and 3 stars; ca 4-4,5cl 4.35cl With 40%GL and 0,0435L stated; Französisches Erzeugnis Fine cognac stated Bras armé is in smaller print (less wide) and Fine cognac too Fine cognac stated; 1/16 pint stated Supposedly 8cl; green glass  prob 5cl 10cl Bras Armée without 3 stars; (compare to 70cl flask) With 40% stated With additional text underneath

3. Fine Champagne and Fine Champagne Privilege (no VSOP)

Fine champagne; no age qualification 3cl fine champagne 5cl Fine champagne Fine champagne Privilege 0.03L; with 40%GL and 70% Proof stated 0.05L; with 40%Vol stated

4. VS

VS 2.9 and 3cl:

29ml Content not stated

different logo Much the same but with a cotisation and a recycling mark 'Duty Free' VS (above Hennessy) is left off

Logo in front of name 'Hennessy'; very special above Hennessy; no 'VS' on top VS, 'very special'above Hennessy and 'Cognac' underneath; content not stated (probably 3cl) Content 29ml stated More text underneath; 3cl stated Different text underneath; 0.029L stated Französisches Erzeugnis with 0.03L stated Same, but almost white label Französisches Erzeugnis with 'e0.03L' stated Logo in front of name 'Hennessy'; cognac above Hennessy and very special underneath; with VS on top Different text underneath Different text underneath 0.029L stated  0,029L and 40%g.L. stated; with text: 'indeholder karamel' (click to see) No abv or content stated With an armed arm in stead of 'VS'; 3cl stated

VS VS, with 70 proof and e0,029L on the right bottom NET 29ML stated VS, with 70 proof and e0,03L on the right bottom e 0,03L VS, less space between lines, Italian import With B28 (left side) and 29ml (right side) stated in a box New York import 29ml stated, Mexican import (click to see back-side) VS, Französisches Erzeugnis VS - three stars; 0.029L stated; with a cotisation mark VS - three stars; 0.029L stated; with a cotisation and a recycling mark

VS, 4.5 and 5cl:

45ml 5cl stated; with logo (armed arm) in the middle above Same as previous, with a recycling symbol on the cap. 50ml stated 50ml stated; with 'VS' above Hennessy. two additional symbols in bottom half of label more text underneath Duty Free; 5cl stated

Logo in front of name 'Hennessy'  Logo in front of name 'Hennessy'; import information below Different paper top seal Content not stated (prob. 5cl); different text underneath 43.5ml stated less text underneath Cognac above Hennessy and very special under Hennessy. 50ml Stated Cognac above Hennessy and very special under Hennessy. 50ml Stated; almost white label Content not stated; imported by Schieffelin, New York Same, but almost white label and cap

Logo in red and gold Different emblem on top label and different text underneath 50ml stated With three stars above cognnac; 4.5cl stated

VS 8-10cl:

Pocket Flask, 8cl 10cl VS 10cl VS with a brown rectangular area underneath 100ml; without the black band below 100ml VS with a brown rectangular area underneath 100ml; without the black band below; label with straight top 100ml with 1765 in the glass below the label

5. Fine de Cognac

More spacing under text 'Fine de Cognac' With a paper seal on top extra text: 'quality rare'


VSOP 3cl:

VSOP, aged for more than 20 years With stamps on it VSOP, mas de 20 anos Possibly same text; different cap Aged in wood for 20 years1/16 pint; US import by Schieffelin VSOP with 42% stamp 3cl VSOP Liqueur(?) Brand 3cl (1970, Asian market) With Asian text on neck sticker

29ml liquor cognac With a neck label with Hennessy Cognac France underneath 3cl Liqueur cognac 3cl liqueur cognac (vsop not stated)

VSOP 5cl:

5cl 5cl VSOP cognac 5cl VSOP cognac without the word 'cognac' 50ml VSOP; 40%ALC/VOL (in capitals) 50ml VSOP; 40%Alc/Vol (not all capitals); 'Product of France Produit de France' 5cl liqueur cognac 5cl liqueur cognac; HKDNP stated

VSOP, Fine Champagne, 3 cl:

No content stated; prob. 3cl 29ml stated, more bold 29ml stated

On shoulder label: first line: cognac; second line: VSOP fine champagne Asian text underneath; content not stated Much the same, but different cap 40%GL, 40%Vol and 70 Proof 0.029L stated; on shoulder label: first line: VSOP; second line: Fine Champagne; third line: Cognac Different cap 40%vol and 0.029L stated 3cl stated, Französisches Erzeugnis 29ml? 0.029L. On shoulder label: first line: VSOP Fine Champagne; second line: grande reserve 0.029L. On shoulder label: first line: VSOP Fine Champagne; second line: grande reserve; with the arm and ax emblem 30ml; on shoulder label, first line: Fine Champagne; second line: VSOP. Asian market (Asian text on back side) On shoulder label: VSOP. 0,029L stated No abv or content stated With an additional label high on the shoulder; content stated but not decipherable (probab 3cl) content 0.029L stated; with VSOP additionally stated below 'cognac' No content stated, 3cl 0.03L stated  With Asian text Waxed cap

