Series of AE DOR bottles

Numbers 1 to 5 and 6 to 11

Numbers 1 to 5 Réserve   Numbers 6 to 11 vieille reserve


Opera series

Miniatures numbers 1 to 5

5cl bottles numbers 1 till 5, gold cap, gold blob   5cl bottles numbers 1 till 5, gold cap, red blob    5cl bottles numbers 1 till 5, red cap, red blob   5cl bottles numbers 1 till 5, red cap, red blob; grey label

Miniatures numbers 6 to 11 (3cl)

3cl bottles nummer 6 till 11, green label   3cl bottles nummer 6 till 11, grey label

Miniatures numbers 6-11 (5cl) no emblem

5cl nummers 6-11, grande champagne, high shoulder   5cl numbers 6-11, no cru stated, standard shoulder   Numbers 6 till11, grande champagne; content not stated   5cl numbers 6 till 11, grande champagne and content stated   5cl numbers 6 till 11, grande champagne, grey label

Miniatures numbers 6-11 (5cl) with emblem

5cl Grande champagne, white emblem, numbers 6 till 11, no content stated   5cl Grande champagne, bronze emblem, numbers 6 till 11, no content stated   5cl Grande champagne, white emblem, numbers 6 till 11, content stated   5cl Grande champagne, bronze emblem, numbers 6 till 11, content stated   5cl Grande champagne, gold emblem, numbers 6 till 11, content stated

Miniatures qualities (3cl): VS up to XO2 no emblem

3cl grande champagne from VS to XO2

Miniatures qualities (5cl): VS up to XO2 with emblem

5cl black cap, white emblem   5cl black cap, bronze emblem      5cl gold cap, white emblem, content not stated (notes: VS never issued; XO2 is only one with content stated)   5cl bronze emblem, content not stated (notes: VS never issued; XO2 is only one with content stated)5cl gold cap, white emblem, content stated   5cl gold cap, bronze emblem, content stated    5cl gold cap, gold emblem, content stated