All Delamain vintages rearranged by label type. 



A. 18th century bottles, bottled in France but not by Delamain
B. Delamain bottlings
C. Early landed vintages


A. Some 18th century bottles, bottled by Brossault & Cie.:

1720 Ranson & Delamain, bottled 1800 by Brossault & Cie.  1762 Ranson & Delamain; bottled 1907 and recorked in 1951   1771 Ranson & Delamain, bottled 1905 by Brossault & Cie. 1780 Ranson & Delamain, bottled 1907 by Brossault & Cie.

1858 Roullet & Delamain, Liquid Gold (b. 1925) 1870 Roullet Delamain

A. Delamain bottlings.

A1. The cellar label.
Used on cognaçaise bottles used until around 1940 for vintages from 1845 till 1858 (1870?). With one exception for a 1967 private reserve vintage.
On Normande bottles it was used in the 1960s and 70s for vintages from 1875 till 1940.
(for early landed vintages they continued using this label much longer, until 1995):

1840 Roullet & Delamain  1845 Roullet & Delamain 1845; yellow wax 1858  1858  1865 Roullet & Delamain  1868 Roullet & Delamain  1869 Roullet & Delamain 1870 (bottled 1930s) 1858, 4/5 quart, Roullet & Delamain 1967 Delamain. Private Réserve.

The cellar label on a Normande bottle:

1875 Delamain & Co.; with 70 proof stated 1875 Delamain & Co.; with 40° stated 1875 without the ABV stated; left below is a number (1681); b 1960s    1893 Delamain & Co.  1893 Delamain & Co. With 40% on bottom right. 1893, same as previous bottle, but without the filligrain (b 1950s) Different capsule and 'Hors Commerce' printed 1893 Delamain & Co. with 70 Proof on bottom right.  1893, same as previous bottle, but without the filligrain  1895 (est. date of bottling 1940) 1895 (date of bottling is later than previous bottle) 1899 Delamain & Co. (b 1960s)   1906 Delamain & Co (Roullet & Delamain). with shoulder blob, no neck label; 40° stated (b. 1976) 1906; with filigrane and no ABV stated   1914 grande fine champagne, Delamain & Co. 1917, Delamain & Co., grande fine champagne    1930 Grande Fine Champagne  1930 grande fine champagne, 40° stated    1940 Delamain & Co. with 40% on bottom left.  1940, same as previous but without filigrane  1940 Delamain & Co. with 40% Vol. on bottom left. (est. 1960s)  1940 Delamain & Co. with 40% Vol. on bottom left but without filigrane.

A2. The Jarnac castle label.
Used in the 1960s and 70s for vintages from 1878 until 1930. Just a few early landed vintages had also this label.