No text between 'Fine Champagne' and 'cognac' Content 29ml stated No content or ABV stated, 3cl Underneath: 'W' to the left and 'L' to the right side With Asian text 1/16 pint stated; on upper part of label: 'cognac VSOP' (in stead of just VSOP) Bottled for UTA

Grande fine champagne 3cl, cork Grande fine champagne 3cl, screw cap Grande fine champagne 3cl; with 40% on it With 40% in red 30ml Grande Fine Champagne, with Produce of France stated; Japanese import 30 ml without 40% printed; with addional text underneath With 3cl stated right below

The last couple of bottles are ‘Grande Fine Champagne’

VSOP Fine Champagne, 5 cl:

50ml stated and 40% alc/vol; on shoulder label, first line: VSOP; second line: Fine Champagne; third line: Cognac 50ml stated and 40%; extra text beneath 'Cognac'; different cap on shoulder label, first line: Cognac; second line: VSOP Fine Champagne; 50ml stated Content not stated (prob 5cl) With Asian text on shoulder label, first line: VSOP; second line: Fine Champagne 0.0435L stated 5cl? Content and alcohol percentage not stated With 0.05L stated and 40%GL and 40%vol and 70 proof ALC 40% by VOL stated and 80 proof and 50ML; imported for Schieffelin

VSOP Réserve:


29ml VSOP Reserve Abv and content stated unerneath VSOP Reserve; no content or alcohol percentage stated 29ml vsop reserve; no content or alcohol percentage stated; different colour glass. 29ml grande reserve vsop; no content or alcohol percentage statedGrande reserve 29ml grande reserve vsop; 40% stated 29ml grande reserve vsop; alcohol percentage and content stated 29ml grande reserve vsop; content 0,029L and alcohol percentage 40% stated 3cl vsop reserve neck label attached to main label; 2 CENT 90 stated content not stated With 40% on it (very small) ALC. 40% on it  With a paper seal 1/16 pint stated 1.055 fl.oz stated 29ml Asian import Asian text underneath; prob. 29ml Wirth VSOP Reserve and logo on top; 0.0290LTR stated 3cl (1960s) 2,9cl stated; VSOP Reserve; ... old liqueur cognac; and Asian text underneath 3cl VSOP Reserve liqueur cognac with Asian text underneath; prob. 29ml 3cl (1970s, Asian market) With Japanese text on neck sticker; on the back: 30cl VSOP reserve, lower shoulder VSOP reserve, lower shoulder with HKDNP stated


neck label attached to main labe; 'Maison fondé en 1765' 'established in 1765'; with more text underneath; 5cl Content not stated (probab 5cl); Produce of France underneath Content not stated (probab 5cl); Produce of France underneath; with Asian text on neck sticker Content not stated (probab 5cl); Produce of France underneath; clear glass 5cl, two seperate labels; 'grande fine champagne' With 40% on it Content not stated (probab 5cl) 5cl

10cl and up:

VSOP, 10cl (est) 10cl With 'Produce of France' on it; prob also 10cl 18cl 175ml VSOP Réserve, liqueur cognac

VSOP privilege 3cl (second line: ‘privilege’ or ‘privilege cognac’):

First Privilege, then a line VSOP and then Cognac, 3cl stated; address line: Jas Hennessy & Co - Cognac France First Privilege, then a line VSOP and then Cognac, 3cl stated; address line: Moët & Chandon (Suisse) SA Genève First Privilege, then a line VSOP and then Cognac, 3cl stated; with a recycling mark and a cotisation mark First Privilege, then a line VSOP and then Cognac, 3cl stated; with a recycling mark and a cotisation mark. The recycling mark has numbers around it First Privilege, then a line VSOP Cognac and then Product of France, 30ml stated First Privilege, then a line VSOP Cognac and then importer data, 3cl stated First Privilege, then a line VSOP Cognac and then 'Egyptian Air Flight Service', e3cl stated First Privilege, then a line VSOP Cognac and then 'el exceso de alcohol es perjudicial para la salud', e3cl stated First Privilege Cognac, then a line VSOP and then Cognac, 3cl stated

VSOP privilege 3cl (second line: ‘VSOP’):

First VSOP, then a line Privilege Cognac, 3cl stated First VSOP, then a line Privilege Cognac, 3cl stated; with a sticker to the side First VSOP, then a line Privilege . Cognac, 'e3cl' stated

VSOP privilege 3cl with emblem in red and gold:

Golden and red emblem; Fist line Privilege, secon line VSOP; 30ml stated below right On the left below: 40%GL, 40%vol and on the right 70%proof and 0,030L With a cotisation mark With a cotisation and a recycling mark With the cotisation and the recycling mark reversed First line Fine Champagne and then Privilège; 3cl

VSOP privilege 5 cl:

Cuvée Superieur; privilege stated at the bottom of the label

VSOP privilege 5cl (second line: ‘privilege’):

e5cl Hennessy Privilege; first line: privilege; second line: VSOP; third line: cognac; 40%vol stated 50ml Hennessy Privilege; 50ML in capitals; first line: privilege; second line: VSOP; third line: cognac; 40%alc/vol stated 50ml Hennessy Privilege; 50ML not in capitals; first line: privilege; second line: VSOP; third line: cognac; 40% alc/vol stated e5cl Hennessy Privilege; first line: privilege; second line: VSOP; third line: cognac; with a cotisation and a recycling mark 50ml; first line: Privilege; second line Cognac VSOP; third line 'Product of France' 5cl; first line: Privilege; second line Cognac VSOP; third line 'Duty Free' 50ml privilege; first line privilege; second line: VSOP cognac 50ml privilege; first line privilege; second line: VSOP cognac; 'VSOP cognac' is written wider

VSOP privilege 5cl (second line: ‘privilege cognac’):

5cl; first line: Privilege Cognac; second line VSOP; third line Cognac; 5cl; first line: Privilege Cognac; second line VSOP; third line Cognac; next: HKDNP Singapour Duty not paid 5cl; first line: Privilege Cognac; second line VSOP; third line Cognac; next: HKDNP 50ml; first line: Privilege Cognac; second line Cognac VSOP; third line 'CONT. NET. 50ml';

VSOP privilege 5cl (second line: ‘VSOP’):

e5cl; first line: VSOP; second line Privilege Cognac; 40%vol stated 5cl; first line: VSOP; second line Privilege Cognac; 50ml content and abv printed inside a box e5cl; first line: VSOP; second line Privilege . Cognac; Same, but with a paper top seal With HKDNP on it 50ML; first line: VSOP; second line Privilege Cognac; third line: 'Product of France' 50ml; first line: VSOP; second line Privilege Cognac; third line 'CONT. NET. 50ml' 50ml; first line: VSOP; second line Privilege . Cognac; third line 'CONT. NET. 50ml'; 5cl; first line: VSOP; second line: Privilege; third line: cognac

VSOP privilege 5cl with emblem in red and gold:

0,050L privilege; newer emblem; first line privilege; second line: VSOP; third line: 'Product of France'. On the left: ALC 40% BY VOL; right: 50ml 0,050L privilege; first line privilege; second line: VSOP; third line: 'Product of France'; with a cotisation mark

VSOP privilege (larger than 5cl):


VSOP Limited editions:

Hélios 5cl Cap has different colour Nyx 5cl Nyx 5cl with paper top seal Kyrios 5cl Kyrios 5cl with paper top seal PC no.4 5cl Christmass 5cl With a paper top seal Genome 5cl Genome with paper top seal PC no. 6 5cl With a paper seal on top 50ML stated No text under 'cognac' between 40%alc/vol and 50ml No text at all under 'cognac' 40%vol is placed higher; in the left and right bottom corners is some text in squares  Cont Net 50ml stated in the middle below cognac; abv stated in top left  5cl Carnovsky, 5cl stated  With paper duty seal  5cl Carnovsky, 50m stated  Carnovsky 5cl with Arak mengandungi 40% stated  PC8 Maeda, content not stated  PC8 Maeda, 5cl stated  with a paper duty seal

7. Cuvee Superieur

Cuvee Superieure priviege

8. Bras d’Or and Napoléon

Only Bras d’Or:

With 40% stated, grande champagne With 40% stated; 3cl, grande fine champagne With 40% in a different colour (est. 3cl) Without 40% stated

29ml Bras d'Or; label has a shoulder part attached  29ml Bras d'Or, no shoulder part 29ml clearly stated below Italian import  Seperate sholder label Just one main label without the black part with 'bras d'or' on it on top 0,029L stated

Napoleon on top of the label and Bras d’Or in the middle of the label; with shoulder blob:

29ml 29ml; less space between vol and 29 0.029L stated 40% and 0.029L stated; smoother letter type 5cl, content stated

Napoleon on top of the label and Bras d’Or in the middle of the label; without shoulder blob:

29ml, no shoulder blob 5cl (?) content not stated; no shoulderblob Content not stated; with 'Produce of France' underneath; no shoulderblob

Napoleon on top of the label and Napoleon also in the middle of the label:

5cl, also "bras d'or" stated in very small print Prob 3cl, produce of France stated 30ml stated on the back; Asian import 0.029L stated; small emblem; no shoulder blob 5cl?; small emblem

With emblem in red and gold:

0.029L asian 0.029L stated 5cl; with cotisation mark

5cl bras d'or 5cl bras d'or with a cotisatin and a recycling mark Without de recycling mark and with silver coloured decoration

9. XO

XO 3cl:

XXO 3cl XO 3cl XO with 40% underneath and a blue cap With 42% underneath With 42% underneath and a bi-coloured cap 3cl XO; screw cap With 'Produce of France' underneath and a screw cap With 'Produce of France' underneath and a screw cap; Asian import Different adornment on the Asian sticker Different shape of bottle, content not stated 3cl, content not stated (said to be 50ml, but this looks more like a 3cl) Less text in outer ring 29 cm3 stated 3cl; alcoholpercentage and content stated; with paper top seal 5cl Asian import 3cl; cognac on top line and XO on third line; no content stated 3cl; cognac on top line and XO on third line; Asian text 3cl XO; no emblem on the label; content not stated 3cl; no emblem on the label; with 70 proof stated

XO 5-20cl:

5cl stated; cap has double gold ring below 5cl; cap has only one gold ring below 5cl - 40%vol stated 5cl XO with 40%vol and e5cl stated (reversed) 5cl XO with 40%vol and e5cl; cap is bi-coloured 5cl XO, with 40%vol and 0,05L 40% alc/vol - 50ml stated With 50ml stated 10cl? (bigger than previous bottles) With 0.05L stated and HKDNP With 0.05L stated and HKDNP; more spave between vol and e0.05l; the 'l' is not a capital 50ml stated; with Spanish text on the edge of the label With Asian characters on the label; 50ml indicated on the back (1980s) Without the two vertical bars to the left and right of the emblem XO not straight above the emblem 5cl Grande Champagne XO XO gold, ca 12cl; comes with a little funnel Silver; 5 oz. XO silver; 3 inch wide, 2 inch high

XO Gold, 5cl  XO gold 5cl, dark label (Tom Dixon)  5cl Gold XO

10. Extra, Paradis and older

Extra, black cap; no text underneath With 40% on it With 'Produce of France' underneath; bi-coloured cap With 'Produce of France' underneath; 30ml stated on the back; Japanese import Extra; silver cap and additional text underneath Extra Extra, Japanese import  5cl Nostalgie Bagnolet Extra  5cl Nostalgie Bagnolet Extra; with hkdnp stated between Hennessy and Extra   5cl Paradis Extra 5cl Private Reserve 1873, 'private reserve' in red 5cl Private Reserve 1873, with extra text: HKDNP 5cl Private Reserve 1873, 'private reserve' in black open style font 5cl private reserve 1865 5cl Richard 5cl Richard with paper seal on top and additional sticker 10cl Richard 5cl Timeless

11. Other editions

Single Distillery:

Text on label below is on straight lines; 40%Vol left and e5cl on the right stated  40%ALC/VOL 80 PROOF on the left and 5c on the right Text on label below is not on straight lines Little bit coulour difference; see also line underneath 'single distillery' Text on label below is on straight lines; 40%Vol e5cl stated Text on label below is on straight lines; 40%ALC/VOL 80%PROOF 50ML stated Text on label below is not on straight lines  Text on label below is on straight lines; e 5cl stated Text on label below is on straight lines; alcohol percentage is given two times Text on label below is on straight lines; extra text between content and alcohol percentage Text on label below is not on straight lines


5cl Henco with 40% on it 5cl Henco with 40% in red on it 5cl Henco with 42% on it 5cl Henco with 42% on it and with number 2 on the top label With 42% on it 3cl Henco Dry 3cl Henco Dry with logo across Henco


 5cl Black


A.B.C. Jamais Abaissé, 3cl 5cl Cuvée Superieure 3cl Classique Gold band around label in stead of reddish; different colour cap Hennessy Privé, 5cl? S.A.M. Tours  50th Congres Décores du Travail 19 Mai 1985 (click it) Amicale Maitrise Charente 5cl Pure white 10cl Eau de vie de vin, nouvelle; long capsule  10cl Eau de vie de vin, nouvelle; short capsule and with a warning sign for pregnant women 10cl eau de vie de cognac, CV 2 fins bois, old casks 10cl eau de vie de cognac, CV 2 fins bois, new casks 10cl eau de vie de cognac, CV 10 fins bois, old casks Eau de Vie, 10cl, aged To commemorate First landing of Hennessy in Japan in 1868, 10cl 10cl Vintage 1983, petite champagne (used to be part of a set)

12. Miniature stands:

5cl stand with Cont.Net. 50ml on it

5cl stand with 5cl stated XO 5cl stand XO 5cl stand XO 5cl stand 5cl GC, Celebrate The Year 2000 10cl VSOP canon (Spanish import)

Subjoined bottles contain Hennessy cognac, but the bottles were not made or bottled by Hennessy and were not commisioned by Hennessy. There are many more…

5cl VS 10cl VS transparant 10cl VS frosted 35cl VS Jar

13. Other special mini

Mini cask of Limoges porcelain

Bras armé Full bottle (750ml); est. early 1950s Full bottle (750ml) Full bottle (750ml) Full bottle (750ml); est. 1950s

Click to see it around neck of dog Click to see it around neck of dog

14. Hip flasks


Just Hennessy:

8 oz, stated at bottom 12 oz       Irish coat of arms

Hennessy XO:

4.5 oz 8 oz 3oz hip flask 9 oz, stated at the bottom 6 oz. 6 oz. 50ml hip flask 5 0z, 148ml 4 oz 8 oz XO, 6oz 5 oz XO, 5oz XO, 5-6oz, 177ml 8 0z, 237ml


   11,5 x 7cm


1. Stars:

1 Star, ca 35cl (est. 1930s)

ca. 35cl  35cl, looks to have a shorter neck; est. 1920-30s

35cl (1930s) 35cl, with produce of France indicated Net contents thirteen fluid ounces (est. 1940s) 35cl (1950s) 35cl, with Great Britain printed in the neck label; no text below

 20cl 20cl With Great Britain stated and 'minimum price 11/ per flask 1/2 pint (ca 23cl); US Import, Schieffelin New York (1930s)  4/5 pint; US Import, Schieffelin New York (late 1930s) 4/5 Pint (ca 39cl); US bottle import by Schieffelin Content not stated (said to be 35cl on auction); est 1950s 35cl (1950-60s)   34cl stated


2. Bras armé:

Bras armé and 3 stars; 20cl 35cl Bras armé; securo-cap. When you compare this with the 20cl bottle you'll see that the upper part of the label with 'bras armé' is relatively less wide, starting after te 'E' of Hennessy. (1960s)  35cl (ca. 1970s) 12 FL OZS (35cl), Fine Cognac 11.5 fl ozs Tree stars and Bras Armé, said to be 37,5cl (1960s) 35cl, stated at the bottom (click to see) 50cl cognaçaise type bottle, 'Französisches Erzeugnis' 35cl (estimated, not stated) Bras armé and also three stars 35cl Bras armé and also three stars stated, London import 4/5 Pint (ca. 27.5cl) Bras armé and also three stars stated, US bottle for Schieffelin (late 1960s-early 1970s) Content not stated (probably 35c) 35cl bras armé INH 0.35 and ALC. 40% stated; Dutch import by Wilmerink & Muller, Naarden  37,5cl crimped cap 50cl bras armé; the arm is running through the 'S'; 1960s 17.6 fl.oz (50cl)

3. VS:


20cl VS; 40%Vol stated and e20cl 40%alc/vol stated and 200ml e20cl stated; VS stated above Hennessy; no dark band underneath 200ml stated; VS stated above Hennessy; no dark band underneath 20cl flask without the dark band below; shape of bottle has changed too 200ml VS ABV and content 200ml stated in much smaller letters e20cl VS with 1765 embossed below label 200ml VS with 1765 embossed below label  200ml; between abv and content is more text: 'produced and bottled in Cognac, France'  20cl VS, content not stated 200ml Drink me chill. To be used together with colour changing sleeves when chilled. Drink me Chilled with 20cl stated and 'to open' printed on the cap 200ml; Experience the chill. The colour of the vine leaves and the word 'chill' changes when chilled Same as previous, but now chilled 20cl Experience the chill; travel retail edition; 20cl printed on the left side and with 'to open' printed on the cap  Scott Campbell 2016, 20cl  20cl (part of G-star raw crossover experience)  200ml NBA

35 and 37.5cl:

35cl VS; cognac written above Hennessy and with three stars 35cl VS; cognac written under Hennessy Slightly different: Jas Hennessy & Co in smaller letters; no black line on the top of the cap 375ml stated  375ml stated; new type bottle (Pininfarina, 2013) with different bottom and 1765 embossed on the glass375ml (not stated) Content not indicated (35cl?) 375ml; Schieffelin import (USA)  VS 35cl   375ml 375ml, with 'VS' above Hennessy and a line below 'cognac' 375ml stated; upper edge of label is straight 35cl


50cl; emblem in red and gold 50cl  50cl VS Slightly different: Jas Hennessy & Co in smaller letters; no black line on the top of the cap 50cl VS  e50cl, with VS placed above Hennessy 50cl VS 50cl flask, 'For duty free sales only'.

4. VSOP:


35cl 12.32 fluid ounces 35cl VSOP Reserve (Mexican import)

35cl 35cl with a duty seal 375ml  50cl

20cl flask 375ML 50cl flask, content stated 50cl, content not stated

VSOP fine champagne:

On neck label: Cognac, VSOP fine champagne (0.35L) On neck label: Cognac, VSOP fine champagne; without content or alcohol percentage stated On neck label: VSOP, fine champagne; 'e 0,35 LTR' on the back; Dutch import by Wilmerink & Muller, Naarden 0.35L stated VSOP is on the second line on the neck label content not indicated (look like 35cl)

35cl 50cl

VSOP Réserve

35cl VSOP Réserve liqueur cognac 35cl VSOP Réserve 35cl; Tax Free Bangkok Airport 35cl reserve Est. 35cl  Looks like 35cl (could be 50..?) VSOP Grande Réserve; content not stated, probably 35cl VSOP Réserve, half bottle

VSOP Privilege

20cl; on the back: Arak Mengandungi 40% Alkohol 20cl, Singapore Duty Not Paid 200ml stated VSOP Privilege 20cl 35cl 35cl, logo in red 35cl  35cl e35cl, Arak mengandungi 40% alkohol (Malaysian bottle) 375ml 375ml, yellow shoulder label 37.5cl  200ml  37.5cl; cap is bicoloured 375ml; cap is black e50cl  50cl, not stated (stated by shop) 50cl, not stated (stated by shop) e50cl privilège bi-coloured capsule e50cl privilège black vapsule

5. Cuvé Superieure:

35cl Cuvée superieur, crimped cap 35cl Cuvée superieur, smooth cap

6. Limited editions:

50cl, 250th anniversary (2015)

6. Bras d’Or and Napoleon:

Bras d'Or (estimated 35 cl)

e0,35L indicated (around 1980) 35cl, not indicated (1970s) 35cl Colour of the label is different; on the back: 40 G.L. (1980s) e0.35L indicated, with a cotisation symbol

7. XO:

11.5 FL OZS 20cl XO with a paper seal on top 20cl, label yellow; Printed above the name is: 'Produce of France - Travel Retail' 20cl XO; label brownish; Printed above the name is: 'Produce of France - Travel Retail'; the 'P' of product of France starts already above the first stem of the 'H' of Hennessy 40%vol and e0.35L stated; on the back: 40G.L. and 70 proof 40%vol and e0.35L; HKDNP stated XO 35cl, Cognac is in smaller letters than on previous bottle; on the back the US phrase beginning with: according to the surgeon general. 35cl, Duty Free stated 350ML stated 35cl The Original 35cl stated, label is brown; different text above 'cognac': 'product of France' Same as previous, with a paper duty seal  35cl not stated (stated by shop) 35cl The Original; smoother capsule and only one gold band on the lower edge of the capsule 375ml The Original, product of France 375ml The Original, product of France and produit de France stated  20cl XO grande champagne  XO 35cl silver

8. Hors d’Age and older

35cl, 1853: For Anne, Duchess of Westminster (bottled 1970) 1908 vintage; half bottle; landed 1910, bottled 1942 1931 vintage, 35cl Paradis, 375ml

Decade cognacs (half bottles) (1990s)

Decade cognac 1940's Decade cognac 1950's 1950s, Japanese import 1950s, Japanese bottle, different backside Decade cognac 1960's Decade cognac 1970's Decade cognac 1980's

200 ml Paradis Extra  200 ml Paradis Extra with a paper seal on top 20cl Paradis Extra, Travel Retail

9. Other:

375ml 20cl ClassiVm With a black capsule and the two symbols on a different height NBA, 20cl (2022)

Master blenders no 1, said to be 35cl (content not stated) Master Blender's Selection no.1 375ml (2016) Master Blender's Selection no.2 375ml (2017) Master Blender's Selection no.3 50cl (2018) 43%vol and 50cl indicated; Master Blender's collection no. 4 (2019) 430%ALC/VOL and 500ml indicated; Master Blender's collection no. 4 (2019, US bottle) 50cl Master Blender's Singapore Exclusive (2021) e50cl Master Blender's Edition no. 5, edition 2024

10. Silicone and plastic sleeves

how it works! or like this

2010: black, red, olive green and purple; label opening has a half crescent shape on top 2011: yellow, orange, pink and green; label opening has a half crescent shape on top

2012; opening of the sleeve not straight on top; orange-red2012; opening of the sleeve not straight on top; blue2012; opening of the sleeve not straight on top; black2012; opening of the sleeve not straight on top; dark red  2012 Series with Italian duty seal

2013; label opening has a half crescent shape on top; emblem above the sleeve openeing and with eight round nubs; on the top it says: Hennessy, never stop, never settle 2014; sleeve opening has a straight top line; emblem right below; above the opening: very special; red, purple, aubergine, yellow

2015; sleeve opening is straight on top; rightbelow it says '250'; orange, blue, green and pink

'40%vol e 20cl' stated; drink me chilled 200ml Drink me chilled, bottle with series of sleeves: the colour of the sleeve changes when chilled, it becomes darker blue (2016) 200ml; Experience the chill. The colour of the vine leaves and the word 'chill' changes when chilled Same as previous, but now chilled Stated is: Travel retail e20cl.