1878 Delamain & Cie., Grande Fine Champagne (b 1979) 1906. With Jarnac-Cognac underneath. Delamain & Co. (Roullet & Delamain)  1906, same as previous, but with filligraine (b 1976)1914 grande champagne  1914; this bottle is clearly in a better condition than previous one, but there is also a difference: no text underneath 'Produce of France' in the lower left corner (b. 1960s) 1920 GC Delamain & Co. (Roullet & Delamain) 1920 Grande champagne, Italian import by D. & C., Bologna  1922 Delamain & Co. (Roullet & Delamain)  1922 Delamain & Co. (Roullet & Delamain); with a number right below (0220) and with lilies on the cap and with filligraine    1926 Delamain & Co. (Roullet & Delamain); with lilies on the cap  1930 Delamain & Co. (Roullet & Delamain); 70 proof, volume not stated (prob. 68cl); est. 1970s Same as previous, but without the filigrane
A3. The orange label with an eagle on top of a shield.
It was used in 1992 and 1993 for only three vintages: 1935, 1940 and 1960.
1935 Delamain, GC  1935 Delamain, GC; with a name just below 'Delamain'  1940 Delamain & Co. 1960 Delamain, bottled 1993  1960 GC, back label with a cotisation symbol (bottld 1992) 1960 GC (bottld 1993), with a paper duty seal. 1960, bottled in 1992, Italian import, different back label
A4. The label with a small eagle on top of a shield.
From the 1980s the eagle label is used, but only for Delamain bottlings, never for Early landed vintages.
They are all cognaçaise bottles with vintages from 1935 till 1977. They stopped using this paper label in 2012/2013.
1935 (est. to be bottled in the 1980s) 1949 grande champagne, bottled in 1995 1950, 700ml stated 700ml stated on the back; bottled in 1999 With a paper duty seal; content and date of bottling are indicated on the box: 700ml, 1999; import by Sagna 1950 gc, 750ml stated  1959, 700ml stated  1959; 700ml, stated on the back; text on the back in French 1959 GC, imported by Verlinden (Dutch); Bottled 1999; 700ml stated on the box 1959 GC, bottled 1999; 700ml stated on the box; Italian import 1959 GC, text on the back in English and bottled in 1999; 700ml 700ml, Italian import, bottled 2001 (42 years old) 1959; bottled in 2001; 42 years old; 750ml (US bottle) Content not stated, Italian import, Buccone (click to see back side) 1960 Delamain, bottled 1994, 700ml. Different label. 1960 Delamain, bottled 1996, 700ml. 1960, bottled 1998; Belgium import (Genk) 1960, bottled 1998; Italian import by Sagna 1960, bottled 2003 (not stated, but said at auction); Luxembourg import 1960 Delamain. With a paper duty seal on top. 1962, 700ml, 38 ans d'âge (bottled in 2000) 1962, bottled in 2000; different back side; 700ml and 40%vol indicated on the back of the neck 1963 Delamain (bottled 1979) Same as previous, but with a paper duty seal on top; Italian import by Sagna 1963, 700ml stated and 40 alc./vol 1963, bottled 1998 1964, bottled 2003; 700ml Suisse import 700ml 1965, GC, 35 ans d'age 1965, different colour of label and different back; bottled in 2000  1965, different colour of label and different back, with a green point; Belgian import 1965, 700ml, different back side; Dutch import 1968 GC 34 years old. With 700ml stated on bottom left and 40% on bottom right. 1968 34 years old. With 700ml and 40% in a larger font size. 1968, 33 ans (b 2001) 1968, 700ml indicated; 32 ans (bottled in 2000) 1968, 29 ans (b 1997), 700ml  1968 Delamain. Without 700ml stated on bottom left and 40% on bottom right. 1968 Delamain. Without 700ml stated on bottom left and 40% on bottom right; with a paper duty seal on top. 1969 Delamain, bottled 2003; back says 34 ans d'age (French) 1969 Delamain, bottled 2003; back says 34 years old (English) 1969 GC, bottled 2006; back says 37 ans d'age (French) 1971 (b 2001), 30 ans d'age 1971 (b 2002), 31 ans d'age 1971 (b 2002), 31 years old 1971 Delamain; 32 years old 1972, 35 ans d'age 1973, 30 ans d'age (bottled in 2003)  1973, 30 years old (bottled in 2003) 1973, 31 years old; stated on the back; imported by Mentzendorff, London 1973, 32 years old 1973; 33 years old, stated on back side; label has one background colour (light yellow)  1973, 34 years old (b 2007), import by Metzendorff, London  1973 Delamain. Different colour cap and with a paper duty seal 1973 Delamain; 750ml stated; below right says 40% alc by vol.; with extra text: 'produced from the grape harvest of'; label has two background colours (white and orange-brown)  1977 Delamain

1947 Delamain

A5. The small eagle on top of a shield, directly on the glass.
In 2012/13 the paper label was replaced by the emblem of the eagle directly on the glass. The oldest vintage I have seen is from 1963.