Sleeve G-Straw raw Sleeve G-Straw raw, different colours and 'Hennessy' stated beneath G-Star Raw ClassiVm; Asian characters underneath; 20cl ClassiVm; Asian characters underneath; 20cl not stated ClassiVm; with a pregnancuy warning and a green point symbol; 20cl not stated


1. Three stars and bras armé:

Very big bottle, possibly over a gallon  1 gallon (stated); 3.78L (1945-50s); imported by Schieffelin New York 1 gallon; 3.78L (1945-50s)  Not stated, but said to be 2.5L 3 star magnum with Hennessy on the lower end of the label Three stars, 1.4L Three stars 1,5L

3L Bras Armé (not stated but confirmed) Bras Armé; height is 50cm (3L?) three stars - bras armé; 1/2 Gallon indicated; import by Schieffelin 1/2 gallon (stated on the box); 1970s 1/2 Gallon (very small differences, also different box)  Bras Armé, 145.5cl, Italian import,Gancia & Co, Canelli Bras Armé, 145.5cl, with 'aquavite de vino' printed; Italian import,Gancia & Co, Canelli 145.5cl Italian import, Wax & Vitale, Genova (1960s) 1.5L; shorter label and with 40% on it (1960s) Magnum, Französisches Erzeugnis Bras Armé, 1.5L Volume not stated (est. 1,75L)  1.4L bras armé Alc 40% and INH 1,40 LTR stated 40° and 1.50L indicated INH 1.89 LTR (1970s) 1.89L, Dutch import by Wilmerink & Muller (1970s) 6 2/3 pints (3.78L) 1.5L (not indicated on the front); cognac is printed above Hennessy; Französisches Erzeugnis (according to seller: 1970)

3.78L Three stars; left below: 70proof, 40%GL; right below: 6 2/3 pints, 378cl Three stars VS, 1.5L

2. VS:

1.5L VS  1.5L VS, different capsule

1.5L emblem in red and gold 150cl stated e1.5L VS, very special above the name Hennessy VS, 1.5L; Cognac and very special in reverse order e1.5L; emblem above Hennessy 1.5L; emblem above Hennessy; different capsule and different emblem in shoulder blob (after 2013, pininfarina bottle)  1.5L emblem in red and gold, upsde down 3L double magnum (1980s)  1.13L VS upside-down label ('113 l' stated); 1980s VS, 1.5L, upside-down label Looks the same, but VS is stated above the arm on the shoulder label 1.5L; with 1765 in the glass underneath the label, no 'VS' on the shoulder label and a different heel of bottle (after 2013, pininfarina bottle) VS, 1.75Litres stated  1.75L stated; heel of the bottle is different and Jas. Hennessy & co. is printed in smaller print VS, 1.75L; variant; content and abv not stated e3,00L stated


1 Gallon (3.78L), US import by Schieffelin (est. 1950s)

VSOP Grande Fine Champagne:

VSOP Grande Fine Champagne magnum (145.5cl) VSOP Grande Fine Champagne magnum

Réserve and Grande Réserve:


1.5L Reserve, maison fondée en 1765 (1960s) 1,45L (stated at auction), VSOP grande fine champagne 145.5cl VSOP Réserve, grande fine champagne 145.5cl VSOP Réserve, grande fine champagne, with a paper seal on top Reserve 1,5L; on label: 'Grande Fine Champagne' (1960s)  Reserve 145,5cl; on label: 'Grande Fine Champagne' and aquavite di vino Reserve 1,5L; on label: 'Maison Fondé en 1765' (1960s) Reserve CL 144.5; on label: 'Maison Fondé en 1765' (1960s); Italian import  Reserve CL 145.5; on label: 'Maison Fondé en 1765' (1960s); Italian import Reserve 1,5L; on label: 'Maison Fondé en 1765' (1980s), label golden brown.

Grande Réserve:

VSOP Grande Réserve, 1.4L Grande Reserve 1,5L; on label: 'Grande Réserve VSOP' 1.40L and 40°GL indicated, bronze label (Portuguese import) 140cl and 40° indicated, bronze label

VSOP Fine Champagne:

40°GL and 1.50L indicated; label in terrible condition VSOP Fine Champagne on oval label, 40°GL and e1.50l stated Cognac VSOP Fine Champagne on oval label, e1.50L (no 'vsop' stated below 'Cognac'. Cognac VSOP Fine Champagne on oval label, e150cl Cognac VSOP Fine Champagne on oval label, e150cl; Italian import by Claretta, Turino magnum, content not indicated (1.5L) VSOP Fine Champagne, magnum in a cradle, no content stated VSOP Fine Champagne Cognac on oval label in three lines, 1.50L (1980s) VSOP 2 pints 12 floz (ca. 1.5L) 1.5L, bottled for IVECO (International VEhicle COrporation); 1980s

e1,50L Fine Champagne Grande Reserve

Tapered bottles:

3L Liqueur cognac Red and gold emblem, e1.50L stated, with a cotisation mark on the back 1.5L VSOP  1.5L, not stated on the bottle, but on the box (click to see)

VSOP Privilege:

3L VSOP Privilege; VSOP on shoulder label 3L; VSOP Privilege on the shoulder and privilege cognac vsop on the label 3L VSOP Privilege; Privilège on shoulder label 1.75L privilege VSOP Privilege, 1.5L; privilege on shoulder label 1.5L vsop cognac on one line 1.5L VSOP privilege; VSOP en privilege on shoulder label e1.50L VSOP privilege; fine champagne on shoulder label.   1.5L VSOP privilege; fine champagne on shoulder label. More text below 'privilege'. e1.5L 3L VSOP  3L VSOP, different colour  3L VSOP, Malaysian import