1963, bottled 2013; 750ml   1963 Delamain. Different label. (Bottled 2014)   1963 Delamain 52 years old (bottled 2015)  1963 Delamain millésimé de 52 ans (bottled 2015) 1964 Delamain. Different label. (Bottled ?) 1966, millésimé de 50 ans, Saint Fort sur le Né (2016) 1966 Delamain, 50 years old (bottled 2016) 1973 Delamain, 700ml (bottled 2013) 1973 Delamain, 750ml (bottled 2013) 1973 Delamain, Saint Même (bottled 2014) 1976, Delamain 'millésimé de 40 ans'  1976 Delamain 'Vintage cognac 40 years old'; bottled 2016 1976, Delamain 'millésimé de 40 ans'; without 1976 high on the neck 1977 25yo (bot. 2002); 700ml 1977 35yo (bot. 2012); 700ml 1977 35yo (bot. 2012); 750ml 1977 40 ans, Verrières (bot. 2017); 700ml 1977 40 yo (bot. 2017); 700ml 1979, cognac de 30 ans (text in French); b 2009 700ml 1979 GC 30yo (text in English); b 2009 700ml 1979 GC 40 yo, Malaville; text in French (2019) 700ml 1979 GC 40yo, text in English (2019) 1980 Delamain, 30 years old (bottled 2010) 1980 Delamain, millésimé de 30 ans (mise en bouteille 2010)  1981 Delamain (bottled 2011) 1983 Delamain (bottled 2013) 1983, millésimé de 31 ans (b 2014) 1983, millésimé de 32 ans (b 2015) 1986 Delamain 30 years old (bottled 2016) 1986 Delamain millésimé de 30 ans, Bouteville (bottled 2016) 1988 30 ans, bottled 2018 1989, 30 years old

A6. Modern label:

1988, 30 years of age; (Bouteville)

B. Early Landed Vintages

Almost all early landed bottles were in cognaçaise bottles. I know of one exception: 1968 vintage bottled by Avery’s.

B1. The cellar label.
Also used for Delamain bottlings. But for early landed vintages they used for a mucher longer period of time. From the early 20th century untill 1995. The earliest vintage being 1885 and the latest 1972.

1885 Cockburn & Co (Leith), Edinburgh; unmistakenly a Delamain label  1900 Cocburn & Co. Liqueur Brandy; clearly produced by Delamain 1914 Cocburn & Co. Liqueur Brandy; clearly produced by Delamain 1943, shipped in 1959, bottled in 1968; UK bottle 1950 Delamain & Co. (Bottled 1978) 1962, landed 1964, bottled 1989 by Avery´s of Bristol  1964, shipped in 1968, bottled 1983 for Metzendorff, London 1964 Delamain. (bottled?) 1964 GC, landed 1968   1968, landed 1970, bottled 1978 by Mitchell & Son, Dublin  1969 Delamain (bottled 1993) for London Bridge Bonded Bottlers 1969 Delamain & Co. (landed 1972, bottled 1989) in commemoration of the French Revolution. 1970 Delamain (landed 1973, bottled 1994) for London Bridge Bonded Bottlers 1971 Delamain (landed 1973, bottled 1989) Bristol Brandy Company 1971 Delamain (landed 1973, bottled 1993) by London Bridge Vaults Delamain 1971 (l 1974 b 1993); by Eldridge Pope  1971 Delamain (landed 1974, bottled 1995) by London Bridge Vaults 1972 (landed 1974, bottled 1992) for Bristol Brandy Company

B2. The Jarnac castle label.
I have only come across these two vintages with a Jarnac castle label.
1914; bottled by James Hawker & Co. Ltd., Plymouth. 1922 Delamain & Co. (Roullet & Delamain) for James Hawker.
B3. The alembic label.
This label was soley used for early landed vintages. It replaced the cellar label in 1972 and are used for vitages from 1969 until today.