VSOP 250th anniversary:

3L 250th anniversary 1.5L VSOP; 250th anniversary  1.5L VSOP; 250th anniversary; Asian import


4. Napoléon:

Napoléon-Bras d'Or, 1.4L Napoléon-Bras d'Or, 1.5L 1500cc indicated, Italian import 1.5L Napoléon - Bras d'Or, small emblem; 40°GL and e1.50L indicated Napoléon-Bras d'Or, 1.5L; different embleme and Bras d'Or placed high on the label (1970s)

5. XO:


1.5L XO, without an 'e' before 1.50L. The 'X.O' is also different; HKDNP 150cl Malaysian Duty Not Paid  1.50L stated; HKDNP; on the back: 40° GL  1500ML stated, Travel retail 3.00L stated and 40%vol; HKDNP - Singapore Duty Not Paid XO, 3L   XO, 3L (not stated)

XO the original:

XO The Original, 1500ML, Travel Retail XO 1.5L the original; content not stated    XO, 3L, The Original  6L Mathusalem (2018)

XO the original with new ornaments:

1,5L stated, new ornaments (leaves underneath are not intertwined) 1.5L New ornaments; HKDNP stated  3L Jeroboam, new model (different ornaments on the glass) 3L Jeroboam, content stated on the back; Singapore import Asian import 3L Jeroboam, new model HKDNP

6. Paradis:

Paradis, 1.5L Magnum Rare Cognac, different stopper Paradis Extra Rare Cognac, 1.5L

7. Richard:

8. Limited editions:


1.50 Liters stated, VS Jon One e 150cl stated, VS JonOne (2017) 1.75L VS JonOne (2017)  VS Jonone 1.75L  VS Os Gemeos 1.75L (2013)  150cl stated, limited edition with butterflies in colours of Suriname.

1.5L ClassiVm, volume stated (VS quality)  1.5L Classium (VS quality); 2020


Nyx 1.5 L Nyx 3L (model exactly the same as 1.5L) 1.5L Kyrios 3L Kyrios 3L Kyrios in a stand 3L PC no 4 (1817), Privilege on shoulder 3L PC no 4 (1817), VSOP on shoulder 1.5L Genome 1.5L Genome; with Asian characters on the bottom rim 3L Genome

100 year presence in Nigeria, 3L

1.5L printed on the bottom. Estim 2023

Cuvée Superieure

40 DEG indicated and 150 cl; Thailand import


3L Iridescence (2009) XO Odyssey, 1.5L 3L Odyssee 2 3L No. 6 Arike Lévy 1.5L, no 7 (Tom Dixon) No.8 (silver) by Tom Dixon (2015); content not stated, said to be 3L by shop. No.8 (silver) by Tom Dixon (2015); 3L stated (Asian import) 3L stated (nr. 6, Arik Levy) 1.5L (not stated) no 9 (Tom Dixon) 3L (not stated) no 9 (Tom Dixon)

Methusalem XO by Arik Lévy, 6L Methusalem XO variant, 6L Mathusalem XO by shoemaker Berluti, 6L (2010)

Celebrating 150 years XO, 6L bottle by Frank Gehry 2021

1.75L Paradis, for the 75th anniversary of the NBA (2022)


9. Cradles:

3 star, 1 Gallon stand, imported by Schieffelin  1 Gallon cradle 1 Gallon three star Hennessy Bras Armé 1455cc

VSOP Reserve, 378cl indicated (1 Gallon) 1.45L VSOP Reserve 1.45L VSOP Reserve VSOP Reserve 1.445L in a different stand  Content not stated 1.5L VSOP Privilège  3L VSOP privilege 3L VSOP  3L VSOP privilege 3L VSOP Privilege 3L 3L VSOP Privilege 3L VSOP 3L VSOP, Arak mengandungi (Malaysian); with a 'not for resale' stamp 3L VSOP 3L VSOP, 250 year anniversary; Malaysian import  3L VSOP, 250 year anniversary, different cradle 3L (2020s)  VSOP Privilege, estim 3L 3L VSOP (2024)

1.5L Bras d'Or

3L Cuvée Superieure

1,5L XO in a cradle  3L stand 3L stand 3L; click to see from the side (to see the axes) 3L (2020s) 3L (2024)





Hennessy half bottles, magnums and mini’s — 2 reacties

  1. Great site!
    I was trying to identify my vintage bottle of Hennessy and could not find it on your site. I recently tried to sell it on ebay. Please see
    https :// www. ebay.com/itm/143040969616
    if you have any information as to age and/or value of this bottle, please let me know

    • Hi,

      Thanks for the compliments. I tried to look at the bottle, but since the item was already ended on ebay, I could not properly see it anymore. Only a little misformed image came up. It looked a bit like the one on the last row of three star bottles above 5cl (ca. 8cl). If you could send me the picture by e-mail, I would be thankful.
      I tried to email you directly, but the e-mail address seems to be wrong (delivery returned).


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