1969 Delamain (landed 1972, bottled 1996) for Justerinin & Brooks  1969 Delamain (landed 1972, bottled 1996) for Justerinin & Brooks; same as previous but more yellow in colour of label and cap? 1970 Delamain (landed 1973, bottled 1995) for Justerini & Brooks  1970 Delamain (landed 1973, bottled 1996) for Justerini & Brooks  1970 Delamain (landed 1974, bottled 1995) for Justerini & Brooks  1970 Delamain (landed 1973, bottled 1995) for London Bridge Bonded Bottlers  1970 Delamain, for Averys of Bristol 1970 Delamain, for Averys of Bristol, 700ml (bottled 1998?)  1971 (landed 1973 bottled 1994)  1971 Delamain (bottled 1996) for Justerini & Brooks 1971 Delamain (bottled 1999) for Justerini & Brooks 1972 Delamain (lanede 1974, bottled 1995) for Eldridge Pope 1972 Delamain (lanede 1974, bottled 1995) for Justerini & Brooks  1972 (landed 1974, bottled 1999) for Trapps Cellars, London 1972 (landed 1974, bottled 2000) for Howells of Bristol  Delamain (landed 1973, bottled 1994) for Justerini & Brooks; (vintage year not indicated) Delamain (landed 1973, bottled 1996) for Justerini & Brooks; (vintage year not indicated)  1973 Delamain (bottled 1995) for Justerini & Brooks  1973 Delamain (bottled 1996) for Justerini & Brooks  1973 Delamain (bottled 1997) for Eldridge Pope  1973 Delamain (bottled 1998) for Howells of Bristol   1973 Delamain (bottled 1998) for Justerini & Brooks  1973 Delamain (bottled 1998) for Howells of Bristol 1976 GC (Landed 1979, bottled 1995); for Eldridge Pope & Co. 1976 GC (Landed 1979, bottled 1998); for Justerini & Brooks Ltd. 1976 GC (l 1979, b 1999) for Trapps Cellars Ltd 1980, landed 1983, bottled 2003; selected by Howells of Bristol   1982 G.C. (landed 1984, bottled 2009), 70cl   1982 Delamain (bottled 2000) for Howells of Bristol  1982 (l 1984 b 2007) by Edward Sheldon Ltd.  1983 1983, landed 1985 and bottled 2003 by Berry Brothers & Rudd  1983, Italian import, no paper duty seal 1983, 70cl; Italian import by Samaroli 1983, landed 1985, bottled 2011; Italian import by Samaroli 1984 Delamain (bottled 2003)   Delamain (landed 1985, bottled 2004)   Delamain (landed 1985, bottled 2009)   1987, landed 1989, bottled 2009; import by John Harvey & Sons Ltd.      1990 GC (l 1994, b 2013) by Bristol Spirits Ltd  1991 Delamain (landed 1994, bottled 2016) 1994 Delamain (landed 1996, bottled 2015) 1995 Delamain (landed 1996, bottled 2015; Berry Bros & Rudd import 1995 Delamain (landed 1996, bottled 2015; Bristol Spirits Ltd)  1995 Delamain (landed 1997, bottled 2013; Lay & Wheeler import) 1995 Delamain (landed 1997, bottled 2013; Corney & Barrow, London import)   1996 Delamain (landed 1999, bottled 2015; For the 175 year anniversary of the Reform Club, Pall Mall, London) 1996 Delamain (landed 1998, bottled 2015; For Berry Brothers & Rudd, London) 1996 Delamain (landed 1998, bottled 2015; For Berry Brothers & Rudd, London); without 1966 printed on the front label 1997 Delamain (landed 1998, bottled 2015; For Lay & Wheeler Ltd, postal code: CO7 6NN 1999, l 2001, b 2019, by Bristol Spirits 1999, l 2000 b 2022, by Bristol Spirits

B4. Other labels, designed by the bottler.
1906 Delamain for Harvey & Sons, bottled in 1955 (by appointment to the late King George VI). 1906 Delamain for Harvey & Sons, bottled in 1957 (by appointment to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II) 1928 grande champagne (bottled 1961) 1971 Delamain (bottled 1980) for Berry Brothers

1947 (landed 1950, bottled 1963) by De Tassigny & Gauthier Ltd 1964 (l 1968, b 1982) 1964 (l 1968, b 1982); dark capsule 1964 (landed 1965, bottled 1989) by Avery's of Bristol 1967 Delamain. Lignières-Sonneville (bottled 1995) for Berry Brothers. 1968, landed 1970, bottled 1988 by Avery's, Bristol 1971 (landed 1973, bottled 1996) The Wine Society




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